View Full Version : UK releases royal wedding guest list, Canadians celebrating with tea parties

24th April 2011, 07:44 AM

What will you be doing when Prince William marries Kate Middleton on April 29? Plan a "faux wedding" in your yard with your vast collection of garden gnomes? Renew your wedding vows? Maybe get out of town to avoid the royal commotion?

Whatever your choice, this historic event is inspiring people to celebrate – or not -- in their own way.

For Karyn Gingras, the owner and designer of Lilliput Hats in Toronto, Will's and Kate's wedding will be celebrated with tea and cupcakes.

"I'll likely get up early and watch, and for the shop I'll have Prosecco, cupcakes and tea for anyone who drops by," Gingras told CTV.ca.

"The best part is that my cat, Spalding Gray, will be wearing his bow tie. He usually only wears that when Rachel McAdams visits."

CTV's Marilyn Denis, the host of "The Marilyn Denis Show," will host an exclusive "Royal Wedding Reception" at 10 a.m (local time) on April 29 at Bell Media's Queen St. campus in Toronto.

Even grander plans are in the works in Sydney, B.C., where Kenny Podmore, a councillor and the city's official town crier, has orchestrated a royal wedding breakfast for citizens on April 29.

"I don't think there's a ladies' hat left in any of the vintage shops. That's how gung-ho everyone is to dress up for it," said Podmore.

Local couples will also renew their wedding vows after this royal breakfast.

"We have a population of 12,000 people here and many of our citizens are loyalists," said Podmore.

"They have a special feeling for Prince William. Personally, I can't wait to raise my glass in a toast and read the proclamation of congratulations to the happy couple," he said.

That sentiment is clearly echoed at Victoria's historic Fairmont Empress Hotel.

"There are few royals left that we feel we can touch. I think people feel that way about Prince William," said Heather McGillivray, the director of Sales and Marketing for Tourism Victoria in British Columbia.

McGillivray and some 250 guests at the Empress Hotel will attend a 3 a.m. "Rise and Shine" breakfast and watch the wedding unfold on big-screen TVs.

"I will be in my pajamas. I won't be the only one," said McGillivray.

A grand tea will follow on the hotel's front lawns, presided over by a "Queen Elizabeth II" impersonator.

The Empress will also recreate the menu served to England's King George VI during a visit to the hotel in 1939. It will be served in a lavish dinner on April 29, April 30 and May 1 on the Queen's own china. That privilege has never been enjoyed by Canadians before.

"People love a fairy tale. That's this appeal in this wedding," said McGillvray.

That fairy-tale quality will certainly colour a lavish, early morning royal tea for 90 people at Ottawa's Fairmont Chateau Laurier.

"It's pretty impressive to say I watched the royal wedding inside a castle. That's what we're aiming for," said Deneen Perrin, the director of public relations for the Fairmont Chateau Laurier.

Perrin's own excitement about this event is rooted in her memories of Princess Diana's wedding.

"I was in my room at home watching with my parents. Now I'll be amongst a whole bunch of people watching this new royal wedding. That brings a new dimension to the experience," said Perrin.

Building new memories like these appeals to the staffers at the head offices of Prostate Cancer Canada in Toronto.

"We're going have a great English tea in our boardroom, with goodies from a proper English bakery," said Catherine Patterson, the organizations marketing and communications manager.

Patterson and her colleagues have discussed Middleton's dress, her flowers and her honeymoon. It just made sense to get together over tea and scones and have some fun.

"It'll be a historic day, for sure. Watching it this way will be great for moral," said Patterson.

Matthew Rowe, a member of the Ottawa chapter of the Monarchist League of Canada, will dress for the occasion.

"I'm going to dress that day as if I were invited to the wedding," said Rowe. "I'll be wearing my Monarchist League tie and decorations that day. It's a state occasion. You have to bring out all your ribbons and medals."

Rowe will offer play-by-play of wedding broadcast at the Chateau Laurier. But other League chapters will be in on the action.

At Toronto's King Edward Hotel, the Monarchist League will celebrate with a special royal wedding viewing and breakfast. The chapter will also offer a "Drop by Before Work" Wedding Breakfast and other local events held in members' homes.

"We have members in every province and every territory. They all feel very strongly about the monarchy," said Eugene Berezovsky, the media spokesman for the Monarchist League of Canada.

A group of League members will even fly to London just to be on the royal parade route.

"No one does pomp like the British," said Berezovski.

"To be there and see history being made is just too good to pass up. Will and Kate are the future for the monarchy. The world should wish them well and be happy for them on their big day."


24th April 2011, 07:54 AM
While we're at it, let's celebrate weddings and birthdays of all the other oppressive monarchs and once again show how stupid we are giving our enemies the benefit of worship as a social occasion. The Royals are elitist snobs who would just as easily throw people under the bus as being their benefactors. Hell, let's just get a fete ready for Jacob Rothschild - his birthday is April 29th. Nothing like celebrating the lives of people that could care less if we live or die as long as they profit from it. Traditions are just another way to reinforce the artificial veneer of populist celebrity that exists to soften the acts of tyrants. High tea should be Hang 'Em High instead.

