View Full Version : Gold just dropped below $1500, Silver below $33.

5th May 2011, 07:58 AM
Is everybody enjoying the ride?

<a href="http://www.gifbin.com/984329"><img src="http://www.gifbin.com/bin/062010/1277118253_rollercoaster-pov.gif" alt="funny gifs" /></a>

5th May 2011, 08:01 AM
Only thing I am worried about is that there won't be any physical silver available when we bottom out. If there is it is a great deal.

5th May 2011, 08:06 AM
How much longer can these banksters manipulate PMs? Wont there ever be a time where the demand/supply overrules the manipulation?

5th May 2011, 08:17 AM
Sheer agony watching for the best opportunity to buy again.

It is mind blowing to know that there are string pullers with this much power.


5th May 2011, 08:23 AM
$36.02 right now. Wow.

Shorty Harris
5th May 2011, 08:24 AM

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 08:26 AM

Down $3.07 as I type this. Once silver breaks $35 on the down side, the next stop on the way down is IMO $31. Once it breaks $31 on the downside, then that means JPMorgan forced silver to give up all of the gains that it made this year and will start to be in the red for 2011. . The smackdown is a monster but it was expected since it ran up too far too fast. What an awesome smackdown. Silver still has a way to go down to $26.00.

Ponce? You have that Charmin tp ready to ship to me? ;D

5th May 2011, 08:31 AM

5th May 2011, 08:31 AM
beep beep beep.... back up the truck....


I bet dealers will BUY silver at the paper "spot price", and sell for ~$40-$50 per oz.

5th May 2011, 08:35 AM
I'm beginning to believe that it will infact go to $26 or maybe a few bux lower... JPM's gonna get their shorts covered at any cost it looks like. I've got a few FRNS burning a hole in my pocket right now but I think I may wait for a harder bottom closer to where JPM busts his nut.
Then when it moves back up a couple bux ( TRY to spot a trend ) jump back in. I'll miss the dip by a few bux maybe but I'll make out better than if I had bought today.

Question is- How long will we have to wait? Hopefully not long - but I'm thinking that the summer doldrums rule is not going to be in effect this summer.

Anyway.. Just thinking "out loud" here

5th May 2011, 08:36 AM
Sounds like a short term bubble pop.

5th May 2011, 08:38 AM

Down $3.07 as I type this. Once silver breaks $35 on the down side, the next stop on the way down is IMO $31. Once it breaks $31 on the downside, then that means JPMorgan forced silver to give up all of the gains that it made this year and will start to be in the red for 2011. . The smackdown is a monster but it was expected since it ran up too far too fast. What an awesome smackdown. Silver still has a way to go down to $26.00.

Ponce? You have that Charmin tp ready to ship to me? ;D

Yes, this feels to be a commodity rout for the record books. I just liquidated 1/3 of my paper portfolio and will sit tight at 66% cash 33% CEF. Long term silver and gold will do fantastically. But the next couple of weeks will be a bloodbath for the commodity complex and oil.

I think their is going to be the mother of all buying opportunities back into the metals and oil sometime around late JUne or early July. Other opinions are welcome!

Good luck to all!

5th May 2011, 08:38 AM
beep beep beep.... back up the truck....


I bet dealers will BUY silver at the paper "spot price", and sell for ~$40-$50 per oz.


Was looking at one of the sights I buy from. Price actually went UP while the spot dropped!

5th May 2011, 08:44 AM
Oil is down around $4. Dollar is up 73.75 +0.62 Overall I find this very good news as it will give me more time to prep.

5th May 2011, 08:54 AM
It is mind blowing to know that there are string pullers with this much power.


I experienced this very same epiphany when Gold sudden fell from $730 back to $540 for no reason whatsoever.

:o proof that this is actually gambling and not investing

5th May 2011, 09:45 AM
All I can say is ...wow....look at all the fools selling their silver for Bernanke dollars.

They have more faith in Bernanke and his counterfeit debt paper....what a fucking laugh.

5th May 2011, 09:53 AM
Silver Art..... Charmin? what is Charmin?.........mi no piki ingli ;D

What the hell is making all this happen?

5th May 2011, 10:16 AM
I'm beginning to believe that it will infact go to $26 or maybe a few bux lower... JPM's gonna get their shorts covered at any cost it looks like. I've got a few FRNS burning a hole in my pocket right now but I think I may wait for a harder bottom closer to where JPM busts his nut.
Then when it moves back up a couple bux ( TRY to spot a trend ) jump back in. I'll miss the dip by a few bux maybe but I'll make out better than if I had bought today.

Question is- How long will we have to wait? Hopefully not long - but I'm thinking that the summer doldrums rule is not going to be in effect this summer.

Anyway.. Just thinking "out loud" here


5th May 2011, 10:18 AM
I think their is going to be the mother of all buying opportunities back into the metals and oil sometime around late JUne or early July. Other opinions are welcome!

Roger that.

5th May 2011, 10:24 AM

I hear you spark- thanks for that. I had not seen your thread - Been bouncing all over today.

My rational mind finds no argument with your statements however my gut is in knots.

I've got most of my eggs in this basket - for better or worse.
Sticking it out.

5th May 2011, 10:27 AM
Silver Art..... Charmin? what is Charmin?.........mi no piki ingli ;D

Dat funny! :D

What the hell is making all this happen?

The second half of the latest run-up was fueled by speculators (big hedge funds!) who had every intention of making a quick profit and getting the hell out. So, they're getting the hell out.

This is how bull markets go two steps forward, one step back. In this case, it's two giant leaps forward, one giant leap back.

The fundamentals will establish a new base somewhere between $26 and $33, and then we will start the next cycle. Setting the new floor can take a while. Seel-ber eez steel berry berry goot! ;D

5th May 2011, 10:51 AM
Silver Art..... Charmin? what is Charmin?.........mi no piki ingli ;D

Dat funny! :D

What the hell is making all this happen?

The second half of the latest run-up was fueled by speculators (big hedge funds!) who had every intention of making a quick profit and getting the hell out. So, they're getting the hell out.

This is how bull markets go two steps forward, one step back. In this case, it's two giant leaps forward, one giant leap back.

The fundamentals will establish a new base somewhere between $26 and $33, and then we will start the next cycle. Setting the new floor can take a while. Seel-ber eez steel berry berry goot! ;D

Question Sparky....What's to keep the base from establishing itself from $20-$25? Is $30ish the real perceived value or is that the dollar amount that most of the hedge fund speculators got in at?

