View Full Version : Enterprise Corruption—the act of lying about money on a large scale

9th May 2011, 06:06 PM
The following are some of the musings of Reinhardt at his EnterpriseCorruption.com site.

What Is Enterprise Corruption?

Enterprise corruption is the act of lying. Enterprise corruption is the act of lying.. about money. Enterprise corruption is the act of lying about money.. on a large scale. Technically, in most instances, enterprise corruption is a political, industrial, religious, economic, and global phenomena that transpires in response to the revolutionary effect that a disruptive technology, disruptive science, disruptive discovery, or disruptive truth has on the societies throughout the world. What is most important to remember is that enterprise corruption is not a punished crime. Enterprise corruption is an economic necessity.

Enterprise corruption builds nations. Globalization is the act of transferring one nation’s intelligence to other “developing” nations. The costs of the technology transfer is paid for by financial corruption on a systemic, enterprise-wide scale through enterprise corruption, book-cooking, enterprise treason, and market fraud. Enterprise corruption controls inflation and the costs of products and services. Enterprise corruption stabilizes wages. Hence, the often repeated phrases: “Consumers want cheap products and services.” and “There are jobs workers in the homeland do not want to do.”

Shareholders would do well to remember the following primary fact. Enterprise Corruption Occurs During every Industrial Revolution. This is the way to determine whether or not enterprise corruption has occurred. Where there is a revolution in industry there is enterprise corruption.

Historically, enterprise corruption has been easy to pull-off as long as the coordinators, central-planners, and participants of enterprise corruption were able to suppress information, able to suppress freedom of speech, able to suppress freedom of thought, able to encourage and enforce freedom from reason.. through legislative and religious tactics such as suspensions of the writ of Habeas Corpus, forbidden books, inquisitions, witch-hunts, flat-earth theologies, new worlds to colonize, conscription and sedition acts rendering any and all public opinion.. illegal.

Enterprise corruption, economic treason, years worth of book cooking, quiet waivers and exceptions from legislation, and free foreign nation upgrades come to a point where the bill has to be paid. This is the phase of the project where the exit-plan is instituted.

The sentence (punishment) for doing what the majority of major corporations did in the 1990s.. is 25 years in prison. Avoiding 25 years in prison is why a plan to artificially inflate the value of your company’s stock includes an “exit-plan” which comes after you artificially deflate the value of your company’s stocks. Quite understandably, with respect to exit-plans everyone that was involved in the enterprise corruption of the 1990s is a war-hawk and many have gone on record stating that the war-on-terror will last at least a generation or two or at least until the central planners are considered to be too old to be placed behind bars by a sympathetic (well-chosen) jury. How else were 8,000 companies with “s__t on their balance sheets” going to cover up ten years of book-cooking? It beat the heck out of 8,000 executive board-rooms and 8,000 corporate executives spending 25 years.. behind bars.

Enterprise corruption and systemic enterprise-wide fraud occurs during and throughout the life of every industrial revolution. Enterprise corruption can and does occur multiple times back-to-back throughout the entire course of an industrial revolution as is evident throughout the railway-railroad revolution from its beginnings with steam energy in 1847 to diesel locomotion in the early 1900s. During the course of the industrial revolution that took place between 1696 and 1947 the books were cooked and the vehicle of monetary exchange was intentionally debased by the individuals that cooked the books 47 times or once every 5.34 years. The foundation of the “booming internet economy” of the “go-go” 1990s was two-fold:

1. Fraudulent accounting practices (admission of “failure” of the system)
2. Preparation of foreign nations for the purpose of outsourcing labor.

You don’t pass across-the-board accounting legislation like Sarbanes-Oxley unless the problem you are pretending to solve is enterprise-wide. Shareholder Note: What is it that made the boom of the internet economy any different from any other previous economic “boom”? Why did they cook the books during the “roaring” 20s? Because cooking the books was the reason the roaring 20s.. roared. Why do companies need quiet waivers and exemptions from legislation passed during previous periods of systemic accounting fraud during a boom?

* Because the quiet waivers and exemptions.. were the cause of the boom.
* Because there is obviously something they can’t afford.

History avoids this reality religiously but the fact is, where there is a period of growth, progress, and prosperity, there is also.. enterprise corruption. For some unexplained reason, every era of progress winds up ”the greatest era of crooked high finance the world has ever known”. Every era of progress is also full of “greedy individuals” that can be set up as fall-guys and government (regardless of the style of government) takes full advantage of it. Juror and shareholder tip: The next “era of crooked high finance” will be greater.. than the last one.

Here are a list of things that usually occur around/near an industrial revolution:

a lot of advertised inventions and scientific discoveries
a lot of advertised inventors (Newton, Da Vinci, Jefferson, Franklin, etc..)
a lot of new additions to the career list on a census
a market crash
a war (long war = major industrial revolution)
a number of start-up religions; faith-based initiatives (a glut of new religions = major industrial revolution)
a change in theology
a global warming trend;-)
a historically popular morality-play
an exodus
a diaspora
a well advertised increase in demand for skilled labor
a peak in colonization
a monopoly-play (Standard-Oil)
an addition of a few more Rosary beads
legislation created to contain corruption
the disappearance of a well-known accountancy
a name-change of a well-known nation or city (Bombay/Mumbai)
the appearance of the word “new”
the appearance of the words “first” “unite” “spread”

The 19th century steam, rail transportation, and telecom revolution occurred in almost every area of the globe at the same time and here is how it was funded:

war labor (civil & world)
crash labor
famine labor
child labor
phony gold rushes
land grabs
reckless immigration
bank fraud

Most industrial revolutions have required very long wars. Juror and investor tip: When you hear words like “hundred-years war” or “crusade” or “terror” an industrial revolution is nearby.

Question: Why do historians pass over George Washington’s involvement as a Canal industry executive?

Answer: Because then jurors and investors would understand a little more about industrial revolutions and enterprise corruption.

To be continued.

9th May 2011, 06:31 PM
Why Has Enterprise Corruption Been Removed From History? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=41)

How Does One Successfully Predict A Speculative Market?

First of all.. one is not supposed to be able to predict a speculative market. That is why they call it “speculative”. As was said before, not everyone speculates in a speculative market. The ordinary hens speculate while the fox and the perfect hens regulate. For some unknown reason every single fox that has ever “regulated” the henhouse has f-cked it up. But the truth is the fox doesn’t f-ck it up. The fox only pretends to f-ck it up. Then the fox addresses the hens and informs them: “We f-cked up.. and not in your favor.

So, how does one successfully predict a speculative market?

Step #1:

One must take everything one has ever been told, taught, heard, thought, or assumes to be true about the history of the entire world and.. SHRED IT.

Put a sign on the top of that stupid hi-definition television set that says “Liar”.

And the odds are about 95% guaranteed that in almost all cases that sign.. is correct.

Sports is the exception. That is why sports is so loved by both the fox and the hens. It seems real. The game seems fair. It is real. The game is fair although the “liar” sign would have been accurate during the “black-sox” “scandal” right around the time of that market crash. Gather around the radio folks and hand us your wallets. The fox is a terrific entertainer and the fox is an experienced entertainer. But the entertainment tends to cost the hens one hell of a lot of money.

So why should the hens shred the fox’s version of history?

Because historically, economic history.. gets no place in history. History has been and will continue to be recorded just about as accurately as Arthur Anderson counts (counted) money. History is shredded, cooked, missing, and misrepresented. History is designed, developed, written and taught (force-fed) to make it appear that the phenomena of something called “globalism” and foreign nation-building and the “outsourcing” of jobs all started.. yesterday.

One cannot understand the future if one cannot understand the past. The hens are not supposed to understand either. The hens are not supposed to know the henhouse’s past because the hens are not supposed to know the henhouse’s future.

If the fox actually taught accurate history it would lessen the odds of being able to repeat it.

This is one of the reasons why administrations sign “executive orders” to close history.. to the public. It is also easier to give the public freedom of speech when you own history. History is not what actually happened but what the elite and the international banking cartels want societies to think happened. The revised, edited, and approved version of history reads.. like a bible. Actual history reads like the Wall Street Journal (before murdoch got his mits on it).

Our henhouse is the greatest henhouse in the world!

Every nation is the greatest nation in the world.. if you omit, revise, idealise, and romanticize most if not all of that nation’s history. Every nation teaches its citizens a little bit of truth about the “labor-versus-management” history.. of other nations. This explains why more American citizens can tell you about Russia’s labor history then they can about America’s labor history. Bringing up other nation’s negative historical dirty laundry and “labor-versus-management” truths ad-nauseum while carefully avoiding your own dirty-laundry is what makes those nations better enemies.

In America there is freedom of the press. In America every vote matters.

But, in which foreign-state do the leaders tell their citizens “your media is controlled by us”? In which foreign state do the leaders tell their citizens “your vote does not matter”?

Question: Don’t the leaders of a totalitarian state have enough political power to tell their citizens that they.. are a democracy?

So Why Is History Revised?

Almost all traces of enterprise corruption have been removed from history. Leadership, management, and central-planners revise history because it is impossible to learn and avoid the mistakes of history if the facts of history are revised. Revisionist history enables failure. Since failure is the goal, revising history is a tool to achieve that goal. If accurate economic history were taught in schools, government and banking would have a more difficult time pretending to fail. An example of this is the so-called “failure” of John Law’s Mississippi Company which is blamed for another French national bankruptcy that occured soon after the so-called “South-Sea Bubble” which lead to the English market-crisis in 1720.