24th April 2011, 08:30 AM
Good for all!!!!

24th April 2011, 08:56 AM
Who gives a f#*k, and why is this shit being posted here?

24th April 2011, 09:00 AM
Who gives a f#*k, and why is this shit being posted here?


24th April 2011, 09:15 AM
I am sooo Excited ! ;D

24th April 2011, 11:14 AM
I am sooo Excited ! ;D

Bahrain crown prince declines royal wedding invite

(Reuters) - Bahrain's crown prince said he would not attend Britain's royal wedding on April 29 because of continuing unrest in his Gulf Arab kingdom, defusing a potentially embarrassing row over his invitation.

Human rights campaigners criticising Bahrain's fierce security crackdown on anti-government protesters called on Britain's royal family to withdraw the wedding invite sent to Sheikh Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa.

The British government has also called on Bahrain to respect human rights, urging it last week to investigate reports of deaths in custody, torture and denial of medical treatment.

The crown prince said he had decided with "deep regret" to decline the invitation to the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, in a letter sent to William's father Prince Charles, heir to the British throne.

Details of the letter were released by a spokesman for the crown prince, who was one of 1,900 guests invited to the wedding at Westminster Abbey in London.

In the letter, the crowd prince said the decision had been "left for as long as possible in the sincere hope that ongoing events -- resulting from recent unrest in the Kingdom of Bahrain -- might have improved, leaving me able to join the celebrations of the House of Windsor and the family of Miss Middleton, without being overshadowed by issues in Bahrain."

Criticism of his invitation in British media had "fundamentally misrepresented my own views, outlook and position on recent events (in Bahrain)," he said.


24th April 2011, 11:28 AM
Attendance is expected to be below expectations and many RSVP's have yet to be returned. According to an anonymous informant the word leaked out that due to austerity measures there is to be a cash bar at the royal reception. ;D

Son of Dave
24th April 2011, 11:54 AM
You know I find it kind of funny? You have all these brits fawning over the prince and princess and all this crap. So what exactly did the "Royal Family" do for the average British citizen in the last 100 years? Oh I get it, let them live on the British Isle.

All the attendees need to bring burning brown bags of dog crap.

24th April 2011, 01:31 PM
Canada's billionaire couple on royal wedding guest list

The lucky ones who are attending include a former lieutenant-governor of Ontario and her billionaire husband - Hilary and Galen Weston - who'll be joining the likes of soccer superstar David Beckham and the actor who played Mr. Bean, according to an official list of confirmed guests unveiled Saturday

Michelle Obama dropped a broad hint that she would like to have attended the wedding, but courtiers at Buckingham Palace were not minded to issue her with an invitation.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/entertainment/Canada+billionaire+couple+royal+wedding+guest+list/4666334/story.html#ixzz1KTU4rUpf

24th April 2011, 03:07 PM
Canadians celebrating with tea parties

Not this canadian.

24th April 2011, 03:21 PM
She invited the postman from her home village.....hahaha....he should blend in well

24th April 2011, 04:12 PM
You are not a prince and I am not your subject


24th April 2011, 05:02 PM
Who gives a f#*k, and why is this shit being posted here?
im laughin my ass off!!!

24th April 2011, 06:59 PM
Canada's billionaire couple on royal wedding guest list

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/entertainment/Canada+billionaire+couple+royal+wedding+guest+list/4666334/story.html#ixzz1KTU4rUpf

her brilliant husaband gave queen bitch an ipod. den he dissed dem by givin' dem back a bust da churchill. den he dissed gordon brown by not meetin' wit dim. we aint be thinkin'! wat wood joo do if dey did dat to you? michelle!!

24th April 2011, 08:56 PM
Who gives a f#*k, and why is this shit being posted here?

Hopefully.... it's because enough folks here already know that when events like this are played out, it's for a worldwide "distraction" from something else they do not want highlighted and hope to slip under the radar.

25th April 2011, 06:58 AM
Who gives a f#*k, and why is this shit being posted here?

Hopefully.... it's because enough folks here already know that when events like this are played out, it's for a worldwide "distraction" from something else they do not want highlighted and hope to slip under the radar.

Right, something like the leveling of entire city blocks of captured civilians in Tripoli, Gaza, or Lebanon.

25th April 2011, 07:09 AM
Hey, we celebrate Lenin's birthday each year (Earth Day) , so why the heck not!

25th April 2011, 07:12 AM
and i'm supposed to give a shit because........???

A- i'm a loyal citizen of the commonwealth..

B- i'm a sucker for anything royal..

C- just kidding...i really don't give a shit.

25th April 2011, 07:13 AM
I was going to have a tea party but it turns out I'll be too busy that day with not giving a shit.

