View Full Version : This should be interesting - what's *good* about cops? Anyone?

28th April 2011, 05:45 PM
Law Enforcement is a racket - it has nothing to do with protecting and serving and everything to do with keeping different segments of the justice system humming along as fraternal job security. If you need to use something to identify the "elite" these would be the people you're talking about. Not even Rothschild has the legal power to kill someone on a whim (he has cops do it for him). So it hit me - is there <i>anything</i> about cops that isn't bad news? Everything I tried to list out was negative. That is not only a sad commentary on the world we live in but also true danger to all of us. Anyone care to offer an example with explanation?

28th April 2011, 05:51 PM

28th April 2011, 05:56 PM
depends where you live, i guess. i used to live in a town of about 2,000 people. knew all the cops personally. went to church with them, hung with them at school events, etc. it was like mayberry in real life. nothing bad to say about the cops in that town.

28th April 2011, 06:03 PM
All the semantics aside, if he/she is protecting the life, liberty or private property of an individual, then their actions are just and they are to be respected and looked up to.

Any and ALL other actions are unlawful, immoral and unjust, and are to be judged as so.

For Government does not have the right to do, what you yourself do not have the right to do.

28th April 2011, 06:19 PM
Anyone care to offer an example with explanation?


Does this example really NEED any explanation?

:D you want this strolling around your neighborhood?

28th April 2011, 06:31 PM
I have met ONE disagreeable Police Officer, Sheriff, or State Trooper in my life.

My experiences with them will not lend any credence to this thread!

I thank everyone of them I meet with a "Thank You for the work you do!"

My wife got a ticket for speeding yesterday. She was speeding.


28th April 2011, 06:35 PM
There they go, "protecting" your wife by taking her money and possibly causing a rise in her insurance policy prices.

Spare me.

Cops, screw off.

28th April 2011, 06:36 PM
I have met ONE disagreeable Police Officer, Sheriff, or State Trooper in my life.

My experiences with them will not lend any credence to this thread!

I thank everyone of them I meet with a "Thank You for the work you do!"

My wife got a ticket for speeding yesterday. She was speeding.


Did her speeding injure anyone, or anyone's property?

If not, she shouldn't owe anybody anything.

28th April 2011, 06:36 PM
There they go, "protecting" your wife by taking her money and possibly causing a rise in her insurance policy prices.

Spare me.

Cops, screw off.

A little harsh Awoke, imho.

28th April 2011, 06:41 PM
Imagine something like the Rodney King riots, but everywhere.

28th April 2011, 06:43 PM

Does this example really NEED any explanation?

:D you want this strolling around your neighborhood?

Would I rather that be strolling around to finally fuck with the wrong motherfucker with a gun or with a tight social circle who would lynch or would I rather the cops stow them away so they can eat, drink, shit and flush my tax dollars without contributing anything more to society than some highway signage?

Yeah, I think you need to explain yourself because I think your arguments will be paper thin. But you knew that and you won't; you'll just deflect and post some other picture and some roll-eyes.

28th April 2011, 06:49 PM
I would love to do away with OTBWTB, but ultimately it's an ideology to help curb the whims of the criminally deranged.

In a society with responsible people like all the good folks here there is no need.

Unfortunately there's a lot of turds floating in the bowl.

For sure, without question, it's gone a bit overboard, and especially traffic cops. Definitely needs improvement.

28th April 2011, 06:59 PM
A little harsh Awoke, imho.

Osoab, I seriously have zero use for them.

Cops are absolutely useless to me. They serve absolutely no purpose at all, as far as serving and protecting the public.

They do nothing more than supress the citizens, exert testosterone-driven alpha dominance and collect taxes from the middle class.

Give me the right to have my own means to protect myself, and stay the fuck away from me. I don't need them for anything at all. I never call then for assistance. The only time I would consider it is if I was in a situation where you are forced to operate within the parameters of the establishment, but even then I would always try to find another way.

I can't stand cops. Thanks for posting the article, Freespirit.

My attitude may seem harsh, but I have personally seen them beat women who have called them for domestic disputes, beat guys up at the bar for walking down the street with too many beers into them, etc.

When you have pigs busting protesters for blowing bubbles, or acting as agent provocateurs at anti-SPP demonstrations, or tasering grandmothers, or killing homeless people, or murdering a handicapped person in his own home, that's harsh.
They are all bad. They are all masons. They are all NWO enablers.
There might be 5% out there that are genuinely good men who have not been corrupted (yet), but their bretheren make them look bad too.

28th April 2011, 07:07 PM
Well, do you know your cop?

I see it here as I saw it in Cuba where cops from one town were transferred to another town, far away, where no one knew them and they didn't know anyone and that way they could rule with an iron fist, they were in place for only three months and then taken to a new town.

28th April 2011, 07:08 PM
A little harsh Awoke, imho.

Osoab, I seriously have zero use for them.

I know a few people that are in the corrections business. They deal with the "rif-raf" of society, that need to be locked up.

There are some truly messed up people, out there. Honestly, some of the stories I have been told make me ashamed to tell them.

What needs to be distinguished are the gung-ho, smash your face in types vs those that are doing their best in the system to keep the degenerates in line.

Granted, a lot more leeway with public persuasion could be utilized.

28th April 2011, 07:14 PM

Does this example really NEED any explanation?

:D you want this strolling around your neighborhood?

Would I rather that be strolling around to finally fuck with the wrong motherfucker with a gun or with a tight social circle who would lynch or would I rather the cops stow them away so they can eat, drink, shit and flush my tax dollars without contributing anything more to society than some highway signage?

Yeah, I think you need to explain yourself because I think your arguments will be paper thin. But you knew that and you won't; you'll just deflect and post some other picture and some roll-eyes.


Ask your wife and daughter if they prefer the cops keep these gentlemen locked up. Maybe they can talk some sense into you tough guy.


midnight rambler
28th April 2011, 07:16 PM
Imagine something like the Rodney King riots, but everywhere.

Imagine everyone armed and a society which embraces the judicious use of deadly force.

silver solution
28th April 2011, 07:25 PM
Imagine something like the Rodney King riots, but everywhere.
They would learn their place fast in a free society.

midnight rambler
28th April 2011, 07:29 PM
Imagine something like the Rodney King riots, but everywhere.
They would learn their place fast in a free society.

Their place would be pushing up daisies if they crossed the line into lawlessness. There's not a whole lot to learn about pushing up daisies, you could say it comes naturally.

Of course there's no profit in that, which is why we have a huge prison 'industry' - the largest in the world. The US sets the standard in prison 'industry'. Is that really an area where we want to be the 'leader'?? Gotta admit, prisons are a 'growth industry' in this country. How come so few question, "Well, how did we get here??"

Statists LOVE making money off of warehousing people, as evidenced in this thread. lol

28th April 2011, 07:47 PM
what's *good* about cops?

Um, well, they wear bad ass uniforms and ride the coolest rides.


28th April 2011, 07:55 PM
Imagine everyone armed and a society which embraces the judicious use of deadly force.


No police? No jails? No prisons?

You realize all the bad guys running loose would also be armed. Drunks. Potheads. Addicts. Molesters.

:oo--> you sovereign citizen Freeman guys crack me up

28th April 2011, 07:55 PM
Every fifth grade kid wants to be as cool as a Dare Cop.


Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
28th April 2011, 07:56 PM
I thought about answering the OP's question.... I thought and I thought..... I kept thinking... then I begun to meditate.... a few more minutes went by...... then... BAM! It hit me. Usually meditating is my last result, but it always works!

The good thing about cops is that they gave me all the good reasons not to ever even think about becoming one.
All I see is a mass of T1000's in Santa's posted pic... that's strange.

28th April 2011, 08:05 PM
I've known quite a few good cops. It's a tough job, this website focuses on the negative, imo. A lot of truth, but the good things are never seen, or for better terms 'overlooked' here.

Cops deal with the worst of the worst. You name the crime, I've probably arrested someone for it in my short stint.

That being said, I can only think of 2 examples that I'm proud of, things that felt "worth it". Only 2 really.

edit: To add, there's a lot of bad folks around, your taxes pay cops to deal with them..so you don't have to.

po boy
28th April 2011, 08:17 PM
They keep doughnut shops busy is a down economy.

silver solution
28th April 2011, 08:22 PM
Law Enforcement is a racket - it has nothing to do with protecting and serving and everything to do with keeping different segments of the justice system humming along as fraternal job security. If you need to use something to identify the "elite" these would be the people you're talking about. Not even Rothschild has the legal power to kill someone on a whim (he has cops do it for him). So it hit me - is there <i>anything</i> about cops that isn't bad news? Everything I tried to list out was negative. That is not only a sad commentary on the world we live in but also true danger to all of us. Anyone care to offer an example with explanation?

Yes almost all cops are criminals.

The Bible states that they (criminal cops) and the law making criminals (politicians) should be execute by stoning them to death.

28th April 2011, 08:24 PM
I've known quite a few good cops. It's a tough job, this website focuses on the negative, imo. A lot of truth, but the good things are never seen, or for better terms 'overlooked' here.

Cops deal with the worst of the worst. You name the crime, I've probably arrested someone for it in my short stint.

That being said, I can only think of 2 examples that I'm proud of, things that felt "worth it". Only 2 really.

edit: To add, there's a lot of bad folks around, your taxes pay cops to deal with them..so you don't have to.

And some of those bad folks are other cops, and the good folks end up getting hassled for revenue (if not tasered or shot) to perpetuate the police state.

Many if not most (most) cops are power-and-ego-tripping-asshole-hypocrite-highwaymen.

Solid, you're the EXCEPTION not the RULE.

silver solution
28th April 2011, 08:28 PM
I've known quite a few good cops. It's a tough job, this website focuses on the negative, imo. A lot of truth, but the good things are never seen, or for better terms 'overlooked' here.

Cops deal with the worst of the worst. You name the crime, I've probably arrested someone for it in my short stint.

That being said, I can only think of 2 examples that I'm proud of, things that felt "worth it". Only 2 really.

edit: To add, there's a lot of bad folks around, your taxes pay cops to deal with them..so you don't have to.
Most all cops are thugs for the Babylonion systems that are used to rule over us.

28th April 2011, 08:29 PM
Yes almost all cops are criminals.

The Bible states that they (criminal cops) and the law making criminals (politicians) should be execute by stoning them to death.

Well, let's imagine you walking the walk...

How about a society where *poof* no cops. Strike, bad economy, collapse...

Criminals, thugs...at your front doorstep. Who is going to watch your family when you are at work? Will you work at that point?

These are good questions. Rodney King riots is correct, without police that is what most areas will look like. The predators will be let loose to prey.

You will not leave your home to go to work, if and when there is no police on the streets. Bottom line. You will not earn your wages...unless you can earn them staying home. You will stay home and protect your family, like you should.

If you leave your house to survive and make a wage...right now, you are not prepared for a society without police.

I hate to be this blunt, but it's the truth.

po boy
28th April 2011, 08:34 PM
Yes almost all cops are criminals.

The Bible states that they (criminal cops) and the law making criminals (politicians) should be execute by stoning them to death.

Well, let's imagine you walking the walk...

How about a society where *poof* no cops. Strike, bad economy, collapse...

Criminals, thugs...at your front doorstep. Who is going to watch your family when you are at work? Will you work at that point?

These are good questions. Rodney King riots is correct, without police that is what most areas will look like. The predators will be let loose to prey.

You will not leave your home to go to work, if and when there is no police on the streets. Bottom line. You will not earn your wages...unless you can earn them staying home. You will stay home and protect your family, like you should.

If you leave your house to survive and make a wage...right now, you are not prepared for a society without police.

I hate to be this blunt, but it's the truth.

That is happening now. Cops file reports after the fact and punish people for protecting themselves.

28th April 2011, 08:36 PM
Yes almost all cops are criminals.

The Bible states that they (criminal cops) and the law making criminals (politicians) should be execute by stoning them to death.

Well, let's imagine you walking the walk...

How about a society where *poof* no cops. Strike, bad economy, collapse...

Criminals, thugs...at your front doorstep. Who is going to watch your family when you are at work? Will you work at that point?

These are good questions. Rodney King riots is correct, without police that is what most areas will look like. The predators will be let loose to prey.

You will not leave your home to go to work, if and when there is no police on the streets. Bottom line. You will not earn your wages...unless you can earn them staying home. You will stay home and protect your family, like you should.

If you leave your house to survive and make a wage...right now, you are not prepared for a society without police.

I hate to be this blunt, but it's the truth.

The footage I saw of the Rodney King riots, the police weren't anywhere to be found.

Korean shopowners were defending their shops, lives, and livelihoods themselves, with pistols, rifles and shotguns.

FUN FACT : One is 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a terrorist.

silver solution
28th April 2011, 08:40 PM
Yes almost all cops are criminals.

The Bible states that they (criminal cops) and the law making criminals (politicians) should be execute by stoning them to death.

Well, let's imagine you walking the walk...

How about a society where *poof* no cops. Strike, bad economy, collapse...

Criminals, thugs...at your front doorstep. Who is going to watch your family when you are at work? Will you work at that point?

These are good questions. Rodney King riots is correct, without police that is what most areas will look like. The predators will be let loose to prey.

You will not leave your home to go to work, if and when there is no police on the streets. Bottom line. You will not earn your wages...unless you can earn them staying home. You will stay home and protect your family, like you should.

If you leave your house to survive and make a wage...right now, you are not prepared for a society without police.

I hate to be this blunt, but it's the truth.
I have never needed a cop one time in all my years on this planet. I don't think that would change one bit.

28th April 2011, 08:48 PM
The footage I saw of the Rodney King riots, the police weren't anywhere to be found.

Korean shopowners were defending their shops, lives, and livelihoods themselves, with pistols, rifles and shotguns.

Do you want to go to work, to sit on top of your store with gun to protect it? Do you think those Korean shops made any, even 1, sale during that time? What customers would visit that store?

Those Koreans protecting their stores is admirable, but they didn't make one cent at that time...they were protecting them from loss. How long would they do that before giving up with no revenue?

Do you think they would have done that if their families were in danger? Their families, most likely were in areas WITH police on patrol. Their families were safe. So, they protected their shops. If their families were in danger, those guys would be at home.

Mark my words, if TSHTF...you aren't leaving your house to go to work anymore. Be prepared for that.

We need cops, we just need good ones. That's it. Nobody notices the good things, but the bad things everyone focuses on.

28th April 2011, 09:17 PM
Solid, I don't mind the idea of having a body of cops around, as long as they are busting bad people and serving and protecting good people.

That is just not the case.
They are out of control sons of bitches.

Just go on video.google.com and enter the follow search parameters:

cops beats kid
cop beats woman
cop beats grandmother
cop tazers

I like you bro, but don't waste your time trying to convince me that we need cops, especialy the thugs we have now.

Who is going to watch my home when TSHTF if I am not home? My neighbours. We need to bring back the true meaning of community again. If TSHTF in a serious manner, I will not only be not going to work, but I will also not be staying at my house, so whatever.

po boy
28th April 2011, 09:21 PM
The footage I saw of the Rodney King riots, the police weren't anywhere to be found.

Korean shopowners were defending their shops, lives, and livelihoods themselves, with pistols, rifles and shotguns.

Do you want to go to work, to sit on top of your store with gun to protect it? Do you think those Korean shops made any, even 1, sale during that time? What customers would visit that store?

Those Koreans protecting their stores is admirable, but they didn't make one cent at that time...they were protecting them from loss. How long would they do that before giving up with no revenue?

