View Full Version : American Hellholes

25th April 2011, 05:58 PM
The U.S. economy is dying and we are heading for the next Great Depression. The talking heads in the mainstream media love to spin the economic numbers around and around and they love to make it sound like the economy is improving, but the truth is that it doesn't take a genius to see what is happening to the U.S. economic system. All over the nation many of our greatest cities are being slowly but surely transformed into post-apocalyptic wastelands. All over the mid-Atlantic, all along the Gulf coast, all throughout the "rust belt" and all over the entire state of California cities that once had incredibly vibrant economies are being turned into rotting, post-industrial hellholes. In many U.S. cities, the "real" rate of unemployment is over 30 percent. There are some communities that will start depressing you almost the moment that you drive into them. It is almost as if all of the hope has been sucked right out of those communities. If you live in one of those American hellholes you know what I am talking about. Sadly, it is not just a few cities that are becoming hellholes. This is happening in the east, in the west, in the north and in the south. America is literally being transformed right in front of our eyes.

If you still live in an area of the United States that is prosperous, do not mock the cities that you are about to read about. The cold, hard reality of the matter is that economic decline and economic despair are spreading rapidly and they will come to your area soon enough. Right now we are still talking about "American hellholes", but if the long-term economic trends that are destroying this nation are not turned around eventually we will just be talking about one gigantic "American hellhole". In the end, no area of the country will completely escape the economic hell that is coming.

Detroit, Michigan

In the city of Detroit today, there are over 33,000 abandoned houses, 70 schools are being permanently closed down, the mayor wants to bulldoze one-fourth of the city and you can literally buy a house for one dollar in the worst areas.

During the boom days of the 1950s, Detroit was a teeming metropolis of approximately 2 million people, but today the current population is less than half that. The city of Detroit, once a shining example of middle class America, is now a rotting cesspool of economic decline and it actually saw its population decline by 25 percent during the decade that recently ended. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Detroit lost a resident every 22 minutes between the years of 2000 and 2010.

So why are people leaving Detroit so rapidly?

There simply are no jobs.

At the height of the economic downturn, the mayor of Detroit admitted that while the "official" unemployment rate in Detroit was about 27 percent, the "real" unemployment rate in his city was actually somewhere around 50 percent.

Since there are not enough jobs, that also means that not enough tax money is coming in. Detroit is essentially insolvent at this point.

Detroit officials are trying to implement some austerity measures in a desperate attempt to get city finances under control.

For example, the state of Michigan recently granted approval to a plan that would shut down nearly half of the public schools in Detroit. Under the plan, 70 schools will be closed and 72 will continue operating.

It has been estimated that the remaining public schools will have class sizes of up to 60 students.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing also wants to cut off 20 percent of the entire city from police and trash services in order to save money.

Essentially that would mean abandoning 20 percent of the city of Detroit to the gangs and to the homeless.

The mayor of Detroit has also discussed a plan in which authorities would bulldoze one-fourth of the city in order to save money on services.

So with all of this going on, is Detroit a pleasant place to live at this point?

No way.

Today, Detroit is considered to be the third most violent city in the United States.

In fact, crime has gotten so bad and the citizens are so frustrated by the lack of police assistance that they have resorted to forming their own organizations to fight back. One group, known as "Detroit 300", was formed after a 90-year-old woman on Detroit's northwest side was brutally raped in August.

If you want to see what the future of America looks like, just take a few hours and go driving through Detroit some time. But please only do this during the day. Do not do this at night. Detroit is not a safe place anymore, and you cannot count on the police to help you in a timely manner.

Detroit was once one of the greatest cities in the world.

But today it is an absolute hellhole.

Camden, New Jersey

So is there any place in America that is worse than Detroit?

Well, many would nominate Camden, New Jersey.

Many years ago, Camden was actually thriving and prosperous. But today the city of Camden is known as "the second most dangerous city in America".

In a recent article entitled "City of Ruins", Chris Hedges did an amazing job of documenting the horrific decline of Camden. Hedges estimates that the real rate of unemployment in Camden is somewhere around 30 to 40 percent, and he makes it sound like nobody in their right mind would want to live there now....

