View Full Version : Inventor Survives 10 Murder Attempts to Release World Changing Technology NOW!

29th April 2011, 02:43 PM
Mister X will reveal his real identify and all the technical details of his invention that is already running his own car and truck on nothing but water! He has put over 8500 miles on his Dodge Truck and he's running the truck on nothing but water! Mister X will also discuss how similar technology can power a house completely off the grid. He has given me permission to release the information in this article for now until he can talk directly to the people next Wednesday with many exciting developments.

The system Mister X will release to the world lets you fill up your tank with 98% water and 2% fuel. He says the fuel is only used to keep moisture from hurting some of the components that were not designed to be exposed to water all the time. Filling up with just 2% fuel keeps the system from being corroded by water. Eventually it will be 100% water powered as components in engines and fuel systems are changed out to not degrade being exposed to water.

Mister X says we haven't needed oil for many decades now and what he's done has actually been done many times before. But every other time, the inventors either got bought out or were killed! In fact, Mister X has had 10 attempts on his life but credits God for protecting him each time. Mister X reports that the last attempt was a bioweapon that he was able to defeat using a product called MMS that I cover extensively in my booklet, "Suppressed Health Secrets" that you can find in the "Natural Cures" area of www.project.nsearch.com

Mister X was even offered $1 billion in cash from an oil producing country to walk away from this invention! But through his strong belief that God wants him to release this technology to the people he refused to sell out and made sure that this time the technology would not be suppressed in any way.

I've been personally interested in researching various cars that ran on water but later disappeared. I recently met a shop owner that reported how he met an inventor that lived near Gainesville Florida about 14 years ago. This inventor also had a car running on water. This shop owner saw the vehicle and met the man in his store. The inventor had just sold the technology to Ford Motor Company and of course we never heard of it again! Clearly the car companies have been in bed with the oil companies all along and have been key in the suppression of this important technology. Ford Motor company shelving the technology they bought to run cars on water proves this point.

Here's the reality. We don't need to go to war anymore over oil. We don't need to destroy our Gulf of Mexico beaches with oil. We don't need to have high food prices because of high gasoline prices. With essentially free fuel comes basically free transportation of goods and people which will inject trillions into the world economy. We will experience the biggest economic boom in all history as vehicles are converted to run on water!

This is all I can report at this time. All I can tell you is to pray for the safety of Mister X. He has told me that even if they killed him now, he's put the information on how to do this in so many hands that it cannot be stopped anymore. He was very insistent that he had his bases covered and this technology would be released no matter what happened to him.

Once again, Mister X and his incredible technology that allows you to run your car or truck on water will be revealed in a world exclusive interview on Wednesday, May 4th at 10pm EST (USA) on the "Late Night in the Midlands" radio show that you can hear live on the streaming players at www.project.nsearch.com and www.latenightinthemidlands.com


29th April 2011, 02:46 PM
this will work great everywhere but las vegas.

29th April 2011, 03:09 PM
Hey Serpo? next week tell me about again so that I wont forget it.......already have the station on my favorite.

29th April 2011, 03:11 PM
Giving this article the benefit of the doubt, this would be a stake through the heart of the NWO. Living off the grid? No problem. Freedom to travel? No problem!

Making water the most valuable commodity... Problem.

29th April 2011, 03:14 PM
Hey Serpo? next week tell me about again so that I wont forget it.......already have the station on my favorite.

How do you know I wont forget about it....

Low Pan
29th April 2011, 03:20 PM

Side note, wth is up w/ the bell at 2:15?? also again at 4:15

29th April 2011, 03:28 PM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property...and for what it's worth, if you buy bottled water at the gas station, it's about DOUBLE the price of gas per gallon.

looking forward to seeing what he's got to say, that's for sure! Keep us posted!

29th April 2011, 03:35 PM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property...and for what it's worth, if you buy bottled water at the gas station, it's about DOUBLE the price of gas per gallon.

looking forward to seeing what he's got to say, that's for sure! Keep us posted!

Yes, but we will be saving the environment.. $15.00 gallon water will be welcomed... ::)

29th April 2011, 03:52 PM
They have had the technology to do this for 30+ years, just that none made it mainstream for some reason or another.

Google water powered car or youtube it.