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 10:52 AM
Silver Art..... Charmin? what is Charmin?.........mi no piki ingli ;D

What the hell is making all this happen?

Ponce? Charmin is the brand name of toilet paper that you will end up shipping to me after I "officially" win my bet on 12-31-2011. ;D It will be a great honor to win 3 rolls of tp from the tp king.

At this point, it is pretty much a given that silver will NOT hit $50 this year. Once silver goes down to $26, it will start to recover a little bit later this year but it will not be anywhere near $50.

5th May 2011, 11:04 AM
it also doesn't help when the cme raises margins every 2 days over + over.

5th May 2011, 11:09 AM
it also doesn't help when the cme raises margins every 2 days over + over.

the free market at work!


5th May 2011, 11:13 AM
Sheer agony watching for the best opportunity to buy again.

It is mind blowing to know that there are string pullers with this much power.

Your chart doesn't put it into perspective.

This one (http://www.kitco.com/scripts/hist_charts/monthly_graphs.plx) does (scroll down to May):


Son of Dave
5th May 2011, 11:27 AM
What the hell, oil dropped 9 dollars a barrel too? What the hell is going on?

Watch all these bullion retailers suddenly have a "shortage". Tee hee.

5th May 2011, 11:28 AM
Silver Art..... Charmin? what is Charmin?.........mi no piki ingli ;D

Dat funny! :D

What the hell is making all this happen?

The second half of the latest run-up was fueled by speculators (big hedge funds!) who had every intention of making a quick profit and getting the hell out. So, they're getting the hell out.

This is how bull markets go two steps forward, one step back. In this case, it's two giant leaps forward, one giant leap back.

The fundamentals will establish a new base somewhere between $26 and $33, and then we will start the next cycle. Setting the new floor can take a while. Seel-ber eez steel berry berry goot! ;D

Question Sparky....What's to keep the base from establishing itself from $20-$25? Is $30ish the real perceived value or is that the dollar amount that most of the hedge fund speculators got in at?

LT, I explained my price logic in this thread: http://gold-silver.us/forum/silver/expectations-for-silver-moving-forward-from-may-2011/msg223245/#msg223245

$20-$25 is still possible, especially with the old resistance at $21. My thinking is that the correction wouldn't be as severe as the epic 2008 plunge (which would put it at $23), but it could happen. I'd say $21 is still an acceptable floor without breaking the bull trend. Below that should be a bit unsettling to silver bulls. The 200 DMA is now $28; in 2008 it cracked that metric with ease, so I expect it will get through it again this time.

To sum up, we have a plaster ceiling to land on at $33, then there's a wooden floor at $26, and reinforced concrete at $21. Below that is a dark abyss. ;)

5th May 2011, 11:28 AM
What the hell, oil dropped 9 dollars a barrel too? What the hell is going on?

Watch all these bullion retailers suddenly have a "shortage". Tee hee.

The 'conomy is fixed!

Sunshine and rainbows for everyone!

Son of Dave
5th May 2011, 11:33 AM
What the hell, oil dropped 9 dollars a barrel too? What the hell is going on?

Watch all these bullion retailers suddenly have a "shortage". Tee hee.

The 'conomy is fixed!

Sunshine and rainbows for everyone!

So I guess all that crap in Tunisia, Q-Daffy, Syria, Egypt, and the Saudi Peninsula was just an opportunity for traders to have a little party with coke, strippers bellies, and donkeys while the rest of the world clenched it's butt as gas prices soared through the roof.

I'm in the wrong business.

5th May 2011, 11:40 AM
What the hell, oil dropped 9 dollars a barrel too? What the hell is going on?

Watch all these bullion retailers suddenly have a "shortage". Tee hee.

The 'conomy is fixed!

Sunshine and rainbows for everyone!

So I guess all that crap in Tunisia, Q-Daffy, Syria, Egypt, and the Saudi Peninsula was just an opportunity for traders to have a little party with coke, strippers bellies, and donkeys while the rest of the world clenched it's butt as gas prices soared through the roof.

I'm in the wrong business.

Me too.

I need to turn "Gordon Gekko".


5th May 2011, 11:46 AM

Blue Horseshoe is gonna love silver

5th May 2011, 11:53 AM
Sheer agony watching for the best opportunity to buy again.

It is mind blowing to know that there are string pullers with this much power.

Your chart doesn't put it into perspective.

This one (http://www.kitco.com/scripts/hist_charts/monthly_graphs.plx) does (scroll down to May):



Mine was PLENTY ugly.

yours is heartwrenching.

Son of Dave
5th May 2011, 12:20 PM
That chart resembles the path one takes when they defenestrate themselves.

5th May 2011, 12:24 PM
Hey will you knock it off with the big words DT...

I had to look that shit up.


5th May 2011, 12:29 PM
just heard on the radio that they figured out how to fix all of the economic problems. everything is cool now, so you can all sell and get back in to FRNs and pets.com.

5th May 2011, 12:31 PM
just heard on the radio that they figured out how to fix all of the economic problems. everything is cool now, so you can all sell and get back in to FRNs and pets.com.

Thank god for obama...

5th May 2011, 12:31 PM
just heard on the radio that they figured out how to fix all of the economic problems. everything is cool now, so you can all sell and get back in to FRNs and pets.com.

What's the matter? Coin dealers holdin' out on ya?

no inventory?

5th May 2011, 12:37 PM
That chart resembles the path one takes when they defenestrate themselves.

SoD presents good vocabulary and bad grammar.

:D :-*

5th May 2011, 12:44 PM
it's girls gone wild today. PMs tanking, record open interest on nat gas + nymex oil, dow down 157, somebody is pissed off.

5th May 2011, 12:59 PM
it's girls gone wild today. PMs tanking, record open interest on nat gas + nymex oil, dow down 157, somebody is pissed off.

I wonder if the whole BC + Bin Ladin thing was a distraction for the maneuvering we're seeing right now? There is a lot of movement going on.

5th May 2011, 01:07 PM

Classic pump-and-dump. Somebody on Wall Street needed to pay for his son's extravagant bar mitzvah.

5th May 2011, 01:09 PM
This is desperation and I smell blood. Thank you JP Morgue for allowing us another excellent buying opportunity and thanks for the laugh. We sense your desperation and still continue to accumulate physical holdings even faster than before. The debt didn't magically disappear, nor did China decide to make more room for more worthless IOU's. Now we can gladly exchange even less of these worthless bernanke notes for tangible assets.

Silver Art, I will gladly exchange 3 rolls of FRN's in the place of toilet paper for one copper penny, as they will soon have the same value.

mick silver
5th May 2011, 01:12 PM
two days ago my dealer had all the silver you would want now he got NONE ...