Just like economic history.. homeland labor history gets no place in homeland history either. And this applies to every homeland around the world. The reason enterprise corruption and white-collar crime has been removed from history, is so it can easily.. repeat itself. If an outside investor knows the history of financial re-coinage, market mania, panics, and crashes.. then that outside investor also knows the history of enterprise corruption, white-collar crime and globalism.

Enterprise corruption and white-collar crime is always eventually blamed on “failure of government”. The fox never seems to learn from his (or her) mistakes. Government openly admits well in advance that government never learns from the mistakes of history. After all what did the hens expect? It was all one big experiment. That is why we f-cked it up. The “book-cooking” and “accounting fraud” part of history has been deleted and replaced with.. ideology and wonderful tales of romance and intrigue.

Investor tip: History with a soundtrack is almost always revisionist history.

In the next installment the hens learn why..

Nobody Teaches Chronologically Correct History

Because the timing looks suspicious.

In the last 6,000 years there have been a minimum of 72 periods when globalization (paid for by enterprise corruption) was most in demand.

And the timing is suspicious at the very least.

Here is a list of the most popular and recognizable globalization dates in history from earliest to latest:

1200 B.C.
0 B.C.

All Politicians Lie; No News There

But if politicians have lied forever, then being “cynical” regarding any point in time throughout history would actually be considered.. sensible.

Preparing foreign nations for outsourcing is one of the most important and best kept secrets that a nation’s government, business, and religious leaders have.

You have got to do an immense amount of lying to continue to lead the world the way the world has been led for the last several thousand years.

History that doesn’t include globalization, industrial revolution, wage-inflation, economics, technology transfers, and labor re-location, is revised history.

Intentional avoidance of these aspects of global economics is why the public is fed a steady diet of pop-culture.

Government cannot globalize effectively without committing a very large amount of revision of history.

Government cannot globalize effectively without committing a very large amount of.. obstruction of justice.

Government cannot globalize effectively without committing a very large amount of.. treason.

The Before & After Game

Altering the perception of “before” or “after” is one of the easiest and most popular ways of revising history to avoid the appearance that industrial and economic treason have been committed.

The history of economic necessity/true demand (monopoly, foreign nation-building, technology transfer, debasement and re-coinage) versus popularized ideological motive (religious persecution, they hate us, they hate our freedoms, etc..) varies in one primary way.

In a time-line of ideological (“tasteful”) history, effect comes before cause. Reaction comes before action. Motive, money, commerce and trade are avoided.

Tasteful history is 100% ideology.

Factual history is 100% financially motivated.

Before.. or after?

The Steam-Engine Convention Of 1787

In 1753 the first steam-engine arrived in the colonies from England.

Three years earlier saw the opening of the Patomack Canal which circumnavagated the great falls of the Patomac River. The canal project was surveyed by George Washington.

In 1769 Frenchman Nicholas Cugnot built a steam carriage which he operated on the streets of Paris.

Nicholas Cugnot drove his new steam carriage right by the bungalow the famous inventor Benjamin Franklin was staying at but because Benjamin Franklin was such a sex-machine he was too busy getting his freak-on to hear the ruckus of the noisy contraption just outside his barmaid’s bedroom window.

This accounts for why America’s founding fathers were entirely unaware of Europe’s steam, rail, and canal.. revolution.. during the revolution.

In January of 1773 the Amsterdam market crashed due to over-speculation (irrational exuberance) in the East India Company, the housing market, turnpike construction and last but not least.. speculation in the canal industry.

This was followed by management demand for cheap crash labor and cheap.. war labor.

When you hear the words “tea” and “tulips”.. think Industrial revolution.. think canals and steam engines.

On April 18th 1775 Paul Revere and William Dawes went to the countryside to warn everybody that “More British inventions are coming!” … and by the way “The King of England.. is German!”

Paul and William had originally considered explaining to the ordinary colonists and the homeland investors that “Another British market crash is coming!” … which means ”More British convict labor is coming.. to help us dig our canal system.”

Britain had put an end to slavery once and for all by turning everyone into convicts or soldiers. America’s slavery was soon ended the same way.

Everyone knows that George Washington was the first president, but few people know that George Washington was the first president.. of the Patomack Canal Company.

In 1787 a busload of lawyers with one empty seat attended an industrial trade show on the banks of the Delaware River. This event is now known as the ”Constitutional Convention”.

Many of the attendees of the Convention considered themselves to be “inventors” and in fact the father of the young country himself was a canal-industry executive yet boredom set in as they observed John Fitch’s steamboat travelling against the current of the Delaware River. Thomas Jefferson had just returned from an 8-day “trip” on France’s Canal-du-Midi and even he was still incredibly bored during Fitch’s steamboat demo.

It has been said that the invention of the steamboat ”caused a network of rivers to spring up.”

All by themselves.

It is noteworthy that as industrious as the founding fathers were not one of them went on record as informing the public of the upcoming importance of the steam-engine and the global revolution in transportation and job creation that should have resulted from it.

This is a management trick called “hiding demand for labor from labor” during the start of an industrial revolution. Hiding demand for labor.. stabilizes wages.

George Washington’s Distillery

In 1791 George Washington (the father of the country) and his arch-rival (Vice-President John Adams) placed an excise tax on whiskey.

Taxation is totally cool in 1791 now that the voters (including the grain farmers in Western Pennsylvania) are finally represented and the Pennsylvania grain farmers are about to learn the true value and purpose of taxation with representation. President Washington is about to teach the young country a lesson on why governments tax people.

The Pennsylvania whiskey farmers are finally represented by a President (not a King) who himself is about to get into.. the whiskey business.

Government is a monopoly and government dictates who else gets monopolies. In this case the whiskey monopoly will go to the “father of the country”.

When President Washington placed this excise tax on whiskey he had not yet been made aware that “whiskey made money”.

By the way: Are the tax receipts of the whiskey enterprise owned by the father of the country.. available to the public?

In 1792 George Washington organized a militia to execute the laws of the nation and suppress competition.. in the whiskey business.

“The Freakout-Factor Is Gone”

The Before Or After Game?.. continued.

Example: Enron

Enron went bankrupt in December of 2001.

This is a very, very, very, popular fact. And it.. is indisputably true.

Enron went bankrupt months after 9-11.

Based on this overwhelmingly documented and continuously repeated interpretation of the chronology of the events related to Enron.. clearly 9-11 could not have provided any comfort or aid to Enron’s bankers, executives, or accountants what-so-ever.

This a comfy, tasteful, and patriotic interpretation of the history of Enron.

The complete interpretation of the history of Enron would show that Enron Inc. and Enron’s accountants cooked the company’s balance-sheets during the period between the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 through July 01 of 2001 which was the start of Enron’s 3rd business quarter of 2001.

Almost 100% of the enterprise corruption and accounting fraud at Enron occurred.. before 9-11.

Enron’s bankruptcy.. was the effect.

8 years of accounting fraud.. was the cause.

Ideologically, the “bankrupt” Enron couldn’t have possibly benefited from the attack of 9-11.

Factually.. the book-cooking Enron benefited greatly.. from 9-11.

The History Of War-Labor

In 1838 the U.S. Congress outlawed the employment of serving officers on private railroad and canal projects and re-directed the officer’s attention to their military duties which consisted of.. wouldn’t you know it.. building railroads and canal projects.

Cheap war labor has been responsible and expected to.. construct infrastucture for trade and commerce ever since the invention of the wheel. Peacetime trade and commerce has never been and will never be affordable without war-time infrastructure labor.

9th May 2011, 06:36 PM
What Is The Connection Between Enterprise Corruption And Globalization? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=42)

Balancing global labor costs is called “globalization”.

The 2 primary functions of all forms of government is to:

1. Globalize
2. Act like its not globalizing (government accomplishes this by acting like it is being “hoodwinked” and pretending to fail while shoving phony nationalism down the throats of the same citizenry that it is outsourcing).

Globalism is the act of “spreading” technology, science, knowledge, and innovations.. around the globe.

Enterprise corruption pays the invoices for globalization.

Globalism is impossible and un-affordable without corruption and fraud.

This may account for why some individuals.. “aren’t into it”.

The function of the top five global accountancies.. is to globalize.

Globalism is accomplished by pretending to forget how to count money and pretending to forget how to police the securities market.

Book-cooking to fight poverty is called “making the world a better place”

Bridging Another Divide

No bridges throughout history have been affordable.

Industrial revolutions must eventually occur on a global basis. This means that not only are they unaffordable at their source but they are unaffordable (without cooking the books) in every other area around the globe as well.

In developed nations both political parties are globalists.. one party pretends it’s not.

If you know in advance that the foreign recipient of the “foreign investment” project will not expect to nor be expected to pay then that is not only fraud but that is.. economic and industrial treason.

Four years of book-cooking allowed Bristol Meyers Squibb to significantly reduce prices on aids drugs to undeveloped nations.

9th May 2011, 07:10 PM
What Is Foreign Nation-Building? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=11)

Bridging Another Industrial Divide

America’s workforce of the future is almost always located somewhere.. other than America.

It may seem ironic but the primary function of the United States Department of Commerce and the United States Department of Labor is to facilitate the movement of jobs from U.S. businesses to anywhere other.. than the United States.

The infrastructure in the foreign nations that government and business plans on outsourcing to is almost more important than infrastructure in the homeland.

Vice-President Gore may have invented the Internet but Global Crossing, Tyco, Enron, and a great number of other telecommunications and energy companies installed it.. overseas.

Every infrastructure and industrial advancement in the homeland has got to globalize its way to the globe’s cheaper labor-pools.

The global knowledge transfer and the expense for the transfer has to be planned behind closed-doors as the voters in the homeland have never and will never vote approvingly for the funding of the grand plan (the “big game”).