Camden is where those discarded as human refuse are dumped, along with the physical refuse of postindustrial America. A sprawling sewage treatment plant on forty acres of riverfront land processes 58 million gallons of wastewater a day for Camden County. The stench of sewage lingers in the streets. There is a huge trash-burning plant that releases noxious clouds, a prison, a massive cement plant and mountains of scrap metal feeding into a giant shredder. The city is scarred with several thousand decaying abandoned row houses; the skeletal remains of windowless brick factories and gutted gas stations; overgrown vacant lots filled with garbage and old tires; neglected, weed-filled cemeteries; and boarded-up store fronts.

Gangs have stepped into the gaping void left by industry. In Camden today, drugs and prostitution are two of the only viable businesses left - especially for those who cannot find employment anywhere else. The following is how Hedges describes the current state of affairs....

There are perhaps a hundred open-air drug markets, most run by gangs like the Bloods, the Latin Kings, Los Nietos and MS-13. Knots of young men in black leather jackets and baggy sweatshirts sell weed and crack to clients, many of whom drive in from the suburbs. The drug trade is one of the city's few thriving businesses. A weapon, police say, is never more than a few feet away, usually stashed behind a trash can, in the grass or on a porch.

Even the criminals in Camden are struggling. Things have gotten so bad in Camden, New Jersey that not even the drug dealers are spending their money anymore.

So where are the police?

Unfortunately, there is very little money for police. Authorities in Camden recently decided to lay off half of the city police force.

So now the gangs and the drug dealers have more room to operate.

Sadly, this is not just happening in Camden. It is happening all over New Jersey.

Of 315 municipalities the New Jersey State Police union recently surveyed, more than half indicated that they were planning to lay off police officers.

So why doesn't the state government step in and help out?

Well, the state of New Jersey is in such bad shape that they still are facing a $10 billion budget deficit for this year even after cutting a billion dollars from the education budget and laying off thousands of teachers.

New Jersey also has $46 billion in unfunded pension liabilities and $65 billion in unfunded health care liabilities. Nobody is quite sure how New Jersey is even going to come close to meeting those obligations.

Meanwhile, cities like Camden are rotting a little bit more every single day.

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans had a struggling economy even before Hurricane Katrina struck back in 2005. But that event changed everything. It is now almost 6 years later and virtually the entire region is still a disaster zone.

New Orleans permanently lost 29% of its population after Hurricane Katrina. There are many areas of New Orleans that still look as if they have just been bombed.

21.5 percent of all houses in New Orleans, Louisiana are currently standing vacant. Many of those homes will never be inhabited again.

What made things even worse for New Orleans (and for residents all along the Gulf coast) was the horrific BP oil spill last year. The mainstream news does not talk about the oil spill much anymore, but those living in the area have to deal with the effects every single day.

Some of the industries in the Gulf region were really starting to recover from Hurricane Katrina but the BP oil spill put a stop to that.

Before the oil spill, Louisiana produced more fish and seafood than anywhere in the United States except for Alaska. But now the seafood industry has been absolutely devastated. It has been estimated that the cost of the BP oil spill to the fishing industry in Louisiana alone could top 3 billion dollars.

Some local shrimpers in the region are projecting that it will be about seven years before they can set to sea again.

New Orleans keeps trying to bounce back from all of these disasters, but times are tough down there.

Today, New Orleans is the 13th most violent city in America. That is actually an improvement. Before Katrina New Orleans had even more violent crime.

It is almost as if there are hundreds of thousands of people that time forgot. In some rural areas along the Gulf coast the poverty is absolutely mind blowing. There are very few jobs and there is very little hope. Meanwhile, large numbers of people in the region continue to get sick from the toxic dispersants used to clean up the oil spill.

Let us hope that we don't see another major disaster in the Gulf of Mexico any time soon. As it is, it is going to take decades for that region to fully recover. There are a lot of really good people that live down there, and they deserve our prayers.