Do you think they would have done that if their families were in danger? Their families, most likely were in areas WITH police on patrol. Their families were safe. So, they protected their shops. If their families were in danger, those guys would be at home.

Mark my words, if TSHTF...you aren't leaving your house to go to work anymore. Be prepared for that.

We need cops, we just need good ones. That's it. Nobody notices the good things, but the bad things everyone focuses on.

Life will go on without cops and those who benefit from their protection will miss them most those who didn't will rejoice.

The funds not extorted from people will be used to find alternate protection and or training which would be a good move of getting away from the nanny state.

Private security/self reliance could fill any void the state leaves behind.

28th April 2011, 09:29 PM
That is just not the case.
They are out of control sons of bitches.

Just go on video.google.com and enter the follow search parameters:

cops beats kid
cop beats woman
cop beats grandmother
cop tazers

Some, maybe out of control. I once posted several threads in a row, such as cop saves women, cop delivers baby, cop catches murderer...etc.

Where are those threads on this forum? Right, zero, none zitch.

I like you too Awoke, but there is a distinct contradiction going on here...lot's a chimpout threads, where folks complaining, etc. Yet, who the fuck do you think deals with those people?

Cops. You don't see the chimpout that *never* happened, why? Because it never happened. Why do you think it may NOT have happened?

Man, I tell ya, I learned more about life and human nature in that short time, than in all my life. If you stop a crime from happening, you get bashed upon. If it happens, you get bashed again..

Nobody, not a damn soul, sees when you do something right.

THAT is what being a cop is about. It's not about being tough to beat others down...it's being tough, because as a cop, you, are the one taking the beating. In one way or another.

willie pete
28th April 2011, 09:30 PM
The footage I saw of the Rodney King riots, the police weren't anywhere to be found.

Korean shopowners were defending their shops, lives, and livelihoods themselves, with pistols, rifles and shotguns.

Do you want to go to work, to sit on top of your store with gun to protect it? Do you think those Korean shops made any, even 1, sale during that time? What customers would visit that store?

Those Koreans protecting their stores is admirable, but they didn't make one cent at that time...they were protecting them from loss. How long would they do that before giving up with no revenue?

Do you think they would have done that if their families were in danger? Their families, most likely were in areas WITH police on patrol. Their families were safe. So, they protected their shops. If their families were in danger, those guys would be at home.

Mark my words, if TSHTF...you aren't leaving your house to go to work anymore. Be prepared for that.

We need cops, we just need good ones. That's it. Nobody notices the good things, but the bad things everyone focuses on.

So.......were those "good cops" or "bad cops" that were confiscating private citizens' guns after Katrina hit New Orleans? I think of the majority of cops as robots, almost completely void of judgement, they have authority by law over you, and many abuse it, the majority of the time, cops aren't there to help you, I'v etold my loved-ones to be polite to cops, Because many many of them Enjoy hurting people

silver solution
28th April 2011, 09:34 PM
The footage I saw of the Rodney King riots, the police weren't anywhere to be found.

Korean shopowners were defending their shops, lives, and livelihoods themselves, with pistols, rifles and shotguns.

Do you want to go to work, to sit on top of your store with gun to protect it? Do you think those Korean shops made any, even 1, sale during that time? What customers would visit that store?

Those Koreans protecting their stores is admirable, but they didn't make one cent at that time...they were protecting them from loss. How long would they do that before giving up with no revenue?

Do you think they would have done that if their families were in danger? Their families, most likely were in areas WITH police on patrol. Their families were safe. So, they protected their shops. If their families were in danger, those guys would be at home.

Mark my words, if TSHTF...you aren't leaving your house to go to work anymore. Be prepared for that.

We need cops, we just need good ones. That's it. Nobody notices the good things, but the bad things everyone focuses on.

A normal society should have some investigators that work murders and robberies.

This society needs a total overhaul. Most all the systems need to be done away with. If people of color can't live in this society they need to be gone.

You attack the criminals not sit there guarding your store at some point. The wife can stay home and guard the home with the big dogs and the AK while this is being done.

po boy
28th April 2011, 09:47 PM
We need peace officers not policy enforcers and peace officers don't need no stinkin' badges.

28th April 2011, 10:04 PM
You attack the criminals not sit there guarding your store at some point.

You just described being a cop perfectly.

That's police work, attacking criminals and keeping them from harming others. You do not see it happening, but trust me, it is happening.

If you can go to work and leave your family alone and not worry about them...you are a better man than me. Even with guns, and a dog around, I want to be there. I want the first bullet fired at me, not those I care about. If you end up shooting at someone, chances are they are going to be shooting back at you.

Hatha Sunahara
28th April 2011, 10:08 PM
We have far too many bad laws, repressive laws. You can't buy or sell raw milk. You can't buy or sell marijuana. If you don't conform and obey and respect authority, you are a criminal.

Now tell me, even if a good human being became a cop, what would you think of him if he did his job? Good, smart people who are aware of the quality of our laws and have a shred of human decency in them would not become cops. Cops are hired thugs. They view everyone else as 'freelance' thugs, and they are always protecting themselves, (not society as a whole), or assaulting the ordinary citizens who are not conforming or obeying or respecting authority. What good things can one say about a pack of hired thugs?


28th April 2011, 10:17 PM
I think the few rotten apples spoil the whole profession, albeit with major caveats. Most cops that I've known are honorable, upstanding people who are real heroes. But I do say this from my privileged position as a lower-case "w" white suburban dweller.

Do you guys remember the Cara Knott case in soCal? Well, at the time I lived very near that highway bridge her dead body was tossed off of by a cop. Girls were really scared to get pulled over at the time, and once my father flipped out when I stayed out late after class one night and didn't call home.

28th April 2011, 10:19 PM
We have far too many bad laws, repressive laws. You can't buy or sell raw milk. You can't buy or sell marijuana. If you don't conform and obey and respect authority, you are a criminal.

Now tell me, even if a good human being became a cop, what would you think of him if he did his job? Good, smart people who are aware of the quality of our laws and have a shred of human decency in them would not become cops. Cops are hired thugs. They view everyone else as 'freelance' thugs, and they are always protecting themselves, (not society as a whole), or assaulting the ordinary citizens who are not conforming or obeying or respecting authority. What good things can one say about a pack of hired thugs?


Color of the law vs. letter of the law, Hatha. You want good people to know the difference.

midnight rambler
28th April 2011, 10:32 PM
...and now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Imagine everyone armed and a society which embraces the judicious use of deadly force.


No police? No jails? No prisons?

You realize all the bad guys running loose would also be armed. Drunks. Potheads. Addicts. Molesters.

:oo--> you sovereign citizen Freeman guys crack me up

28th April 2011, 10:56 PM
Solid, if they are enforcing tyranny, they are tyrants.

28th April 2011, 11:04 PM
I think something that we all can agree on is that there's far more bad cops than truly good cops and like most everything else in life the bad will overshadow and drowned out anything of a good nature. This is an awkward analogy but I think it pertains...If I piss off a customer the stats say they will tell 7 other people, but if I please a customer they will only tell 3 people, the negative seems to have the forefront.

Still though, what I've seen with my own two eyes from that profession is intolerable and I can't wash those instances from my mind, they are dirty fucking scum for the most part. Respect is earned and not given wholesale to a uniform or a badge.

Solid, I respect ya more for getting out of it and there will always be exceptions, unfortunately, like money, the bad drive out the good and until this changes and good folk outnumber the criminal element in policing there can be no peace, from within or from without.

Personally, I really don't give a shit, I'm my own police, my own judge, jury and executioner if some fucker is beggin for it.

28th April 2011, 11:35 PM
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I Die, You are forgiven. If I Live, I will kill you." Such is the Rule of Honor.


29th April 2011, 12:42 AM
They protect our cars.

29th April 2011, 01:51 AM
So it hit me - is there <i>anything</i> about cops that isn't bad news? Everything I tried to list out was negative. That is not only a sad commentary on the world we live in but also true danger to all of us. Anyone care to offer an example with explanation?

they're good for donut company shareholders like Dunkin Donus & Krispy Creme ?

in an ideal world, the police would
A/ be accountable
B/ be highly screened & educated to go after white collar crimes too.
C/ would be encouraged to use statistical techniques such as racial profiling to identify and monitor groups prone to criminality - such as Talmud worshippers.

Obama - "don't tase me, bro ! i'll come quietly".

oh, then Biden would be pResident, for at least 24 hours. ::)

29th April 2011, 09:40 AM
I'm my own police, my own judge, jury and executioner if some fucker is beggin for it.




Imagine if EVERYONE carried guns and there were no police...lol.


29th April 2011, 09:45 AM
Book: "Imagine if EVERYONE carried guns and there were no police...lol."

I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...and less sardonic.

29th April 2011, 10:01 AM
Book: "Imagine if EVERYONE carried guns and there were no police...lol."

I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...and less sardonic.

I was tempted to find something better, something along the lines of a John Lennon remark, but you topped me. ;D

29th April 2011, 10:03 AM
I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...

Describe in detail this imaginary USA where everyone carried guns and no police.

|--0--| nobody ever does. nobody.

29th April 2011, 10:08 AM

29th April 2011, 10:26 AM


29th April 2011, 10:40 AM
I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...

Describe in detail this imaginary USA where everyone carried guns and no police.

|--0--| nobody ever does. nobody.

Maybe it's not a matter of more polite, maybe it's a matter of NOT as fucking rude.

We're not talking imaginary here Book, it was the norm here before and it will be again. But..in my imagination I can see you as the town smartass, who, eventually got his ass handed to him and he quit being the town smartass. But...that's just my imagination.


midnight rambler
29th April 2011, 10:43 AM
I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...

Describe in detail this imaginary USA where everyone carried guns and no police.

|--0--| nobody ever does. nobody.

That was the case up until the post-Civil War/'Reconstruction' Era, i.e. most everyone was armed (nothing impeded them from being armed) and there were no 'police' (as a rule - there were sheriffs and sheriff's deputies, and 'police' were very rare [only in very large cities generally], 'police' = '[state] policy enforcers' which we all know YOU just LOVE state policy and state policy enforcers Book)

29th April 2011, 10:44 AM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

29th April 2011, 11:00 AM
I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...

Describe in detail this imaginary USA where everyone carried guns and no police.

|--0--| nobody ever does. nobody.

...I can see you as the town smartass, who, eventually got his ass handed to him and he quit being the town smartass.

Exhibit "A" of nobody describing in detail their poser macho bullshit "NO POLICE" and "EVERYBODY CARRIES GUNS" magic world.


29th April 2011, 11:03 AM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

I agree with everything you posted.

29th April 2011, 11:09 AM
I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...

Describe in detail this imaginary USA where everyone carried guns and no police.

|--0--| nobody ever does. nobody.

...I can see you as the town smartass, who, eventually got his ass handed to him and he quit being the town smartass.

Exhibit "A" of nobody describing in detail their poser macho Bullshit "NO POLICE" and "EVERYBODY CARRIES GUNS" magic world.


I'm your Huckleberry...


29th April 2011, 11:15 AM
I reckon everyone would be a whole lot more polite...

Describe in detail this imaginary USA where everyone carried guns and no police.

|--0--| nobody ever does. nobody.

...I can see you as the town smartass, who, eventually got his ass handed to him and he quit being the town smartass.

Exhibit "A" of nobody describing in detail their poser macho Bullshit "NO POLICE" and "EVERYBODY CARRIES GUNS" magic world.


I subscribe to the point of view that everyone should be able to live in their "magic world" as they see fit. I'll grant you yours and I'll stand pat by mine.

I am curious though...what happens in your "magic world"?? What's your Utopia? Details please.

Exhibit A?? LMAO! Macho? Not my way, Bullshit? not my way, Poser? You got that covered. Sling all the shit ya want, just be careful you don't cover yourself in the process.

29th April 2011, 11:23 AM
I subscribe to the point of view that everyone should be able to live in their "magic world" as they see fit.


:oo--> your magic world would have these sovereign citizens running around loose in my Treasure Valley...lol.

29th April 2011, 11:28 AM
Macho? Not my way...Poser?



midnight rambler
29th April 2011, 11:36 AM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

Do tell precisely what 'laws' you think need *enforcement*. Would that include statutes and public policy?? Would that include laws where there is no living flesh and blood soul as a damaged party??

29th April 2011, 11:41 AM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

Do tell precisely what 'laws' you think need *enforcement*. Would that include statutes and public policy?? Would that include laws where there is no living flesh and blood soul as a damaged party??

Don't be daft MR

midnight rambler
29th April 2011, 11:53 AM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

Do tell precisely what 'laws' you think need *enforcement*. Would that include statutes and public policy?? Would that include laws where there is no living flesh and blood soul as a damaged party??

Don't be daft MR

Nice dodge. lol

I'll take your unresponsive answer to mean you're unable to make the distinction between a peace officer and a 'law' enforcement officer.

midnight rambler
29th April 2011, 12:04 PM
I'm my own police, my own judge, jury and executioner if some fucker is beggin for it.




Imagine if EVERYONE carried guns and there were no police...lol.


The judicious* use of deadly force would absolutely eliminate what you're alluding to, however the emasculated/effeminized are completely blind to this concept.

In Texas, the laws are such that in some circumstances one can shoot a two-legged varmint in the back when they are fleeing the scene of a crime and not be charged in the incident. I know of one case in particular in Houston where some guy shot the repo man in the back (and killed him) with a .30-30 from his front door as the repo man was pulling the shooter's truck off his property at 3 AM - the grand jury no billed the shooter (whether you agree or not with his actions, that's the way the law is regarding the use of deadly force in Texas, hence the grand jury had no choice but to no bill him).

*where people are held responsible and accountable for their own actions, which we definitely do NOT have at this time as a result of limited liability/public policy (which Book has such a passionate love affair with).

29th April 2011, 12:27 PM
Book's just under the impression that you must wrap your morals behind a badge, because if they were let free to work they way they should, we would all just murder each other.

29th April 2011, 12:33 PM

Vigilantes Band Together To Protect Sex Workers

With police investigations in shambles, a group of self-described superheroes have formed to protect sex workers from the serial killer menacing the New York area.
The New York Initiative, as it calls itself, has formed a Facebook group and defines their mission thusly:

The Long Island Killer is out there. He's a scary bastard, and it's starting to seem like he is focusing on you pretty ladies because some people are slower to report you missing, and also because apparently the law doesn't respect your personal choices and that means cops are slower to follow through when it comes to you. Well, I'm here to say FUCK THAT. We respect you as human beings, we believe in personal freedoms and think that you're doing something that is absolutely your choice to do...


29th April 2011, 12:52 PM
This video is pretty good and explains the duties of a sherriff and where their power comes from. It's worth watching.


29th April 2011, 12:56 PM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

Do tell precisely what 'laws' you think need *enforcement*. Would that include statutes and public policy?? Would that include laws where there is no living flesh and blood soul as a damaged party??

Don't be daft MR

Nice dodge. lol

I'll take your unresponsive answer to mean you're unable to make the distinction between a peace officer and a 'law' enforcement officer.

No, as usual, you are being obstinate. There is a very clear difference between murder, rape & theft as compared to skateboarding in parks for an example.

Why are you so routinely combative MR? You post with a constant chip on your shoulder.

29th April 2011, 12:58 PM
Book's just under the impression that you must wrap your morals behind a badge, because if they were let free to work they way they should, we would all just murder each other.

According to MR's post above yours murdering someone for repo'ing a vehicle that you failed to pay for is a desired situation.