25th April 2011, 07:26 AM
I was going to have a tea party but it turns out I'll be too busy that day with not giving a shit.

Ash, your not invited anyway.

Only civilized folks are allowed to attend these things.

So just go on about your business of being a useless eater...

25th April 2011, 07:28 AM
the hell with the royal family and the old hag

the best thing to ever happen to the royal family was Princess Di



25th April 2011, 07:51 AM
I was going to have a tea party but it turns out I'll be too busy that day with not giving a shit.

Same here...


And this is a family wedding for me... Prince William is my 14th cousin.

25th April 2011, 08:01 AM
I was going to have a tea party but it turns out I'll be too busy that day with not giving a shit.

Same here...


And this is a family wedding for me... Prince William is my 14th cousin.

And you sir, have very little knowledge of the practical uses of Royal families!!!


26th April 2011, 06:23 AM
I am sooo Excited ! ;D

Thunderous threat to royal wedding

Published on Tuesday 26 April 2011 06:15

The royal wedding could be hit by rumblings of thunder, forecasters have warned.

A day after weather experts highlighted the risk of heavy rain falling on Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day, current predictions show thunder and brisk north-easterly winds could be added to the mix across southern Britain.

Plans are in place to ensure Friday's event goes without a hitch, whatever the weather, and the couple will leave Westminster Abbey in a Glass Coach, rather than the open-top 1902 State Landau, if the heavens open.

Aisling Creevey, a forecaster at MeteoGroup, the weather division of the Press Association, said: "It is looking at the moment that there are going to be quite brisk north-easterly winds, showers and possibly a few rumblings of thunder - that's sneaking into the charts at the moment.

"We wouldn't rule out the odd lightning strike as well. At the moment we're waiting to see how much sunshine is going to come off that day. If there's more sunshine there's more of a risk of heavier showers."


27th April 2011, 09:43 AM
Expect lightening and thunder?

27th April 2011, 12:39 PM
maybe we will see HAARP in action and find out what that puppy can really do....

seems like a perfect opportunity for something to happen, for sure.

all those people gathered together in the streets, it's gonna be a mad house....i wonder what security is gonna be like...maybe something along the lines of the G-20 summit in Toronto???

27th April 2011, 07:19 PM

27th April 2011, 07:52 PM
http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Prince+Charles+Prince+Charles+Prince+Wales+1u6_Lfq 8c3zl.jpg


27th April 2011, 08:35 PM
I was going to have a tea party but it turns out I'll be too busy that day with not giving a shit.

Same here...


And this is a family wedding for me... Prince William is my 14th cousin.

in kentucky we call 'em inbred. in england they call it royalty!!

3rd May 2011, 08:58 AM

By the blackened wall
He does it all
He thinks he's died and gone to heaven
Now the tale is told
By the old man back home
He reads the letter
How they are paid in gold
Just to babble in the back room
All night and waste their time
And they wandered in
From the city of St. John without a dime

See the glory
Of the royal scam

8th May 2011, 10:04 PM
GTFO, you pullin some photshop on my ass, or what? :-\

C'mon keehah, you must know some tea toter up there in Canada that recorded the entire procession in triplicate?

Add this to the Osama's death certificate week & its like Hell on wheels...

9th May 2011, 04:25 AM
Onward Christian Soldiers, here it is at 0:42

Looks like they highlighted it a bit in Icke's photo...


14th May 2011, 06:36 PM
Royal Wedding Hockey Playoffs!

(look for the Canucks' flag in the crowd)

15th May 2011, 11:47 AM
I guess, it pays to have a few Satan Worshiping fans on the bench?

15th May 2011, 11:59 AM
I'm not sure if the Canuck whale are riled for a game or just trying to escape the North Pacific radiation.

30th May 2011, 01:40 PM
It seems the Canucks flag worked. ;D

Will and Kate's Canadian tour dates announced (http://www.canada.com/news/royal-wedding/Will+Kate+Canadian+tour+dates+announced/4862441/story.html#ixzz1Ns1QFjwP)

30th May 2011, 02:47 PM

Under Satan's seal. :o

1st June 2011, 04:56 PM


15th June 2011, 01:48 PM
Chinook Jargon Phrasebook (http://www.fortlangley.ca/Chinook%20Jargon/people.html)

Boston, Boston Man - American
Most fur-trade era Americans were Bostonian, and the first American ships in the region were all Boston traders. The town of Boston Bar in the Fraser Canyon, which was the main American encampment north of Yale and Emory Bar during the 1858 Gold Rush, owes its name to this Chinook usage. The Chinook term for the United States was Boston Illahee. On the US side of the border, the Chinook term for the English language was Boston wawa or Boston lalang. In British Columbia, this same term would have meant double-talk, or the loud and drawling dialects and manner of speech of American miners and cowboys.

Tonight the Hocky Season ends. Next week we start returning to winter.