5th May 2011, 01:13 PM
i just got off the phone with my dealer. a regular came in and bought everything generic in the case. gold, silver, all of it. he saved me a first communion round for my daughter this weekend. holy smokes.

5th May 2011, 01:14 PM
Man oh man, down over $5.00.........some people must be crapping their pants......they were going long.

mick silver
5th May 2011, 01:15 PM
We all have seen this before the price drops and there no silver to be found

5th May 2011, 01:16 PM
Only thing I am worried about is that there won't be any physical silver available when we bottom out. If there is it is a great deal.

Physical silver will always be available on ebay, you just have to pay market value, which just happens to be more than spot. Look yourself, right now auctions for one oz silver rounds are ending between $45 and $50, and that's before factoring in shipping costs. It looks like people are still willing to pay $50/oz for silver.

5th May 2011, 01:18 PM
We all have seen this before the price drops and there no silver to be found

Price dropping like a rock and the premiums at Kitco on silver product going up. Yeah, demand must be going down. Right.

A couple of weeks ago, the premiums on maples was about 8%. Last Christmas around 3.5%. Phils were less than Maples. Premium on Phils now over 10%. Maples nowhere to be found.

Maybe the price is dropping because someone is realizing how worthless paper is.

5th May 2011, 01:27 PM
Only thing I am worried about is that there won't be any physical silver available when we bottom out. If there is it is a great deal.

Physical silver will always be available on ebay, you just have to pay market value, which just happens to be more than spot. Look yourself, right now auctions for one oz silver rounds are ending between $45 and $50, and that's before factoring in shipping costs. It looks like people are still willing to pay $50/oz for silver.

what % of that $50 goes to ebay in fees?

5th May 2011, 01:28 PM
wait until non farm payroll reports tomorrow. :o

5th May 2011, 01:35 PM
it's girls gone wild today. PMs tanking, record open interest on nat gas + nymex oil, dow down 157, somebody is pissed off.


oil prices are taking it in the sun-don't-shine area today.

& silver is tracking with oil - down about 14% @ $34.

this reminds me of the Jan/Feb. 2010 time period when silver was having 5% down days, one after another. though the price per ounce now is about double what it was then.

Son of Dave
5th May 2011, 01:40 PM
That chart resembles the path one takes when they defenestrate themselves.

SoD presents good vocabulary and bad grammar.

:D :-*

It's the contempt for my past teachers.

5th May 2011, 02:24 PM
Only thing I am worried about is that there won't be any physical silver available when we bottom out. If there is it is a great deal.

Physical silver will always be available on ebay, you just have to pay market value, which just happens to be more than spot. Look yourself, right now auctions for one oz silver rounds are ending between $45 and $50, and that's before factoring in shipping costs. It looks like people are still willing to pay $50/oz for silver.

what % of that $50 goes to ebay in fees?

The buyer pays nothing in ebay or paypal fees, but the seller has to pay ebay's final value fees (http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/fvf.html#how), which is like 9% and then they have to pay paypal fees on top of that which is another 3 or 4% if I remember right.

5th May 2011, 02:50 PM
Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.[1] The term "defenestration" was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year 1618. The word comes from the Latin de- (down or away from) and fenestra (window or opening).[2] Correspondingly, it also can refer to the condition of being thrown out of a window, as in The Defenestration of Ermintrude Inch.[3]

The act carries the connotation of forcibly or peremptorily removing an adversary, and the term is sometimes used in just that sense;[4] it also suggests breaking the windows in the process (de- also means removal). Although defenestrations can be fatal due to the height of the window through which a person is thrown or throws oneself or due to lacerations from broken glass, the act of defenestration need not carry the intent or result of death.

Well, who would know that and why?

5th May 2011, 03:38 PM
1500 didn't hold, they blew by it, not even a tick up, that was support,
now we watch 1400, dipping past 1430 is no big deal, same thing with
1380, but that wall will be hard to break, who knows what they will do
short term.

$20 SI this summer is a real possibility. Watching 1400 is key.

We were discussing market manipulation in Sarge thread, don't miss it.

And I opened a key thread and posted real time, two blow off tops on
massive volumes, as they were happening, that is what you get at tops, that is classic blow off.
And we posted on the massive volumes as anomalies to history.

Lots of charts. It's a good documentation of what happened, key issues.

My thread, what it shows, key time period, key price point, classic blow off tops,
documenting massive volumes, discussing COT shorts, some links to others doing
same, volume charts as anomalies to history, COT charts still significant, but because
of the 200 K volume days, they will be rendered meaningless, that was key info of past.

Who is behind all these trades, ? , I doubt at this point it is about just price rigging.

They could do that with less trades, there is massive transfer of wealth, Madoff style.
There should be investigations. Who made the trades ?

5th May 2011, 03:42 PM
hell we are still waiting for who shorted the airlines on 911 10 years ago! ^

5th May 2011, 03:53 PM
hell we are still waiting for who shorted the airlines on 911 10 years ago! ^

People need to read the protocols, applies here, people have no idea what is in them.

Promoting false teaching and promoting speculation instead of real investing is big part of them.

Sheering the goyim, look at the volumes, OI net neutral at the end of the day but
200K contracts traded for forward month, WTF ? 10 K is 50 Mill Oz, Madoff operations,
sucker or corrupt banks to go long, and burn them for big money, big money stuck their
head in this market like never before and had their head cut off with stops hit and flushed
out. In 2006 MM's refused to take buy orders and dropped it at $15 in panic to 12 inter day.
That would be a 10 drop today. LOL

5th May 2011, 04:13 PM
$20 SI this summer is a real possibility.

That's my guess. No logical link to gold anymore whatsoever.

5th May 2011, 04:27 PM
Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.[1] The term "defenestration" was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year 1618. The word comes from the Latin de- (down or away from) and fenestra (window or opening).[2] Correspondingly, it also can refer to the condition of being thrown out of a window, as in The Defenestration of Ermintrude Inch.[3]

The act carries the connotation of forcibly or peremptorily removing an adversary, and the term is sometimes used in just that sense;[4] it also suggests breaking the windows in the process (de- also means removal). Although defenestrations can be fatal due to the height of the window through which a person is thrown or throws oneself or due to lacerations from broken glass, the act of defenestration need not carry the intent or result of death.

Well, who would know that and why?

I knew this because a person on another forum I frequent has Defenestrate as his handle and his sig line is a brief definition.