Vallejo, California (And Virtually The Rest Of The State Of California)

Almost the entire state of California is an economic disaster zone. Austerity measures are being implemented in city after city as tax revenues have nosedived.

The following is an excerpt from a recent New York Times article that describes the brutal austerity that has been implemented in Vallejo, California....

Vallejo is still in bankruptcy. The police force has shrunk from 153 officers to 92. Calls for any but the most serious crimes go unanswered. Residents who complain about prostitutes or vandals are told to fill out a form. Three of the city’s firehouses were closed. Last summer, a fire ravaged a house in one of the city’s better neighborhoods; one of the firetrucks came from another town, 15 miles away. Is this America’s future?

Sadly, that is what the future of America is going to look like. Public services are being slashed all over the nation due to budget crunches.

Unless there is a major jobs recovery, the situation in California is going to continue to degenerate. The truth is that the state of California needs millions and millions of new jobs just to get back to "normal". For example, near the end of last year it was reported that 24.3 percent of the residents of El Centro, California were unemployed. Not only that, as of the end of last year the number of people unemployed in the state of California was approximately equivalent to the entire populations of Nevada, New Hampshire and Vermont combined.

Businesses are closing in California at an astounding pace. At one point last year it was reported that in the area around Sacramento, California there was one closed business for every six that were still open.

As a result of all of this, home prices in many areas of California have completely fallen off a cliff. For example, the average home in Merced, California has declined in value by 63 percent over the past four years.

California also had more foreclosure filings that any other U.S. state in 2010. The 546,669 total foreclosure filings during the year means that over 4 percent of all the housing units in the state of California received a foreclosure filing at some point during 2010.

Sadly, things don't look like they are going to turn around in California any time soon. Forbes recently compiled a list entitled "Cities Where The Economy May Get Worse".

Six of the top seven spots were held by cities in California.

California is becoming a very frightening place. When you combine high unemployment with unchecked illegal immigration what you get is rampant poverty.

20 percent of the residents of Los Angeles County are now receiving public aid of one form or another.

In particular, the number of children that are considered to be in need of public assistance is truly scary.

Incredibly, 60 percent of all the students attending California public schools now qualify for free or reduced-price school lunches.

Poverty and illegal immigration have also caused a tremendous health care crisis in the state. The hordes of illegal aliens taking advantage of "free" medical care at hospital emergency rooms have caused dozens of hospitals across the state of California to completely shut down. As a result, the state of California now ranks dead last out of all 50 states in the number of emergency rooms per million people.

The following is how Victor Davis Hansen describes what he saw during his recent tour of the "forgotten areas of central California"....

Many of the rural trailer-house compounds I saw appear to the naked eye no different from what I have seen in the Third World . There is a Caribbean look to the junked cars, electric wires crisscrossing between various outbuildings, plastic tarps substituting for replacement shingles, lean-tos cobbled together as auxiliary housing, pit bulls unleashed, and geese, goats, and chickens roaming around the yards. The public hears about all sorts of tough California regulations that stymie business - rigid zoning laws, strict building codes, constant inspections - but apparently none of that applies out here.

Hansen also says that he observed that people in these areas are doing whatever they can to get by....

What is happening in California now is eventually going to come to your area.

Right now California is also having a huge problem with gangs. Gang violence in America is getting totally out of control. According to authorities, there are now over 1 million members of criminal gangs operating inside the country, and those gangs are responsible for up to 80% of the violent crimes committed in the U.S. each year.

But instead of ramping up to fight crime and fight illegal immigration, police forces all over California are being cut back.

For example, because of extreme budget cuts and police layoffs, Oakland, California Police Chief Anthony Batts has announced that there are a number of crimes that his department simply will no longer respond to due to a lack of resources. The following is a partial list of the crimes that police officers in Oakland will no longer be responding to....

