View Full Version : How Will the Talmud Worshippers Avoid Consuming Radiation Food & Radiation Water

24th April 2011, 04:05 PM
between the deliberate poisoning of the Gulf by BP and their associates, and the radiation poisoning of about half the Northern hemisphere by the Fukushima incident, i can't help but wonder what the Talmud worshippers are going to do so that the Self-Chosen can eat healthy food & healthy water.

or are the Talmud Worshippers planning on going over the cliff, along with the Goyim ?

based on history, i doubt it.

therefore, i wonder if they will use the Kosher food symbols to identify food that is safe to consume, for the Self-Chosen people.



anyway, as i adjust my diet and increase food storage to stay out of the way of the clouds of radiation Fukushima is emanating - as much as possible - i can't help but wonder what the Parasites plan to do to avoid radiation food.

it seems logical for them to use the Kosher symbols to identify radiation-free food.

24th April 2011, 04:24 PM
I have dug into my "preps" for milk and veggies.

Drinking long shelve life milk and powered milk from before fuckishima.

Also sprouting beans and seeds for fresh veggies.

I imagine so called Talmud worshipers are using shabby goys to do something similar.

I've got filters on the water supply but I don't have a Geiger counter to check radiation levels, shit, can't happen here.

Large Sarge
24th April 2011, 04:59 PM
I think there is a suppressed technology personally, that destroys radiation....

midnight rambler
24th April 2011, 05:55 PM
I think there is a suppressed technology personally, that destroys radiation....

I've heard about such a thing recently from two completely different sources. While anything that is conceivable is doable, if such a thing or method exists why do we not see evidence of it being used at Chernobyl or elsewhere? The Russians (Soviets) lost a lot of capital improvements on the land around Chernobyl, along with the use of that land for any other purpose - if such a thing or method existed surely the Russians would have put it to use. The Russians have their problems, but lacking intelligence or technological prowess is not one of their problems.

What is it that leads you to "think" there is such a technology which is being suppressed?

Large Sarge
24th April 2011, 06:01 PM
I think there is a suppressed technology personally, that destroys radiation....

I've heard about such a thing recently from two completely different sources. While anything that is conceivable is doable, if such a thing or method exists why do we not see evidence of it being used at Chernobyl or elsewhere? The Russians (Soviets) lost a lot of capital improvements on the land around Chernobyl, along with the use of that land for any other purpose - if such a thing or method existed surely the Russians would have put it to use. The Russians have their problems, but lacking intelligence or technological prowess is not one of their problems.

What is it that leads you to "think" there is such a technology which is being suppressed?

well I am of the opinion that the earthquake/tsunami was not "natural", but manmade

now after years of watching this crew work, they use a pretty regular formula


but the missing variable is almost always the truth

as an example, the whole "peak oil nonsense" that was spouted off for years on end

We have plenty of oil, all over the planet.

peak oil was used to justify high prices, and drive our foreign policy (among other things), plus help the petro dollar

so knowing that 6 reactors might go into slow motion meltdown, the "crew", has to have an escape plan...

24th April 2011, 06:01 PM
Norway seed vault pictures (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/12/photogalleries/seedbank-pictures/)

24th April 2011, 06:12 PM
I think there is a suppressed technology personally, that destroys radiation....

The thing about ionizing radiation is that it is unpredictable. It creates new and unheard of atoms that are unstable, which then give off particles in order to reach atomic stability. So that means that often times the radiation sources are all different radioactive elements, so there is no real way that I can imagine that they would be able to make suppressed technology that destroys radiation.

The technology is out there to take radioactive waste known as tritium, and recombine it in order to make it stable radiologically, which also causes heat which can be used to generate steam to generate electricity, but tritium is a known element that has a known atomic number, etc, and can be used as an ingredient to a recipe, but that is because it can be isolated. That is the premise of nuclear fusion technology.

Anyways, I could be wrong but I don't think there is any technology out there that can destroy radiation per se. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

25th April 2011, 05:27 AM
I think there is a suppressed technology personally, that destroys radiation....

The thing about ionizing radiation is that it is unpredictable. It creates new and unheard of atoms that are unstable, which then give off particles in order to reach atomic stability. So that means that often times the radiation sources are all different radioactive elements, so there is no real way that I can imagine that they would be able to make suppressed technology that destroys radiation.

The technology is out there to take radioactive waste known as tritium, and recombine it in order to make it stable radiologically, which also causes heat which can be used to generate steam to generate electricity, but tritium is a known element that has a known atomic number, etc, and can be used as an ingredient to a recipe, but that is because it can be isolated. That is the premise of nuclear fusion technology.

Anyways, I could be wrong but I don't think there is any technology out there that can destroy radiation per se. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Yes. I don't see how radiation could be 'destroyed' without destroying the matter itself: E=MCsquared. Matter is energy? The only way to stabilize these exotic elements is through radiation which is what they are doing naturally. As Dr. Caldicott says, "We are dealing with diabolical energy." Once these particles are spread throughout the world there is no way to clean them up and no way to mitigate their properties except time, on a grand scale. The men who have pushed the development and placement of this technology are insane. Batshit crazy.

Large Sarge
25th April 2011, 05:38 AM
Vitamin C has many valuable attributes as a powerful antioxidant. Not only has it been shown to increase the ability of the immune system to fend off disease, but it also has a very positive effect for eradicating radiation from the body. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin with over 300 metabolic functions and is non-toxic in mega doses. Whatever the body does not utilize is excreted in the urine. The half life of vitamin C is approximately a half hour so it is in and out of your system rather quickly. Therefore to treat with vitamin C it must be taken relatively often over the course of the day to maintain saturation. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have utilized mega doses of vitamin C for years in order to counter and protect themselves from deadly radiation.

Vitamin C is one of the best defenses against the effects of cell damaging free radicals. Radiation causes proliferation of free radicals by breaking or damaging chemical bonds in DNA, leading to cell death. Dr Levy has a book titled, Vitamin C, Infections Diseases, & Toxins. In this book he indicates radiation toxicity can cause mutations, cancer, birth defects and bone marrow suppression and can negatively affect all the tissues of the body due to the increase in free radicals. He indicates mega doses of vitamin C are potent enough to cope with this threat to the body. Vitamin C has been shown to help the immune system sweep the body of free radicals and in doing so protect the body from the damaging effects associated with them. The recommended daily dose on average is anywhere from 1000mg-3000mg; however, many utilize a mega dose of up to 20,000mg a day. Linus Pauling indicated 20,000mg a day was the most his patients could tolerate orally. Intravenous vitamin C has been used at doses 10 times that level with no problems.

Vitamin C does more than protect against radiation, it also repairs damage from previous exposure. For example, researchers at Harvard Medical School indicated: "Our experiment showed that vitamin C can prevent damage from radiation...it somehow keeps the radiation from killing the cells." Their experiment showed a dosage of 10grams (10,000mg) for humans exposed to extensive radiation had beneficial results protecting the body.

Vitamin C is well studied. Although many specific studies have not been completed to determine all the benefits of mega dose treatment with vitamin C, plenty of case studies indicate its positive attributes. Most notable is the ability of vitamin C to help the body recover and to protect vital bodily functions when undergoing radiation during chemotherapy. Although the radiation released from Japan's nuclear plant is well above the exposure limit of chemotherapy, the levels of radiation on American soil are minimal at this time. Vitamin C supplementation at the minimum dosage of 1000-3000mg would be a wise and cheap source of protection against the effects of radiation in the air, food and soil.

Source: Naturalnews.com