15th June 2011, 02:04 PM
I started to wonder why this thread was so long lived so I looked at the last page and now I still don't know.

15th June 2011, 02:09 PM
Famous Freemasons: Lord Stanley (http://www.conspirazzi.com/?p=419)

15th June 2011, 09:39 PM
Breaking News: Police Cars burning in downtown Vancouver (no police on scene), liqour stores looted. Firecrews not coming downtown-city called unsafe for services. "Near Apolcolyptic Conditions" says CBC reporter.

Police tell people we just want you to leave downtown. Public transit shut down, no taxis downtown. ?!?

Stanley Cup loss turns ugly with riots in downtown Vancouver (http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3172304)

16th June 2011, 05:52 AM
(CBC), that makes Canadian sports sheep and hosted the FanZone's where the riots started, asking 'where are the police' when their Fan Zone does what is expected after the loss.

16th June 2011, 06:53 AM
I started to wonder why this thread was so long lived so I looked at the last page and now I still don't know.


16th June 2011, 07:04 AM

21st June 2011, 10:32 AM
GlobeAndMail: ‘All are invited’: William and Catherine’s Canadian itinerary unveiled (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-notebook/all-are-invited-william-and-catherines-canadian-itinerary-unveiled/article2069324/)

“All are invited on the grounds,” the Governor-General said. “As they embark on this royal tour, their Royal Highnesses will have the unequal opportunity to visit communities across our wonderful country and witness what Canada is becoming as we move toward its 150th anniversary in 2017. Moving forward together is indeed a well-chosen theme for this tour.”

Vancouver Sun: Prince William will co-pilot Sea King, race Kate in dragon boat on Canada tour (http://www.canada.com/life/Prince+William+will+pilot+King+race+Kate+dragon+bo at+Canada+tour/4980956/story.html#ixzz1PvtnVaiJ)

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will lay a wreath at the National War Memorial and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then be officially welcomed to Canada by the Governor General at Rideau Hall.

Then, on Canada Day, the couple will attend a citizenship ceremony before joining the festivities on Parliament Hill at noon. The day will feature a concert and CF-18 flypast.

On July 2 the couple will plant a tree at Rideau Hall before joining a reception with veterans at the Canadian War Museum before leaving for Montreal.

There, they'll meet patients at a pediatric centre, before getting a chance to show off their domestic skills cooking with students from the Institut de tourisme et d'hotellerie du Quebec.

That evening they depart for Quebec City on HMCS Montreal.

Then, in Prince Edward Island, the newlyweds will be pitted against each other in dragon boat races across a lake at Dalvay-by-the-Sea, setting of the Anne of Green Gables novels which Catherine enjoys.

Heading north to Yellowknife, William and Kate will be welcomed by a First Nations prayed drum song and kick off a game of shinny — taking things one step further than William's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, who dropped the puck at a Vancouver Canucks hockey game in 2002.

The duke and duchess will wind up their Canadian visit in Calgary, where they'll take part in a White Hat Ceremony — the Stampede equivalent of offering the keys to the city by outfitting visitors with white cowboy hats.

"As they embark on this royal tour, they will have the unequal opportunity to visit communities across our wonderful country," Gov. Gen. David Johnston said outside Rideau Hall Tuesday, in announcing the details of the visit.

22nd June 2011, 07:52 AM
The duke and duchess will wind up their Canadian visit in Calgary, where they'll take part in a White Hat Ceremony — the Stampede equivalent of offering the keys to the city by outfitting visitors with white cowboy hats.

Chicanery in action.


22nd June 2011, 02:53 PM
Chicanery in action.

When I lived there in the 90's in college it was Yee-haw! Not Yahoo. Yee-haw is a cowboy horse call and command.

23rd June 2011, 06:32 AM

24th June 2011, 04:44 PM
GlobeAndMail: Vancouver riots blamed on setup of live sites (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/british-columbia/bc-politics/vancouver-riots-blamed-on-setup-of-live-sites/article2073698/)

MARGARET WENTE, GlobeAndMail: You know what scares me? The online mob (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/opinion/you-know-what-scares-me-the-online-mob/article2071519/)

7th July 2011, 06:31 PM
William and Kate canoe to a deserted Canadian island (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jul/06/prince-william-and-kate-eagle-island)

8th July 2011, 01:27 PM
Calgary flames is one thing, those hats would have set the fire alarms off if donned.

15th August 2011, 11:34 PM
Conservatives to restore ‘royal’ moniker to Canada’s navy, air force (http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/conservatives-to-restore-royal-moniker-to-canadas-navy-air-force/article2130125/?service=mobile)
Globe and Mail Aug. 15, 2011

16th August 2011, 06:32 AM
The Land Force will not be called the Royal Canadian Army because Canada follows British tradition which holds that the navy and the air force are commanded by the Queen but the army is a collection of independent regiments that serve the sovereign but are not part of the Royal Canadian Forces

Further strategic investigation reveals the Land forces as surrounded.