29th April 2011, 01:30 PM

classic pic.

29th April 2011, 01:43 PM

classic pic.

It would be rape.... LOL

Edit: Thats why we need the police around! hahahaha

29th April 2011, 02:14 PM
Ok, here it is. The things that are good about cops is the idea, and nothing else. If one breaks it down to the basic premise that we will all pool our resources together to protect ourselves from those who would want to take or harm our property (also meaning our bodies and means) it sounds great. But an idea unrealized is just that. It is an idea that has NEVER been realized. When putting the abstract into practice it doesn't always work, and in this case, it never does. We are dealing with men, and power. These two have NEVER gone together in the history of this planet besides the rarest of occasions.

I don't know about you but every single encounter that I had with a cop was negative, every single one and there have been many as I'm not one to live in a quite shell and scare of authority, or quote Blacks Law Dictionary, and The Law of the Land. Thats all Bull Shit. What is the law of the land, it's power. Power is the Law of the Land. Power makes the laws, and power enforces the laws. The next time you go to your favorite hot spot and bump shoulders with someone, tell them that they owe you $120, and $340 in fees, and for every 2 weeks it's not paid each is doubled, until I have to come and kick down your doors and kill your family. see how far you can go on with that, quote the law of the land all you fucking want. The land has no law, only Power.

29th April 2011, 02:18 PM
Book's just under the impression that you must wrap your morals behind a badge, because if they were let free to work they way they should, we would all just murder each other.

According to MR's post above yours murdering someone for repo'ing a vehicle that you failed to pay for is a desired situation.

Desired, or inevitable?

Gotta get that principal up front I guess?

29th April 2011, 02:48 PM
i was just channel surfing, and flipped on an episode of COPS.

two cops harassed, then arrested a homeless white male for fishing around $5-$10 in change out of a fountain. the homeless guy said he did it because it was better than panhandling off people...

yet another example of your tax dollars hard at work...

i was trying to calculate the cost of having those two officers question, then arrest, then put this guy in jail for a night over a lousy $10!!!! you figure 2 cops' salaries, for probly a couple of hours, then the warehouse fees for putting the guy up for the night, feeding him in the morning, the public defender's time, the court costs, etc., etc.....a staggering amount in comparison, i'm sure.

am i really to believe that in Las Vegas the cops didn't have anything more productive to do?!?

i also wonder how many muggings, rapes, etc. occurred while these two were dealing with this situation?

as far as answering the original post...still looking...

nice to know the police are busy protecting us from guys like this who don't even want to bother regular folks by asking for change, and keeping the spare change out of their hands, and safely in the hands of the city...

spare me....

29th April 2011, 05:37 PM
i was just channel surfing, and flipped on an episode of COPS.

two cops harassed, then arrested a homeless white male for fishing around $5-$10 in change out of a fountain. the homeless guy said he did it because it was better than panhandling off people...

yet another example of your tax dollars hard at work...

i was trying to calculate the cost of having those two officers question, then arrest, then put this guy in jail for a night over a lousy $10!!!! you figure 2 cops' salaries, for probly a couple of hours, then the warehouse fees for putting the guy up for the night, feeding him in the morning, the public defender's time, the court costs, etc., etc.....a staggering amount in comparison, i'm sure.

am i really to believe that in Las Vegas the cops didn't have anything more productive to do?!?

i also wonder how many muggings, rapes, etc. occurred while these two were dealing with this situation?

as far as answering the original post...still looking...

nice to know the police are busy protecting us from guys like this who don't even want to bother regular folks by asking for change, and keeping the spare change out of their hands, and safely in the hands of the city...

spare me....

I don't get the whole fountain thing? Is it a private business to have a fountain that collects thrown away change/money? Do the owners pay tax on this profit/change?
If you freely throw change into a fountain and some of it falls outside the fountain...are you allowed to pick that up?...what if it sits on the edge?
If it goes in, it becomes someone else's property only then?
From now on I will throw my change next to a fountain, so the bums won't have to go to jail and the fountain owner's won't have to cheat the IRS.

Someone else may swipe it before a bum comes along.

I would pick up quarters and especially nickels. I would throw the zinc pennies in the fountain though. ;D

29th April 2011, 05:48 PM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

I agree with everything you posted.
It's civil rights act I and II that wrecked our country, and police.

29th April 2011, 06:00 PM
I'd like to ask a question and thought this might be the thread to do just that.

All my time on this forum, there's been a lot of threads and videos showing cops beating people up, doing injustices, corruption, etc...and then there's a bunch of cop bashing about them being thugs. All that is fine, my question...not to point out hypocrisy, is really a simple one.

Years ago, in a city near me, there was a group of cops taking the law into their own hands. They were actually doing what everyone here hates them for, planting drugs illegal evidence, assaulting people.

However, they were doing these things to criminals in one particular area of the city. They made massive arrests, and little by little that neighborhood got better. Slowly bars came of off windows, crime went down, people started walking their dogs at night, and so forth. Everyone who lived in this area, loved these cops. One particular incident, for example, was a group of turds, gangbangers, who moved into an old lady's house. They just moved right on in, and started dealing out of her house. She would not report them for fear for her life, and she lived in fear up in the attic scared the whole time. These cops showed up one day, beat the living shit out of the gangbangers and tossed them into the street. Told them if they returned, they would kill them. That lady got her life back.

That's how these guys operated, and it worked. They cleaned that part of the city up.

Eventually though, they got caught and there was a big scandal and the city lost millions in lawsuits. Those guys were fired, and guess what? That area went to shit again, the crime returned.

My question is....if that had been a bunch of freedom loving GSUS vigilantes going around doing those things, it would be fine, they would be heros. Why when cops do them, it's injustice and tyranny?

Just something to think about.

29th April 2011, 06:14 PM
I'd like to ask a question and thought this might be the thread to do just that.

All my time on this forum, there's been a lot of threads and videos showing cops beating people up, doing injustices, corruption, etc...and then there's a bunch of cop bashing about them being thugs. All that is fine, my question...not to point out hypocrisy, is really a simple one.

Years ago, in a city near me, there was a group of cops taking the law into their own hands. They were actually doing what everyone here hates them for, planting drugs illegal evidence, assaulting people.

However, they were doing these things to criminals in one particular area of the city. They made massive arrests, and little by little that neighborhood got better. Slowly bars came of off windows, crime went down, people started walking their dogs at night, and so forth. Everyone who lived in this area, loved these cops. One particular incident, for example, was a group of turds, gangbangers, who moved into an old lady's house. They just moved right on in, and started dealing out of her house. She would not report them for fear for her life, and she lived in fear up in the attic scared the whole time. These cops showed up one day, beat the living shit out of the gangbangers and tossed them into the street. Told them if they returned, they would kill them. That lady got her life back.

That's how these guys operated, and it worked. They cleaned that part of the city up.

Eventually though, they got caught and there was a big scandal and the city lost millions in lawsuits. Those guys were fired, and guess what? That area went to shit again, the crime returned.

My question is....if that had been a bunch of freedom loving GSUS vigilantes going around doing those things, it would be fine, they would be heros. Why when cops do them, it's injustice and tyranny?

Just something to think about.

Sounds like David Soul in the Dirty Harry movie. I believe Lou Diamond Phillips also did a movie about this subject and the LAPD...dont remember the name of the movie

29th April 2011, 06:19 PM
what they did, they did willingly, fully aware of the consequences of their actions, and fully aware that one day their activities would come to light. i commend anyone, cop or not for standing up for what's right. however, what i have a problem with is the routine abuse of power to intimidate the general public. i also have a problem with wasting resources. they always bitch about budget cutbacks, and then they waste resources by blowing a half hour on a traffic stop because "your car is too dirty, i couldn't read your license plate." (this happened to a friend of mine's wife in the aftermath of a big snowstorm... everyone's car was covered in slush and dirt). cops are in a position of power, and must be extra vigilant that they act appropriately. if they can't perform to the incredibly high standards that the proper execution of such a position would require, then they are in the wrong line of work.

willie pete
29th April 2011, 06:23 PM
well my first "knee-jerk" reaction to that post would be: the cops are Employed by the local gov't, and what they're doing, although it may sound like it came off the pages of a Charles Bronson "Death-Wish" script, is corrupt, THAT in my mind would be a starting point, I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it certainly doesn't sound typical.....what you hear MOST often is cops that ARE on the take....that ARE being Paid off, OR ripping-off drug dealers .....by the way, you got a Link for that story?

cops have duality in their job description, law enforcement & collecting revenue for the municipality they work for

29th April 2011, 06:29 PM
I don't know about you but every single encounter that I had with a cop was negative, every single one and there have been many as I'm not one to live in a quite shell and scare of authority...




Yeah...people who exercise their God-given freedoms are often hassled by The Man.


silver solution
29th April 2011, 06:31 PM
You attack the criminals not sit there guarding your store at some point.

You just described being a cop perfectly.

That's police work, attacking criminals and keeping them from harming others. You do not see it happening, but trust me, it is happening.

If you can go to work and leave your family alone and not worry about them...you are a better man than me. Even with guns, and a dog around, I want to be there. I want the first bullet fired at me, not those I care about. If you end up shooting at someone, chances are they are going to be shooting back at you.

I have never seen or even ever heard of them going after the real criminals in this country.

They work to protect the real criminals.

silver solution
29th April 2011, 06:44 PM
I think the few rotten apples spoil the whole profession, albeit with major caveats. Most cops that I've known are honorable, upstanding people who are real heroes. But I do say this from my privileged position as a lower-case "w" white suburban dweller.

Do you guys remember the Cara Knott case in soCal? Well, at the time I lived very near that highway bridge her dead body was tossed off of by a cop. Girls were really scared to get pulled over at the time, and once my father flipped out when I stayed out late after class one night and didn't call home.
Its not just a few bad apples most all are just plain criminals.

Near every one will sell there soul for a few bucks. The don't even honor the con.

Scum of the earth just like their masters.,

29th April 2011, 06:51 PM
Occasionally cops stop brutalizing grandma to catch a bad guy.

silver solution
29th April 2011, 06:53 PM
Why is it always "Imagine if everyone had a gun and there were no police" instead of just "Imagine if everyone had a gun." Crime statistics have soundly proven the more lax the gun laws the less crime is committed in a given area. Crime does not disappear, it is lowered. LEO is still required to deal with the lawless.

Law enforcement has a place in civil society.

As a society becomes corrupt over time (losing its morality), this loss of civility will be most visibly manifest in those holding positions of power - politicos & law enforcers are 2 of the most prominent.

The amount of "good cops" compared to "bad cops" will be forever tethered to the moral makeup of the community at large.

I agree with everything you posted.
It's civil rights act I and II that wrecked our country, and police.

The "synagogue of Satan" fake joos took over this great nation a very long time ago.

The police in the 150 years have done nothing but protect these evil people. Selling their soul for a buck is what they do. Jesus

29th April 2011, 07:07 PM
I have never seen or even ever heard of them going after the real criminals in this country.

They work to protect the real criminals.

Well I have seen them going after real criminals. ;) Believe me, they do. Cops can't do shit about the banks though! ;D

silver solution
29th April 2011, 08:08 PM
I have never seen or even ever heard of them going after the real criminals in this country.

They work to protect the real criminals.

Well I have seen them going after real criminals. ;) Believe me, they do. Cops can't do shit about the banks though! ;D
They could if they wanted to.

They could execute judges and bankers just like they have done to black pimps. It just would take some leaders. Leaders are always bought off. They print the bucks.

29th April 2011, 08:25 PM
in their eyes, we're all criminals, and that, my friends, is wrong.
whatever happened to innocent till proven guilty? nowadays, it seems like they think we're all guilty of something, it's just a question of how far they have to go to find it.

i have a good friend that had evidence planted in his truck (1.5g of weed) during a "routine stop" that cost him a $500 fine, and a permanent mark on his record. the cops said they found it on the seat of his truck, (the second time they searched the vehicle) which is total BS...he knows he didn't have any weed, cause he was dry, & if he knew it was there, he would have smoked it already...lol

on a more personal note, i wasn't always the angel i am today, and when i was in my teens, i landed in some trouble that got me 3 months. about 6 months after serving my sentence, i was minding my own business, walking down the street to go for a coffee w/a friend one evening when we were stopped by police. after giving him our names, address and destination, he let us go on our way. about 15 minutes later while having coffee, the cop comes into the donut shop and asks me to come outside to talk to him. he started questioning me again, said i had warrants for my arrest for the charges i had already been tried for and sentenced, and handcuffed me and took me to the tank for the night. the following morning, i was transfered to another city (where the warrant originated) about an hour from home. i then spent the next 6 hours in a holding cell, waiting to appear in front of a judge. i told them that i already had been sentenced for these charges, and had served my time. they realized their mistake, said the original warrants had not been wiped off the computer, and told me i was free to go. i told them i had been brought there by the police, and would appreciate a ride back home. i felt it was the least they could do for the inconvenience. well, after waiting around the courthouse for another couple of hours, 2 cops showed up to drive me home. when we got back to the city i live in, they stopped just inside the city limits, and said they were letting me out here. i said " but i live on the opposite side of town, that's like an hour & a half walk from here!"

the one cop opens the back door for me and said "enjoy the walk, asshole."
to which i replied "fuck you very much!" and walked away.

i see this same attitude in them all the time, and it causes me to lose respect for them.
i even talked to a lawyer about it, but he advised me that if i went through w/ a wrongful arrest suit, i would likely win, but i had better watch my every step from there forward...they would be itching for a reason to write me up if i did it.

the bottom line is, if they did their job the way they're supposed to, no one would have anything to complain about. they would have the respect of the people.

29th April 2011, 10:42 PM

No wants or warrants. Never been arrested. Clean DMV. Concealed Weapon License. Wave at passing police cars.


Son of Dave
29th April 2011, 11:56 PM
The concept is noble, and in a society where people have manners and morals, and whatnot, should be academic and all.

But don't cops show up always after someone is bleeding on the pavement?

I mean they "Respond" to crimes. They don't prevent them.

Cops exist because of folks with no impulse control and low IQ.

Listen to any police scanner, look at any daily blotter. Just think of the money lost due to folks with low IQ, and no impulse control.

They're really Zookeepers. Sometimes they spill into the land of the moral and lawful. That's what's pissing everyone off.

30th April 2011, 12:24 AM

Order must be kept..

30th April 2011, 12:44 AM
Solid, you are insistent in defending these power-trippers, and I just don't understand it. For one thing, yeah, they were acting vigilante style and they cleaned up that particulair neighborhood.

You try that. You go out with some morally correct friends, and start framing scumbags, cleaning up the streets and see what happens. You will get busted, thrown in jail. The pigs will protect the criminals, because they are offended that you would even consider "taking the law in your own hands".

These guys are gangsters, mobsters, bullies. For every good story about cops, there are a million bad ones with video evidence.

I understand that you were a cop in the past, and I understand that you must feel obligated to defend the honour of that institution, but dude, you can't do it due to the way they conduct themselves. They make their own bed. They are not hated for no reason.

The biggest problem is that they are using their "authority" on people who do not deserve it, instead of on the people who do need policing.

30th April 2011, 04:46 AM
Solid, you are insistent in defending these power-trippers, and I just don't understand it. For one thing, yeah, they were acting vigilante style and they cleaned up that particulair neighborhood.

That was just an example, but yeah..I'm just point out there's always a bigger picture that most people never seem to understand. Their knee jerk reaction is to hate the police.