* burglary
* theft
* embezzlement
* grand theft
* grand theft: dog
* identity theft
* false information to peace officer
* required to register as sex or arson offender
* dump waste or offensive matter
* loud music
* possess forged notes
* pass fictitious check
* obtain money by false voucher
* fraudulent use of access cards
* stolen license plate
* embezzlement by an employee
* extortion
* attempted extortion
* false personification of other
* injure telephone/power line
* interfere with power line
* unauthorized cable tv connection
* vandalism

Not that Oakland wasn't already a mess before all this, but now how long do you think it will be before total chaos and anarchy reigns on the streets of Oakland?

Today, Oakland is considered the 5th most violent city in the United States.

Will it soon become the most violent?

But Oakland is not the only major California city that is facing these kinds of issues.

Things have gotten so bad in Stockton, California that the police union put up a billboard with the following message: "Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops."

Already the police force in Stockton has been stripped down to almost nothing.

A while back, the Stockton Police Department dropped this bombshell....

"We absolutely do not have any narcotics officers, narcotics sergeants working any kind of investigative narcotics type cases at this point in time."

California was once the envy of the world.

Now it is becoming one gigantic hellhole.

During one recent 23 year period, the state of California built 23 prisons but just one university.

So is there any hope for California?

No, unfortunately there is not.

In another article, I wrote about some of the reasons why millions of people have been leaving California for good....

Meanwhile, the standard of living in California is going right into the toilet. Housing values are plummeting. Unemployment has risen above 20 percent in many areas of the state. Crime and gang activity is on the rise even as police budgets are being hacked to the bone. The health care system is an absolute disaster. At this point California has the fewest emergency rooms per million people out of all 50 states. While all of this has been going on, the state legislature in Sacramento has been very busy passing hundreds of new laws that are mostly about promoting one radical agenda or another. The state government has become so radically anti-business that it is a wonder that any businesses have remained in the state. It seems like the moving vans never stop as an endless parade of businesses and families leave California as quickly as they can.

But this is not just a "California thing". The truth is that what is happening in California, in Detroit, in Camden and in hundreds of other communities is also going to happen where you live.

The U.S. economy is slowly dying. Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in U.S. history.

People are getting desperate. There are ten percent fewer middle class jobs than there were a decade ago and the competition for good jobs has become insane. More than 44 million Americans are now on food stamps and that number grows every single month. Millions more American families fall into poverty every single year.

It is time to face the truth about what is happening to America. Our economy is not growing and becoming stronger. Rather, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that our economy is very sick and it is dying. The seemingly boundless prosperity that we have enjoyed for decade after decade is coming to an end. Our communities are being transformed into absolute hellholes.

Those that are telling you that the U.S. economy will soon be better than ever are lying to you. The U.S. economy is going to go down and it is going to go down hard.

You better get ready.


25th April 2011, 06:39 PM
Now I get the bigger picture, no police force, hoard of criminals and gangs, people will beg for a military police state.

25th April 2011, 06:56 PM
If you still live in an area of the United States that is prosperous, do not mock the cities that you are about to read about. The cold, hard reality of the matter is that economic decline and economic despair are spreading rapidly and they will come to your area soon enough.

Boise, Idaho is now pouring nice new concrete sidewalks in the older neighborhoods near downtown. Tree-trimmers came by two weeks ago. Times are tough but the city is keeping things neat and clean...

25th April 2011, 07:01 PM
If you still live in an area of the United States that is prosperous, do not mock the cities that you are about to read about. The cold, hard reality of the matter is that economic decline and economic despair are spreading rapidly and they will come to your area soon enough.

Boise, Idaho is now pouring nice new concrete sidewalks in the older neighborhoods near downtown. Tree-trimmers came by two weeks ago. Times are tough but the city is keeping things neat and clean...
i bet there are only good hard working true americans living in boise.. how many mexicans? nigerians? haitians?

25th April 2011, 07:13 PM
You know, I keep thinking about another project...buying a $1000 home in the ghetto. I know it sounds crazy, but fixing that home up..polishing her up, making one damn house look good amongst all the rest.

I figure, the opposite is how neighborhoods go down. It starts with one going down, then another...studies have shown blight is like a cancer it's contagious.