5th May 2011, 04:37 PM
$20 SI this summer is a real possibility.

That's my guess. No logical link to gold anymore whatsoever.

I'm watching gold, that is the key to moves. Including this last one.
This has never been wrong, gold predicted this move, up down, si volitility
predicted top, watching gold 1400 is key for when bottom will come,
SI will land somewhere, predicting gold price is much easier and trading
off that info, pulling trigger on si, this is pros talking not me, i am student.

5th May 2011, 04:44 PM

I hear you spark- thanks for that. I had not seen your thread - Been bouncing all over today.

My rational mind finds no argument with your statements however my gut is in knots.

I've got most of my eggs in this basket - for better or worse.
Sticking it out.

I am totally with you on that, JJ. It makes sense, what he is saying, but it is certainly not what I wanted to hear.

My gut still nags at me, that we are at a point where we can't apply the past practices of analyzation to what is going to happen to our beloved metals, based on the whistle blowers, the acceleration of public awakening to the conspiracy, the impending ecnomic collapse, the wars in the middle east, the scary mooslems seeking revenge for the "death" of "osama", the list goes on.

I thought for sure that we were out of bounds for applying elliot wave theory (etc) at this time. I thought none of the past market logic or forecasting could apply. I still feel like $50 is only a month away. I guess my gut is off.

5th May 2011, 04:55 PM

I hear you spark- thanks for that. I had not seen your thread - Been bouncing all over today.

My rational mind finds no argument with your statements however my gut is in knots.

I've got most of my eggs in this basket - for better or worse.
Sticking it out.

I am totally with you on that, JJ. It makes sense, what he is saying, but it is certainly not what I wanted to hear.

My gut still nags at me, that we are at a point where we can't apply the past practices of analyzation to what is going to happen to our beloved metals, based on the whistle blowers, the acceleration of public awakening to the conspiracy, the impending ecnomic collapse, the wars in the middle east, the scary mooslems seeking revenge for the "death" of "osama", the list goes on.

I thought for sure that we were out of bounds for applying elliot wave theory (etc) at this time. I thought none of the past market logic or forecasting could apply. I still feel like $50 is only a month away. I guess my gut is off.

Now you no what it's like to be a Cubs fan. :lol

I agree Awoke, that applying past market conditions to today's market is like apples to oranges. The game players are the same, but were we QEing all the way to Armegedon in 2008? Nope. I'm thinking that there may be some serious issues with delivery.

These margin hikes are just another way to shake out weak positions and trigger sell stops for the algos.

5th May 2011, 05:13 PM
I don't see how the game has changed. The fundamentals are good, speculators jump on to exploit the upward trend, they jerk the price upward, they exit, and the priced deflates to a higher floor, because the fundamentals remain good.

What's different? Didn't we all see these events coming (in a general sense), and now they are simply playing out? We knew there would be inflationary action 5 years ago; we just didn't know it would be called QE and QE2. So we've had monetization and wars and tsunamis and nuclear meltdowns and assassinated terrorist leaders. In parallel, the price of silver went up 175% in five months. Now, we rest. We'll hear talk of the end of QE2, and a stalled economy that will hurt industrial silver demand, etc. We've been through this before. When everyone's convinced silver is done, they'll restart more monetization and more $hit will happen, and the metals will begin the next cycle.

Nothing's really changed. The stores are still full of stuff to buy, and retailers still want my FRNs and not my metal. I can still drive my car, and now we're finally going to see a drop in gasoline prices. It's time for a healthy pause in the silver mania. Accept it. It'll be back.

5th May 2011, 05:27 PM

I hear you spark- thanks for that. I had not seen your thread - Been bouncing all over today.

My rational mind finds no argument with your statements however my gut is in knots.

I've got most of my eggs in this basket - for better or worse.
Sticking it out.

I am totally with you on that, JJ. It makes sense, what he is saying, but it is certainly not what I wanted to hear.

My gut still nags at me, that we are at a point where we can't apply the past practices of analyzation to what is going to happen to our beloved metals, based on the whistle blowers, the acceleration of public awakening to the conspiracy, the impending ecnomic collapse, the wars in the middle east, the scary mooslems seeking revenge for the "death" of "osama", the list goes on.

I thought for sure that we were out of bounds for applying elliot wave theory (etc) at this time. I thought none of the past market logic or forecasting could apply. I still feel like $50 is only a month away. I guess my gut is off.

Not just Awoke, you guys are wrong ignoring past history, they just proved
how real this is, how they can do what they have always been doing.

1 yes we can and I have, highlighting changes to history, Sparky has good thread, we wait
we are just students, still, the thread I opened was to document this and share,
2 idiot waves have nothing to do with anything, never have, we do basic tech, Resistance,
Channels, wedges, cups, very basic stuff, R lines and where stops stand is key
and easy to determine, they hit the stops and flush everyone and repeat.

Anyone hold the bag here I wish I could help you, anything could happen,
but we are going by history, the patterns are real, last 2 summers I lost money
buying puts, I am cash waiting for a bottom, I was not in on the run up
cause of historical info, not right setup, the setup was for a drop, the historical info and
forces are too powerful to counter in trades with real money, recently the blow off tops
were strong sell signals,
crimex is still at work, calls to default, they will ream everyone and stop delivery, that's
history too, anything can happen though , gc is sub 1500, 1400 is target now, SI will
be sub 30. That would still be no mans land for a trade. We need a historical climax.
That would be a setup. I will buy calls and do a multiple.

This is what I am looking for. For a long term conservative speculative trade.

GC going sideways fighting resistance at 1400.
Getting smacked big time for June expirey, help SI too.
Interday blowoff bottom, nice big red hammer candlestick.
30 % off GC, 35 % off interday hammer low.
SI same thing, nice big red hammer moving so fast I
can't place the order in time. $16 interday low that shows
up as $21 close, May or July 2012 $20 calls at $ 2.00.
Whole account.

I am just a loon dreaming. ;D

If it doesn't come it doesn't come. But that is what they said before.
Another wet dream, sell, take your multiple, wait for a double bottom.
It's going to be like high school, she said yes !

I will be here for bottom , keep your powder dry, ready to buy calls with confidence.
Long term swing trade. Make up for any losses. Zeal school.


5th May 2011, 05:40 PM
Great posts MAGNES and Sparky.