Take the cops who arrested the bum for taking the change out of the fountain...cops have to respond and deal with situations like that. They have no choice, somebody called them to 'fix' that situation. Perhaps that fountain was near a park where families and kids play, nobody wants to see a bum who's pissed and shit himself around their kids. So they call the cops, the cops use some BS city ordinance to get the bum out of there. The families are happy then, yet an article gets written somewhere making the police seem like tyrants. The police maybe just wanted to peacefully resolve that situation, make the families happy, etc.

I'm just pointing out the bigger picture.

The best analogy about police work was one taught to me. It applies, at least to high crime areas, and goes that there 2 types of people out there. Sheep, and wolves (predators) The sheep just want to live peacefully, and the wolves are out there stalking the sheep. As a cop, you are a sheepdog. Your job is to keep the wolves away from the sheep. In turn, the sheep will fear you and not trust you either.

The sheep will never see the sheepdog's work, but if a wolf gets past them...they blame the sheepdog.

When folks say that they don't need cops, never see them, they just eat donuts and are a tax waste. Guess what, the cops are doing a damn good job then, keeping them predators away. Nobody sees when that's done because they sleep right through it.

30th April 2011, 06:10 AM
Why you non-conforming dirty rat!!!!!!! Go do something contrary that will get you arrested so you can complain about being arrested. Then you can fit in with those who have been arrested!




No wants or warrants. Never been arrested. Clean DMV. Concealed Weapon License. Wave at passing police cars.http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet024.gif

midnight rambler
30th April 2011, 06:39 AM
I got arrested for simply disrespecting the King's Men. The stop originated without any probable cause whatsoever. It was a gang of three officers swarming me from the get-go and there is NO DOUBT they were engaging in racketeering from the moment they decided to stop me, and the racketeering theme persisted, and has persisted, through the entire ordeal. One cop committed no less than two counts of perjury on the affidavit - committing felonies to prosecute a misdemeanor.

Granted there are some good bona fide peace officers out there, but as they retire there are fewer and fewer 'peace officers' and more and more JBTs who undergo 'training' by the likes of 'Homeland Security' and the SPLC. And these JBTs are NOT on the side of the people, they are merely security guards/meat shields for the banksters and their errand boys (lawyers).

I spent nearly 10 years doing ride-alongs with cop friends in a large city, plus I used to hang out with SWAT team members at the range when they were practicing (most couldn't shoot for shit). I also hung out at the Governor's security detail at the CP at the Govenor's mansion over the course of six years (I brought high capacity 'assault' weapons into the CP at the Governor's mansion, that's the level of confidence which was extended to me). I also hung out with my cop friends after work when they would suck down several beers and then get behind the wheel (I never drank at these get-togethers), as well as went hunting with them. I've probably had more 'friendly' exposure to cops than everyone on this forum combined (including Solid). I get it about cops, they think they are privileged because they are the King's Men and they are better than 'civilians'. It wasn't so bad 25 years ago, but it's completely out of control now. The 'us vs. them' mentality has been very well cultivated by the banksters and their errand boys.

Book is an unrepentant statist who blindly and very obediently serves the corporate state without any question whatsoever - you should know that by now CC.

Why you non-conforming dirty rat!!!!!!! Go do something contrary that will get you arrested so you can complain about being arrested. Then you can fit in with those who have been arrested!




No wants or warrants. Never been arrested. Clean DMV. Concealed Weapon License. Wave at passing police cars.http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet024.gif

30th April 2011, 06:42 AM
Take the cops who arrested the bum for taking the change out of the fountain...cops have to respond and deal with situations like that. They have no choice, somebody called them to 'fix' that situation. Perhaps that fountain was near a park where families and kids play, nobody wants to see a bum who's pissed and shit himself around their kids. So they call the cops, the cops use some BS city ordinance to get the bum out of there. The families are happy then, yet an article gets written somewhere making the police seem like tyrants. The police maybe just wanted to peacefully resolve that situation, make the families happy, etc.

I'm just pointing out the bigger picture.

FYI- the cops rolled up and were like hey, is that guy taking change from that fountain?? the man was dressed no different than most of us....jeans (wet, but no rips), and a t-shirt. it was in vegas, just off the strip, and at night, not a family or kid in sight. had he not told the police he was homeless, you wouldn't have guessed...

midnight rambler
30th April 2011, 07:00 AM
Oh, and FWIW, I've been having an ongoing dialogue with that state cop I encountered back in January (I found out where he was stationed and surprised him at work, us lowly civilians have an 'intelligence' network too lol). I've been playing nice with him (I actually appreciate genuine peace officers) however over the course of a handful of exchanges he's expressed some very distressing and alarming attitudes, e.g. as only one example when I asked if he had stashed prep supplies he advised me that he would "just go out and take what I need" (and that's not the worst of it!!!).

30th April 2011, 07:49 AM
This post is mostly for Solid. As much as I like you (and I do like you), it really pisses me off to see you continually defend criminal behaviour. Again, my position is very simple: those that commit crimes are criminals. Every cop commits crimes.
FACT: according to the Supreme Courts in every state, precrime is not crime. If there is no victim that suffered a net tangible loss/harm, there is no crime. http://marcstevens.net/component/content/article/52-standing-cross-reference.html

Excuses and rationalizing does not change these facts. Extortion and kidnapping are not defensible behaviours. If a cop really wanted to 'do their job', they would start by arresting every judge, every fellow cop, every prosecuting attorney, every bailiff, every clerk, and every politician that supports a system that ruins the families of innocent men.


30th April 2011, 08:44 AM
Book is an unrepentant statist who blindly and very obediently serves the corporate state without any question whatsoever...


Your path appears to have ended in chronic adulthood disgruntlement.


30th April 2011, 11:18 AM
Why you conformist dirty rat!!!!!!!
Slight fix for your post CC.

30th April 2011, 11:27 AM
Solid, you are insistent in defending these power-trippers, and I just don't understand it. For one thing, yeah, they were acting vigilante style and they cleaned up that particulair neighborhood.

You try that. You go out with some morally correct friends, and start framing scumbags, cleaning up the streets and see what happens. You will get busted, thrown in jail. The pigs will protect the criminals, because they are offended that you would even consider "taking the law in your own hands".

These guys are gangsters, mobsters, bullies. For every good story about cops, there are a million bad ones with video evidence.

I understand that you were a cop in the past, and I understand that you must feel obligated to defend the honour of that institution, but dude, you can't do it due to the way they conduct themselves. They make their own bed. They are not hated for no reason.

The biggest problem is that they are using their "authority" on people who do not deserve it, instead of on the people who do need policing.

That thanks is from SirGonzo420.... I'm on the wife's computer and I'm too lazy to sign out.

30th April 2011, 12:31 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=25512.0;attach=735 3;image
[watching TV to prepare for GSUS]


Will Hunting had it right 14 years ago

30th April 2011, 01:33 PM
An completely underfunded court and law enforcement system actually has some merit to it, as those that are thrown into the slammer are usually well deserved and stay there for quite sometime before seeing & set free by the paid off judge.

30th April 2011, 08:20 PM
Police inadvertently shoot dog attack victim

27/04/2011 10:16:37 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German woman who had escaped without serious injury from a dog attack was accidentally shot by police while she hid from the animal behind a door, police said on Wednesday.

Police in Berlin shot the dog dead, but a stray bullet went through the door behind which the woman was cowering, striking her in the arm.

The woman was not seriously injured. She had gone to visit neighbors at their apartment on Tuesday evening when their two-year-old dog Carlito attacked her.

A police officer was also grazed in the throat by a ricocheting bullet. Police are investigating possible charges of negligence against both the dog's owner and the police officers who fired the shots.

....still looking for an answer to the OP...

30th April 2011, 08:42 PM
....still looking for an answer to the OP...

Fuck. I answered this question, many times over.

Cops take out the trash while you sleep peacefully at night... that is a *good* thing.

30th April 2011, 09:00 PM
I know the cops have their fair share of bullshit to deal with, scum to deal with, to the point that they're overwhelmed by it all. That being said, they bought that ticket just like the people who enlist in the army and are supposed to live by a code of honor but sadly though the majority forget this.

It should also be noted that the cops readily admit that they can't and aren't supposed to guarantee our safety. Well, that tells me it's up to us to protect ourselves against anyone, period, no matter what gang they might be affiliated with, if any.

30th April 2011, 09:17 PM
Solid, you are insistent in defending these power-trippers, and I just don't understand it. For one thing, yeah, they were acting vigilante style and they cleaned up that particulair neighborhood.

The sheep will never see the sheepdog's work, but if a wolf gets past them...they blame the sheepdog.

Local cops lost their autonomy in the sixties. Ask any cop, they will tell you they have been trained on civil rights laws. Cops and the community lost when they no longer had the power to decide who and what can even be in their community, their restaurants and their churches.

30th April 2011, 09:44 PM
Well, this will be my last post in this thread. I stand by my posts. I know most folks here think cops are criminals, some are..heck, there is a lot of bad cops. Power corrupts, I believe it.

In my short time, I arrested people for murder, rape, assault, burglary, assault w/ deadly weapon, child abuse, spousal abuse, robbery, theft, grand theft, kidnapping...yes kidnapping, even identity theft...my mind escapes me, there's many more. Every night I pointed a gun at someone, because they were a threat to my life.

I've taken statements from the victims and heard firsthand their horror stories.

If you think for one second, I regret cuffing those bastards and sending them in. I don't, there's animals in this world that need to be off the street so they don't hurt anyone else. I figure if sending them away saves the horror of another victim, it was all worth it.

I could have had my lunch money taken many times. I believe God was with me during those times, I do. Even though the crime kept coming, I refuse to believe all that was in vain.

So, if you all want to hate cops, that's fine. Just know it's a horrible job that ends up killing you. If you don't die directly because of it, you will die within 5 years after you retire. The average age of a cop's life is 55 years old. Save the argument for a fat pension at the end, because they don't live to enjoy it.

30th April 2011, 10:19 PM
Solid: I am reading your posts and thinking through what you're saying - that alone is more than a cop would give me. You have made some interesting points, but you justify a broken system through the eyes of your own self-worth. You could just as easily have been ordered to riot duty and to perform mass arrest busting heads of old ladies and college students - and you would do it because you were a cop and it's a system of command and control. Just because you might be a good guy - just because a few cops might be good guys, does not give you or the system cover. Hence my original question: what's good about cops? Obviously most people here agree with me that the answer is not much. Instead of labeling us as haters, consider why we feel this way in the first place. You can't expect people to give honest consideration when they can get shot for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time - by a cop. If this question was asked on some soft mush-brain websites like USA Today we would have seen regurgitated cop-love in every post. But this is GSUS, and this is one of the reasons I come here because people know the truth and don't worry about political correctness. And it would seem the truth is cops don't have a lot going for them that is positive. What a surprise.

3rd May 2011, 08:54 AM
Solid, I read your reply to me and skipped over all the rest of the responses so I don't know what all the other members said yet.

Your analogy does not work, because the they are not sheepdogs, they are more akin to polar bears who kill wolves and sheep, and they are tasering, beating, shooting, murdering and harrassing the sheep that they are supposed to be protecting.

Please don't waste your time trying to convert me into a pig lover, because I see those corrupt bastards abuse their authority at every turn. I have had enough personal confrontation with them to know better, adn a quick internet search on police brutality will show the same.

EDIT: I went back and read the replies now.

3rd May 2011, 09:59 AM
Well, this will be my last post in this thread. I stand by my posts. I know most folks here think cops are criminals, some are..heck, there is a lot of bad cops. Power corrupts, I believe it.

In my short time, I arrested people for murder, rape, assault, burglary, assault w/ deadly weapon, child abuse, spousal abuse, robbery, theft, grand theft, kidnapping...yes kidnapping, even identity theft...my mind escapes me, there's many more. Every night I pointed a gun at someone, because they were a threat to my life.

I've taken statements from the victims and heard firsthand their horror stories.

If you think for one second, I regret cuffing those bastards and sending them in. I don't, there's animals in this world that need to be off the street so they don't hurt anyone else. I figure if sending them away saves the horror of another victim, it was all worth it.

I could have had my lunch money taken many times. I believe God was with me during those times, I do. Even though the crime kept coming, I refuse to believe all that was in vain.

So, if you all want to hate cops, that's fine. Just know it's a horrible job that ends up killing you. If you don't die directly because of it, you will die within 5 years after you retire. The average age of a cop's life is 55 years old. Save the argument for a fat pension at the end, because they don't live to enjoy it.

The problem I have with you when it comes to this subject is that you have always stubbornly refused to apologize for or even acknowledge your criminal behaviour. I acknowledge that you did some good things while being a cop, I even commend you for it. But you also kidnapped and extorted from innocent men...a fact confirmed by the very 'authority' that cops purport to recognize. Speaking for myself, it rankles me that you refuse to be accountable for your reprehensible actions while being a cop.


3rd May 2011, 12:57 PM
The problem I have with you when it comes to this subject is that you have always stubbornly refused to apologize for or even acknowledge your criminal behaviour. I acknowledge that you did some good things while being a cop, I even commend you for it. But you also kidnapped and extorted from innocent men...a fact confirmed by the very 'authority' that cops purport to recognize. Speaking for myself, it rankles me that you refuse to be accountable for your reprehensible actions while being a cop.


You don't know my story, dys. Yet, you sure are one quick to judge, call me a criminal out in the open on an internet forum. You don't know me.

By all means, pull up a chair sometime...we'll have a couple of beers, and I'd be happy to share it with you. Until then, don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. At least then, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes. ;D Quick judgment reflects more on you than it does on me. I'll just leave it at that. I don't think God wants that from any of us, personally.

3rd May 2011, 05:33 PM
The problem I have with you when it comes to this subject is that you have always stubbornly refused to apologize for or even acknowledge your criminal behaviour. I acknowledge that you did some good things while being a cop, I even commend you for it. But you also kidnapped and extorted from innocent men...a fact confirmed by the very 'authority' that cops purport to recognize. Speaking for myself, it rankles me that you refuse to be accountable for your reprehensible actions while being a cop.


You don't know my story, dys. Yet, you sure are one quick to judge, call me a criminal out in the open on an internet forum. You don't know me.

By all means, pull up a chair sometime...we'll have a couple of beers, and I'd be happy to share it with you. Until then, don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. At least then, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes. ;D Quick judgment reflects more on you than it does on me. I'll just leave it at that. I don't think God wants that from any of us, personally.


Common knowledge that me and Solid go at it all the time at GSUS but in this thread I support him absolutely. Dys is waaaaaaaay out of line here. One of my brothers is a retired police officer. Solid was a police officer. I never had any problem in my life with a police officer. Not one. I wave at passing police cars. Anybody want to attack me.........................bring it ON.


3rd May 2011, 06:21 PM
I was a cop at one time. I realized I wasn't nearly tough enough mentally for the job.

So if anyone wants to attack Book and Solid, by all means don't leave me out. I have no problem being a target.


Common knowledge that me and Solid go at it all the time at GSUS but in this thread I support him absolutely. Dys is waaaaaaaay out of line here. One of my brothers is a retired police officer. Solid was a police officer. I never had any problem in my life with a police officer. Not one. I wave at passing police cars. Anybody want to attack me.........................bring it ON.[/quote]

3rd May 2011, 06:39 PM
I think the posts in this thread do a sufficient job of relaying our feelings on the matter.