Perhaps, beauty is the same way. Fix one house up, then start on another. There's freedom in those areas to do that, just as the turds have freedom with crime...good folks have freedom to squash that crime.

Day 1 of that project, move in with a bunch of guns. And paint.

If you could get even a few buddies to buy homes in that same area, and fix them up to, you could look out for each other.


25th April 2011, 07:19 PM
You know, I keep thinking about another project...buying a $1000 home in the ghetto. I know it sounds crazy, but fixing that home up..polishing her up, making one damn house look good amongst all the rest.

I figure, the opposite is how neighborhoods go down. It starts with one going down, then another...studies have shown blight is like a cancer it's contagious.

Perhaps, beauty is the same way. Fix one house up, then start on another. There's freedom in those areas to do that, just as the turds have freedom with crime...good folks have freedom to squash that crime.

Day 1 of that project, move in with a bunch of guns. And paint.

If you could get even a few buddies to buy homes in that same area, and fix them up to, you could look out for each other.

Day one thru 100 would be full body amour. After you spend 4 hours securing/unsecuring your tools, then you can delegate time to actual work. That would be securing the structure from entry and bullet resistant walls before any "real" renovation could occur.

If it looks like a shit hole on the outside, most people would expect the same on the inside. A sort of hidden in plain site type of theme if you will.

Screw that solid. Get just a bigger boat. Hell, get another and start your own fleet. :D

25th April 2011, 07:38 PM
hellhole; definition: " any place with a preponderance of dark or brown skinned people. Be honest, whens the last time the swedes moved in and ruined a neighborhood??

25th April 2011, 07:44 PM
hellhole; definition: " any place with a preponderance of dark or brown skinned people. Be honest, whens the last time the swedes moved in and ruined a neighborhood??

Well, what if we had a 100 white guys move in and buy those $1000 homes? We each buy a home, in one abandoned area. Fix her on up, and chase out the trash. Clean up the neighborhood.

The worst looking areas are often not the worst, because few actually live there. They are boarded up and vacant. The true high crime areas have folks all about.

You could fix up those homes with guns slung over your shoulders, nobody would say a word.

What sad shape our country is in.

25th April 2011, 07:47 PM
hellhole; definition: " any place with a preponderance of dark or brown skinned people. Be honest, whens the last time the swedes moved in and ruined a neighborhood??

Well, what if we had a 100 white guys move in and buy those $1000 homes? We each buy a home, in one abandoned area. Fix her on up, and chase out the trash. Clean up the neighborhood.

The worst looking areas are often not the worst, because few actually live there. They are boarded up and vacant. The true high crime areas have folks all about.

You could fix up those homes with guns slung over your shoulders, nobody would say a word.

What sad shape our country is in.

solid, by the pics I have seen of Detroit, most should be bulldozed. You would be starting from scratch.

25th April 2011, 07:50 PM
solid, by the pics I have seen of Detroit, most should be bulldozed. You would be starting from scratch.

Possibly, but a lot are brick built, tough just need cosmetic work maybe. Good structures, but derelict. There could be an opportunity there for some bold folks.

25th April 2011, 07:54 PM
solid, by the pics I have seen of Detroit, most should be bulldozed. You would be starting from scratch.

Possibly, but a lot are brick built, tough just need cosmetic work maybe. Good structures, but derelict. There could be an opportunity there for some bold folks.

Sure you could fix em up, and then what? There are no jobs around there, who will buy them and where will they work?

25th April 2011, 07:55 PM
hellhole; definition: " any place with a preponderance of dark or brown skinned people. Be honest, whens the last time the swedes moved in and ruined a neighborhood??

Well, what if we had a 100 white guys move in and buy those $1000 homes? We each buy a home, in one abandoned area. Fix her on up, and chase out the trash. Clean up the neighborhood.

The worst looking areas are often not the worst, because few actually live there. They are boarded up and vacant. The true high crime areas have folks all about.

You could fix up those homes with guns slung over your shoulders, nobody would say a word.

What sad shape our country is in.