29th April 2011, 03:58 PM
One of the first water powered cars...

willie pete
29th April 2011, 04:08 PM
One of the first water powered cars...

that was the first thing I thought of....steam power :D

29th April 2011, 04:33 PM
The first thing the Elites will do is use the technology to set fire too the oceans just to keep the sheep from using it for free

29th April 2011, 04:44 PM
Like I wrote long ago........"Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stock"......now the, if the manchine works also with salt water we are then ok but if is only with sweet water we will then be in deep deep trouble.

29th April 2011, 04:45 PM
Like I wrote long ago........"Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stock"......now the, if the manchine works also with salt water we are then ok but if is only with sweet water we will then be in deep deep trouble.

On a few videos i watched some can run on salt water, rain water and even piss.

29th April 2011, 04:46 PM
I have to ask why they do these teasers. They should release the tech info, then do the interviews as a follow up. My cynic gland can't take much more of this kind of stuff. Here's hoping though.

29th April 2011, 04:49 PM

29th April 2011, 05:06 PM

Water goes in, runs on hydrogen, byproduct is oxygen.

In typical japanese fashion, it "even runs on tea"

29th April 2011, 05:40 PM
I have to see this work in a midwestern winter at 20 deg F below zero.

Put a bottle of HEAT in.

29th April 2011, 05:51 PM
I have to ask why they do these teasers. They should release the tech info, then do the interviews as a follow up. My cynic gland can't take much more of this kind of stuff. Here's hoping though.

I'm with Glass on this one. Just release the documents on the web already. It's bullshit how these guys all build up to a big release and nothing ever happens.
I will listen to it if I have a chance. Hopefully someone bumps this thread that day.

29th April 2011, 05:59 PM
Once you put it on the web, it gets copied to thousands or millions of hard drives, and the game is over - the information is out there.

I'm disappointed now - trying to beat the rush.

7th trump
29th April 2011, 07:50 PM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.

7th trump
29th April 2011, 07:54 PM
I have to see this work in a midwestern winter at 20 deg F below zero.

Its called alcohol additive.
This inventiuon (stan meyer knock off) uses ac instead of dc to split the molecules.
But stan never disclosed this info in his plans. It was rediscovered watching the dunbuggie video on youtube that Stan was adjusting the AC voltage with a potentiometer as rpm was needed.

7th trump
29th April 2011, 07:57 PM
Like I wrote long ago........"Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stock"......now the, if the manchine works also with salt water we are then ok but if is only with sweet water we will then be in deep deep trouble.

Actually you should invest in stainless steal or alu because your exhaust is going to need it to run this.

29th April 2011, 08:12 PM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.


7th trump
29th April 2011, 08:30 PM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.


Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

29th April 2011, 08:33 PM
Please help me with my Tahoe....

30th April 2011, 01:40 AM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.


Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

You are such a condesending *sshole sometimes. Is that really necessary?

Just because most people aren't familiar with Panali's statement about a "plane that does not touch the earth" does not mean they are sheep. Instead of always acting like some super-righteous elitist know-it-all, why don't you expand on that statement that Panali made and explain it to us poor mushrooms, instead of dancing around like an asshole singing "I know something you don't know"

No wonder people are afraid to ask questions around here, with attitudes like that.

7th trump
30th April 2011, 07:23 AM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.


Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

You are such a condesending *sshole sometimes. Is that really necessary?

Just because most people aren't familiar with Panali's statement about a "plane that does not touch the earth" does not mean they are sheep. Instead of always acting like some super-righteous elitist know-it-all, why don't you expand on that statement that Panali made and explain it to us poor mushrooms, instead of dancing around like an asshole singing "I know something you don't know"

No wonder people are afraid to ask questions around here, with attitudes like that.

Well after saying on here many times what the problem is and all I ever got was.......yeah sure ok whatever....I stopped all together.
Palani is doing a good job of describing this and at the same time trying to get you guys to start to think on your own and yet he is confronted with the same.
So I call it what it is..................................sheeple!
If you think I'm a dancing a-hole for leading you to the answer without giving you the answer then so be it. I'm not offended and I'll defend you shouldnt be banned for a personal attack if that happens.
I told you the answer to the elites power over you many times and it actually made a lot of people real stupid because they didnt beleive it. It was my fault they shut themselves to the truth. So whats left is to lead you to the truth so maybe you can beleive it.
You have to connect the dots. Nobody can do it for you.
Or maybe you just dont want to know the truth or not ready for it.
Its like helping the chicken out of the egg.......the chick dies if you do the work and the chick lives if you just peck at it a little but let the chick do most of the work.

30th April 2011, 11:17 AM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.


Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

You are such a condesending *sshole sometimes. Is that really necessary?