3rd May 2011, 07:22 PM
The problem I have with you when it comes to this subject is that you have always stubbornly refused to apologize for or even acknowledge your criminal behaviour. I acknowledge that you did some good things while being a cop, I even commend you for it. But you also kidnapped and extorted from innocent men...a fact confirmed by the very 'authority' that cops purport to recognize. Speaking for myself, it rankles me that you refuse to be accountable for your reprehensible actions while being a cop.


the only one solid has to answer to for his actions or inactions as a cop or as a human, is to God. not you or me or any of us. whatever his reasons for leaving the force, he left the force. that should be good enough.

i have my own reasons for not liking police officers, and i have mentioned some of them here. there's no question, it's a tough job, and mister you better be up for it, cause to do it right takes more than most have to give. but if you can't do the job right, then quit. i have no sympathy for them, they chose to be where they are.

3rd May 2011, 07:29 PM
I think the posts in this thread do a sufficient job of relaying our feelings on the matter.

Using the logic in this thread most every "Christian" in America is like THIS (https://www.google.com/news/search?aq=f&pz=1&cf=all&ned=us&hl=en&q=church+molestation).

Common discernment is lacking at GSUS...


4th May 2011, 06:23 AM
The problem I have with you when it comes to this subject is that you have always stubbornly refused to apologize for or even acknowledge your criminal behaviour. I acknowledge that you did some good things while being a cop, I even commend you for it. But you also kidnapped and extorted from innocent men...a fact confirmed by the very 'authority' that cops purport to recognize. Speaking for myself, it rankles me that you refuse to be accountable for your reprehensible actions while being a cop.


You don't know my story, dys. Yet, you sure are one quick to judge, call me a criminal out in the open on an internet forum. You don't know me.

By all means, pull up a chair sometime...we'll have a couple of beers, and I'd be happy to share it with you. Until then, don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. At least then, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes. ;D Quick judgment reflects more on you than it does on me. I'll just leave it at that. I don't think God wants that from any of us, personally.

Solid, with all due respect:

Cops jobs are to judge people. See something suspicious? Judge them. Hanging out with the wrong crowd? Judge them. In the wrong place at the wrong time? Judge them.

If i get pulled over, and they ask to see id of my passengers and one of them is a convicted felon, guess what happens? I GET JUDGED.

Yet the minute i apply this type of thinking to the cops themselves, i am in the wrong? I see Cops doing criminal things everyday, and Im not to judge them on who they hang out with, who they work for or even who they answer to?

4th May 2011, 06:50 AM

4th May 2011, 08:03 AM
I see Cops doing criminal things everyday...

Most people don't even SEE cops everyday.

The hyperbole (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Hyperbole) in this thread is criminal...lol.


4th May 2011, 08:12 AM
Law Enforcement is a racket - it has nothing to do with protecting and serving and everything to do with keeping different segments of the justice system humming along as fraternal job security. If you need to use something to identify the "elite" these would be the people you're talking about. Not even Rothschild has the legal power to kill someone on a whim (he has cops do it for him). So it hit me - is there <i>anything</i> about cops that isn't bad news? Everything I tried to list out was negative. That is not only a sad commentary on the world we live in but also true danger to all of us. Anyone care to offer an example with explanation?

I've been following a local murder trial (Brad Cooper). It is astounding the corruption I've evidenced in this trial. The police destroyed evidence, someone tampered with the defendant's computer while in police custody, the entire thing has been a witch hunt. The state blocked evidence that would have proven the police tampering, the judge went along with it. It is beyond scary. Jury is deliberating now. I believe the man is innocent and I hope the jury can see that.

4th May 2011, 08:20 AM
Jury is deliberating now.


Exactly. Apparently "most" juries want "most" cops to be evil. Blame the juries...


4th May 2011, 08:57 AM
I see Cops doing criminal things everyday...

Most people don't even SEE cops everyday.

The hyperbole (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Hyperbole) in this thread is criminal...lol.


I live in a big city, VERY close to no less than 5 police stations. Nice try though....

Again, do not address any of my points, merely resort to nanny nanny boo boo, i got you. DO you DARE to address the issues i have brought to light?

Book, you are an intelligent poster, but you usually resort to child like attacks, and tend to pool everyone into your all mighty 'sovereign citizen' hole. The more i think about it, maybe you arent that intelligent? This is precisely why i do not engage in these talks with you.

4th May 2011, 10:48 AM

Common knowledge that me and Solid go at it all the time at GSUS but in this thread I support him absolutely. Dys is waaaaaaaay out of line here. One of my brothers is a retired police officer. Solid was a police officer. I never had any problem in my life with a police officer. Not one. I wave at passing police cars. Anybody want to attack me.........................bring it ON.

Why am I out of line, for pointing out the truth? I don't care if your brother is a police officer or your mother was a police officer. I don't care if Solid is the nicest guy in the whole wide world. I do not believe in moral relativism. Criminal acts are always wrong. Do you believe that criminal acts are always wrong?


4th May 2011, 11:39 AM
The only thing, Dysgenic, is that we don't know how Solid conducted himself while he was a cop.

You said that he did all these criminal actions, as if you know something in particular, when the truth is, we don't know anything about how he behaved. You were accusing him of all sorts of stuff, as if he is the cop we see in the videos, shooting homeless people, tazering grandmothers, etc etc.

We can't hold Solid responsible for all the criminal behaviour carried out by this gang of thugs we are discussing.

4th May 2011, 12:05 PM
Is it bad to arrest the kitty...

4th May 2011, 12:31 PM
The unspoken question seems to be whether or not solid enforced laws that a) were against his conscience or b) against some of the posters in this thread's conscience.

In my mind, victimless crimes are not crimes. The state and the state enforcers become criminals when they kidnap, incarcerate and fine otherwise innocent people for violating arbitrary laws that have no plausible victim.

I think solid deserves a break from anyone who isn't going to sit face to face with him and discuss these aberrations of our legal system. I do think it is unreasonable to put him in the public spotlight of this forum to answer those questions in that context.

4th May 2011, 12:38 PM
I think solid deserves a break from anyone who isn't going to sit face to face with him and discuss these aberrations of our legal system. I do think it is unreasonable to put him in the public spotlight of this forum to answer those questions in that context.

I agree. That's why I never attacked him in this thread at all. We disagree, and I called him out for supporting the NWO pigs, but I like and respect Solid. He knows that.

4th May 2011, 02:33 PM
I live in a big city, VERY close to no less than 5 police stations.

Kabul, Afghanistan?

Seriously...let me ask you and other like-minded members one simple question:


What would that look like?

How would that work exactly?

:dunno cop hatin' is fun but what is YOUR alternative to a police force?

4th May 2011, 02:43 PM

Utopian advocates, can't live with'em?

4th May 2011, 03:59 PM
I live in a big city, VERY close to no less than 5 police stations.

Kabul, Afghanistan?

Seriously...let me ask you and other like-minded members one simple question:


What would that look like?

How would that work exactly?

:dunno cop hatin' is fun but what is YOUR alternative to a police force?

That is EXACTLY what i am advocating for.

I Respect Peace Officers and the Law.

What i do not respect are Policy Enforcement Agents and the Color of Law.

Again, nice try though.....

midnight rambler
4th May 2011, 04:24 PM
I dare say I've got more experience with cops than Solid does, and I get the impression he's (along with a handful of others on this thread who are also) unable to make the distinction between the two hats cops wear, i.e. one of being a peace officer acting in harmony with the law of the land, and in contrast the other of enforcing corporate state policy with reckless disregard for the law of the land.

"Legislation* is not the same as the law of the land." -- Westervelt v. Gregg

*meaning statutes

I have the utmost respect for peace officers while I have utter contempt for corporate state (public) policy enforcers.

4th May 2011, 05:29 PM
I Respect Peace Officers and the Law.

What i do not respect are Policy Enforcement Agents and the Color of Law.


:oo--> where's your thread celebrating the "good" cops so we can tell them apart?

4th May 2011, 06:38 PM

Man calls 911 after being shortchanged in crack deal

Police arrested a 41-year-old man last week after he called 911 and told officers that he was not given the correct change after buying crack cocaine from a drug dealer.

The North Charleston Police Department arrested Dexter White with disorderly conduct. It all started last Friday around 4:30 a.m., when White called authorities and told officers that he had given $60 to a drug dealer for crack and only got back $20 worth of drugs. White said the drug dealer refused to give him $40 back. According to a police report, White then walked away from the drug dealer, smoked the crack he purchased and then called 911. White was locked up at the Charleston County Detention Center.


:) who wants Dexter strolling your no-cop street?

midnight rambler
4th May 2011, 07:26 PM
What some statist asshats fail to realize that an armed citizenry composing a society which embraces the judicious use of deadly force would largely preclude the vast majority of criminal activity which now occurs.

5th May 2011, 05:26 AM
:) who wants Dexter strolling your no-cop street?
I want Dexter to get what he paid for. He is the damaged party in this ordeal. I've certainly never had a legitimate pharmacy not provide what I paid for or surreptitiously cut the drugs with god knows what, either. So, what good did the cops do to take out Dexter and what threat was removed from society? I see none.

This is a perfect example of cops being a taxpayer expense that serves to kidnap, incarcerate and fine otherwise innocent men based on arbitrary laws that cannot define a victim in a so-called "crime". The actual crime that took place (breach of contract or theft) was entirely ignored.

5th May 2011, 06:37 AM
:) who wants Dexter strolling your no-cop street?

Book, they will never get it. The problem I have with this thread, and most of the responses...is if it's something folks don't want to hear, they go on the attack. There's no point in responding anymore when put on the defensive, it's not a good discussion anymore, it tends to draw out trying justify reality. You can't justify that, it's just reality.

There's reality about law enforcement, the harsh reality of it. And, there's the reality that folks here have created for themselves, by their own perceptions.

There's so many false statements in this thread, I shake my head at it. I bite my tongue, though know that there's no way I could even begin to explain the reality of it all.

5th May 2011, 07:01 AM
What some statist asshats fail to realize that an armed citizenry composing a society which embraces the judicious use of deadly force would largely preclude the vast majority of criminal activity which now occurs.


Yeah...Dexter and the other crackheads should all be armed in Midnight Rambler World.


5th May 2011, 07:20 AM
[Book, they will never get it. The problem I have with this thread, and most of the responses...is if it's something folks don't want to hear, they go on the attack.

That is not the case at all. I have grown up with many many brushes with the law, and not one time have they protected me. In all cases they were extorting money from me, or harrassing me, and in a few particular cases they assaulted me.

So facts are facts. They some good work to bad people, but the do a lot more bad work to good people. Sorry Solid, that is just the reality of it.

5th May 2011, 07:26 AM
Sorry Solid, that is just the reality of it.

This is my point. Awoke, that's your reality, as you see it. It's very far from reality.

5th May 2011, 07:36 AM
Sorry Solid, that is just the reality of it.

This is my point. Awoke, that's your reality, as you see it. It's very far from reality.

It may be very far from YOUR (cop mentality) reality, but what Awoke posted is very much in line with GSUS reality.

Cops are basically stooges for the banks/gov't.

Cops commit crimes (real crimes - ya know, ones with victims) everyday, as part of their job.

Ever arrested a non-violent 'offender' for a drug charge? If so then YOU committed the crime, not the drug-user.

No victim, no crime.

Victim, crime.

If you pull somebody over for speeding or not wearing their seatbelt, who is the victim besides the poor guy you hassled?

I like you personally, solid. But I detest your (former?) profession. I would feel the same way if you were an abortion doctor. The "STATE" may say that abortion doctors are legit, but in fact they are hitmen for hire.

5th May 2011, 08:15 AM
It may be very far from YOUR (cop mentality) reality, but what Awoke posted is very much in line with GSUS reality.

If you pull somebody over for speeding or not wearing their seatbelt, who is the victim besides the poor guy you hassled?

Why do you assume I would have pulled him over for no seatbelt? I pulled that guy over because he robbed a liquor store. I pulled him over because his car was seen leaving a murder, etc..

Read what you wrote, Gonzo. "very much in line with GSUS reality". That is NOT reality. It's wrong, it based upon perceptions....same as the guy who goes to the store and thinks his FRN's are money. He buys food with them, but are they money? He seem to thinks so. Same with the "GSUS" mentality. It's based upon perceptions of reality, not reality.

5th May 2011, 08:27 AM
It may be very far from YOUR (cop mentality) reality, but what Awoke posted is very much in line with GSUS reality.

If you pull somebody over for speeding or not wearing their seatbelt, who is the victim besides the poor guy you hassled?

Why do you assume I would have pulled him over for no seatbelt? I pulled that guy over because he robbed a liquor store. I pulled him over because his car was seen leaving a murder, etc..

Read what you wrote, Gonzo. "very much in line with GSUS reality". That is NOT reality. It's wrong, it based upon perceptions....same as the guy who goes to the store and thinks his FRN's are money. He buys food with them, but are they money? He seem to thinks so. Same with the "GSUS" mentality. It's based upon perceptions of reality, not reality.

I have been pulled over before simply for not wearing my seatbelt. I had not robbed a liquor store (nor have I ever or would I ever), and I had not left a murder scene.

The only victim was me. The only criminal was the dude with the badge and gun who harassed me and attempted to extort FRNs for his company.

How are you in a position to say that my "reality" is merely my "perceptions of reality" when you allude to the notion that your "reality" is concrete, unchangeable True reality?

Cops make their living sucking at the taxpayer tit. They are like folks on welfare, except worse in some ways because the folks who live in Section 8 housing and get food stamps don't fuck with me if I choose not to wear my seatbelt.

Cops abuse their pretended authority daily. To say police corruption is rampant and widespread would be an understatement.

5th May 2011, 08:29 AM
As far as "perceptions of reality" versus "reality"....

When a cop pulls someone over for not wearing their seatbelt or speeding, who is the INJURED PARTY?

This isn't a "perception" related question. It is cut and dry.

5th May 2011, 08:30 AM

It may be very far from YOUR (cop mentality) reality, but what Awoke posted is very much in line with GSUS reality.

Bunch of potheads who also spend too much time in the GSUS What Are You Drinking Now? thread. I think there is even a thread here where the members posted photos of their favorite bud.

:D no wonder they have bad experiences with police

5th May 2011, 08:40 AM
Sorry Solid, that is just the reality of it.

This is my point. Awoke, that's your reality, as you see it. It's very far from reality.

Solid, I have lived it. Your denial will not change that.

5th May 2011, 08:42 AM
How are you in a position to say that my "reality" is merely my "perceptions of reality" when you allude to the notion that your "reality" is concrete, unchangeable True reality?

Where did I say my "reality" is concrete, unchangeble,etc.? Please quote me there. I don't believe I said that.

My reality comes from being a cop, short time, in the highest crime area in one of the highest crime cities in the country. That helped shape my reality. I guarantee, if you walked in my shoes you'd see things differently too.

There is a very simple fact. You do NOT see cops when they do good things. You will only see the bad things. That's how I believe most folks are a bit "off" in their beliefs, in this thread.

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 08:47 AM
Yeah...Dexter and the other crackheads should all be armed in Midnight Rambler World.

That would be the quickest way in the world to clean up the problem, and only the statists fail to see this. If everyone was armed, just about everyone would behave themselves, and those who didn't behave themselves wouldn't be bothering anyone else for very long. Of course this involves using common sense and some posters on this forum haven't a clue as to what that is.

And of course if common sense prevailed we wouldn't be having a gawddam 'war on drugs' however the fucking control freak statists are enamored with the notion of control via victimless crimes.

5th May 2011, 08:53 AM
When a cop pulls someone over for not wearing their seatbelt or speeding, who is the INJURED PARTY?

This isn't a "perception" related question. It is cut and dry.