While I admire your point and perspective the point remains moot. There is nothing that can be done in this area because there are zero jobs. You can brush the trash away but it will come blowing back while you sleep. You would need to buy at the least a city block and build a mote and turn it into a compound if you want to remain alive for more than say the time it takes to unroll your artillery. Although the dirt is few and far between they still will blow around until there is absolutely nothing left to salvage (steal) and sell.

I do like your point though and if there were jobs it would clearly work.

25th April 2011, 08:11 PM
solid, by the pics I have seen of Detroit, most should be bulldozed. You would be starting from scratch.

Possibly, but a lot are brick built, tough just need cosmetic work maybe. Good structures, but derelict. There could be an opportunity there for some bold folks.

Sure you could fix em up, and then what? There are no jobs around there, who will buy them and where will they work?

Obviously we will start a self sufficient GSUS community.

25th April 2011, 08:22 PM
solid, by the pics I have seen of Detroit, most should be bulldozed. You would be starting from scratch.

Possibly, but a lot are brick built, tough just need cosmetic work maybe. Good structures, but derelict. There could be an opportunity there for some bold folks.

Sure you could fix em up, and then what? There are no jobs around there, who will buy them and where will they work?

I have been considering buying a home in Detroit. I grew up in the 'burbs and many fine times were had down town. It is a shit-hole but some of the abandoned homes have a lot of potential. I work down there quite a bit and I hate staying in motels. There is work any where for someone who is fine tuned to it. I think a good life could be had in Detroit if one was willing to fix up a place. You would need others of like mind nearby. It is full of rivers and close to the lakes. Canada is a short drive across the Ambassdor Bridge or the tunnel to Canada. It could be a paradise, if you could just drive out the vermin. Cut off the welfare and the problem would be solved in short order.

25th April 2011, 08:28 PM
I have been considering buying a home in Detroit. I grew up in the 'burbs and many fine times were had down town. It is a shit-hole but some of the abandoned homes have a lot of potential. I work down there quite a bit and I hate staying in motels. There is work any where for someone who is fine tuned to it. I think a good life could be had in Detroit if one was willing to fix up a place. You would need others of like mind nearby. It is full of rivers and close to the lakes. Canada is a short drive across the Ambassdor Bridge or the tunnel to Canada. It could be a paradise, if you could just drive out the vermin. Cut off the welfare and the problem would be solved in short order.

Yes, a local perspective. This is what I'm talking about. There's one heck of an opportunity there...to rebuild that place.

It takes people working together, watching each others backs to get it done. I see a huge potential, just staring at me. Hard work, yes, but when everyone says it can't be done....that's when it can be done.

Woodman, what if you had 10 folks you trust, even 20...to chase the vermin out, would it make a difference?

25th April 2011, 08:36 PM
Pull into town with a bunch of dumpsters, brooms, and rakes, tell the locals that if they show up they get their welfare debit card credited with a days pay, if they don't show up the card gets nothing come the first of the month.

The state is paying them for sitting home, might as well get something in return.

25th April 2011, 08:58 PM
I'm game, about an hour away.

Uncle Salty
25th April 2011, 09:05 PM
hellhole; definition: " any place with a preponderance of dark or brown skinned people. Be honest, whens the last time the swedes moved in and ruined a neighborhood??

Well, what if we had a 100 white guys move in and buy those $1000 homes? We each buy a home, in one abandoned area. Fix her on up, and chase out the trash. Clean up the neighborhood.

The worst looking areas are often not the worst, because few actually live there. They are boarded up and vacant. The true high crime areas have folks all about.

You could fix up those homes with guns slung over your shoulders, nobody would say a word.

What sad shape our country is in.

There are no grocery stores in these areas. No dry cleaners. Not many drug stores. No restaurants. No place for kids to play. You have to dry through a war zone to get in and out. It would be living in a circle the wagons mentality 24/7.

Better off to raze these areas and turn them into farms so the local tribesmen can feed themselves.

25th April 2011, 09:11 PM
Thus a compound.

25th April 2011, 09:22 PM
hellhole; definition: " any place with a preponderance of dark or brown skinned people. Be honest, whens the last time the swedes moved in and ruined a neighborhood??