Why would a homeland laborer willingly pay to build another nation’s infrastructure if they were aware that the purpose of the project was to relocate their job there?

This is why closed-door government exists to centrally plan it and why enterprise corruption exists.. to pay for it.

You cannot outsource work to a nation that doesn’t have the infrastructure to support it.

During the Victorian Era the task of transferring industrial-age commercial and military technology and knowledge to friendly nations and enemy nations all over the world was handled by one gigantic German inbred family structure.

Readying a foreign nation for outsourcing of industry or labor has never been sell-able. The homeland labor force won’t buy it, won’t vote for it, and won’t knowingly pay for it.

Historical pattern of an industrial revolution (in order):

1. appearance of a disruptive and revolutionary utility, technology, science, ordiscovery(minerals)
2. measurement of its effect on wages
3. identification of out-sourceable nations
4. closed-door task force convened
5. war started (perfect citizens galvanized)
6. securities regulation lifted
7. quiet waivers and exemptions from previous white-collar crime legislation
8. corporations re-located off-shore
9. book-cooking commences
10. moral/ethical diversion(s)
11. foreign infrastructure upgrade
12. foreign infrastructure goes “online”
13. book-cookers quietly confess
14. book-cookers withdraw holdings
15. rumors spread of inappropriate accounting methods
16. share value debased
17. book cookers publicly confess
18. public receives invoice
19. another war turns attention from book-cooking to life’s more important issues (life & limb, individual safety, sheer survival from enemy du jour)

In campaign 2004 President Bush stated the basic position of both candidates when he declared “We rank 10th amongst the industrialized world in broadband technology and its availability. That is not good enough for America. Tenth is ten spots too low as far as I’m concerned.”

And on election day 2004.. while voters were dutifully carrying out their obligation in the system of democracy.. Tyco announced that it will sell its global fiber-optic network to India’s Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. for $130 million.

The cost of the global fiber-optic network to Tyco was.. $3.5 billion.

Minor correction: The fiber-optic network didn’t cost Tyco a dime. The fiber-optic network was bought and paid for by Tyco’s unwitting outside shareholders.

Don’t say this too loudly in the land of freedom of speech but the fiber-optic network gifted to India’s billionaire industrialists was bought and paid for by.. crony capitalism.

Here is another reason why judges tell jurors to disregard comparisons between fraud at energy companies and fraud at telecommunications companies.

Koslowski, Schwartz, Rudman, & Belnick made telecommunications cheap.. in India.

Kenneth Lay & Enron made electricity cheap.. in India while Kenneth Lay & Enron made energy disappear.. in California.

Historical pattern of an industrial revolution (in order):This is what is called:

a freeforeign energy infrastructure upgrade
a free foreign transport upgrade
a free foreign telecommunications system upgrade
“bridging another divide”

As soon as the big bridge project is finished it is the public that gets the actual invoice.

The following is a big bridge project and a technology-transfer and a foreign-nation upgrade to a convenient enemy nation that will be paid for by a market crash around 2014.

Westinghouse To Build Four Nuclear Reactors For China


[link doesn't work; here's a NYT story (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/24/business/worldbusiness/24iht-energy.1.6800478.html) on it]

Banks pretend to finance the bridge project at the start and then the public gets the bill.

This has been the case with every “next-big-thing” throughout history.

The invoice almost always comes in the form of war.

Bought and paid for by something called ”capitalism”.

Capitalism builds foreign nations with outside investor financing.

Capitalism is a piggy-bank that gets cracked open every 5 to 10 years to pay for the expenses of globalization.

Capitalism is one of many ways to build infrastructure.. in other countries.. free of cost to the nation or nations that receive the upgrade.

Pretending that India was ever expected to pay its Enron energy bills was a top priority of the Clinton Administration.

Why would India’s leaders believe for a second that India would ever have to pay two admittedly fraudulent corporations (not including the 60 other admittedly fraudulent energy corporations also upgrading the Indian infrastructure) for India’s infrastructure projects?

The Difference Between Building A Nation And Upgrading A Nation

The act of “Bridging” “the” digital divide makes it seem like the divide only needed to be bridged.. and only bridged once.

Just like a computer and just like computer virus software the world’s digital divide will require constant upgrading and this is why I refer to foreign nation building as a foreign nation upgrade.

Each successive industrial revolution is actually an upgrade to advance the infrastructure that was already in existence at the foreign nation in question.

Therefore upgrading of foreign nations is imminent and therefore enterprise corruption is imminent.

Economic & Industrial Treason; Lots Of Things Changed After 9-11

Lots of things changed after the first bombing of the World Trade Center. For instance, Bombay became.. Mumbai.

Lots of things changed after the second attack on the World Trade Center. For instance, homeland jobs fled to.. Mumbai.

The “axis of evil” is a Latin banking term for “overdue for a free infrastructure upgrade” which will be carried out by cost-effective war-labor and will as usual be paid for by enterprise corruption.

It may seem somewhat unpatriotic but businessmen with “single-minded” pursuits of profit cook the books during wars too.

One of the main reasons enterprise corruption is too confusing for jurors is because industrial and economic treason are very confusing and covering them both up is a full-time obsession with those charged to defend the behavior.

In fact the act of uncovering economic and industrial treason and making it public is in itself treason and bringing it out into the open it up is considered to to be sedition.

No expectation of payment for your foreign nation upgrade = treason.

The beauty of “foreign investment” (especially with a threatening nation) is that the foreign nation can pretend to decide to pay for the project (creating a phony bubble) and then the foreign nation can pretend not to pay (creating the phony debasement opportunity) then the blame is placed on the fact that the foreign nation is “foreign” or maybe the foreign nation is the wrong religion, or, the wrong style of government, or, in many cases just being in a different hemisphere (east versus west) is the proclaimed cause of the problem.

Example: When the foreign infrastructure projects begin in China the nation is referred to as “the republic of China”. When the bill comes due and the homeland investors pay the invoice for China’s infrastructure upgrade the nation of China changes names and becomes referred to (once again) as “Communist China”.

The Times Of UK published on September 08 2007: “China’s Cyber-Army Is Preparing To March On America”.

Oh my goodness.. Russian made rifles!

China’s “cyber-army” wouldn’t exist without the free technical handouts provided by Lucent, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and IBM (Lenovo).

This is called upgrading the enemy for free.. for the next war.

This love-hate relationship is another example of how “change” works in the foreign nation-building game.

This way the homeland labor force gets the opportunity to go to war with a country that was previously advertised as a “most favorable nation”.

Samuel Slater; Father Of American Manufactures

Following the Constitutional Convention of 1787, British patent law could be avoided as easily as “memorizing the patented design in one’s head”.

In 1789,just 2 years after “severing all ties” with England, Samuel Slater circumvented the British ban on exporting textile machines by “committingevery detail of their design to memory and then sneaking out of the country disguised as a farm laborer”.

This is a technology transfer, this is outsourcing,this is globalization, and this is industrial and economic treason.. so Andrew Jackson honored the industrial pirate as the “Father of American Manufactures” and it starts to shed some light on the commercial, industrial, and financialdefinition of the word.. “father”.

So, in the 1790s the farm laborers in England like the kind Samuel Slater was disguised as are now competing with the wages of U.S. slaves and child labor using pirated industrial technology. And that just about sums up how the game between labor and management really works.

Wilberforce should have made a motion to bring back Slater’s pirated textile mill.

Turns out.. Samuel Slater didn’t really have to disguise himself as a farm laborer. He could have just blamed the foreign-enemy technology-transfer on”liberal politics” likeBritish Prime Minister Clement Attlee in 1946as he transferred the Rolls-Royce jet-engine to Russia for asuccessful kick-off.. of the Cold-War.

Even Winston Churchill didn’t know Soviet Russian MiG fighter-jets were propelled by British Rolls-Royce jet-engines.

In fact here is a list of notable politicians, statesmen,world-leaders and other sacred-cowsthat like Winston Churchill..also didn’t know Soviet Bloc MiG fighter-jets were powered by British Rolls-Royce jet-engines.

Anyone who panicked over Sputnik
Dr. Strangelove
Osama bin Laden’s dad
Rosa Parks
William F. Buckley
Martin Luther King
Newt Gingrich
Dwight Eisenhower
General Electric
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
President Johnson
Harry Truman
Queen Elizabeth II
George Meany
Walter Ruether
James Bond
Mother Theresa
Dr. Seuss
Joseph McCarthy
The Aspen Institute
Admiral Forestall
The Netherlands
The United Kingdom
George Orwell
Whittaker Chambers
Dewey (as if voting matters)
The Roswell, New Mexico Sherriff’s Department
George Keenan
North Korea
North Vietnam
South Vietnam
The CIA (doubtful)
The House Un-American Affairs Committee
The Screen-Actor’s Guild
Friedrich von Hayek
Arthur Anderson
Henry Wallace
Ho Chi Minh
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Adolph Hitler
The Bank of England
Normandy’s D-Day Invaders

Technology and labor-pool transfers are considered to be very entrepreneurial.

Even after Samuel Slater’s textile machinery patent theft Britain is still not paying attention to industrial treasonists.

In 1800 during another British suspension of the writ of Habeas Corpus, Lieven Bauwens stole a spinning “mule-jenny” machine from England. He had it dismantled and smuggled out in a cargo of coffee. This enabled the textile industry in Ghent, Belgium to greatly expand.

Piracy of industrial technology allows industries to greatly expand.

Is planned piracy still considered piracy or are the patent offices just pretending to fail?