20th August 2011, 07:15 PM
It could appear that way.

"Ballad of the Bad Balladeer
A song about terrible songs and the terrible singer who sings them terribly, and the town that takes its terrible revenge. Sketch from The Irrelevant Show - Episode 8" [August 20, 2011]
[mp3 is just the 3:30 Ballad, starts at :23]

20th August 2011, 07:53 PM
The only plan that seems to work, is the one you know you don't want.

fitting song for you, keehah...:cool:

21st August 2011, 04:25 PM
The Land Force will not be called the Royal Canadian Army because Canada follows British tradition which holds that the navy and the air force are commanded by the Queen but the army is a collection of independent regiments that serve the sovereign but are not part of the Royal Canadian Forces.Because the queen has no authority on land. Lord High Admiral only. Not the Lord High Constable.

21st August 2011, 06:35 PM
The only plan that seems to work, is the one you know you don't want.

fitting song for you, keehah...:cool:

Well if the Balladeer is an honest sort of guy, what is he supposed to ballad in terrible times?

22nd August 2011, 10:00 PM
No joking around.

22nd August 2011, 10:59 PM
Supreme Court Revokes Annoying Man's Free Speech Rights (Season 1 Ep: 3) [Uploaded by TheOnion on Aug 19, 2011]


23rd August 2011, 11:41 AM
Women are far better actors then men in my summation (where does the Onion find those?)

Absolute Monarchy never lasts too long, reason for the land forces.

30th September 2011, 12:41 PM
CTV: Baird fends off 'golden showers' jokes over cards (http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110930/john-baird-gold-business-cards-110930/)

5th October 2011, 11:14 PM
The Red Hat Ladies?!
It ends with a 'Obama, Hitler and Hank Williams Jr.' moment.
22 Minutes: Canadian Tea Party


6th October 2011, 01:12 AM
Why the fuck is this still on the front page?

6th October 2011, 01:18 AM
The Red Hat Ladies?!
It ends with a 'Obama, Hitler and Hank Williams Jr.' moment.

22 Minutes: Canadian Tea Party


Thats brilliant. I've met Canadians and well......they really are that nice donchaknow?

6th October 2011, 08:53 AM
Why the fuck is this still on the front page?

It is how the forum software works when new posts are made to a thread.

Instead of opening new threads on somewhat related topic, using the same thread is most efficient. Example: It allows the more bitter wankers with half a brain to realize they are not interested in the thread so don't have to waste time with it. Of course some bitter wankers 'don't have half a brain', or will go out of their way in order to bitterly wank in front of others. The smarter ones may not be helped, the are probably trolling.

6th October 2011, 02:53 PM
bitter wankers, is that canuck speak for a bar drink?

14th October 2011, 07:31 PM
Cameron seeks monarchy gender reform (http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/cameron-seeks-monarchy-succession-reform/story-e6frg6so-1226165761400)
by: Roland Watson From: The Times October 13, 2011 12:08PM

15th October 2011, 08:16 AM
DAVID Cameron has urged Commonwealth countries to help rewrite Britain's constitutional law so an eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge can become Queen.

Its like a Full On Scream of re-treat.


15th October 2011, 09:21 AM
I suspect the purpose of this is not to enable a non male heir to take the global ruler position but for ANYONE they chose to take this position.

Joe King
15th October 2011, 11:43 PM
Its like a Full On Scream of re-treat.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGI6qQHFlPk&feature=relatedFixed your link for ya. UMPG Publishing craped on your other one. lol

18th October 2011, 06:45 PM
Woodlands school survivors say good riddance to final building (http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Woodlands+school+survivors+good+riddance+final+bui lding/5568412/story.html#ixzz1bBhveIp4)


Incomes, house prices leave young B.C. families worse off than anywhere in Canada (http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Incomes+house+prices+leave+young+families+worse+th an+anywhere+Canada/5567613/story.html#ixzz1bBlTxyWc)

23rd October 2011, 11:10 PM
Its mating season in Canada!!


30th October 2011, 09:17 PM
http://www.straight.com/article-500291/vancouver/cbc-conspiracy-theorists (http://www.straight.com/article-500291/vancouver/cbc-conspiracy-theorists-are-mentally-ill-and-not-be-trusted)

30th October 2011, 10:31 PM
I feel like, I've been healed.


31st October 2011, 06:05 AM
Interesting contrast between what "'HAL like' narrator says as paid Federal shill vs. promoting her book in 2003:

Ann-Marie MacDonald Into orbit (http://www.quillandquire.com/authors/profile.cfm?article_id=2737)

31st October 2011, 11:20 AM
Royal equality act will end succession of first born male - rather than older sister

David Cameron will hail the agreement of the 16 Queen's realms, the Commonwealth countries where the Queen serves as head of state, to amend "outdated" rules that also prevent a potential monarch from marrying a Catholic.