I can't wait to hear Bob Chapman this weekend on goldseek radio to hear his take on things. He was still buying at $48 and said silver would go thru $50 like a hot knife thru butter. He'll probably mention manipulation and speculators, but it will ring hollow. With his experience and knowledge, how did he not see this trainwreck coming?

because its NOT a trainwreck! Its a normal shakeout after too many uninitiated buyers came in. the old time gold/silverbugs were not exited at 49+ anymore than they were dissapointed at 6.00 silver

5th May 2011, 05:55 PM
So, I just woke up and jumped on GSUS to check the POS. Holy crap, Batman! I had to edit the thread title again.

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 05:58 PM
So, I just woke up and jumped on GSUS to check the POS. Holy crap, Batman! I had to edit the thread title again.

Yep. The silver smackdown is brutal and it is not done yet. You may have to edit the thread title again in the very near future (like tommorrow).


5th May 2011, 06:07 PM
Great posts MAGNES and Sparky.

I can't wait to hear Bob Chapman this weekend on goldseek radio to hear his take on things. He was still buying at $48 and said silver would go thru $50 like a hot knife thru butter. He'll probably mention manipulation and speculators, but it will ring hollow. With his experience and knowledge, how did he not see this trainwreck coming?


That is a good post and question, he ain't the only one that has done that going back.

I stay away from cheerleaders since long time ago. I got caught up in that and some of
my first trades were losers cause of that.

Even LeMetro did this, Sinclair too, others, I stay away from personalities ruling me.

Norcini on Sinclair is good, Cot analysis on LeMetro was pro, Zeal pros for corrections.

Wait for stars to line up for trades.

There is a chance possibly to go long with confidence, like other corrective years.
Anyone losing money, wait for it, do your own DD, never get your info from one place.

Hate to see people losing money especially friends.

5th May 2011, 06:08 PM
So, I just woke up and jumped on GSUS to check the POS. Holy crap, Batman! I had to edit the thread title again.

Yep. The silver smackdown is brutal and it is not done yet. You may have to edit the thread title again in the very near future (like tommorrow).


Good calls, you know more than you let on. Post some charts, references, what you are reading.

1970 silver art
5th May 2011, 07:08 PM
So, I just woke up and jumped on GSUS to check the POS. Holy crap, Batman! I had to edit the thread title again.

Yep. The silver smackdown is brutal and it is not done yet. You may have to edit the thread title again in the very near future (like tommorrow).


Good calls, you know more than you let on. Post some charts, references, what you are reading.

Honestly MAGNES, it was just my gut feeling talking to me. I have absolutely nothing to back up my gut feeling. You know a lot more about the technicals of the gold and silver market than I ever will. I am terrible at charts and I am terrible at technical analysis. I just saw silver as running up too much too fast and I was just expecting that a smackdown of this nature would happen and that what is currently happening.

5th May 2011, 11:08 PM
Unless you are out there on paper, this is a disappointing drop. It means nothing. I was fondling my metals and thinking of taking profits last week. I decided to sit. Now I am out a bunch of MTM unrealized gains. Let us not forget that unless all the supports get blown out, we are still sitting on large gains, for those of us who hold the physical. If you roll gold down to 900ish and silv to 14is I will start to really have stomach pains.

If you are playing the casino, that's your thing.

We all know this cannot go on forever, just longer than you can stay leveraged. If you aren't leveraged, you have nothing to worry about.

6th May 2011, 04:04 AM
I think most will be surprised how fast this can recover. The paper markets are a sham and the specs that have been shaken out will be backfilled by bona fide users trying to secure metal, imo. They will go in fully funded with the intention to receive goods. Otherwise the paper market and the physical market will disconnect completely.

What happens when worldwide demand is soaring and the product goes on sale 40%? Do you think the Chinese are sitting on their hands saying "let's go buy stocks....silver is for suckers! I doubt it. I say we will know in less than 60 days where this market is heading. jmo.

I can almost garantee the Indians are saying ..'dis is a beddy, beddy good deal!'

edit....grade 5 spelling

6th May 2011, 05:20 AM
I can almost garantee the Indians are saying ..'dis is a beddy, beddy good deal!'

...a beddy good deal, my prend.

6th May 2011, 06:44 AM

(Talking to TPTB about this quick silver rebound to just short of $35, from $33.05)

Bring it down to $25, you manipulative pieces of crap!

6th May 2011, 08:04 AM
Does anyone know how low silver needs to go for JP Morgan to be able to cover its shorts? That's the target number.

6th May 2011, 08:06 AM
Does anyone know how low silver needs to go for JP Morgan to be able to cover its shorts? That's the target number.

Do we even know if they still hold a short position?

6th May 2011, 08:08 AM
Does anyone know how low silver needs to go for JP Morgan to be able to cover its shorts? That's the target number.

I thought it was 36 for the March Delivery. I have not heard about anything for the May or July delivery months.

6th May 2011, 10:50 AM
Does anyone know how low silver needs to go for JP Morgan to be able to cover its shorts? That's the target number.

Do we even know if they still hold a short position?
I think it is fairly safe to assume they have increased their short position the last couple of weeks... But I do believe they will be totally out of net short positions, once it bounces from the low 20's, and get into the 30's again... And that should put a booster rocket on silvers ass. It is even possible that Silver Art will have to send Ponce 3 TP rolls before the end of the year... Probably in December if that is the case. Big IF though!

6th May 2011, 11:07 AM
My gut tells me that there will be one more severe body punch delivered to silver in the next two weeks. These people are evil. They will let things calm down and let the price rise a little and wait for the last few remaining intrepid believers to wade back into the pool and then......BAM!!!! They want to sting the silver buying public real bad so they will think three times before buying it again.

6th May 2011, 11:16 AM
My gut tells me that there will be one more severe body punch delivered to silver in the next two weeks. These people are evil. They will let things calm down and let the price rise a little and wait for the last few remaining intrepid believers to wade back into the pool and then......BAM!!!! They want to sting the silver buying public real bad so they will think three times before buying it again.
Yes, entirely possible, it may be allowed back up to 44 or so... We saw these kind of moves in 2008, today the movements are exaggerated compared even to then!

6th May 2011, 11:36 AM
My gut tells me that there will be one more severe body punch delivered to silver in the next two weeks. These people are evil. They will let things calm down and let the price rise a little and wait for the last few remaining intrepid believers to wade back into the pool and then......BAM!!!! They want to sting the silver buying public real bad so they will think three times before buying it again.
Yes, entirely possible, it may be allowed back up to 44 or so... We saw these kind of moves in 2008, today the movements are exaggerated compared even to then!

Anyone who was not and is not expecting directional volitility in a bull market as tiny as silver has not given their involvement in it full consideration. Put on your seat belts. I don't think this is going to grind sideways for 18 - 24 months like it did in the last 10 years.