Happens all the time.

Just ask a Norwegian.

26th April 2011, 01:16 AM
They are the most obvious victims of the failure of the regime occupying D.C.

26th April 2011, 02:59 AM
I too have looked at Detroit and entertained fantasies of buying a whole block for myself. Then I look at the city government....

One could deal with the amateur criminals, but the professionals would eat you alive.

mick silver
26th April 2011, 05:31 AM
Pull into town with a bunch of dumpsters, brooms, and rakes, tell the locals that if they show up they get their welfare debit card credited with a days pay, if they don't show up the card gets nothing come the first of the month.

The state is paying them for sitting home, might as well get something in return.
sounds great but thats never going to happen we all know this

mick silver
26th April 2011, 05:33 AM
i will take the country over that hell hole any day of the week .

26th April 2011, 05:50 AM
I too have looked at Detroit and entertained fantasies of buying a whole block for myself. Then I look at the city government....

One could deal with the amateur criminals, but the professionals would eat you alive.

Timing is everything and these local governments are going broke along with their ability to enforce outrageous laws.

26th April 2011, 05:52 AM
I have been considering buying a home in Detroit. I grew up in the 'burbs and many fine times were had down town. It is a shit-hole but some of the abandoned homes have a lot of potential. I work down there quite a bit and I hate staying in motels. There is work any where for someone who is fine tuned to it. I think a good life could be had in Detroit if one was willing to fix up a place. You would need others of like mind nearby. It is full of rivers and close to the lakes. Canada is a short drive across the Ambassdor Bridge or the tunnel to Canada. It could be a paradise, if you could just drive out the vermin. Cut off the welfare and the problem would be solved in short order.

Yes, a local perspective. This is what I'm talking about. There's one heck of an opportunity there...to rebuild that place.

It takes people working together, watching each others backs to get it done. I see a huge potential, just staring at me. Hard work, yes, but when everyone says it can't be done....that's when it can be done.

Woodman, what if you had 10 folks you trust, even 20...to chase the vermin out, would it make a difference?

Detroit will become a good place to be. I don't know how long away that is. Yes Solid, I think just 10 people working together could easily reclaim a small area. This would become a foci for a larger area. I believe it is happening now in some places there.

Detroit an Flint are failed experiments in socialism, just as the Soviet Union was. Problem is, they are still recieving aid. Cut it off and all the problems will self-solve in short order. All the vermin will die-off or move away. Detroit needs to be taken back. There are still beautifull homes and nice districts there, Indian Village, Edison, etc. Nice homes for dirt cheap. The suburbs have some beautifull countryside, or once did before they became Mcmansioned and there are nice parks. This is where I grew up, fishing, hiking.

For those who point to the lack of certain amenities there, this just shows the opportunities abounding for enterprenuers.

I would hate to see Detroit become a Muslim city. This is a distinct possibility unless the white man grows a pair and retakes this old ground. By the way, we need to start having families with more children. We have been genocided in many different ways. We need to propagate ourselves before we go extinct. The other races hate us and will gladly ensure our extinction. There will be no protections for the minority whites. I know this is a dark outlook, but we are living in twilight right now and it will get dark before any dawn comes.

26th April 2011, 05:56 AM
With modern indoor gardening techniques you could feed everyone on the block with one or two houses converted to grow houses. No need for grocery stores. And for jobs, produce and export.

26th April 2011, 06:20 AM
that's one of the sadder articles i've seen recently.

i knew the bits & pieces but it's different when all the information is brought together in one place.

i still hold the belief, however, that the people here at GS.us have the ability to help the people in those communities. or should i say, are already helping them - by telling the truth.

remember that scene in Die-hard 4, where Bruce Willis goes into Harlem wearing a sign that says, "I hate N*ggers" ?

anyone hear want to go to Detroit, or Camden NJ, and hold a sign that says, "Israel Did 9-11 - Details & MORE @ Gold-Silver.us !"

probably last 30 seconds.

