View Full Version : Foreclosure news just in!

29th April 2011, 04:18 PM
Copy paste from a note I was writing to a friend, As I wrote it I received a new email...

Man, I have 5 months left to pay the bankers 116K that have no interest in my mortgage and even then there is no guarantee they will let me keep the house but they will keep my money. Aftyer the 5 months I get a 24 hour eviction notice and after that I am tresspassing and will be arrested, they will throw all my shit and equipment into a dumpster, impound my vehicles and I am on my own. What do people do? No fucking clue there is no information in the news or internets. If I pay it any other entity can again foreclose on me, losing battle is why 99% of the people throw the bank the keys. Mortgage is with cuntrywide which is gone, serviced by BoA who started foreclosure and foreclosed on by MERS who also has no interest in the property!

Whoaaa!!! Check THIS! Just in! ~

I want to thank you for the help, or karma stuff or whatever you did. Just got in and checked my mail. I'll copy paste what the attorney posted on his blog. PS he would only take my foreclosure case if I file bankruptcy to delay the closure by 2 months. Read the link, banksters are in a bad place today LOL:

MIchigan court of appeals decision throwing out MERS foreclosures has title companies
scrambling, canceling closings if a MERS foreclosure in in the chan of title.
for more, see my blog post


29th April 2011, 04:49 PM
The banksters never had any claim to his property. It's good that they might recognise it now. I hope they leave your friend alone for good.

29th April 2011, 05:17 PM
The banksters never had any claim to his property. It's good that they might recognise it now. I hope they leave your friend alone for good.

Thanks but that friend is me! I tried the remortgage/remod thing and at the last minute I was no longer in bankster review but they sold the house without even sending me a letter. The lawyers that were appointed my case to foreclose were no longer on the case because it was over a year (some stipulation btw the bankster and lawyer) so the only interest in the property was MERS who in their own legal crap says that they have NO INTEREST IN ANY PROPERTIES but they foreclosed anyway without any grounds. Should be an easy deal at this point but almost no attys will take a case like this because the Judges throw it out as frivolous in Michigan.

I do have counsel and this is a huge break. Since there was no hardship or personal damages there is no one to sue. Like I said this recent ruling is HUGE. No clue what will happen but I do not see this as a bad development.

29th April 2011, 05:35 PM
Good luck Cebu. You might want to try to press for closure in this matter.

It is only a matter of time before D.C. ways in and helps the MERS (the banks).

29th April 2011, 05:58 PM
Good luck Cebu. You might want to try to press for closure in this matter.

It is only a matter of time before D.C. ways in and helps the MERS (the banks).

Yes quiet title would be a good thing but in a forensic audit I had done there are several perhaps several thousand investors that are part owners. BoA clearly (perhaps) is out of the picture but there is a main investor group claiming ownership which are traced to many many places.

I will have to read the back paperwork from the old lawyers and the few BoA letters to see exactly is laying claim to foreclose and then enlighten my counsel.

Instead of severe stress this might even turn out to be an enjoyable game.