6th May 2011, 11:44 AM
My gut tells me that there will be one more severe body punch delivered to silver in the next two weeks. These people are evil. They will let things calm down and let the price rise a little and wait for the last few remaining intrepid believers to wade back into the pool and then......BAM!!!! They want to sting the silver buying public real bad so they will think three times before buying it again.
Yes, entirely possible, it may be allowed back up to 44 or so... We saw these kind of moves in 2008, today the movements are exaggerated compared even to then!

Anyone who was not and is not expecting directional volitility in a bull market as tiny as silver has not given their involvement in it full consideration. Put on your seat belts. I don't think this is going to grind sideways for 18 - 24 months like it did in the last 10 years.
I totally agree, about 6-9 months before $50 is broken...

6th May 2011, 11:54 AM
My gut tells me that there will be one more severe body punch delivered to silver in the next two weeks. These people are evil. They will let things calm down and let the price rise a little and wait for the last few remaining intrepid believers to wade back into the pool and then......BAM!!!! They want to sting the silver buying public real bad so they will think three times before buying it again.
Yes, entirely possible, it may be allowed back up to 44 or so... We saw these kind of moves in 2008, today the movements are exaggerated compared even to then!

Anyone who was not and is not expecting directional volitility in a bull market as tiny as silver has not given their involvement in it full consideration. Put on your seat belts. I don't think this is going to grind sideways for 18 - 24 months like it did in the last 10 years.

that gets a big:


mick silver
6th May 2011, 12:01 PM
there just shaking out the weak hands this will come to a end . i bet china buying right now . i dont know about shorts an longs but i am learning . i only hold metal that i can put in my hand an hold on to . thats the only thing I trust in something i can hold an call my own

6th May 2011, 12:04 PM
My powder has been vacuum sealed. And I've been using the gripmaster to take my strong hands to new levels.


6th May 2011, 12:08 PM
Who in their right mind would buy put options for $1 million betting that silver would drop below $25 by July, several weeks ago when silver was rallying towards $50?

mick silver
6th May 2011, 12:11 PM
mamboni when you have the government giving you paper to play with why not make the bet you have nothing to lose when it not yours to start with

6th May 2011, 12:19 PM
Who in their right mind would buy put options for $1 million betting that silver would drop below $25 by July, several weeks ago when silver was rallying towards $50?

A bankster with buddies.

6th May 2011, 12:25 PM
Did increasing margins break Silver in 2006?
You can read my previous posts on CME Margin changes here:

Yesterday - CME gets aggressive with Silver margins!
1 Week Ago - CME Increases Silver Margin Requirements
6 Weeks Ago - CME Hikes Silver Margin Requirements‏ (Again!)

I certainly didn't intend on covering Silver margin changes again so soon, but I stumbled across something very interesting and thought I would share.

The below chart is from 2006, the numbers above the candlesticks relate to events which I will detail below:

1. Silver Margin Change Announced - April 13th, 2006
2. Silver Margin Change Effective - April 17th, 2006
3. Silver Margin Change Announced - April 20th, 2006
4. Silver Margin Change Effective - April 21st, 2006
5. Silver Margin Change Announced - May 15th, 2006
6. Silver Margin Change Effective - May 16th, 2006

more at: http://www.bullionbaron.com/2011/05/did-increasing-margins-break-silver-in.html

Mamboni comment: If the banksters play by the same rules as they did in 2006, silver will be knocked down below $25 in July!

6th May 2011, 12:48 PM
Yeah, mamboni, that's what I've been trying to say.

6th May 2011, 12:57 PM
Yeah, mamboni, that's what I've been trying to say.

Do you think it will be deja vu all over again (thank you Yogi) for silver?

6th May 2011, 01:01 PM
Yeah, mamboni, that's what I've been trying to say.

Do you think it will be deja vu all over again (thank you Yogi) for silver?

Yes. See this thread: http://gold-silver.us/forum/silver/expectations-for-silver-moving-forward-from-may-2011/msg223245/#msg223245

6th May 2011, 03:49 PM
My gut says that silver will stay in a trading range from 30 to 40 for the summer. We won't see another big move up until the end of the year, unless some big unforeseen event happens.

7th May 2011, 09:37 AM
My gut says that silver will stay in a trading range from 30 to 40 for the summer. We won't see another big move up until the end of the year, unless some big unforeseen event happens.
I think you are wrong, we will most likely see a lot of volatility. If we haven't hit the first bottom yet, we will see it go down to around 31, then up to 44ish late May, down to 26 around early-mid June up to 31 around midsummer late June, hard down to 21 beginning July, up to 26 late July. Range bound between 26-31 in August. Slowly up from there. Above 40 early November, a try at 50 in mid-December. Failed! Another try in the end of December/Early January. We will see 100+ Silver, and 2000+ Gold by The end of April next year!

Save this and trade accordingly (or make TP bets!) but dyodd! ;)

7th May 2011, 10:46 AM
Great posts MAGNES and Sparky.

I can't wait to hear Bob Chapman this weekend on goldseek radio to hear his take on things. He was still buying at $48 and said silver would go thru $50 like a hot knife thru butter. He'll probably mention manipulation and speculators, but it will ring hollow. With his experience and knowledge, how did he not see this trainwreck coming?

because its NOT a trainwreck! Its a normal shakeout after too many uninitiated buyers came in. the old time gold/silverbugs were not exited at 49+ anymore than they were dissapointed at 6.00 silver

see? longs have no worries. keep your eyes on the fundies....nothing more than a shake...headed up and back down to 50+ by year end.

7th May 2011, 11:37 AM
This is a good chart! It shows that it is possible, that the price of silver may even be above $50 in three weeks time! But most likely not above that...

7th May 2011, 03:12 PM
My gut says that silver will stay in a trading range from 30 to 40 for the summer. We won't see another big move up until the end of the year, unless some big unforeseen event happens.
I think you are wrong, we will most likely see a lot of volatility. If we haven't hit the first bottom yet, we will see it go down to around 31, then up to 44ish late May, down to 26 around early-mid June up to 31 around midsummer late June, hard down to 21 beginning July, up to 26 late July. Range bound between 26-31 in August. Slowly up from there. Above 40 early November, a try at 50 in mid-December. Failed! Another try in the end of December/Early January. We will see 100+ Silver, and 2000+ Gold by The end of April next year!

Save this and trade accordingly (or make TP bets!) but dyodd! ;)

I think the events of June/July will dictate what happens to the metals market. If QE2 ends or is credibly threatened with ending, interest rates & dollar go up, metals go down. If QE2 is extended or quietly turned into QE3, then interest rates stay down, dollar continues down, but metals will definitely shoot up.