The leaders' group will also debate a report recommending that homosexuality should be legalised across the Commonwealth. Peter Tatchell, a gay rights campaigner, said last week that 40 Commonwealth countries still criminalise homosexuality.http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/28/commonwealth-royalty-succession-change?newsfeed=true

7th November 2011, 04:57 AM
Canada.com: Canadian show jumping horse Hickstead dies suddenly in Italy (http://www.canada.com/Canadian+show+jumping+horse+Hickstead+dies+suddenl y+Italy/5666308/story.html#ixzz1d1VilYAB)

8th November 2011, 01:46 PM
B.C. Mountie alleges years of sexual harassment (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2011/11/07/bc-rcmp-harassment-galiford.html)

8th November 2011, 05:30 PM
Royal equality act will end succession of first born male - rather than older sister

David Cameron will hail the agreement of the 16 Queen's realms, the Commonwealth countries where the Queen serves as head of state, to amend "outdated" rules that also prevent a potential monarch from marrying a Catholic.



IMO This is an extremely important event. If we can mobilise people to oppose these changes in every state and country of the commonwealth then we can probably end the current Crown and possibly everything that hangs from it's authority. To me it's monumental in it's importance.

In australia we have had debates and referendums (fraudulent ones) regarding becoming a republic. If we got rid of these guys by blocking their succession we can all (commonwealths) be republics.

link to my thread on the subject. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55645-End-the-Crown-or-Getting-rid-of-the-Royal-Family)

8th November 2011, 06:35 PM
IMO This is an extremely important event. If we can mobilise people to oppose these changes in every state and country of the commonwealth then we can probably end the current Crown and possibly everything that hangs from it's authority. To me it's monumental in it's importance.

In australia we have had debates and referendums (fraudulent ones) regarding becoming a republic. If we got rid of these guys by blocking their succession we can all (commonwealths) be republics.

link to my thread on the subject. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55645-End-the-Crown-or-Getting-rid-of-the-Royal-Family)

The leaders' group will also debate a report recommending that homosexuality should be legalised across the Commonwealth. Peter Tatchell, a gay rights campaigner, said last week that 40 Commonwealth countries still criminalise homosexuality. What's the laws down in Australia regarding the homo issue?

And how would all these independant countries team up against their "already leaders group"?

8th November 2011, 07:14 PM
What's the laws down in Australia regarding the homo issue?

And how would all these independant countries team up against their "already leaders group"?

They keep trying to bring in same sex marriages. I don't know what the sodomy laws are like. I think they decriminalised it for over 18's and from 16 - 18's if the 2 parties are withing 2 years age of each other. Decriminalised is not legal it means it just gets a fine and not a court visit.

With the Crown I think it might require ALL of the States to make the necessary changes to the their laws. The way they are talking suggests that it must be every State making the change for it to happen.

The other way to read it is, if you don't make the changes to the lasws in your State then the Crown would cease to have power in your State. That would mean those States who did not ratify this would probably cease to be part of the commonwealth and as a result cease to be under the "rule" of these people.

We need to mobilise and force these law changes to a Referendum.

I can go on about Referendums because while the outcome is supposed to be mandatory, the people have spoken. Only the results that support the political agenda are impremented. In Western Australia, the State I (mistakenly) appear in had a Referendum in the 1950's 0r 60's to succeed from the Australian commonwealth/Federation. IT was by a resounding majority. It was never implemented. They stalled and stalled and eventually everyone forgot about it.

We need to get it to a direct vote by the people. I also think there is something else that can be done but it needs to be called to a referendum first. Then I think it could be worked in a way to give a desired result i.e. end of the current rule.

The downside to these changes being made are extremely dire IMO. It would bring in a new and significantly worse period of oppression that we might not ever get out from under.

I think that enough Australians and Canadians could be convinced to get up and stand up on this issue. I don't know about Kiwi's but I suspect they would also stand up. The Poms won't move although if it got to a referendum I think it can be manouvered for a good result.

It is a big ask but I think we have been given something on a platter and we better make bloody good use of it. For those guys they have to show their whole hand and it's a bad hand. They would not be doing something like this unless it was a very serioud situation because they are now very exposed.

8th November 2011, 07:34 PM
I think that enough Australians and Canadians could be convinced to get up and stand up on this issue. I don't know about Kiwi's but I suspect they would also stand up. The Poms won't move although if it got to a referendum I think it can be manouvered for a good result.

It is a big task but I think we have been given something on a platter and we better make bloody good use of it. For those guys they have to show their whole hand and it's a bad hand. They would not be doing something like this unless it was a very serioud situation because they are now very exposed.

To get away from focusing on the weakness of an enemy (when their strength isn't that great to begin with), go for their strength.

A visit from the Royal Family is a big and cheap stimulus, where you'll find both the Kiwi's & Poms rally.

