View Full Version : Gold Juniors

6th May 2011, 08:51 AM
I intend to use this commodity market intervention as an opportunity to find high-beta juniors and put some money at risk. I am finding, to my chagrin, that most of them are listed only on Toronto. What's the easiest way to deal with this? Any suggestions of juniors to look at?

There seems to be a lot of money being thrown at Romios, which is traded OTC in NY, and they are buying up properties like nobody's business.

7th May 2011, 07:27 AM
Most of the miners are listed tsx and vancouver. Why can you not buy Cdn equities? Do you have a content limit? Is it in a retirement vehicle?

10th May 2011, 06:52 AM
I am gold junior investor for almost 10 years

so far my investments were mostly disapontment ;D

IMHO the system is much more fraudulent than it used to be in 1930s

10th May 2011, 07:56 AM
I am gold junior investor for almost 10 years

so far my investments were mostly disapontment ;D

IMHO the system is much more fraudulent than it used to be in 1930s

The mining equities have been spastic over the last 10 years. Long consolidations, followed by big upside. I have made good money on the stocks, but like I said, in fits and starts.

If one got in at the highs and had to hold through grueling consolidations, yeah...bummer. But looking back, having bought, held and accumulated, the gains are great. To be honest, my average annualized rate of return has been ~ 30%. I only disclose this to exemplify that the method has validity.

Just to note...when you said your stocks had been a disappointment and posted a wide grin smiley, you were either being humerous and have made good money, or you didn't and are not too worried about it. Either way, good for you! 8)

10th May 2011, 09:48 AM

at one time I gambled 1/3 of my portfolio on a single tiny stock in a hope to achieve my goals quickly.

That stock turned out to be the worst performer.

Since then I am more detached, emotionless and "ruthless" in my buy/sell "activities" and it seems to work out better.

Not me, but Excel spreadsheet makes all the decisions.