1970 silver art
7th May 2011, 05:02 PM
My gut says that silver will stay in a trading range from 30 to 40 for the summer. We won't see another big move up until the end of the year, unless some big unforeseen event happens.
I think you are wrong, we will most likely see a lot of volatility. If we haven't hit the first bottom yet, we will see it go down to around 31, then up to 44ish late May, down to 26 around early-mid June up to 31 around midsummer late June, hard down to 21 beginning July, up to 26 late July. Range bound between 26-31 in August. Slowly up from there. Above 40 early November, a try at 50 in mid-December. Failed! Another try in the end of December/Early January. We will see 100+ Silver, and 2000+ Gold by The end of April next year!

Save this and trade accordingly (or make TP bets!) but dyodd! ;)

I agree with you in another post that $21 is solid floor for silver but I do not think that silver to get close to $21 on the downside. I still think that $26 will be the bottom for silver. I will say that if silver somehow broke $20 on the downside, then this DOG is dead for 2011 IMO. I think that silver will rebound from the $26 level starting sometime this Fall and will ultimately finish at between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011.

7th May 2011, 05:53 PM
I agree with you in another post that $21 is solid floor for silver but I do not think that silver to get close to $21 on the downside. I still think that $26 will be the bottom for silver. I will say that if silver somehow broke $20 on the downside, then this DOG is dead for 2011 IMO. I think that silver will rebound from the $26 level starting sometime this Fall and will ultimately finish at between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011.

If silver breaks below $20, that would be a game changer for the long term silver outlook. I don't think that will happen.

7th May 2011, 06:00 PM
If silver breaks below $20, that would be a game changer for the long term silver outlook. I don't think that will happen.

If that happened, I'd be Ponce in 25 years posting on G-SNWO.

1970 silver art
7th May 2011, 06:01 PM
I agree with you in another post that $21 is solid floor for silver but I do not think that silver to get close to $21 on the downside. I still think that $26 will be the bottom for silver. I will say that if silver somehow broke $20 on the downside, then this DOG is dead for 2011 IMO. I think that silver will rebound from the $26 level starting sometime this Fall and will ultimately finish at between $37 and $41 on December 31, 2011.

If silver breaks below $20, that would be a game changer for the long term silver outlook. I don't think that will happen.

I agree with that Sparky. I also do not see the spot price of silver breaking $20 on the downside. I am going to stick with $26 as being the ultimate bottom for silver.

7th May 2011, 06:22 PM
Hopefully, silver will go $26 in the coming weeks. However, I don't think silver can go lower than $20. Silver backwardation will support the silver price.

8th May 2011, 12:30 AM
My gut says that silver will stay in a trading range from 30 to 40 for the summer. We won't see another big move up until the end of the year, unless some big unforeseen event happens.
I think you are wrong, we will most likely see a lot of volatility. If we haven't hit the first bottom yet, we will see it go down to around 31, then up to 44ish late May, down to 26 around early-mid June up to 31 around midsummer late June, hard down to 21 beginning July, up to 26 late July. Range bound between 26-31 in August. Slowly up from there. Above 40 early November, a try at 50 in mid-December. Failed! Another try in the end of December/Early January. We will see 100+ Silver, and 2000+ Gold by The end of April next year!

Save this and trade accordingly (or make TP bets!) but dyodd! ;)

I think the events of June/July will dictate what happens to the metals market. If QE2 ends or is credibly threatened with ending, interest rates & dollar go up, metals go down. If QE2 is extended or quietly turned into QE3, then interest rates stay down, dollar continues down, but metals will definitely shoot up.

I see both those scenarios playing out, they will talk hard on ending QE2 in June, follow up with turning off the cash tap. Turn it on quietly a month later after crashing the markets. Volatility folks! They will not call it QE3, it will just be a simple 1 Trillion bucks cash swap with the Japanese Central Bank, and the Fed buys a trillion worth of Japanese bonds. The Japanese buys a trillion worth of treasuries, and both countries are saved... ;)

8th May 2011, 05:43 PM
Neuro, that sounds about right.

10th May 2011, 12:55 PM
Great posts MAGNES and Sparky.

I can't wait to hear Bob Chapman this weekend on goldseek radio to hear his take on things. He was still buying at $48 and said silver would go thru $50 like a hot knife thru butter. He'll probably mention manipulation and speculators, but it will ring hollow. With his experience and knowledge, how did he not see this trainwreck coming?

because its NOT a trainwreck! Its a normal shakeout after too many uninitiated buyers came in. the old time gold/silverbugs were not exited at 49+ anymore than they were dissapointed at 6.00 silver

see? longs have no worries. keep your eyes on the fundies....nothing more than a shake...headed up and back down to 50+ by year end.

where are the naysayers now?? i told u it was nothing more than a shake...

10th May 2011, 01:53 PM
I'm still nay saying and I wasn't even a nay sayer until Art's prediction crystallized.

I say this is a temporary upsurge and we see some serious falls within 3 weeks' time.

I'm still looking for silver to break $50 by March of next year and I think it may well happen this Fall but I think we are going to suffer the Summer doldrums.

10th May 2011, 02:34 PM
I'm still nay saying and I wasn't even a nay sayer until Art's prediction crystallized.

I say this is a temporary upsurge and we see some serious falls within 3 weeks' time.

I'm still looking for silver to break $50 by March of next year and I think it may well happen this Fall but I think we are going to suffer the Summer doldrums.

Ya, summer doldrums are pretty consistant. We'll see what shakes out this year. I wouln't be surprised either way, but avoiding the doldrums would be certainly defying the historical odds.

If we do go up during the summer months, the shorts better don some diapers in the fall.

10th May 2011, 03:21 PM
I'm still nay saying and I wasn't even a nay sayer until Art's prediction crystallized.

I say this is a temporary upsurge and we see some serious falls within 3 weeks' time.

I'm still looking for silver to break $50 by March of next year and I think it may well happen this Fall but I think we are going to suffer the Summer doldrums.
We are on the same page. I think it depends on how deep we go $26, and most probably $50 will get broken in November. $21 and it will take another 2-3 months. Off course it is a possibility $50 will be broken in a couple of weeks if this was it... Doubt it though!

10th May 2011, 04:21 PM
Silver Art........."Money talks and caca walks"........you sound so friking sure that siver will not hit $50.00 then take my 100 oz of siver as I am willing to take yours.......or at least bet 10 oz.

