View Full Version : 5 "UFO's" over Hawaii.......

8th May 2011, 09:37 AM
Now days powerfull lazer lights against the clouds are able to do what those "UFO" were doing, they waited till it was almost dark to "fly" around.......they fact that some of them are going on and off at the same time makes me wonder..........I wished that they were real.......but to me they are not........at the end you can see like a spot lighg going across the sky.


8th May 2011, 11:06 AM
Watched the first two minutes, they seem like most of the other light orb group sightings.

the fact that some of them are going on and off at the same time makes me wonder
I'm assuming most of this was not involving the clouds. Then to me it is a neutral observation when trying to determine how they are formed.

If a natural electrical phenomena along a mountain ridge or some other telluric current, energy from space, or controlled by a mil-gov machine is maintaining the plasma, fluxucations in power supply would affect them all, or just one or a few depending on how it was directed, system capacitance or other factors.

8th May 2011, 11:40 AM
Keehah? .........mi no piki chinise....no thinki wat U rite.

8th May 2011, 11:49 AM
I think they are real 'flying' orbs emitting light. :)

8th May 2011, 10:47 PM
I've often wondered if Aliens are real. I'm hoping a United States Corp spokesperson soon admits to them being real so I'll finally know that they're not.

9th May 2011, 10:03 PM
We could be seeing are very long term ploy by either the NWO or some MIC element to further the belief. This would be like just another trump card to hold onto for tptb until the time is right. If peace were to ever break out for any extended period of time, they might then feel a need to play the illegal alien card, either this one or the other one. So as to collect more taxes and have an enemy they can prop up and wage war with.

9th May 2011, 10:54 PM
I've often wondered if Aliens are real. I'm hoping a United States Corp spokesperson soon admits to them being real so I'll finally know that they're not.

Yep, when they admit it, I would say be very careful about everything regarding this subject. As they deny this I am led to believe that it is in fact somewhat true.

9th May 2011, 11:45 PM
Yeah those look like surface to air UFOs, you can tell there is one mind, controlling them from one point on the ground.

10th May 2011, 12:05 AM
I've often wondered if Aliens are real. I'm hoping a United States Corp spokesperson soon admits to them being real so I'll finally know that they're not.

Yep, when they admit it, I would say be very careful about everything regarding this subject. As they deny this I am led to believe that it is in fact somewhat true.
You are the perfect contrarian. I'll say that they have denied it because they are still developing the technology, they admit it after they have assured that enough gullible people are swallowing everything. Then they roll out project bluebeam, and send everyone who question "reality" to FEMA camp and psychiatric treatment, electric shock therapy, frontal lobotomy, re-education and psych drugs. So close now!

10th May 2011, 12:43 AM
At end of vid you see the light beam get too wide...its a hoax

10th May 2011, 05:22 AM
Smoke and mirrors, methinks!