Just because most people aren't familiar with Panali's statement about a "plane that does not touch the earth" does not mean they are sheep. Instead of always acting like some super-righteous elitist know-it-all, why don't you expand on that statement that Panali made and explain it to us poor mushrooms, instead of dancing around like an asshole singing "I know something you don't know"

No wonder people are afraid to ask questions around here, with attitudes like that.

Well after saying on here many times what the problem is and all I ever got was.......yeah sure ok whatever....I stopped all together.
Palani is doing a good job of describing this and at the same time trying to get you guys to start to think on your own and yet he is confronted with the same.
So I call it what it is..................................sheeple!
If you think I'm a dancing a-hole for leading you to the answer without giving you the answer then so be it. I'm not offended and I'll defend you shouldnt be banned for a personal attack if that happens.
I told you the answer to the elites power over you many times and it actually made a lot of people real stupid because they didnt beleive it. It was my fault they shut themselves to the truth. So whats left is to lead you to the truth so maybe you can beleive it.
You have to connect the dots. Nobody can do it for you.
Or maybe you just dont want to know the truth or not ready for it.
Its like helping the chicken out of the egg.......the chick dies if you do the work and the chick lives if you just peck at it a little but let the chick do most of the work.

I would still prefer that you keep posting solutions.

30th April 2011, 01:41 PM
I would still prefer that you keep posting solutions.

Sorry again, didn't read the entire thread, but these threads come up time and again. They did at GIM1 also.

But what members here fail to realize is that there's a lot of very smart members here and before at GIM1 , before they all scattered.

There's engineers and scientists among us. If there really was a "silver bullet" it would have finally made it fully into the open somehow by now simply of its own power. We would have had a member do it themsleves and prove it. Also, Americans and Japanese aren't the only ones able at technology. Even in a developing country there's people that would have proven these "silver bullets" by now, in their garages if it was so powerful for real , or came without a bunch of caveats.

30th April 2011, 02:24 PM
I see your point. I've been pretty lucky and from where I sit, I don't have a problem with the govt man - at least not yet.

But still, the empire is a large one, the govt is the ever expanding control of fiat money and those who own/control it, gobally. Well that and for some others, your theory may only work as long as you don't need to walk the streets of Syria while there's a snipper on the roof or stuck in a NK work camp.

30th April 2011, 05:04 PM
Once you put it on the web, it gets copied to thousands or millions of hard drives, and the game is over - the information is out there.

I'm disappointed now - trying to beat the rush.

If this is not a hoax, it will be huge. I think Stanley Mayer was assassinated for his work. The page says his patents are on-line, but probably not everything.


7th trump
30th April 2011, 05:55 PM
Once you put it on the web, it gets copied to thousands or millions of hard drives, and the game is over - the information is out there.

I'm disappointed now - trying to beat the rush.

If this is not a hoax, it will be huge. I think Stanley Mayer was assassinated for his work. The page says his patents are on-line, but probably not everything.


One thing stanley did was make the patents using dc. It works but not that great as compared to AC.

1st May 2011, 11:17 AM
the gov't already owns all the water...including what's under your property.

Govt occupies a plane that does not touch the earth. It exercises jurisdiction over an area that has no earth anchor (metes and bounds). It actually owns less than you think.

I gave you a thank you Palani because maybe two people on this board besides myself actually know and appreciate what you have just said.

The rest.......well they are still sheeple and still dont know it yet.


Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

You are such a condesending *sshole sometimes. Is that really necessary?

Just because most people aren't familiar with Panali's statement about a "plane that does not touch the earth" does not mean they are sheep. Instead of always acting like some super-righteous elitist know-it-all, why don't you expand on that statement that Panali made and explain it to us poor mushrooms, instead of dancing around like an asshole singing "I know something you don't know"

No wonder people are afraid to ask questions around here, with attitudes like that.

Well after saying on here many times what the problem is and all I ever got was.......yeah sure ok whatever....I stopped all together.
Palani is doing a good job of describing this and at the same time trying to get you guys to start to think on your own and yet he is confronted with the same.
So I call it what it is..................................sheeple!
If you think I'm a dancing a-hole for leading you to the answer without giving you the answer then so be it. I'm not offended and I'll defend you shouldnt be banned for a personal attack if that happens.
I told you the answer to the elites power over you many times and it actually made a lot of people real stupid because they didnt beleive it. It was my fault they shut themselves to the truth. So whats left is to lead you to the truth so maybe you can beleive it.
You have to connect the dots. Nobody can do it for you.
Or maybe you just dont want to know the truth or not ready for it.
Its like helping the chicken out of the egg.......the chick dies if you do the work and the chick lives if you just peck at it a little but let the chick do most of the work.