Notice how those sticky-fingered Brits are always stealing some newly-invented labor-saving device and installing it where cheaper labor is? Britain is giving away its textile inventions to its enemies while at the same time it is pretending to eliminate slavery and child-labor.

To punish Bauwens for his technology theft (globalism) Britain sentenced Bauwens to death.. after he already died.

Slater and Bauwens knew a thing or two about the reality of “The Wealth Of Nations”.

Juror and investor tip: There was a textile machinery divide and when there is a divide to be bridged.. the books will be cooked, the technology will be transferred (even between so-called enemies) and when a juror hears the words: “greatest accounting fraud ever” or “era of greed” followed by “because its war!” the juror can be guaranteed that some foreign-nation somewhere just received a free infrastructure upgrade.

Voting matters?

A two-party government works well with respect to foreign nation-building. The foreign nation gets built under the majority of one party. The upgrade is completed. The other party pretends it was wrong to do. But the foreign nation upgrade still happens anyway.

At the start of the cold-war (Fun With The Cold War) the soviets got free Rolls-Royce engines for their jet-fighters because a British statesman was a liberal. The political “division” game works very well if one’s intent is to build foreign-nations (even evil scary ones). This was a case where democracy itself aided in the transfer of technology to an enemy nation.

Most presidents can’t seem to stop foreign nation-building even after they are through being the president.

9th May 2011, 07:30 PM
Do Leopards Change Their Spots? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=43)


who, were and still are.. the “architects”..

of enterprise corruption during the..

privacy debate of the 1990s?


The same individuals who..

“structured” and “governed”..

the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)

a few years earlier.


Richard Scrushy was right.

And this is a partial list of his..

“8,000 companies that had sh_t..

on their balance sheets” during..

the privacy debate of the 1990s.

Ironically, the King never thought about..

what might happen if the King..

lost his own privacy?

How many companies in the energy industry had sh_t.. on their balance sheets during the privacy debate of the 1990s?

1. Dynegy
2. Reliant Energy
3. CMS Energy
4. Mirant
5. West Coast Power
6. AES
7. Westar Energy
8. Nicor Energy LLC
9. American Electric Power
10. Duke Energy
11. El Paso
12. AEP Energy Services
13. And.. 49 other leading U.S. energy companies involved in manipulating the United States energy markets (61 bad apples in the energy industry; the apple barrel in the energy industry was.. completely rotten).

How many companies in the health care industry had sh_t.. on their balance sheets during the privacy debate of the 1990s?

1. Rite-Aid
2. Columbia/HCA/KPMG
3. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
4. The Department Health & Human Services (HHS)
5. CMS
6. CVS/Caremark
7. AdvancePCS
8. Tenet
9. McKesson/HBOC
10. Bristol Meyers Squibb

How many corporations in the computer, telecom, and information technology sectors put s__t on their balance sheets during the privacy debate and the “booming internet economy”?

1. Computer Associates
2. Microstrategy
3. Lernout & Hauspie
4. EDS
5. Qwest
6. Peregrine Systems
7. Xerox
8. Lucent
9. Nortel
10. U.S. Technologies

The money counters:

How many businesses in the industries of accounting, financial, and securities had sh_t on their balance sheets during the privacy debate?

1. US Bancorp’s Piper Jaffray Unit
2. Citigroup’s Soloman Smith Barney
3. Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB)
4. Morgan Stanley
5. Merrill Lynch
6. Deutsch Bank AG
7. Lehman Brothers
8. LeBranch; Speer, Leeds & Kellogg
9. Fleet Specialists
10. Van Der Moolen

And each one of the top global accountancies counted money for how many accounts throughout the globe?

Juror & Shareholder Tip: The primary function of the 5 major global accountancies is to make certain that all 5.. cook their books and destroy the evidence at the same time. This is called “failure of the system”.

Other Companies with sh_t on their balance sheets during the privacy debate:

1. Cendant
2. American Tissue Corporation
3. Hollinger International
4. GoTo.com
5. LookSmart.com
6. Buy.com
7. Ashford.com
8. Golden Bear (Paragon)
9. Manhattan Bagel
10. Milberg Weiss Hershad & Schulman

Notice how nobody mentions the “new economy” any more?

The “Industry Standard” itself went bankrupt.

Richard Scrushy was probably right when he said he ”was convinced that there were 8,000 companies with s__t on their balance sheets”. But what.. was their exit-plan?

1,236 Convictions

80 Investigations Deemed “Important” By The Justice Department

440 Indicted Defendants Out Of 120 Corporate Fraud Investigations

The Business Environment Of The 1990s Was Labelled “The Era Of Fraud”

This Business Environment Has Occurred Repeatedly, Regularly, Consistantly, And Almost Identically A Minimum Of 73 Times In The Last 6000 Years.

More Importantly, This Most Recent “Era Of Fraud” Occured.. During The Privacy Debate Of The 1990s.

And along comes bin Laden and destroys.. the paper trail and puts an end to the privacy debate?

And then proving once and for all that government always fails to learn from the mistakes of history.. the government gave wall-street a big gift for their efforts.

On December 13 2003 they were all granted access to all your personal information.

9th May 2011, 08:48 PM
Outstanding thought-provoking thread Lapis.

:o somebody should warn the CFR (http://www.cfr.org/) and Bilderburgs (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Bilderberg_Group) about this worldwide corruption!

10th May 2011, 09:08 AM
:o somebody should warn the CFR (http://www.cfr.org/) and Bilderburgs (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Bilderberg_Group) about this worldwide corruption!

Hahaha. No, please don't as they'll just use the knowledge to improve their game even more. ;D

10th May 2011, 10:04 AM
And moving along...I don't know how many pages there are to this site, but I'll try to post them all. It sure is a lot easier for my eyes to read them here than on the site. Hope my bolding highlights the more interesting parts of each page.

Why Do Businesses & Corporations Cook Their Balance Sheets During Periods Of Growth, Progress, And Prosperity? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=44)

Why did 61 leading energy companies feel the need to manipulate the energy market and cook their balance-sheets.. during a period of prosperity?

On the surface.. it doesn’t seem to make sense.

Why did (all) five leading global accountancies find it necessary to forget how to count money.. during a period of growth, progress, & prosperity?

Once again.. on the surface.. it doesn’t seem to make sense.

“Greatest economy”.. “greatest accounting fraud ever”?

For some reason, this is a pattern that repeats itself consistently.. throughout history.

So, what is it that makes “great economies” so great?

It is very likely that each and every ”boom” (a period of “prosperity”) is the result of.. cooking the books?

The Construction & Housing “Boom” Of 2007

Enterprise corruption is most often a one-trick pony.

The housing “boom” wasn’t a boom.

When banks lend money to customers that will not be able to pay the banks back – that is not a boom.. that is a scam.

When banks lend money to banks that lend money to customers that will not be able to pay back – that is not a boom.. that is a scam.

That is a welfare program. That is socialism excused by failure.

Similar construction and building “booms” occurred in:

1773: Housing construction blamed for British and Amsterdam market crash.
1827: Paris banks pretended to fail leading to a market crash.
1848: Building boom blamed for market problems throughout the “continent”
1873: Building boom in Chicago led to the “Panic of 1873″
1973: REITs & office building
1997-1998: Construction boom and banks pretending to fail affecting Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, and Russia
Note: The last construction boom entry above is actually defined by economic historians as being the fault of “deregulation” and “crony capitalism”.

When capitalist enterprise corruption occurs in foreign nations it is blamed on “crony capitalism”. It makes identical economic fraud in the homeland seem free of blame.

In the 1773 entry above one might note the period to be sort of a noteworthy time in history? Benjamin Franklin published no propaganda material on enterprise-wide British and French financial market corruption as a potential reason to rally up the “patriots”? As often as he traveled back and forth he didn’t know anything about it?

In fact there is a very long list of patriots that never used European financial corruption as a means to rally for patriotism:

Revere (Revoire)
and last but not least.. Patrick Henry?

One would assume that Paul Revoire would have been knowledged in French market corruption.. at the very least?

Even the founding fathers didn’t follow the money. And it becomes obvious that the fathers of the fathers of the founding fathers never mentioned anything about European market corruption to their founding-father sons?

Every once in a while the economy does so well that almost every major corporation has to cook its books? And this is referred to as a period of “growth, progress, and prosperity”?

Note: Books are cooked to give the appearance that the current and expected costs of labor is affordable.

There are nine instances of major European market fraud since the “planting of Jamestown” that we are celebrating the 400-year anniversary of.. right now:

1607: Spain bankruptcy
1614: Augsburg bankruptcy
1622: Debasement of Coin
1637: Joint-stock debasement (notice use of the actual word “debasement” in the last two entries?)
1696: New-coinage
1720: French panic, crisis, crash
1720: English panic, crisis, crash
1763: Amsterdam panic, crisis, crash
1773: Market crash (Amsterdam again)
.. and twelve cases of European market fraud since the travels of Christopher Columbus:

#10 1557: State bankruptcy in France & Spain
#11 1558: Re-coinage
#12 1557: Bankruptcy (Spain again)
.. and all twelve of them go unmentioned by any and all early American patriots as a motive to “severe all ties” with Europe?

Religious ideology.. gets the blame?

We currently have a government that claims to have not learned from the mistakes of history. So lets help them!