26th April 2011, 11:38 AM
With modern indoor gardening techniques you could feed everyone on the block with one or two houses converted to grow houses. No need for grocery stores. And for jobs, produce and export.

Off subject, but could you start a thread about what you know about modern indoor gardening techniques?

26th April 2011, 11:48 AM
Detroit will become a good place to be. I don't know how long away that is. Yes Solid, I think just 10 people working together could easily reclaim a small area. This would become a foci for a larger area. I believe it is happening now in some places there.

Detroit an Flint are failed experiments in socialism, just as the Soviet Union was. Problem is, they are still recieving aid. Cut it off and all the problems will self-solve in short order. All the vermin will die-off or move away. Detroit needs to be taken back. There are still beautifull homes and nice districts there, Indian Village, Edison, etc. Nice homes for dirt cheap. The suburbs have some beautifull countryside, or once did before they became Mcmansioned and there are nice parks. This is where I grew up, fishing, hiking.

For those who point to the lack of certain amenities there, this just shows the opportunities abounding for enterprenuers.

I would hate to see Detroit become a Muslim city. This is a distinct possibility unless the white man grows a pair and retakes this old ground. By the way, we need to start having families with more children. We have been genocided in many different ways. We need to propagate ourselves before we go extinct. The other races hate us and will gladly ensure our extinction. There will be no protections for the minority whites. I know this is a dark outlook, but we are living in twilight right now and it will get dark before any dawn comes.

I would love to do something like this. Perhaps get some folks and each buy 5-6 homes in a given area, well-researched area. Pick the 2 best homes, out of 5-6, then bulldoze the bad ones, use any materials worth using from them, and then have 2 very nice homes on larger plots. One home to live in, the other for guests, or to rent out.

If we could get 10 guys to do this, that's a whole small neighborhood built back up. A nice neighborhood, and also great neighbors looking out for each other. It could be a lot of fun.

Realistically, I could only devote 6-7 days a month to something like that right now, with my work schedule and since I live a long way from Detroit. However, if I can get my career positioned like I hope too..I plan on working 3-4 months in a row, then taking the rest of the year off. If I could do that, then I'd be all over a project like this.

I think we've got plenty of time to consider this idea. Detroit will probably continue to get worse for the next several years, so there's no hurry.

Exciting idea, imo.

26th April 2011, 11:57 AM
I like Detroit enough to consider this but I love the South enough to stay where I belong. Let me know when you guys get this going and I'll come visit you Yankees.

26th April 2011, 01:13 PM
I too have looked at Detroit and entertained fantasies of buying a whole block for myself. Then I look at the city government....

One could deal with the amateur criminals, but the professionals would eat you alive.

i'm thinking some of that land will look pretty attractive to young Japanese couples with money.

no radiation - well, less radiation - that's one of things i look for in a home.

if they buy in groups, and adopt neighborhoods block by block, they can put up a perimeter defense.

i respect the Japanese, they are much less prone to chimp-outs.

26th April 2011, 01:30 PM
Start a fried chicken restaurant on a boat in the middle of the Detroit river and offer free buckets of chicken to anyone who can swim there.

26th April 2011, 01:36 PM
If a GSUS'er type community were to establish itself I think you could safely assume that a Waco style incident would soon follow.

27th April 2011, 04:07 PM
If a GSUS'er type community were to establish itself I think you could safely assume that a Waco style incident would soon follow.

;D LOL, a GSUS'er type community is an oxymoron since we're so distrustful. Rather then waco where you had a bunch of people holed up in a house you'd have one G per block guerilla warfare style. None of the locals would fuck with us cause we'd be riding around in bullet proof silver plated amphibious cars(Incase we needed to lose our silver in a boating accident ;) )

27th April 2011, 06:13 PM
This part of the article made me gasp:

. . . as of the end of last year the number of people unemployed in the state of California was approximately equivalent to the entire populations of Nevada, New Hampshire and Vermont combined.

Holy moly.

I want in on the Detroit commune. I would only be a part timer, a snow bird, but it would be pretty sweet to clean up an entire neighborhood and show everyone how it's done!