1970 silver art
10th May 2011, 04:56 PM
Silver Art........."Money talks and caca walks"........you sound so friking sure that siver will not hit $50.00 then take my 100 oz of siver as I am willing to take yours.......or at least bet 10 oz.

Ponce? I am trying to save you from yourself. Why are you trying so hard to lose your silver in a "betting accident"? ???

BTW I do agree with your "Money talks and caca walks" statement and since tp is money, then I am indeed talking with my money since I am super sure that silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011. :D

10th May 2011, 05:57 PM
I am trying to save you from yourself. Why are you trying so hard to lose your silver in a "betting accident"? ???

I have to say, that was pretty witty, Josey. Good one! I chuckled.

11th May 2011, 12:45 AM
I'm still nay saying and I wasn't even a nay sayer until Art's prediction crystallized.

I say this is a temporary upsurge and we see some serious falls within 3 weeks' time.

I'm still looking for silver to break $50 by March of next year and I think it may well happen this Fall but I think we are going to suffer the Summer doldrums.

Ya, summer doldrums are pretty consistant. We'll see what shakes out this year. I wouln't be surprised either way, but avoiding the doldrums would be certainly defying the historical odds.

If we do go up during the summer months, the shorts better don some diapers in the fall.
Yes once 50 is convincingly broken , we will be in mania phase IMO...

11th May 2011, 10:07 AM
Great posts MAGNES and Sparky.

I can't wait to hear Bob Chapman this weekend on goldseek radio to hear his take on things. He was still buying at $48 and said silver would go thru $50 like a hot knife thru butter. He'll probably mention manipulation and speculators, but it will ring hollow. With his experience and knowledge, how did he not see this trainwreck coming?

because its NOT a trainwreck! Its a normal shakeout after too many uninitiated buyers came in. the old time gold/silverbugs were not exited at 49+ anymore than they were dissapointed at 6.00 silver

see? longs have no worries. keep your eyes on the fundies....nothing more than a shake...headed up and back down to 50+ by year end.

where are the naysayers now?? i told u it was nothing more than a shake...

Is today's 7% loss part of the same shake, or is this a new shake? It looks like the naysayers knew what they were talking about.

11th May 2011, 10:14 AM
Freqking froaking grandenam silver is going down.....looks like I sacrifice my three rolls of tp to the God of silver for nothing........or maybe he wants three more rolls? hummmmmmmm :conf:

11th May 2011, 10:24 AM
Freqking froaking grandenam silver is going down.....looks like I sacrifice my three rolls of tp to the God of silver for nothing........or maybe he wants three more rolls? hummmmmmmm :conf:

There is no reason to become vituperous over some lost toilet paper my vauntie latin friend. ;D

11th May 2011, 10:30 AM
By using the word "vituperous" that's what you are doing......come down to Earth and talk to us peasents :conf:

11th May 2011, 12:07 PM
By using the word "vituperous" that's what you are doing......come down to Earth and talk to us peasents :conf:

Not at all my snarky and leptochroous friend. ;D I merely wish to admonish you to resist kerdomeletia. You cannot deny your tendency towards verbigeration. ;D

1970 silver art
11th May 2011, 03:11 PM
Freqking froaking grandenam silver is going down.....looks like I sacrifice my three rolls of tp to the God of silver for nothing........or maybe he wants three more rolls? hummmmmmmm :conf:

.............or maybe The God of Silver just wants me to win the bet. That is probably another reason why silver will NOT hit $50 this year. :D

11th May 2011, 03:42 PM
Jesus H. Ponce, I'd better become also a Dr so that I can talk with the Dr......he keeps on using doctorise on me :P

11th May 2011, 05:20 PM
Looks like there is still support at $35.

11th May 2011, 06:15 PM
$35 seems high for paper silver.

11th May 2011, 09:43 PM

1970 silver art
12th May 2011, 03:23 AM
Well well well. What do we have here? Hmmmm.........It looks like a smackdown to me. Hey Ponce, check this out.....................

12th May 2011, 05:16 AM
What just happened? Silver below 33 now.

12th May 2011, 05:30 AM
What just happened? Silver below 33 now.

shanghai gold exchange just announced they are raising margins...for the third time this month. and it's only the 12th of the month. 19% now. :oo-->

12th May 2011, 05:50 AM
i've been thinking about this, and i think this is actually very good for those of us who want the manipulation ended. a large disconnect between physical price and paper is emerging.

there is no way comex can find enough physical deliverable silver for the longs at these prices. remember that comex has a list of what can be considered deliverable. those holiday rounds and art bars at your dealer don't count. at a certain point here, deliverable ag is going to vanish at these low prices paper, and comex will implode when the longs stand firm.

12th May 2011, 06:01 AM
So much for the support at $35. We'll see what happens.

12th May 2011, 06:22 AM
G:S ratio up to 44.

12th May 2011, 07:24 AM
i've been thinking about this, and i think this is actually very good for those of us who want the manipulation ended. a large disconnect between physical price and paper is emerging.

there is no way comex can find enough physical deliverable silver for the longs at these prices. remember that comex has a list of what can be considered deliverable. those holiday rounds and art bars at your dealer don't count. at a certain point here, deliverable ag is going to vanish at these low prices paper, and comex will implode when the longs stand firm.

Could also be that the big shorts know this and they are throwing everything they have got at this to cover their shorts before the big blow up. Just speculation, but I have the same thoughts as you...lower prices only throw gas on the fire. Have a look at Kitco's retails stock...nadda.

17th May 2011, 08:10 AM
So we had a recent run up but now GC is sub 1500 again.

SI is going to get hammered big time when they take GC down.

GC is not down at this point, only down 6 % off top. GC 1480 to SI 33

As I stated earlier despite margin calls SI will follow gold and it did on way up.

Volumes are off the wall too regularly so I stopped posting them for couple weeks.
I will post a chart later for the front month.

Keep your powder dry and get ready.

mick silver
17th May 2011, 08:20 AM
i hope your right magnes . when do you see a good buy time coming . i want to be able to hold more in my hands

17th May 2011, 10:46 AM
The deeper the hole that the US is falling into then the bigger the lies that they will tell you and the harder that the government will hide the real value of PM.....

Anyone knows why the Fed's and the US government are now buying gold and silver?

17th May 2011, 10:54 AM
The deeper the hole that the US is falling into then the bigger the lies that they will tell you and the harder that the government will hide the real value of PM.....

Anyone knows why the Fed's and the US government are now buying gold and silver?

You don't? You know every fucking thing else ;D