I would still prefer that you keep posting solutions.

I am not really sure exactly what 7th trump is getting at but it probably has something to do with admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. I do know here in Canada some of the legislation that is supposed to govern land use refers to land as rivers, streams and marshes, they don't actually mention dry land. Also in the bible God says that the land belongs to him.

Leviticus25:23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.

Don't know if this is the key to the solution though as I can't see the majority of people wrapping their heads around it. I have a hard enough time and I have done a fair bit of study on these topics.

1st May 2011, 03:52 PM
@ Palani... admiralty jurisdiction for the Potomac?

1st May 2011, 04:22 PM
Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

You are such a condesending *sshole sometimes. Is that really necessary?

Just because most people aren't familiar with Panali's statement about a "plane that does not touch the earth" does not mean they are sheep. Instead of always acting like some super-righteous elitist know-it-all, why don't you expand on that statement that Panali made and explain it to us poor mushrooms, instead of dancing around like an asshole singing "I know something you don't know"

No wonder people are afraid to ask questions around here, with attitudes like that.

I must agree with Awoke on this one. Why not just say what you mean 7th Trump? And please, don't hide behind the old "I've said it many times before" line. Pretend for a moment that there might be one or two new members on the forum who just joined and would benefit from hearing it. Mmkay?!?

7th trump
1st May 2011, 06:31 PM
Dont mean to be offensive to anyone Andy, however, your post says it all.
Still sheeple.........thats all!
This is not a potatoe, but an onion with many layers.
Until the tea party's can identify what palani said this country is not going to change anytime soon.
They removed Martin Luther King because he was getting way to close to what keeps the elite in power.
MLK had the attention of the masses, acting solely on the issue of civil rights, and if one day (the acorn hitting him on the head) realizing where his movement was going (what Palani said. By accidently understanding where civil right eminate from) he would have awoke the masses, black, white and yellow, to a revolution that would have made 1776 look like a picnic.

You are such a condesending *sshole sometimes. Is that really necessary?

Just because most people aren't familiar with Panali's statement about a "plane that does not touch the earth" does not mean they are sheep. Instead of always acting like some super-righteous elitist know-it-all, why don't you expand on that statement that Panali made and explain it to us poor mushrooms, instead of dancing around like an asshole singing "I know something you don't know"

No wonder people are afraid to ask questions around here, with attitudes like that.

I must agree with Awoke on this one. Why not just say what you mean 7th Trump? And please, don't hide behind the old "I've said it many times before" line. Pretend for a moment that there might be one or two new members on the forum who just joined and would benefit from hearing it. Mmkay?!?

I'm I really condesending or am I speaking from a different level of understanding?
Ever thought of that?
I know even that sounds condesending but you really must look at all angle.

1st May 2011, 06:57 PM
@ Palani... admiralty jurisdiction for the Potomac?

Lets say if it in the District of Columbia and isn't watertight then it is under water.

I find it interesting that Jesus could walk on water just as if he was standing/walking on the land.

2nd May 2011, 06:36 AM
Bullshit. If you've survived 10 murder attempts and are going to release something because you think god wants you to, then what you do is f-ing release it not make some announcement that you will talk about it on a radio show.

I can't believe people get excited over this crap every single time.

2nd May 2011, 06:45 AM
B-b-but, but, ahbegayuh to tune in and listen ta wut am about tuh tell yuh!

4th May 2011, 01:29 AM
B-b-but, but, ahbegayuh to tune in and listen ta wut am about tuh tell yuh!

Hope someone can tune into this

5th May 2011, 04:23 AM

I was yesterday, wasn't it?

5th May 2011, 07:01 AM
IDK, you're spot on though. If people are trying to kill you to stop you from releasing information you would just put it out immediately before you got whacked and not make a big spectacle out of it.

5th May 2011, 07:11 AM

5th May 2011, 07:58 AM
So they've gone from claiming the car runs on HHO to saying it runs on HHO and zero point energy from the aether? Because, you know, it's just the next logical step. Damn those oil companies for trying to stop us from harvesting zero point energy to run our cars.

Well my car runs on cold fusion. No, I can't let you see it, you'd probably just try to assassinate me.