Centrally planned fraud in banking loans occurred in:

1696: New-coinage carried out by Issac Newton and John Locke (Blade Bank, Banque Generale, and Bank Royale in England) Tip: Watch out for the word “new”.
1819: Panic blamed on bank “failures”
1837: “failure” of banks blamed for Panic of 1837
1825: country banks pretending to fail in England
1857: merging of banks blamed for English market crash
1866: bank suspension and abandonment of fixed-parity blamed for English & Italian market crash
1873: “Failure” of Philadelphia banking firm “Jay Cooke & Company” blamed for Panic of 1873
1890: Russian gold loans to Britain blamed for English market crash
1896 “Failure” of National Bank of Illinois (Chicago)
1907: “Failure” of banks
1994-1995: banks pretending to fail blamed for Mexican market crash (this is how you encourage emigration) [Ellen Brown talks about this in her book Web of Debt: THE TEQUILA TRAP: THE REAL STORY BEHIND THE ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION] (http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/chapter-22.php)

With all these banking failures.. how can anyone be wealthy?

Investor Tip:

Don’t confuse banking “ignorance” with intentional banking fraud.
Another word for “putting s__t on your corporate balance sheets” and “book-cooking” and centrally planned failure is “volatility”

False Perceptions

Cooking the books gives false perceptions.

A false perception of success
A false perception of history
A false perception of the present
A false perception of the future
A false perception of growth
A false perception of opportunity
A false perception of hope, faith, pride, respect, trust
A false perception of leadership
A false perception of achievement
A false perception of.. reality

So Why Count Money At All?

It may be possible that the only reason a nation counts money at all is to figure out when enough technology has been transferred to the enemy to begin the kick-off of the next war.

10th May 2011, 10:58 AM
How Does Enterprise Corruption Stabilize Wages? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=50)

Every Industrial Revolution Introduces A Financial Challenge.

Every industrial industrial revolution introduces a financial threat.

Consumer desire for cheap products and services.. is not new.

Wage control throughout history has always been and will always continue to be achieved.. by cooking the balance-sheets.. and not really getting caught (?) or at least not really being.. punished.

If, during the course of business you conclude that you have to begin cooking your company’s books it is obvious that you have determined that there is something you cannot afford or something you will not be able to afford.

It is called “payroll”.

Simply put.. book-cooking creates cheap labor.

Enterprise corruption solves.. labor problems.

What Is The Function Of An Accountant?

Accountants help management solve their labor problems by cooking management’s balance sheets.. all over the globe.

Arthur Anderson has been stabilizing global wages since 1913.

UBS has been stabilizing wages since 1912.

Watch how many times global accountancies blame failure as an excuse for inaccurate money-counting in the next 100 years.

As the books are being cooked the question the accountants often ask is “What ever happened to the labor movement?”

The answer?

Arthur Anderson.

Arthur Anderson.. and all four other major global accountancies.

Labor doesn’t cook-the-balance sheets.. management does. Accountants do.

How many other ways are working wages stabilized?

By making sure enterprise corruption is too confusing for jurors.
By selecting a jury that finds enterprise corruption to be too confusing
By revising the subject of enterprise corruption.. out of history.
Exemptions & waivers from regulation
Failure of regulation.
Tax-evasion “products”
Lack of oversight
Foreign nation building
Industrial treason
Economic treason
Debasement of the vehicle of monetary exchange
Underfunded enforcement of financial regulation

Rising wages.. threatens “national security”.

Rising wages threatens government.

Rising wages threatens management.

Government is management.

Management controls.. law.

Law controls wages.

When service-workers out-earn management.. market corruption is inevitable.

Rising wages have threatened the “national security” of every nation throughout history.

Failure of government, failure of regulation, a “hoodwinked” IRS, and failure of the system all stabilize.. wages.

So the question becomes:

If stabilization of wages is critical to a nation’s economy and national security and wages can be stabilized by failure of regulation.. then why not pretend to fail?

The Reality Of Industrial Revolution And The Reality Of Complexity:

Money is power.

Regardless of supply, demand, and complexity of labor.. designers of law cannot be put into a position where they are out-earned by those expected to follow the laws that lawmakers legislate.

Management must win.

Management controls law.

Jack Welch made this clear when he pronounced “Corporations must win.”

Management can’t control labor without big government.

Labor cannot be permitted to out-earn management.

Followers can not be permitted to out-earn leaders so leaders resort to the time-tested practice of theft by taking which is excused by “failure of regulation” which is little more then theft.. by playing dumb.

In the final innings of the big “management-versus-labor” ball-game management “wins” by counting money inaccurately and then government protects the behavior. Management wins by cheating. Cheating permitted by government. Cheating designed by government. Cheating excused by.. failure.

And then as management revises history, management asks once again: “What happened to the labor movement?”

This is how John Ashcroft referred to the reality of management and labor and corporate governance: ”The Perfect Is The Enemy Of The Good”

There are an unlimited number of ways to cheat.

Wage Inflation Irony; $1000.00 Per Hour

Many professions are paid a lot of money to lower the cost of labor and the reality is.. it costs a lot of money to stabilize the world’s wages.

Some lawyers charge as much as $750.00 to $1,000.00 per hour to stabilize wages.

The church has a point when it states that Hillary Clinton is an outspoken globalist but George H. W. Bush charged $4.4 million to stabilize wages by outsourcing jobs to foreign lands.

Tip: The abbreviation for “jobs crossing the globe” is “Global Crossing”.

Stabilizing wages doesn’t come cheap.

Throughout every industrial revolution in history the efforts to stabilize wages ended up creating.. more millionaires than ever before.

Juror & Shareholder Tip: Wars and threats of wars identify which nations are having labor problems.

The Actual Reason For Anti-Trust Legislation

Anti-trust legislation was not passed to criminalize anti-competitive behavior, monopolization of industry, and conspiracy to commit organized crime, and enterprise corruption.

Anti-trust legislation was originally passed to control wages and control the labor movement occurring at the time the legislation was passed.

History has been revised to make it seem otherwise.

Depressions Stabilize Wages

By 1837 The English monarchy had yet to speak English and the Victorian Age began as well as did.. another depression during the midst of a transportation revolution.

A Victorian age is when a minority of American citizens begin behaving as if fourth-of july style independence from the crown.. never happened.

Victorian ages are created by depressions. Victorians wouldn’t be Victorians without depressions. Victorian ages.. stabilize wages.

Juror & Shareholder Tips:

Any statesman proclaiming a desire to “renew American civilization” is likely to be expressing a desire to renew.. the Victorian age.
If you wish to “renew America” you might have to include renewing.. slavery?

Communism, fascism, totalitarianism and socialism and all of the other “-isms” stabilize wages as well.. but “their” forms of wage-stabilization are considered evil. Unlike consumers in a democratic republic.. consumers in “those” nations want.. expensive products and services?

Oddly enough, the money in every nation and every form of government and every form of religion throughout the world is counted.. by the same top-five (now four) global accountancies. But these top-five (now four) global accountancies only cook the balance sheets of corporations in America? What are the odds?

Labor Has Never Been Affordable

If labor were affordable there would be:

no “calls for volunteerism”
no “national interest”
no “calls for national service”
no “calls for civic duty”
no “works programs”
no need for.. religion (an after-life promise for during-life effort)

One of the primary reasons industrial and economic treason (foreign technology-transfers) on the part of leaders and statesmen needs to be covered-up is that the point in time will come when labor is expected to become so unaffordable that the calls come out for free-labor in the name of “national service”.

It seems to be the civic duty of bankers, statesmen, and management to send U.S. jobs to other nations but the civic duty of labor to perform domestic labor on a volunteer basis.

But the desire for free labor comes in the form of a lot of other reasons for free labor other than the desire for free labor.

Here is a list of reasons offered up for free labor:

because President Kennedy made a call for free labor in a speech
citizenship (reason for free-labor)
serve your country (while we build the nations of your foreign competition.. on your dime)
it's proper for America to ask its youth for service (free labor)
charging for your services is selfish
free labor ends poverty (huh?)

So while youths were busy signing up for selective service, Tyco and Enron were busy handing free technology to their foreign job competition. Technology, which ironically.. was bought and paid for by the ”youth’s” parents.

But yet with the apparant inabilty for a nation to afford it’s labor costs somebody still seems to be able to afford $1,000.00 per hour legal fees? Guess who? White-collar criminals.

The foreign nation-building for job outsourcing of the 1990s created more millionaires then ever before, yet the cost of labor is still so unaffordable there is still a call for free-labor by the name of “national service”?

The Statue Of Liberty

Weird how one country would promote immigration – to a completely different country?

In January of 1882 the French stock market crashed officially rendering the nation of France as “the land of no.. opportunity”. So France decided to put up a statue.. in America.

France had been planning on the market debasement and the emigration promotion since 1876. France thought the depressed and unemployed in America need more immigrants to compete with.

France was planning the construction of the Panama canal at the same time.

In 1886 the same year as May Day, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled. The French workers are revolting again like there is no tomorrow and at the same time they are busy building a statute.. to install in America.. to promote immigration to.. go figure.. America.

Now who needed the statue worse? It is interesting how France should give a damn about. America’s labor problems?

France was so helpful. They supplied an immigration statue and a new immigration trade route too and during a U.S. depression.. to boot.

When big canal projects like the Panama canal are about to begin construction, the statement “there ain’t no jobs” can always be heard.

Coordinated stock market crashes create immigrant waves.

Europe has promoted immigration.. to America since the 1500s.

This is called globalization.. and outsourcing.

Without fail Europe promotes waves of emigration every time Europe’s banks and corporate monopolies steal their citizen’s money.

We just removed your money from you, now please go away.

Nobody telegraphed the message to the depressed, unemployed, Europeans that the “land of opportunity” just debased its stock market to create depressed, unemployed, Americans all during an industrial revolution.

Waves of emigration has been a successful way to cover-up enterprise corruption for a very long time.