8th November 2011, 07:39 PM
To get away from focusing on the weakness of an enemy (when their strength isn't that great to begin with), go for their strength.

A visit from the Royal Family is a big and cheap stimulus, where you'll find both the Kiwi's & Poms rally.

Yes they were recently here for CHOGM and tons of people turned out for the meets n greets.

So what do you see as their strength that we want to really focus on?

24th November 2011, 02:59 PM
Kraft Dinner?
Robertson: Is Mac and Cheese a "Black Thing"?

24th November 2011, 09:39 PM

4th December 2011, 10:30 PM
WTF is going on in Canadian football?

Grey Cup Opening Ceremonies
A tribute to Canadian troops after the Libya mission and the National anthem played before the 2011 Grey Cup.

Grey Cup Halftime Show
Nickelback - "Burn It to the Ground [after getting drunk]"


5th December 2011, 05:31 AM
National Defense?

5th July 2012, 12:33 AM
Canadian Copyright Reform Bill Receives Royal Assent and ReflectionsAfter years of back and forth between the Canadian public and the Canadian government and foreign interests, Canadian copyright reform has received royal assent. While many things were tossed out over the years, the controversial digital locks rules is what managed to hang in there. I also take the time to reflect on the long and drawn out battle for digital rights in Canada through the copyright reform process. Canadian copyright reform has been the big issue I’ve followed since I first started writing file-sharing news clear back in 2005. The only issue that I can recall that comes closest to this would be the issue of Canadian privacy and surveillance legislation. If you’re one of the few that have followed Canadian copyright reform since the days of Bill C-60 (http://www.cippic.ca/bill-c-60-copyright-revision/), you’ve pretty much seen my entire career as a journalist. Being one of the key players along with Michael Geist, CIPPIC, Russell McOrmond, Canadian Digital rights advocates and several others to raise awareness about this (and, yes, having to deal with people who say I focused too much on Canadian issues in the process), I have to say that seeing this law pass is bitter sweet.

On the plus side, just looking at what was in Bill C-60, you can see how many, what I personally say are, bad provisions. The original, what many call, the Canadian DMCA, was called the Canadian DMCA for a reason. It was practically a carbon copy of the US DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). Not only did it have the anti-circumvention provisions, but there was a strong potential that it could have been changed to include a notice-and-takedown system as well as potentially opening the floodgates to Canadian file-sharing lawsuits if lobbyists influenced lawmakers enough. Obviously, thanks in part to the hard work many of us have done over the years, a lot of the really bad ideas being floated never made it.