It's not cut and dry, that's your perception.

There's story of a cop that pulled up next to van. The cop noticed the driver in the van frantically wiping down the dashboard. Is that a crime? Is not wearing a seat belt a crime?


The cop made the stop on the van. There was a woman who was kidnapped in the back of that van. The cop saved her life.

5th May 2011, 08:53 AM
Yeah...Dexter and the other crackheads should all be armed in Midnight Rambler World.

That would be the quickest way in the world to clean up the problem, and only the statists fail to see this. If everyone was armed, just about everyone would behave themselves, and those who didn't behave themselves wouldn't be bothering anyone else for very long. Of course this involves using common sense and some posters on this forum haven't a clue as to what that is.

And of course if common sense prevailed we wouldn't be having a gawddam 'war on drugs' however the fucking control freak statists are enamored with the notion of control via victimless crimes.

in action:


5th May 2011, 08:54 AM
How are you in a position to say that my "reality" is merely my "perceptions of reality" when you allude to the notion that your "reality" is concrete, unchangeable True reality?

Where did I say my "reality" is concrete, unchangeble,etc.? Please quote me there. I don't believe I said that.

My reality comes from being a cop, short time, in the highest crime area in one of the highest crime cities in the country. That helped shape my reality. I guarantee, if you walked in my shoes you'd see things differently too.

There is a very simple fact. You do NOT see cops when they do good things. You will only see the bad things. That's how I believe most folks are a bit "off" in their beliefs, in this thread.

I didn't say you said it; I said you alluded to it.

Why do you assume I would have pulled him over for no seatbelt? I pulled that guy over because he robbed a liquor store. I pulled him over because his car was seen leaving a murder, etc..

Read what you wrote, Gonzo. "very much in line with GSUS reality". That is NOT reality. It's wrong, it based upon perceptions....same as the guy who goes to the store and thinks his FRN's are money. He buys food with them, but are they money? He seem to thinks so. Same with the "GSUS" mentality. It's based upon perceptions of reality, not reality.

Your perceptions of reality based on your experiences as a cop do not constitute reality.

I will concede that I don't see when cops do good things, just like I don't see when politicians do good things.

Cops and politicians are inherently evil positions, and any good they do is outweighed by the bad. Bad apples ruin the whole bunch.

I'd rather 2 criminals go free than 1 innocent man arrested. Innocence doesn't mean much to a cop with quotas.

If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative? People have had their doors busted down and have been shot and killed for peacefully doing what I do everyday. Is that ok? Is it all ok just because the killers wore badges?

If I want ride around without my seatbelt on, that is my business too, and I don't need to be stopped, harassed, lectured, and fined.

99% of a cop's job is complete bullshit. I don't have a right to go interfere in a peaceful, innocent man's life, and because I don't have that right, I can't delegate that right to police officers, so they don't have that right either.

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 08:59 AM
Hey Solid, decades ago I was very seriously injured in an ag assault with a deadly weapon. The cops took the word of my assailant (a speed freak on a 3 day speed run who had been drinking heavily and who along with his wife were blatantly exploiting Section 8 entitlement IN FULL VIEW of the authorities regulating Sec. 8 for HUD) over my word (stone cold sober and a non-troubling-making contributor to the community). The (large city) cops didn't even bother to investigate the scene because if they had actually investigated the scene the ONLY conclusion they could have come to was that my assailant was flat out lying - but they apparently could not trouble themselves to do an investigation where shots were fired and where people came very close to dying.

SG420 is right - 'LEOs' are largely nothing more than security guards and corrections officers for the corporate state, i.e. the corporations, the banksters and their errand boys (liars...er, I mean lawyers).

Solid, I cannot believe you are allying yourself with an unrepentant statist control freak.

5th May 2011, 09:01 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

Next thing you realize is that you are in the fast lane on the freeway doing 27mph searching for the nearest 7-11 Store for munchies.


5th May 2011, 09:09 AM
Hey Solid, decades ago I was very seriously injured in an ag assault with a deadly weapon. That took the word of my assailant (a speed freak who had been drinking heavily and who along with his wife are blatantly exploiting Section 8 entitlement IN FULL VIEW of the authorities regulating Sec. 8 for HUD) over my word (stone cold sober and a non-troubling-making contributor to the community). The (large city) cops didn't even bother to investigate the scene because if they had actually investigated the scene the ONLY conclusion they could have come to was that my assailant was flat out lying - but they apparently could not trouble themselves to do an investigation.

SG420 is right - 'LEOs' are largely nothing more than security guards and corrections officers for the corporate state, i.e. the corporations, the banksters and their errand boys (liars...er, I mean lawyers).

Solid, I cannot believe you are allying yourself with an unrepentant statist control freak.

Sorry to hear about that situation, Midnight. That sounds like a messed up situation, I really hate to say this but it probably would have worked out in your favor had you killed the assailant, which since he had a deadly weapon you had more than enough right to do at that time. Dead folks can't lie. That is a sad reality, but true however.

Your situation brings up a good point, don't have faith that cops will do the right thing. #1 cops make mistakes, #2 there are some bad cops out there, or one's that just don't care and get bad attitudes over time.

BTW, I am not allying myself with anyone, nor trying to justify myself. I guess my point is that few folks actually really know what being a police officer is about, that's all. That, and there are some, heck a lot of good cops out there.

5th May 2011, 09:12 AM
That, and there are some, heck a lot of good cops out there.

Maybe 1 good one out of a thousand bad ones.

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 09:15 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

And yet under the current scheme of things, alcohol, a far more dangerous 'drug', is available virtually everywhere and the alcohol drinkers are pretty much free to fuck up other people.

Before drunk driver -



http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2H9RaG_c6I8l3teRF_UaDwNGy5LWfe Noh5jA1gUfciFa3wXDAKw

The BIGGEST 'benefit' of the corporate state is *limited liability*, and limited liability is what leads to the above circumstance.

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 09:19 AM
That, and there are some, heck a lot of good cops out there.

Maybe 1 good one out of a thousand bad ones.

I defy you to find one who doesn't 'go along to get along' regarding their associates who engage in 'minor' criminal activity (because those who go against the grain are not cops for very long). In some respect they are ALL dirty because they feel compelled to turn a blind eye to 'minor' criminal behavior by their fellow cops. I've seen this with my own two eyes on numerous occasions.

5th May 2011, 09:21 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

And yet under the current scheme of things, alcohol, a far more dangerous 'drug', is available virtually everywhere and the alcohol drinkers are pretty much free to fuck up other people.

Before drunk driver -



http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2H9RaG_c6I8l3teRF_UaDwNGy5LWfe Noh5jA1gUfciFa3wXDAKw

The BIGGEST 'benefit' of the corporate state is *limited liability*, and limited liability is what leads to the above circumstance.

Too bad there wasn't a cop around to pull that drunk driver over, for not wearing a seatbelt, before that accident.

5th May 2011, 09:25 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

And yet under the current scheme of things, alcohol, a far more dangerous 'drug', is available virtually everywhere and the alcohol drinkers are pretty much free to fuck up other people.

Before drunk driver -


The BIGGEST 'benefit' of the corporate state is *limited liability*, and limited liability is what leads to the above circumstance.

Too bad there wasn't a cop around to pull that drunk driver over, for not wearing a seatbelt, before that accident.

Or some local guy to shoot him dead for daring to enter his car drunk :oo-->

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 09:30 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

And yet under the current scheme of things, alcohol, a far more dangerous 'drug', is available virtually everywhere and the alcohol drinkers are pretty much free to fuck up other people.

Before drunk driver -



http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2H9RaG_c6I8l3teRF_UaDwNGy5LWfe Noh5jA1gUfciFa3wXDAKw

The BIGGEST 'benefit' of the corporate state is *limited liability*, and limited liability is what leads to the above circumstance.

Too bad there wasn't a cop around to pull that drunk driver over, for not wearing a seatbelt, before that accident.

No Solid, the issue is much deeper than that. Under the current scheme of things we've largely lost our law (the common law) which holds people accountable and responsible for their actions towards other people. What it's all about now, and what I discovered decades ago when assaulted, everything flows to the corporate state, i.e. the lawbreakers are not compelled by the courts to make their victims whole again.

An interesting fact for you: after being assaulted I pursued a criminal case against the varmint who assaulted me; just before my case came to trial the asst. DA who was handling the case nailed the varmint in my case with the burglary of a business (because he was working my case when my assailant's name came up in the burglary case and he matched some unmatched prints from the crime scene [which the cops actually investigated lol]); at the time the asst. DA advised me to go along with the plea bargain on the burglary so that the varmint would get the most time - as it turned out a property crime such as a burglary draws more prison time than a crime where there's a clear cut attempt to murder someone.

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 09:33 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

And yet under the current scheme of things, alcohol, a far more dangerous 'drug', is available virtually everywhere and the alcohol drinkers are pretty much free to fuck up other people.

Before drunk driver -


The BIGGEST 'benefit' of the corporate state is *limited liability*, and limited liability is what leads to the above circumstance.

Too bad there wasn't a cop around to pull that drunk driver over, for not wearing a seatbelt, before that accident.

Or some local guy to shoot him dead for daring to enter his car drunk :oo-->

So what you're saying in your post here is that you don't comprehend common sense...right?

5th May 2011, 09:39 AM
If I want to sit on my couch in my own house and smoke some cannabis, shouldn't that be my prerogative?

Next thing you realize is that you are in the fast lane on the freeway doing 27mph searching for the nearest 7-11 Store for munchies.


Hahaha not quite.

But good try.


5th May 2011, 09:46 AM
No Solid, the issue is much deeper than that. Under the current scheme of things we've largely lost our law (the common law) which holds people accountable and responsible for their actions towards other people. What it's all about now, and what I discovered decades ago when assaulted, everything flows to the corporate state, i.e. the lawbreakers are not compelled by the courts to make their victims whole again.

I agree 100%, Midnight. We have lost common law in the sense that people are often not accountable for their actions, nor their requirement to right what's been wronged.

Same frustrations with law enforcement. Take the drunk driver, technically it could be argued that driving drunk is not a crime...there's no victim, well, until there is a victim. One time we were searching the streets for a robbery that just had taken place, I pulled over a vehicle matching the description of the car. Turns out the driver of that car was drunk, falling down could not walk, drunk. Well, there goes half my shift dealing with that, I couldn't go back to trying to catch the robber. Why? Because if I let that drunk go, and he caused an accident and killed someone...the accountability would have fallen on me. I pulled him over, and knowing he was drunk, let him go. So, it becomes a paperwork nightmare.

We have lost accountability, collectively. If people were responsible for their actions, and they knew it, they would do a lot less stupid things.

midnight rambler
5th May 2011, 09:50 AM
If people were responsible for their actions, and they knew it, they would do a lot less stupid things.

But...but...but the nanny state is going to protect us all!

5th May 2011, 01:40 PM
If people were responsible for their actions, and they knew it, they would do a lot less stupid things.

But...but...but the nanny state is going to protect us all!

If there were no ignorant people, cops wouldn't have a job.

I fully believe the above statement works just as well inverted.

6th May 2011, 05:17 AM
But...but...but the nanny state is going to protect us all!


ANOTHER KNUCKLEHEAD (http://www.ktvb.com/news/McCall-man-dies-in-crash-while-fleeing-police-121255524.html)


6th May 2011, 05:19 AM

TAKE HER FOR A RIDE (http://www.ktvb.com/news/regional/121331834.html)


6th May 2011, 05:22 AM
The only thing, Dysgenic, is that we don't know how Solid conducted himself while he was a cop.

You said that he did all these criminal actions, as if you know something in particular, when the truth is, we don't know anything about how he behaved. You were accusing him of all sorts of stuff, as if he is the cop we see in the videos, shooting homeless people, tazering grandmothers, etc etc.

We can't hold Solid responsible for all the criminal behaviour carried out by this gang of thugs we are discussing.

Actually, with all due respect, I do know that he arrested an innocent man for the 'crime' of carrying an unregistered firearm. We got into it concerning this incident a couple of years back. With that said, even if I vehemetly disagree with Solid I do like him and even consider him a friend.


6th May 2011, 06:10 AM
Actually, with all due respect, I do know that he arrested an innocent man for the 'crime' of carrying an unregistered firearm. We got into it concerning this incident a couple of years back. With that said, even if I vehemetly disagree with Solid I do like him and even consider him a friend.


Yeah, that guy was real "innocent". My bad, dys. I should have given 'dexter' a ride directly to your house and dropped him off on your front porch. I'm sure you would have loved to invite him in for a cup of tea. ;D

6th May 2011, 06:14 AM
Solid, I understand you have good intentions.... but that's how the road to hell is paved.

No victim, no crime.

FUCK precrime.



6th May 2011, 06:29 AM
Yeah...Dexter and the other crackheads should all be armed in Midnight Rambler World.

That would be the quickest way in the world to clean up the problem, and only the statists fail to see this. If everyone was armed, just about everyone would behave themselves, and those who didn't behave themselves wouldn't be bothering anyone else for very long...


Yeah...free all these innocent political prisoners immediately and allow them to run free ARMED on our streets.

:oo--> what did you say about "common sense"?

6th May 2011, 06:33 AM
Yeah...Dexter and the other crackheads should all be armed in Midnight Rambler World.

That would be the quickest way in the world to clean up the problem, and only the statists fail to see this. If everyone was armed, just about everyone would behave themselves, and those who didn't behave themselves wouldn't be bothering anyone else for very long...


Yeah...free all these innocent political prisoners immediately and allow them to run free ARMED on our streets.

:oo--> what did you say about "common sense"?

Gun laws don't prevent criminals from carrying.... they make carriers criminals.

But you already know that.

6th May 2011, 06:34 AM
My opinion regarding that black gentleman ( ;) ) that solid posted about is; if every single person was carrying a firearm on their person, there would be no need to be concerned that the black gentleman was carrying an unregistered firearm.

Firearm registration is just another form of control.

6th May 2011, 06:38 AM
But you already know that.

You want to free all the convicts and allow them to run around loose with guns just like Midnight Rambler.

Admit it.


6th May 2011, 06:38 AM
Solid, I understand you have good intentions.... but that's how the road to hell is paved.

No victim, no crime.

fuck precrime.

Gonzo, I'm all against victimless crimes, the reality is it's just not black and white like that. There's tons of gray area. It's great to stop crimes from happening, which in reality, is very rare.

We arrested a guy, gun in hand, minutes from killing someone. His intended victim was about a block away, had no clue a guy with a gun was heading his way. It was over something stupid, the soon to be victim said something to the guy's girlfriend.

So, we catch the guy about a block away. It leads to a big chase, the guy wants to go down fighting. Closest I've ever been to a gunfight. It was a big caper, we got a lot of pats on the back because of it. We stopped a crime from happening, etc...yet, the guy had not committed the crime yet. His intentions were there, do you follow him and wait for him to start shooting at the victim before arrest?

It's not cut and dry. What if you have a 1000 'dexters' in your neighborhood, are you a victim because you are to scared to walk your dog at night? A lot of these guys are turds, they don't care about laws and would cut your throat without a second thought about it. At what point do you do something about it? After he pulls a knife and comes at you?

These are good questions to discuss.

6th May 2011, 06:44 AM
...if every single person was carrying a firearm on their person, there would be no need to be concerned that the black gentleman was carrying an unregistered firearm.

Imagine your own mother or wife or daughter walking around with their gun in their purse and they run into crackhead Dexter or his homeys with their guns.

This is EXACTLY what you are advocating.