Coordinated stock market debasement, crash-labor, depression-labor, immigrant-labor, are also good ways to afford the construction of more canals.. like the Panama canal.

In hindsight America should have given a statue of liberty to France so the French could get some canals and s–t built for America. It might have given them something to do instead of revolting.. all the live long day.

Inscription on the base of the statue: A lot of words: “Give Us Your Tired And Poor.. So They Can Compete With The Wage Levels Of Our Tired And Poor..”

Juror & Shareholder Tip: Wherever you find a lot of words.. you will find a lot of cheap labor. Where there is a demand for cheap labor there is and industrial revolution and where there is an industrial revolution there is.. enterprise corruption.

Think of things with a lot of words:

the state media
the statue of liberty
the constitution
the bible (of any religion)

As angry as we pretend to be at the nation of France we never seem to give them their statue back.

10th May 2011, 01:28 PM
enterprise corruption is a good perspective or context to look at history from.

what i wonder is - about Rudolf Diesel.

i find his death to be highly unusual. first of all, he had extraordinary attention-to-detail - that's a pre-requisite to not only building internal combustion engines from scratch, but also, inventing them.

but also - he was successful and he was succeeding. for most engineers, that is the equivalent of going to Heaven, without the dying part. his designs were being accepted, he was getting the recognition, etc.

so, i don't think it was a suicide. and i don't think it was an accident.

that leaves murder.

the question is ... means motive & opportunity.

one other trait of engineers is extreme stubborn-ness, it's often the only way to make things happen. Diesel invented his engine to run on peanut oil.

also, the conversion of diesel technology from plant-derived diesel to petroleum derived diesel occurred after Diesel's death.

so, who benefits from that conversion ? who would care ?

anybody that wanted to run the world on fossil fuels, because they knew they were going to corner the market on them. the founders of the Anglo-Persian oil company, for example.

my best guess, speaking of enterprise corruption, is that Rudolf Diesel was murdered by oil industry & Israel loyalists, to get him out of the way, so that peanut oil could be forgotten about and Diesel technology could be turned into a massive market for oil.

admittedly, this is a conspiracy theory. but there's no way Diesel just "fell off a boat" on the short ride from France or Germany to England.

10th May 2011, 02:39 PM
Once you realize that there are 2 ways to do accounting in compliance with the IRS:

1. cash accounting which is always run on a "what do you have in your pockets" kind of cash settlement


2. accrual accounting

which is what ALL corporations use...

you realize that accrual accounting is essentially the ability to keep 2 or more sets of books, which is fraud. And that is why accrual accounting is used.

11th May 2011, 10:44 PM
What Is The Connection Between Enterprise Corruption And Slavery (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=51)

Enterprise corruption pays the bills for globalization.

Globalization is foreign nation building.

Foreign nations are built to give the homeland labor-force the opportunity to compete against foreign (slave) wages.

If there is slavery somewhere in the world.. you are competing with their wages.

The Land Of Opportunity?

Is the opportunity to compete with slave wages what they meant by opportunity?

In the 1990s management tactic went by the name of the “American Competitiveness Act”

Ironically, yet intentionally, the infrastructure required to prepare the foreign nations for outsourcing is actually funded by the homeland workforce by debasing the value of the worker’s shareholdings.

This nation-building is planned during ”closed-door” hearings.

Religion pretends to disapprove of globalization. Religion prefers to call globalization “missionary work”.

The church decries Hillary Clinton for her stance on globalization.

This is typically hypocritical, since few political agendas represented globalization more than Vice-President Dick Cheney’s closed-door foreign-energy task-force.

The very act of enslaving a workforce is evidence that labor has never been affordable.

The world’s workers were in competition with slave wages since economic profit from labor was first invented.. until 1864, then the global accountants and international banking cartels stepped in to start cooking the books to subsidize the building of foreign nations so the world’s workers could continue to compete with slave wages around the globe.

The complex truth will set you free.

The simple lie will keep you.. enslaved.


Britain’s ending of slavery was achieved by turning the labor force into convicts or soldiers (and often shipping them to the land of opportunity). America put an end to slavery the same way.

History is written to make it appear that the costs of labor and solutions to costs of labor have never been an issue.

Example: In 1863 President Lincoln freed the slaves. So obviously the costs of labor (especially during a transportation revolution) was not an issue. This is the simple lie.

The complex truth: In 1864 the Contract Labor Law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_Labor_Law) placed the workers in indentured servitude. Obviously the cost of labor.. was still an issue.

But the complex truth is not that simple.

1865: After President Lincoln freed the slaves, he gave them a place to “invest” their money. The Freedmen’s Bank Saving & Trust Company. The Bank was supposedly designed to assist former slaves and African American Military to learn “financial responsibility”.

The complex truth? The Freedmen’s Bank scam is the usual way new members of capitalism learn about “financial responsibility”.

The Freedmen learned there is no such thing as.. “free”.

Complex truth? Either you work for free in advance or you work for free by participating in “investment” and you find out that the money you thought you made.. is taken from you later. The balance is the same. After all – there must be a balance. And this is how industrial revolutions are paid for.

Without knowing it in June of 1874 the depositors at the Freedmen’s Bank bought and paid for:

The Suez Canal
The Transcontinental Railroad
Southern Reconstruction
The Dominican Republic
The Midway Islands
The Danish Virgin Islands
The First Transatlantic Cable
The Second Transatlantic Cable
Napolean’s Nation-Building Projects
A Few Thousand Miles Of British Canals
British Railroads In Britain
British Railroads In India
British Railroads In Crimea (Russia)
British Railroads In Australia
British Railroads In Africa
Germany’s Railroads
Prussia’s Railroads

All these projects and yet “there weren’t no jobs”?

But the duped investors in the early 1870s could not complain too much because President Grant.. suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus in October of 1871.

The blame for their financial demise was placed on.. Jessie James.

This single-guy (one-guy robs a bank) conspiracy-tactic employed when banks rob millions of people is why the Attorney General of New York, Eliot Spitzer, named his two dogs.. “Jessie” & “James”.

Ending Slavery?

If you have to send American jobs over there.. why did you end slavery here? Or.. did you end slavery here because you figured out a way to send jobs over there?

Enterprise corruption is slavery.. by theft.

What goes unpunished.. is not illegal.

By going unpunished.. systemic fraud and theft is little more than a civilized form.. of slavery.

Even though thousands of years of slave-labor and thousands of years of war-labor were reasonably cost-effective solution to previous periods of industrial revolution.. nothing throughout history has ever really been affordable.

Labor wasn’t affordable even when slaves performed it.

The books still had to be cooked.. to control working wages.

Note: 6,000 or so years of competition with slave labor is an indicator that throughout history nothing has ever really been.. affordable.

This is especially true with revolutions in industry brought upon by disruptive technologies.

History is presented to give the appearance that cost of labor and inflation in the cost of products and services has never been an issue.

Again the example: Lincoln freed the slaves (the ideological high road) making it obvious that at the time, the cost of labor was not an issue. If this were true, it would have marked the first time in history that consumers decided they wanted.. expensive goods and services.

Reality: After Lincoln freed the slaves the Contract Labor Law (the pragmatic low-road) placed the work-force in indentured servitude.

Explanation? Obviously the cost of labor was still an issue and consumers had not changed their mind with respect to their penchant for.. cheap products and services.

Any congressional “act” that has an inflationary effect on wages is only.. an “act”.

Pragmatic solutions to the inflationary effects of freeing slaves included:

Expedited foreign nation-building (outsourcing of slavery)
The Contract Labor Law (indentured servitude)
Child-labor (northern factories)
The usual “reckless immigration policy”
Debasement of Freedmen’s Bureau savings accounts
Cheap crash-labor (1857, 1864, 1866, 1873, 1869; Black Friday)
Cheap depression-labor (1873)
U.S. labor-force massacres; Tompkins Square, Ludlow Co, Lattimere, Pa, Bayview, Mussle Slough, Martinsburg WVa, Battle of the Viaduct, Molly McGuires, Roosevelt Nj, Everett Wa, Centralia WA, Blair Mountain, Columbine, Ford Rouge, Battle of the Overpass, Republic Steel, Hilo Hawaii (note: the Russian educators teach the Russian kids about these.. but we don’t).
Systemic accounting-fraud
Revision of history

The orgins of the oldest “accounting” institutions started just following the emancipation proclamation.

Every industrial revolution throughout history has required some form of free (slave, volunteer) labor.

Cheap War-Labor

Europe freed slaves every time they needed soldiers.

To find out “whatever happened to America’s labor movement,” put the labor part of history.. back into American history.

Slave Reparations?

Have you ever noticed that “white people” wanted slavery but businesses, banks, corporations, commodity markets, Wall Street, management, lobbyists & politicians.. didn’t?

11th May 2011, 11:08 PM
What Is The “Debasement Of The Vehicle Of Monetary Exchange”? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=45)

Historically, for government to stay in power.. something the ”governed” have, or “own” (or have been “given”) has got to depreciate for government to stay.. in power.

Regardless of the size, scope, uncertainty, and unpredictability of global events, markets don’t crash.. markets are crashed. Markets are intentionally debased.

Every major industrial revolution needs a lot of market crashes and a couple new religions to pay for it. The transportation revolution required 10 or more and the information-age revolution will probably require at least ten market crashes to get the revolution paid for.

A debasement is an excuse to start a downturn in the market.

There are an unlimited number of ways to debase a speculative market.

Railway Mania & There Ain’t No Jobs

Oftentimes a planned depression begins at a time when there is an unprecedented demand for infrastructure labor.