Of course, the downside to all of this. The digital locks rule remained intact for the most part. Many have focused on the consumer aspect of the digital locks provision which leads to the question of enforceability. Are the authorities going to come busting down your door because you circumvented the digital locks of a legally purchased CD to put the music on your computer? Obviously, this is a very impractical prospect. Unfortunately, what is lost on a lot of people is the message it sends to innovators in Canada. If you want to be innovative with how you can use your legally purchased content, the Canadian government in enacting anti-circumvention laws is saying, “You have no place in Canada.”
With the chilling effect the anti-circumvention laws have in Canada, I think this copyright reform bill is also very anti-climactic. This is because we have the comprehensive European Trade Agreement (CETA) on the horizon (http://www.zeropaid.com/news/101172/tensions-rise-over-another-international-agreement-ceta/) (it was, at one point, rumored to contain a one strike policy (http://www.zeropaid.com/news/87414/canada-and-the-eu-secretly-negotiating-one-strike-policy/) for copyright infringement. There’s also the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which also still threatens to undermine the positive progress the Canadian copyright reform law has made (http://www.zeropaid.com/news/89917/for-your-eyes-only-or-not-acta-leaks-again/). Among the concerns are the possibility that ISPs would have to police the Internet looking for copyright violations. Then, of course, there’s the biggest threat of them all, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which has a proposal of including SOPA-stye censorship of websites as well as a three strikes law (http://www.zeropaid.com/news/101412/an-analysis-tpps-infamous-intellectual-property-draft-chapter/). For me, looking at all of these threats to any positive progress Canadians have had on the copyright profile, it’s like, “Well, so what? Just because we managed to get copyright laws that have some hint towards sanity doesn’t really mean anything when these treaties will make those positive steps that were made null and void.” You could say that after a long hard fought battle between Canadians and foreign interests for more than half a decade, the two sides have earned a stalemate for now. Unfortunately, Canadians also have to be on their guard as we see these treaties come down the line.
So it’s bitter sweet seeing the Canadian copyright reform bill receiving royal assent (http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6571/125/). It isn’t the Canadian DMCA it once was, but the battle is far from over.
Reflections on a History of Covering the Copyright Reform Legislation In Canada
It’s an interesting feeling. After roughly seven years of covering things like this, I actually am typing out “Canadian copyright reform bill receives royal assent.” In an odd way, I spent my entire writing career knowing this day would come. I just never anticipated I would wait a whole seven years before writing words like that. For a number of reasons, this development gives me personally a sense of nostalgia because it helped to define my entire career in the process.
Towards the beginning of the copyright reform process in Canada, the major concerns were what could have been put into the law. It was a major concern because, back in the beginning, fewer Canadians were even aware that copyright reforms were happening in the first place. Meanwhile, organizations like the Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) had a lot more sway on these issues. People like us were on pins and needles throughout the process because Canada could have had a very draconian copyright law so early on. We didn’t have the likes of Anonymous back then nor did we have the Canadian Pirate Party (or the Pirate Party in general) to really spread the message that Canadians should have a voice in this whole copyright debate. In 2005, Twitter wasn’t a major vehicle for activism (and neither was Facebook for that matter). The Canadian media barely even understood what this thing called “the Internet” was all about and copyright wasn’t even on the radar. At most, you’d get reporters asking if it’s “right” to download music for free because that was the extent of their knowledge on these issues for the most part. In fact, when the media caught wind that a movie was posted somewhere online (which was happening a lot anyway), it was big headline news that, shockingly, a major popular movie was posted on the Internet. In fact, even the science barely understood what this phenomenon of file-sharing was all about. Look back at our studies (http://www.zeropaid.com/news/100921/what-filesharing-studies-really-say-conclusions-and-links/). I can only count two of them that were published in 2005 or earlier. So, you didn’t really have much in the way of independent research. The numbers came almost exclusively from organizations like the RIAA and MPAA. All you had were advocates and reporters like us. That was it.
In fact, I remember Michael Geist way back when hauling a whole team of academics to the front doors of the parliament building to plead the case for fair and more balanced copyright reforms as a way to gain awareness for the issues back in the beginning. That really helped set the standard of the whole issue of taking concerns about copyright to the government. Since then, there have been numerous events that happened along the way. There was the infamous bumper stickers of “pro-user zealots” (in reference to comments made by Sam Bulte), the Balanced Meal where newly formed copyright activist organizations would fill the parking lots of a restaurant where Minister Sam Bulte would, an hour later, have expensive dinners with lobbyists to discuss future copyright laws. The activists would simply visit at a restaurant nearby and discuss a more balanced approach to copyright. There was the mass exodus of Canadian record labels from CRIA thanks to a difference of opinion on copyright. There was the campaign known as the “Save the Music Fan” campaign that was put together by major Canadian record label Nettwerk to try and put a stop to any potential litigation against file-sharers. There was, what many called, the propaganda campaign by Access Copyright which featured the infamous cartoon character Captain Copyright. There were the protests on Parliament hill that happened over copyright reform concerns in the following years. There were cases where ministers in charge of copyright reform would get mobbed in their ridings with people asking about copyright reform. There were video campaigns when YouTube became popular. Podcasters would ask questions about copyright reform (and sometimes get hung up on by the minister in question in the process in true Conservative Party fashion). There were the consultations and ultimately the big consultation which sometimes became controversial (http://www.zeropaid.com/news/86911/copyright-industry-stacks-town-hall-meeting-in-their-favour/) with its handling. In retrospect, while the Canadian copyright reform process was very long and very stretched out, it was also a very rich history filled with ups and downs. It was a treat being able to watch this process from practically the very beginning all the way up to the very end.
So, while a chapter is closing, the battle over copyright laws is far from over. Still, loo at what Canada has now. Michael Geist is practically a household name amongst academics, followers of copyright and technology enthusiasts, CIPPIC (Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic) is now monitoring the court system for anything that might affect consumer rights (and has intervened a number of times), Howard Knopf is an additional lawyer who is also watching copyright issues closely (known for his Excess Copyright (http://excesscopyright.blogspot.ca/) blog). There is Digital-Copyright which often features perspectives on the issues of copyright from an Open Source advocacy standpoint (http://www.digital-copyright.ca/). There’s the Canadian Pirate Party (http://www.pirateparty.ca/) who often chimes in on issues that sometimes fly under the radar. In addition, Canadians can turn to Twitter and Facebook to spread the word on some of the most concerning issues.
So, while Canadians didn’t kill off the anti-circumvention laws in the copyright reform bill, I think Canadians should be proud of the accomplishments that they did achieve. Canadians prevented the mass litigation campaigns of the record labels. Canadians have successfully kept the three strikes law out of Canada. Canadians prevented any legislation that would have forced ISPs to monitor their networks for copyright infringing activities. Canadians stalled the dangerous anti-circumvention laws for seven years. Canadians blocked the notice-and-takedown regime that has plagued the US for years. Canadians took concerns about online rights and turned it into a political movement. Canadians refused to bow to pressure from the US through the years of being placed on a questionable Special 301 priority watchlist. While some may argue that the copyright reform bill that was ultimately made into law was disappointing, I think that ignores a lot of Canadian achievements that took place as well. I, for one, am glad to have been a part of it all. Great work, Canada!