6th May 2011, 06:45 AM
My opinion regarding that black gentleman ( ;) ) that solid posted about is; if every single person was carrying a firearm on their person, there would be no need to be concerned that the black gentleman was carrying an unregistered firearm.

Firearm registration is just another form of control.

I agree that firearm registration is a form of control, however it can be used to get turds off the street.

Your solution is good if you don't mind getting shot in the back. 'Dexter' is just an example, after you get shot in the back by one see how useful your firearm carried really is.

6th May 2011, 06:49 AM
In summary, one only needs to look at history to see what good has come.

Then it becomes obvious that the current "force" system has done nothing whatsoever to cure any problems, and is simply a waste of resources.

Leading to more resource crimes.

6th May 2011, 06:55 AM
...if every single person was carrying a firearm on their person, there would be no need to be concerned that the black gentleman was carrying an unregistered firearm.

Imagine your own mother or wife or daughter walking around with their gun in their purse and they run into crackhead Dexter or his homeys with their guns.

This is EXACTLY what you are advocating.

This is exactly how I see it too. No concern if Dexter is carrying a gun? Think about this for a second...

Awoke, a fine freedom loving citizen who carries a gun to protect his and other good people.

Dexter, a crackhead turd who carries a gun to take money from folks to buy crack.

Who has the advantage? Dexter, bottom line. Unless you grow eyes on the back of your head, Dexter will shoot you in the back when you least expect it.

Even if you have eyes on the back of your head, you are still at a disadvantage. Dexter, proactive...Awoke, reactive. Awoke will always "react" to the Dexters in this world.

6th May 2011, 08:12 AM
Solid, I understand you have good intentions.... but that's how the road to hell is paved.

I can't stop thinking about this statement...

I'm sipping coffee on a beautiful morning, and if you would allow me to vent...it's frustrating there's no good solution, to any of it.

Nothing seems to make a difference. More laws restrict our freedoms, yet the turds will always have the advantage over the good folks. I've always been an idealist, but this thread brings out the reality of it all. You can take a guy, slap a badge and gun and send him into the worst shithole and all you get is a big wake-up call. A confusing drama filled nightmare. You ask, how is this America and how did it get so fucked up over the years?

I don't know. It's demoralizing to think about it. Bad folks doing bad things to good people...and it just seems like the good people end up getting punished more because of it.

Personally, I just want to be left alone at this point, but that's getting harder and harder each day it seems.

6th May 2011, 08:18 AM

6th May 2011, 09:03 AM
Solid, I understand you have good intentions.... but that's how the road to hell is paved.

I can't stop thinking about this statement...

I'm sipping coffee on a beautiful morning, and if you would allow me to vent...it's frustrating there's no good solution, to any of it.

Nothing seems to make a difference. More laws restrict our freedoms, yet the turds will always have the advantage over the good folks. I've always been an idealist, but this thread brings out the reality of it all. You can take a guy, slap a badge and gun and send him into the worst shithole and all you get is a big wake-up call. A confusing drama filled nightmare. You ask, how is this America and how did it get so fucked up over the years?

I don't know. It's demoralizing to think about it. Bad folks doing bad things to good people...and it just seems like the good people end up getting punished more because of it.

Personally, I just want to be left alone at this point, but that's getting harder and harder each day it seems.

You're exactly right.

Now you know how we feel.

6th May 2011, 09:15 AM
You're exactly right.

Now you know how we feel.

Yeah, well try explaining that to Dexter. I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a damn about how you feel.

6th May 2011, 09:23 AM
You're exactly right.

Now you know how we feel.

Yeah, well try explaining that to Dexter. I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a damn about how you feel.

Dexter is one of the reasons I carry.

The courts have ruled that police have no duty to protect anybody.

I'll take care of myself, so if I want to ride without my seatbelt on, or sit on my couch and smoke pot, it's my business.

If I get attacked by a crackhead, I won't go cry to the police, or blame them for not "protecting" me.

6th May 2011, 09:30 AM
Yeah, well try explaining that to Dexter. I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a damn about how you feel.

Dexter's brother does & he has rubber glove rights.


6th May 2011, 09:36 AM
Dexter is one of the reasons I carry.

The courts have ruled that police have no duty to protect anybody.

I'll take care of myself, so if I want to ride without my seatbelt on, or sit on my couch and smoke pot, it's my business.

If I get attacked by a crackhead, I won't go cry to the police, or blame them for not "protecting" me.

Gonzo, where have the courts ruled that police have no duty to protect?

If the police see Dexter pull a gun and start shooting at you...it's their duty to take action. Police can not run. If that came up in the court of law, the accountability would fall on the police for idling letting it happen.

BTW, I agree with you on victimless crimes, and that you want to deal with Dexter yourself. Just know that you are at a disadvantage to Dexter. His actions are proactive, yours are reactive.

6th May 2011, 09:50 AM
Gonzo, where have the courts ruled that police have no duty to protect?

If the police see Dexter pull a gun and start shooting at you...it's their duty to take action. Police can not run. If that came up in the court of law, the accountability would fall on the police for idling letting it happen.

BTW, I agree with you on victimless crimes, and that you want to deal with Dexter yourself. Just know that you are at a disadvantage to Dexter. His actions are proactive, yours are reactive.



6th May 2011, 09:58 AM

I agree that firearm registration is a form of control, however it can be used to get turds off the street

That is factually untrue, and you know this. Laws don't stop criminals, period.

...if every single person was carrying a firearm on their person, there would be no need to be concerned that the black gentleman was carrying an unregistered firearm.

Imagine your own mother or wife or daughter walking around with their gun in their purse and they run into crackhead Dexter or his homeys with their guns.

This is EXACTLY what you are advocating.

This is exactly how I see it too. No concern if Dexter is carrying a gun? Think about this for a second...

Awoke, a fine freedom loving citizen who carries a gun to protect his and other good people.

Dexter, a crackhead turd who carries a gun to take money from folks to buy crack.

Who has the advantage? Dexter, bottom line. Unless you grow eyes on the back of your head, Dexter will shoot you in the back when you least expect it.

Even if you have eyes on the back of your head, you are still at a disadvantage. Dexter, proactive...Awoke, reactive. Awoke will always "react" to the Dexters in this world.

Solid, you are COMPLETELY missing the point.

Dexter will have the advantage if he is a predator, whether the streets are patrolled by NWO pigs or not. You can't argue that fact, so why bother trying. Armed "victims" are the greatest deterent for any criminal. Fact.

Also, the point that you are totally and completely missing is that I am NOT advocating that we do not have a "Police force". I am taking issue with the way that the steriod-driven bastards are beating and killing good people.
I am taking issue with their conduct. Period.

I am not saying we should eliminate the police forces entirely, and have a wild west scenario across North America, I am saying that the police of TODAY are NWO pig BASTARDS that abuse their authority and are NEVER accountable for THEIR OWN criminal activity. That is my beef. I hope you are clear on where I stand:

They do not protect me, and they serve no purpose to me. They harrass me, stress me, and extort me. Very simple.

Personal carry: When seconds count
Police protection: Minutes away when seconds count.

6th May 2011, 10:08 AM


Those case are very interesting, particularly since my city lost a similar lawsuit that forever changed department policies.

In our case, quite simple. Police respond to a domestic violence call. Police calm situation down, everything seems fine, police leave. An hour later husband kills the wife. The police were held accountable in that case because they failed to peacefully resolve the situation, even though it appeared so when they left.

After that, any domestic dispute call...someone is leaving. Whether to go to a hotel, a friends house, etc. One of the parties, man or woman, must leave the premises before the police can leave.

In your links however, are a bit different because the police never showed up, never responded to begin with. Police are accountable, when they are there at the situation at hand. If they are not there, they may not be held accountable however.

6th May 2011, 10:14 AM
They do not protect me, and they serve no purpose to me. They harrass me, stress me, and extort me. Very simple.

Awoke, I agree with your post up until this point.

The police protect you by keeping Dexter off your front lawn. You don't see that happening, because he's not on your front lawn, is he? This thread asks a simple question...what's "good" about police.

Police deal with the Dexters so you don't have to...hopefully don't have to.

I completely agree with your points about concealed carry when seconds count....and yes, police are often minutes away. That is such a frustrating thing you would never understand.

6th May 2011, 10:15 AM
I am not saying we should eliminate the police forces entirely, and have a wild west scenario across North America, I am saying...


This thread could become interesting if any of you cop-haters would describe a logical REALISTIC alternative to what exists now:

1) Do we free all the dopers currently in prison and make dope legal?

2) Do we allow EVERYONE (including heroin addicts) to carry a gun?

|--0--| offer specific changes

6th May 2011, 10:20 AM
After that, any domestic dispute call...someone is leaving. Whether to go to a hotel, a friends house, etc. One of the parties, man or woman, must leave the premises before the police can leave.

That's actually very lenient, in Las Vegas someone would have to be charged with a felony & kept until seeing the judge.

I guess, domestic violence is high there because there are so many felons without proper employment?

6th May 2011, 10:23 AM
They do not protect me, and they serve no purpose to me. They harrass me, stress me, and extort me. Very simple.

Awoke, I agree with your post up until this point.

The police protect you by keeping Dexter off your front lawn. You don't see that happening, because he's not on your front lawn, is he? This thread asks a simple question...what's "good" about police.

Police deal with the Dexters so you don't have to...hopefully don't have to.

I completely agree with your points about concealed carry when seconds count....and yes, police are often minutes away. That is such a frustrating thing you would never understand.

Solid, you can disagree all you want, but I am me, and I know for a fact that they do not protect me, and they serve no purpose to me. They harrass me, stress me, and extort me.

My tactical shotgun would keep 10 dexters off my law more effectively than any cop.
Besides, I told you, I am not advocating the abolishment of police forces. I am advocating that they clean up their fucking act and conduct themselves with moral integrity.

6th May 2011, 10:32 AM
This thread could become interesting if any of you cop-haters would describe a logical REALISTIC alternative to what exists now:

1) Do we free all the dopers currently in prison and make dope legal?

2) Do we allow EVERYONE (including heroin addicts) to carry a gun?

3) Have a TSA agent at your front door when you leave in the morning.

You could even get the old dude next door to do it part time.


A friendly neighbor (without a badge) always carries lube.

6th May 2011, 10:38 AM
My tactical shotgun would keep 10 dexters off my law more effectively than any cop.

You must not leave home for work. A tactical shotgun would keep 10 Dexters away, but you have to be there. I leave home for work, nobody is watching my home, neighbors do, but they leave their homes too...so it's not consistant. Any cop that keeps those Dexters away from my home while I'm gone...I thank them, especially since I don't see it happening.

BTW, I apologize to anyone reading this thread who may be named Dexter. I seem to have replaced calling the bad guys turds...in favor of Dexters now.

Also, what about Book's point, what if those 10 Dexters on your front lawn all had guns?

6th May 2011, 10:47 AM
Its interesting to see Solid & Book "team up" to defend a completely broken, neo-ethnic social invention.

You just know sumtin's gotta be wrong with the picture... :D

6th May 2011, 10:54 AM
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin
Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)

6th May 2011, 10:58 AM
My tactical shotgun would keep 10 dexters off my law more effectively than any cop.

You must not leave home for work. A tactical shotgun would keep 10 Dexters away, but you have to be there. I leave home for work, nobody is watching my home, neighbors do, but they leave their homes too...so it's not consistant. Any cop that keeps those Dexters away from my home while I'm gone...I thank them, especially since I don't see it happening.

BTW, I apologize to anyone reading this thread who may be named Dexter. I seem to have replaced calling the bad guys turds...in favor of Dexters now.

Also, what about Book's point, what if those 10 Dexters on your front lawn all had guns?

For some reason you keep talking to me as if I said that there should be no police force. Do you have me confused with someone else?

But I will answer your question, from a mindset that there was no existing police force.
In a scenerio like that, communities would need to nurture a trusting relationship and vow to overwatch and protect each other from marauders. When I am no home, someone on my street sure is, and vice-versa.

But like a keep reminding you, I am not saying we should have cops. I am saying that the modern cops are total fucking goofs that pick on largely innocent tax payers, shoot, kill, harrass and extort them. I'm getting really bored with having to repeat mystance on this. I never asked you to like my stance or agree with it.

But ask youself two questions.

1) Do you believe that the membership here is more aware than the average population of sheep, and do you feel that the membership here is intelligent?

2) Why is it that you and one other member are the only ones defending the NWO pigs, when every other member here that has posted on the subject is saying (and showing via video, photos, articles) the opposite?

Maybe you're wrong on your stance, Solid.

6th May 2011, 11:24 AM
1) Do you believe that the membership here is more aware than the average population of sheep, and do you feel that the membership here is intelligent?

2) Why is it that you and one other member are the only ones defending the NWO pigs, when every other member here that has posted on the subject is saying (and showing via video, photos, articles) the opposite?

Maybe you're wrong on your stance, Solid.

Awoke, I consider this forum to have an extremely high intelligence level, it's not about that. Maybe I'm off, but the way I've interpreted a lot of these posts as all cops are bad, which is false. Some cops, yes, but not all. I can be stubborn that way, in trying to make that point.

Is the system broken? Yes, it fosters corruption and in many instances encourages it. Personal ethics are of the most extreme importance and get tested constantly, in all aspects of police work. You take a guy, put him in some really f'ed up situation where there's no right answer, and what you get is that person "doing the best they can" with what they have to work with.

It may sound like I'm defending cops, but I'm just pointing out the "good" there is. Answering the very question this thread is about. Unfortunately, I can't point out the bad side, at least not on this forum.

What's even more funny, is I actually never even wanted to be a cop. I was trying to get hired as a fireman at the time, testing for dozens of fire depts. I test for 1 police dept completely naive, no clue what I'm getting into...and get hired, next thing you know it's one wild adventure that I definitely do not care to repeat.

6th May 2011, 11:27 AM
1) Do you believe that the membership here is more aware than the average population of sheep, and do you feel that the membership here is intelligent?

2) Why is it that you and one other member are the only ones defending the NWO pigs, when every other member here that has posted on the subject is saying (and showing via video, photos, articles) the opposite?

Maybe you're wrong on your stance, Solid.

Awoke, I consider this forum to have an extremely high intelligence level, it's not about that. Maybe I'm off, but the way I've interpreted a lot of these posts as all cops are bad, which is false. Some cops, yes, but not all. I can be stubborn that way, in trying to make that point.

Is the system broken? Yes, it fosters corruption and in many instances encourages it. Personal ethics are of the most extreme importance and get tested constantly, in all aspects of police work. You take a guy, put him in some really f'ed up situation where there's no right answer, and what you get is that person "doing the best they can" with what they have to work with.

It may sound like I'm defending cops, but I'm just pointing out the "good" there is. Answering the very question this thread is about. Unfortunately, I can't point out the bad side, at least not on this forum.

What's even more funny, is I actually never even wanted to be a cop. I was trying to get hired as a fireman at the time, testing for dozens of fire depts. I test for 1 police dept completely naive, no clue what I'm getting into...and get hired, next thing you know it's one wild adventure that I definitely do not care to repeat.

During your time, did you ever witness any of your fellow officers abuse their "authority", or do something unlawful or corrupt?

6th May 2011, 11:30 AM
My tactical shotgun would keep 10 dexters off my law more effectively than any cop.

You must not leave home for work. A tactical shotgun would keep 10 Dexters away, but you have to be there. I leave home for work, nobody is watching my home, neighbors do, but they leave their homes too...so it's not consistant. Any cop that keeps those Dexters away from my home while I'm gone...I thank them, especially since I don't see it happening.