Debasement of “the vehicle of monetary exchange” that occurs in the early stage of an industrial revolution creates depressive employment environments where regardless of the labor-intensive projects planned (usually under the guise of “urgent national interest”) the labor force is reminded over and over that.. “there ain’t no jobs” after all we are in.. a depression.

Once again.. during this period of time, demand for workers has never been higher, yet somehow.. there ain’t no jobs.

No need to be optimistic about the future job market.. right?

In reality there are too many jobs during every industrial revolution. What is actually meant by “there ain’t no jobs” is.. just like every industrial revolution, “there ain’t no jobs.. that we intend to pay anybody for.”

The following steam and rail revolutions are good examples of this.

Speculation in the U.S. market peaked in August of 1818 and the market began to crash 3 months later in November. In December speculation in commodities and securities began to peak in the English market.

The U.S. market crashed the following year in June of 1819 kicking off a 6-year depression creating a glut of cheap depressed crash-labor. This crash paid for the cost of tarmac for the National Road, the cost of materials for the Erie Canal, the Gas-Light Company of Baltimore, and who knows what global foreign nation infrastructure construction elsewhere?

On the 20th of 1819 (the same month of the U.S. market crash) the ”Savannah” became the first steamship to cross the Atlantic as it arrived in Liverpool from Georgia.

The first steamship to cross the Atlantic.. and there ain’t no jobs?

Other history references have this crossing occurring in 1818 but regardless of whether it was 1818 or 1819 the steamship crossing was still.. the first to cross the Atlantic - not the last.

If it were the last crossing then “there ain’t no more jobs” would sound sensible.

But it gets better.. or at least it gets.. more interesting.

Railway Mania; Baldwin’s “Last Locomotive”

Just as the 6-year depression begins to subside in 1825 Mathias Baldwin opened his machine shop.

In December of 1827 the banking system in Paris, France crashed due to “irrational exuberance” in canals, cotton, and building sites kicking off.. another depression beginning in 1828.

A year later in March of 1829 Andrew Jackson (the first, not last.. freemason democrat president to ride on a train) was elected into office.

The month following President Jackson’s election marked the arrival of the first “actual” locomotive shipped (most were pirated) from Liverpool (again) from the firm of Foster, Rastrick & Company of Stourbridge, England ordered by the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company.

First steamship, first locomotive.. and of course there is a depression.. cause there ain’t no jobs.

Two “next big things” and there ain’t no jobs?

Shouldn’t a few U.S. politicians or political hopefuls be announcing: “Cheer up.. depressed workers!!!” .. “There is a global rail-revolution on its way” .. ” And it looks like its going to last at least 100 mother-f–cking years?”

In August of 1830 Skull & Bones was founded at Yale and the plans for the city of Chicago were laid out.. but there ain’t no jobs.

If only the labor force was told of the actual worker demand.. wouldn’t they be steamed? (sorry)

In April of 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville (a French prison specialist.. as in “debtor’s prisons”) began his journeys in the U.S.

So instead of informing the nation’s workforce that he would be building 1500 railroad locomotives (not including his stationary steam engines) Mathias Baldwin tells the workers in 1832 that he will not be building any more locomotives. So there ain’t gonna be no jobs.

This is how management hides next-big-things from labor forces. Concealing demand is an old trick.

This popular “first versus last” game is called planning a depression and rigging the reality of supply and demand at the start of an industrial revolution to depress the labor force and lower expectations and thus lowering the costs.. of labor.

The Federal Reserve planned a depression in 1987 to lower the expected labor costs for the information age revolution. The Fed crashed the gold market and ”eased depression-era banking limits” but the best they could get was.. a recession.

If the reality of the historic existence of globalization along with industrial revolutions were made public, a couple of questions would arise from the knowledge:

1. Why aren’t there any jobs during an industrial revolution?
2. Why aren’t there any jobs in a economically globalized world during an industrial revolution?

Between 1835 and 1837 20 percent of the “Officer’s Corp.” resigned due to the lucrative opportunities in the booming railroad business.

It is about this time when President Lyndon Johnson’s great, great, grandfather dies at the Alamo.

“Dying at the Alamo” is a Wall-Street term for “dying in your own bed at home.. as a real-estate trader”.

Here is a list of depression-era railway-mania labor-demand:

Steam locomotives (foreign & domestic)
Steam engines (locomotive)
Steam engines (stationary; deforestation machinery, factories, machinery etc..)
Steam ships (military & commercial)
Steam boilers
Rail hardware
Railway support system
Freight logistics systems
Rail center construction
Town construction along rail-route
Transportation logistics

All the above was on a global scale. This is why the current population is reinforced in the belief that globalization started yesterday because if globalism and foreign nation building is more than a few hundred years old then a lot of things don’t make sense starting with.. economics.

This above list doesn’t touch the jobs created due to the nascent global telegraph industry and it does not include the canal industry, waterway-modernization, or the textile-boom yet by 1838.. 1/3 of American workers are unemployed.. during an industrial revolution which means it is a perfect time to immigrate cheap Chinese & Irish.. railroad labor?

Obviously the Irish and the Chinese weren’t receiving employment-data over the brand-spankin-new telegraph from the land-of-opportunity. Note: Famines also stabilize wages.

The reality of industrial revolutions: There were so many existing and new jobs and new job descriptions that in 1850 the U.S. Census Bureau began compiling lists of its citizens jobs for (supposedly) the first time.

An economic state of depression and lack of employment opportunity lasted throughout the entire railway revolution throughout the entire globe.

So, no jobs, yet present-day historians are so fascinated with railroads?

Depression-labor, crash-labor, war-labor, debtor-labor, immigrant-labor, convict-labor, conscription-labor, and up till 1864 slave-labor (in the homeland at least) is how industrial revolutions and the government that governed them have always been capable of affording.. any labor.

Apparently the only job-openings in the railroad industry were:

Railroad financiers

Somehow.. 100 years of depression during an industrial revolution and “no jobs to be found” created “more millionaires then ever”?

Juror and shareholder tip: When you hear the words “more millionaires then ever” enterprise corruption.. is nearby.

The “job-shortage” con-game probably accounts for the reason de Tocqueville observed that.. “it is easier for the world to accept a simple lie.. than a complex truth”.

If the information-age revolution is going to be as successful as the railway-revolution, there are going to have to be at least 100 years or more of economic-depression and a world-war, and a civil-war or two, just to be able to afford the labor-costs.

This goal is referred to by some leaders and statesmen as “Renewing America”.

Simple lie: “Ain’t no jobs”

Complex truth: Worker demand during an industrial revolution is.. never greater.

Those Who Control The Speculative Market.. Don’t Speculate.

On September 18, 2007 the “Fed” (one-dude? yeah sure) adjusted the interest-rate and the market.. skyrocketed. Eventually the same dude will be cited as the cause of the debasement by adjusting the interest rate in.. the other direction. People will actually believe that artificial inflation and debasement of the market is caused by.. one dude. It is just like religion.

Government As An Excuse For Debasement; The Green Movement

And just when investment in AEP was looking up on Monday October 8th 2007, along comes an announcement on Tuesday of a “landmark multi-billion dollar pollution settlement”.

This is how the government can and will step in to debase the share value of a corporation’s stocks just after the corporate-insiders and “blind-trust” investors in Congress sell their shares of course. And who can argue. After all pollution is a problem right?

So get ready to blame Al Gore and the left for suddenly and without warning (to the outside-investors) debase the share value of publicly-traded corporations.

This is an old trick.

The British pulled this little big-government debasement number with the Boston Land Bank in 1740 while Ben Franklin was busy printing cash and pretending to debate the pros and cons of paper-money. The British government blamed the debasement on the grounds that the bank was breaking previous legislation passed to pretend to resolve the South Sea Bubble (that is the one Issac Newton pretended to lose money in; note: losing other people’s money does not really fit into the category of “losing money”).

Reasons To Rally The Patriots

European banks and European corporate monopolies.
Here are five good financial reasons that could have been used to rally the patriots against England starting with re-coinage in 1607:


The events of all of these dates took money out of ordinary English colonist’s pockets all over the entire globe and not once did the founding fathers bring them up?

Why hide it?

The events of each one of these dates created more Eurpoean millionaires in England and in English-colonies.. than “ever before”.

Here is another reason: It took the colonists 310 years from the first-landing at Jamestown to discover that the English monarchy was German.

For another reason.. how about competing with slave wages for the first 258 years of American history?

The Margin-Call

The purpose of the invention of the margin-call is to intentionally debase the market.. when needed.

Cooking The Books: Why?

The reason you begin to put s–t on your corporate balance sheet is:

1. You cannot afford labor
2. To inflate the share value of your corporate stock.

Executives and accountants sometimes excuse the practice by labeling it: “meeting Wall-Street expectations” which offers one of the primary “reasons” why Wall-Street and every stock exchange throughout the world.. exists.

The go-go 90s was not a boom.

The go-go 90s was a phony market, based on inaccurate accounting.

A “Vicious Rumor”

A vicious rumor is a good thing.. if a company is attempting to intentionally debase the value of its own shares or debase the sector in which the companies exist in the market-place.

Cooking The Books; Why Stop?

The only reason to stop cooking the books and putting s–t on the corporate balance sheet is to intentionally panic and hopefully crash the value.. of the outside investor’s holdings.

If you have been cooking your company’s books for 9 years.. why not cook them for.. 10?

But What Is The Corporation’s Exit Plan?

11th May 2011, 11:20 PM
What Role Does Monopolization Of Industry Play In Enterprise Corruption? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=9)

Along with globalization, enterprise corruption also subsidizes industrial.. monopolization.