BTW, I apologize to anyone reading this thread who may be named Dexter. I seem to have replaced calling the bad guys turds...in favor of Dexters now.

Also, what about Book's point, what if those 10 Dexters on your front lawn all had guns?

Would we all be safer if ALL non-police civilians were completely disarmed?


midnight rambler
6th May 2011, 11:35 AM
During your time, did you ever witness any of your fellow officers abuse their "authority", or do something unlawful or corrupt?

Does a bear shit in the woods? lol

6th May 2011, 11:38 AM
During your time, did you ever witness any of your fellow officers abuse their "authority", or do something unlawful or corrupt?

Does a bear shit in the woods? lol

In his defense, it was kind of a trick question.... police *cannot* operate as they do today *without* behaving unlawfully.

6th May 2011, 11:39 AM
2) Why is it that you and one other member are the only ones defending the NWO pigs, when every other member here that has posted on the subject is saying (and showing via video, photos, articles) the opposite?

Awoke's Argument (http://www.consensusclassroom.org/Images/Consensus-process1.jpg)


You four chronic juvenile delinquents are "every other member here"?


6th May 2011, 11:39 AM
The natural progression will be they've disarmed the police, then the populace.


6th May 2011, 11:44 AM
I am advocating that they clean up their fucking act and conduct themselves with moral integrity.


If Americans did this there obviously would be no police.


6th May 2011, 11:47 AM
In his defense, it was kind of a trick question.... police *cannot* operate as they do today *without* behaving unlawfully.

Hey! You were trying to get me to walk into a trap with that question! Sneaky bastard.. ;D

The short answer would be I did not see any extreme abuse of power, such as planting evidence, etc. None of that, however, a lot of the laws enforced are really BS laws, and some of them when enforced could be considered truly unlawful. I'll admit that much.

6th May 2011, 11:59 AM
Unfortunately, I can't point out the bad side, at least not on this forum.

Why is that exactly?

6th May 2011, 12:13 PM
In his defense, it was kind of a trick question.... police *cannot* operate as they do today *without* behaving unlawfully.

Hey! You were trying to get me to walk into a trap with that question! Sneaky bastard.. ;D

The short answer would be I did not see any extreme abuse of power, such as planting evidence, etc. None of that, however, a lot of the laws enforced are really BS laws, and some of them when enforced could be considered truly unlawful. I'll admit that much.

Fair enough. Surely then you can appreciate my displeasure with policy enforcers. They execute "public policy", not the law of the land, and answer to their bankster/corporate/attorney masters, not the people.

I want you to understand that I see where you are coming from. You are a good guy, but not everyone who is drawn to "the force" is a good guy (not that you were "drawn" to it, per se... you are a reasonable man, and as such, have determined that being a police officer is not wise for you). In fact, government jobs in general tend to attract socio/psychopaths. Perhaps you have too much of a soul to be a modern police officer.

Hey! You were trying to get me to walk into a trap with that question! Sneaky bastard.. ;D

You know who does that a lot? COPS! :D

6th May 2011, 12:47 PM
You four chronic juvenile delinquents are "every other member here"?

As if advocating for the current system, then creating thread after thread showcasing the inherit pitfalls of it.

Is any less juvenile.

6th May 2011, 12:52 PM
You know who does that a lot? COPS! :D

Touche! :D

I appreciate the sentiment, Gonzo. It does take a certain type of personality that tends to be drawn towards law enforcement. In small towns with little to no crime,etc..you tend to have the old time sheriffs. I respect those types a lot, they really can be for bettering the community, protecting property rights, the constitution, local community development...

In ghetto areas, you tend to have folks that are drawn towards action, adrenaline junkies, and that can breed a power mentality with it. You have to be able to butt your nose into other folk's business...a live and let live mentality is not going to get you very far.

There was one senior cop, good man, that told me with all the BS he had to deal with over the years...one time made all the BS worth it. He told me a story of how he was on patrol and heard a woman screaming. He put out for backup, rushed in and caught a man trying to rape her. He caught the guy before the rape happened, chased the guy down. Turns out the guy had broken into her house and assaulted her while she was sleeping. The cop just happened to be driving by at the time and heard it, right place, right time.

I don't care how cold it was outside, we always had our windows down on patrol.

6th May 2011, 01:22 PM
describe a logical REALISTIC alternative to what exists now

1. A legal system where criminals are treated like criminals, and victims are treated as victims.

2. A legal system where those commisioned in the keeping of the peace are held accountable for their actions.

3. A legal system that recognizes a victims God given right to preserve their own life.

4. A legal system that is based on the premise of the US Constitution, not on victimless crimes and on layers and layers of beurocracy.

Those would be a good start.

6th May 2011, 01:35 PM
All the pro-police arguments in this thread use fear as the basis to accept the argument.

All the anti-police arguments in this thread use personal responsibility as the basis to accept the argument.

What does that tell you?

6th May 2011, 01:36 PM
Well put, SLV^GLD

6th May 2011, 01:50 PM
All the pro-police arguments in this thread use fear as the basis to accept the argument.

All the anti-police arguments in this thread use personal responsibility as the basis to accept the argument.

What does that tell you?

It tells me whether a person wants to stick their head in the sand or not.

You could use the fear argument for any topic we discuss here, from stacking PM's for currency issues, to earthquakes, stockpiling food, etc.

You take a guy who's never read any of this stuff...we all live in "fear".

Don't interpret fear as away of hiding from the truth.

6th May 2011, 01:56 PM
You are fully inculcated, Solid. Defending the biggest gang of thugs in the world.

6th May 2011, 02:08 PM
You are fully inculcated, Solid. Defending the biggest gang of thugs in the world.

I am defending the good cops, amongst that gang of thugs. I never said anything that the system is not corrupt, because it is. I am defending the good cops, that manage to uphold justice, some that I know personally.

6th May 2011, 02:31 PM
Good cop/Bad cop is the system.

You defend one, you defend the other.

6th May 2011, 03:07 PM
Solid....when you saw a cop do something completely unethical, did you ever say stop?

6th May 2011, 03:08 PM
When you see your old cop buddies doing things unethical (d&d'ing, etc), do you ever say stop?

6th May 2011, 03:14 PM
Getting in on the thread late but I think that the old school method is the way it should be. Have the local population elect a sheriff to handle crime in the immediate area, if he can't handle a certain situation then a posse gets formed until the problem is solved. The sheriff must live in the area he is policing. Pretty hard to oppress the local population when the people enforcing the law are the local population. Police work would be kept to real crime and not bylaw infractions and stuff, you wouldn't have special units out writing traffic violations and all sorts of other crap because there just wouldn't be the man power to deal with all the policy enforcement. The posse's only get called up for emergency's.

In large metro areas each neighborhood would need their own sheriff and they could all be under an elected police chief or similar position. You might still need some other support staff and a few deputy's but that is the basic idea.

6th May 2011, 03:38 PM
Solid....when you saw a cop do something completely unethical, did you ever say stop?

I did, I got my ass chewed out big time, then written up to the sergeant for being insubordinate. There was a law I was refusing to enforce because I thought it was unethical. Learned a big lesson there.

6th May 2011, 03:40 PM
Getting in on the thread late but I think that the old school method is the way it should be. Have the local population elect a sheriff to handle crime in the immediate area, if he can't handle a certain situation then a posse gets formed until the problem is solved. The sheriff must live in the area he is policing. Pretty hard to oppress the local population when the people enforcing the law are the local population. Police work would be kept to real crime and not bylaw infractions and stuff, you wouldn't have special units out writing traffic violations and all sorts of other crap because there just wouldn't be the man power to deal with all the policy enforcement. The posse's only get called up for emergency's.

In large metro areas each neighborhood would need their own sheriff and they could all be under an elected police chief or similar position. You might still need some other support staff and a few deputy's but that is the basic idea.

That, and any investigative detail would get handled privately.

The tumorous growth that is the police force now grew mostly out of the state seeing perfectly laid in roads there to protect (and control) the less fortunate.

I think most people view the police nowadays as they've been a permanent fixture since the dawn of time.

6th May 2011, 05:26 PM
All the pro-police arguments in this thread use fear as the basis to accept the argument.

All the anti-police arguments in this thread use personal responsibility as the basis to accept the argument.

What does that tell you?


Let's ask these personal responsibility experts.


6th May 2011, 05:30 PM
Getting in on the thread late but I think that the old school method is the way it should be. Have the local population elect a sheriff to handle crime in the immediate area, if he can't handle a certain situation then a posse gets formed until the problem is solved. The sheriff must live in the area he is policing. Pretty hard to oppress the local population when the people enforcing the law are the local population.

This is a very important distinction.

Most here can agree that FEDERAL law enforcement is evil.

6th May 2011, 05:42 PM
I am advocating that they clean up their fucking act and conduct themselves with moral integrity.


If Americans did this there obviously would be no police.


Wow, that guy looks pretty scary, with all the tattoos and piercings. He scares me so much that I would gladly give up my liberty to be protected from him. :sarc:

6th May 2011, 05:46 PM
He scares me so much that I would gladly give up my liberty to be protected from him.

You let ANYBODY in your cab?


6th May 2011, 05:59 PM
Who started this melee... >:(

midnight rambler
6th May 2011, 06:07 PM
Getting in on the thread late but I think that the old school method is the way it should be. Have the local population elect a sheriff to handle crime in the immediate area, if he can't handle a certain situation then a posse gets formed until the problem is solved. The sheriff must live in the area he is policing. Pretty hard to oppress the local population when the people enforcing the law are the local population.

This is a very important distinction.

Most here can agree that FEDERAL law enforcement is evil.

LOL This coming from the poster who sez, "File your 1040s or else".

And the Hypocrite of the Forum Award goes to....

midnight rambler
6th May 2011, 06:09 PM
In large metro areas each neighborhood would need their own sheriff and they could all be under an elected police chief or similar position.

Name a locale where the Police Chief is an elected position. (all the police chiefs I'm aware of are political appointees)

6th May 2011, 06:11 PM
Crimes of 'intent' or 'conspiracy' shift an inordinate amount of power into the hands of the accuser. Crimes of 'probability' shift an inordinate amount of power into the hands of those calculating the probability. Moral relativism or 'gray areas' shift an inordinate amount of power into the hands of police officers, judges, lawyers, etc.
All of these so called solutions cause many more problems than they solve.


6th May 2011, 06:13 PM
This is a very important distinction.

Most here can agree that FEDERAL law enforcement is evil.

LOL This coming from the poster who sez, "File your 1040s or else".

And the Hypocrite of the Forum Award goes to...

Link us to the post where I said that or retract your lie and slander.

:oo--> and the Liar Of The Forum Award goes to...lol.

6th May 2011, 06:15 PM
Crimes of 'intent' or 'conspiracy' shift an inordinate amount of power into the hands of the accuser. Crimes of 'probability' shift an inordinate amount of power into the hands of those calculating the probability. Moral relativism or 'gray areas' shift an inordinate amount of power into the hands of police officers, judges, lawyers, etc.
All of these so called solutions cause many more problems than they solve.


There is a lot of truth, in this post.

midnight rambler
6th May 2011, 06:34 PM
This is a very important distinction.

Most here can agree that FEDERAL law enforcement is evil.

LOL This coming from the poster who sez, "File your 1040s or else".

And the Hypocrite of the Forum Award goes to...

Link us to the post where I said that or retract your lie and slander.

:oo--> and the Liar Of The Forum Award goes to...lol.

EVERY time there's any discussion of dealing with the Individuals Representing Satan and their 1040 Form Book you ALWAYS jump in and essentially say, "You have no choice but to file 1040s (or else). 'They' throw *tax protesters* into prison." And you know it. YOU are a dyed in the wool unrepentant statist control freak who's never seen a public policy he didn't like.

6th May 2011, 06:39 PM
This is a very important distinction.

Most here can agree that FEDERAL law enforcement is evil.

LOL This coming from the poster who sez, "File your 1040s or else".

And the Hypocrite of the Forum Award goes to...

Link us to the post where I said that or retract your lie and slander.

:oo--> and the Liar Of The Forum Award goes to...lol.

EVERY time there's any discussion of dealing with the Individuals Representing Satan and their 1040 Form Book you ALWAYS jump in and essentially say, "You have no choice but to file 1040s (or else). 'They' throw *tax protesters* into prison." And you know it. YOU are a dyed in the wool unrepentant statist control freak who's never seen a public policy he didn't like.

Can't find the link where I ever said this. Huh.

:oo--> nice try pal

midnight rambler
6th May 2011, 08:07 PM
Link us to the post where I said that or retract your lie and slander.

:oo--> and the Liar Of The Forum Award goes to...lol.


Can't find the link where I ever said this. Huh.

:oo--> nice try pal

EVERY time there's any discussion of dealing with the Individuals Representing Satan and their 1040 Form Book you ALWAYS jump in and essentially say, "You have no choice but to file 1040s (or else). 'They' throw *tax protesters* into prison." And you know it. YOU are a dyed in the wool unrepentant statist control freak who's never seen a public policy he didn't like.

6th May 2011, 08:55 PM
Q: How many cops does it take to push a man down a flight of stairs?

A: None, he fell.

6th May 2011, 10:47 PM
Getting in on the thread late but I think that the old school method is the way it should be. Have the local population elect a sheriff to handle crime in the immediate area, if he can't handle a certain situation then a posse gets formed until the problem is solved. The sheriff must live in the area he is policing. Pretty hard to oppress the local population when the people enforcing the law are the local population. Police work would be kept to real crime and not bylaw infractions and stuff, you wouldn't have special units out writing traffic violations and all sorts of other crap because there just wouldn't be the man power to deal with all the policy enforcement. The posse's only get called up for emergency's.

In large metro areas each neighborhood would need their own sheriff and they could all be under an elected police chief or similar position. You might still need some other support staff and a few deputy's but that is the basic idea.

That, and any investigative detail would get handled privately.

The tumorous growth that is the police force now grew mostly out of the state seeing perfectly laid in roads there to protect (and control) the less fortunate.

I think most people view the police nowadays as they've been a permanent fixture since the dawn of time.

The private investigators might work. You could have certain special units, detectives or forensic units to solve hard cases but they should have no powers of arrest (beyond what a normal citizen would have) and would have to answer to the local sheriff when in their jurisdiction.

6th May 2011, 11:49 PM
He scares me so much that I would gladly give up my liberty to be protected from him.

You let ANYBODY in your cab?


As long as they're not so drunk I think they might puke.

I even allow statists and sardonic HOA block captains in my cab. :)

silver solution
7th May 2011, 01:15 AM
My tactical shotgun would keep 10 dexters off my law more effectively than any cop.

You must not leave home for work. A tactical shotgun would keep 10 Dexters away, but you have to be there. I leave home for work, nobody is watching my home, neighbors do, but they leave their homes too...so it's not consistant. Any cop that keeps those Dexters away from my home while I'm gone...I thank them, especially since I don't see it happening.

BTW, I apologize to anyone reading this thread who may be named Dexter. I seem to have replaced calling the bad guys turds...in favor of Dexters now.

Also, what about Book's point, what if those 10 Dexters on your front lawn all had guns?
I have almost never (if ever) seen cop types watching my place for my benefit. Shit at my place up north people stole one car and one truck and a deputy sheriff lives not far away. I would not be suprised if they steal my school bus and van as he is driving by.

I have been hanging in the south.

7th May 2011, 06:12 AM
I have been hanging in the south.

That's an old tradition I've been hoping to see come back into fashion!