Government Is The Monopoly

Government is a public monopoly that doles out private monopolies.. to the highest briber.. er.. I mean.. the highest bidder.

Government is a public monopoly that legislates, taxes, and punishes to make certain government remains a monopoly and that those private individuals that government doles out monopolies to avoid indictment for monopolization of their respective industries. Again, this shell-game is referred to in the Justice Department as “The perfect is the enemy of the good”.

Just like enterprise corruption, if monopolization of industry is not punished then monopolization of industry is not a crime.

Just like enterprise corruption the reason monopolization of industry is not punished is because monopolization of industry is a.. necessity.

Primarily because it stabilizes.. wages.

Nobody disputes the fact that everybody fully expects the government to monopolize a great many industries.

Juror & Shareholder Tip: Everything government needs to govern is monopolized either publicly or privately. This is how you can identify industries that have been, are currently, will be, and have to be monopolized. This is how you can identify enterprise corruption because the only way to afford monopolization of industries is through enterprise corruption. This is why jurors are not supposed to understand enterprise corruption.

Government loves big government so government spends a lot of time convincing the people that there are certain industries that are the natural responsibility of government. Health care is a good example. If the people agree or can be convinced that the provision of health care is the job of the government.. the industry of health care will be monopolized and enterprise corruption will occur to finance the project.

Ironically, monopolization of industries takes place whenever government pretends to be attempting to avoid monopolization of industry. Monopolization of industry was at it’s zenith at the very same time the government was pretending to break up Microsoft.

There is no disagreement among any political party that big projects should be left up to.. big government.

Government is a monopoly therefore any aspect of industry that the population thinks should be the responsibility of government.. has to be a monopoly.

Students of revisionist history may disagree but the only way monopolies can be achieved and the only way monopolies can be afforded is through enterprise corruption by way of political bribery, kickbacks, lobbying “efforts”, defrauding of government, the usual quiet waivers and exemptions from previous legislation, and tax “advantages” provided to big government contractors that the government doles out the industrial monopolies to.

Question: Why?

Answer: Because “big-project” stuff is.. big-labor stuff and big labor (as the state-media keeps reminding us) is known as.. ”Marxism”.

Tyco International LTD.

Tyco acquired 700 companies in the 1990s

700 unannounced acquisitions.. with fake money.

This is the reality of how monopolies.. become monopolies.

Add 700 unannounced acquisitions to the ones that were announced.

Joel Klein was really on the ball with this one.

Outside shareholders foot the bill for things the government needs to maintain its monopolies.

Outside shareholders foot the bill for things the government needs to maintain its governance.

Ironically, the belief that anti-trust, anti-competitive business practices, and monopolization of industry is illegal is what makes them.. possible.

The charges are too confusing for jurors so the charges are thrown out which essentially makes them all the charges.. legal.

Monopolies Throughout History

The New World was little more than a district office for European corporate monopolies.

The puritans and the pilgrims and other religiously persecuted groups fled to the exact locations the European banks and corporate monopolies wanted them to go.

At some-time in history they started referring to puritans and pilgrims as.. “employees”.

If you are working for a business called the London Company of Virginia.. you are an employee. An employee that may also be a puritan, but to the Virginia Company of London you are an employee.

European Banks and Corporations have been getting off the hook for enterprise corruption, theft by taking, and enslavement of workers for hundreds of years.

Slave reparations should focus on the European banks and corporations that have profited from slavery for hundreds of years.

Anti-trust law was legislated in the early 1900s not to avoid and punish monopolization of industry. Anti-trust law was legislated to stabilize wages and control the labor movement at the time by protecting corporate monopolies.

There are two good examples of this:

Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis and the Standard Oil monopoly and the corruption that made the monopoly what it was.
National Cash Register (NCR; predecessor to IBM)

NCR & The Gulags; IBM & The Holocaust

work in progress (for obvious reasons;-)

11th May 2011, 11:31 PM
What Role Does Religion Play In Enterprise Corruption? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=46)

The State Of Confusion

Federal judges know that enterprise corruption is too confusing for juries to comprehend but the swearing-in process of jury selection and trial witnesses proves that juries do not find the creation of the heavens and the earth to be too confusing.

Religious industrial monopolies were common practice for a very long time.

If a juror or investor knows the history of religion.. then the juror or investor (without realizing it) also knows:

the history of enterprise corruption
the history of industrial revolutions
the history of stock market crashes
the history of war

Unlike the government, the church globalizes openly (often referred to as a ”mission” or a “journey”)

Enterprise corruption occurs.. when the church needs a cash infusion. A savior can always be found.. just behind a market crash.

Tyco couldn’t afford information age labor costs but it sure was capable of affording religious philanthropy.

It is worth remembering that accountancies like Arthur Anderson cook the balance sheets for Islamic businesses (Jordan, Chalabi) the same way they do for Catholic businesses.

And in the case of Tyco’s chief attorney (as this story develops) it becomes apparent that regardless of hundreds of year of religious hatred.. Muslims don’t really care about religious money laundering between Jewish lawyers (Opus Dei “cooperators”).. and Catholic institutions.

Many industrial evolutions need a trendy new religion or two and many need a new religious institution (Opus Dei, Legatus).

Getting Egg On One’s Face

The church and state work very well together.

Behind closed doors the state quietly transfers economic, industrial, and military advancements to the citizen’s current and future enemies and then the church panics the citizens by telling them the enemy is a grave threat to the lives of the citizens.

The state builds the foreign-nations that religion popularizes as the next enemy.

Investor Persecution

It can be observed that throughout history the religiously persecuted colonize to the exact same places as the banks do.

History never records the market debasement that occurs just prior to the religious persecution.

You Too Can Be A Prophet

Investors and jurors alike have the ability to accurately predict the future. Particularly the future of war.

The next war always begins when the infrastructure project at the location of the most recent foreign nation-building site is completed.

Ironically no democratically elected president has ever gone public with this information yet the practice of nation-building has taken place during each and every presidency.

Every single participant in a closed-door task force could be considered to be a prophet.

The Mormon “trek” is a good example.

Every time it is said that a group of people have no motives for trailblazing other than “seeking religious freedom” there is almost always some kind of worker-funded, nation-building, foreign or domestic labor-outsourcing, and infrastructure construction occurring.

The point where the trekking Mormons figure they can escape “religious persecution” is exactly where the two points connecting the transcontinental railroad.. meet. One would assume that at some point in time the Mormons must have held a meeting to discuss how their circumstance takes on the appearance of being one of the most insanely coincidental possibilities in the history of commerce, transportation, and trade-route construction.

This is equivalent to Alexis de Tocqueville horseback riding, hiking, canoeing, stage-coaching and one-horse carriaging in search of an “understanding of democracy in America”.. and never taking the train? Then to top it off.. out of all of his visits to America’s prisons, some located right next to nearby railroad construction sites – it never dawns on de Tocqueville (a prison expert) that prisoners could be used as railroad construction labor?

They should have considered calling the transcontinental railroad.. the Silk Road.

Juror and shareholder tip: If you want to follow the money.. follow the movement of “religious freedom”. In the case of the Mormon trek, the money is in the Transcontinental Railroad”

Religion Is Big Government

No religion = no religious war

No religious war = no big war government

This why proponents of small government like war and religion. Religion is the excuse for big war and big war is the excuse for big government.

War and religion provides “Brer Rabbit convervatism”.

Dat der big government is de ting I hates de most.

11th May 2011, 11:55 PM
I'm cracking up...here I am posting all this serious stuff...and hubby is watching The Ghost Whisperer on Netflix! He's secretly addicted to this chick show, but won't admit it. :D

What Role Does Government Play In Enterprise Corruption? (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=47)

The reason there are three branches of government is because two branches is not sufficient to cover-up globalization and enterprise corruption. Monarchies learned this back in the 1830s.

Simple Lies & Complex Truths

Simple Lie: Failure of government

Every fox that has ever been given the responsibility of guarding the hen-house.. has failed miserably.

Complex Truth: Intentional failure of government

The primary function of government.. is to pretend to fail.

Government succeeds in doing exactly that which government planned to do from the onset and then calls it a “failure” to make it seem otherwise.

Popular announcements of planned failure include:

Failure of regulation
Failure of the system
Failure of the “grand experiment”
It is the best system we have got
Governmental oversight
Underfunded regulation
Unfettered markets
Bank failure
Too many loans
Watchdogs caught napping

How is it enterprise-wide failure occurs so often?

Every time one hears the word “failure” one should replace the word with “accomplished” because it is not failure of government or failure of the banking system or failure of regulation it is intentional business strategy.

A system can’t fail if a system doesn’t exist.

Economic treason is the failure of government to learn from the mistakes of history.. on purpose.

Intentional failure of government is.. TREASON

Pretending that economic and industrial treason is illegal is intended to give the appearance that seeking and acquiring less-expensive labor around the globe isn’t the obsession and ultimate goal of the church and the state.

The simple lie: Economic and industrial treason is illegal.

The complex truth: Economic and industrial treason provides.. cheap labor forces.

There is one more thing about intentional failure. If failure is the goal then coordinating, carrying-out, and covering-up failure would require the enforcing.. of failure.

If failure is the goal wouldn’t one would expect enforcement of failure to be a rather significant function every branch of any form of government?

Through something known as a patent system Government monitors disruptive technologies, sciences, knowledge, and discoveries and immediately institutes closed door meetings to plan ways to transfer them offshore.

If you build it – it will be transferred.

If it inflates wages – it will be relocated.

Each and every form of government is nothing more than a regional human resource department.

The 3 “C’s” Of Globalism & Enterprise Corruption

The function of government is to coordinate, carry-out, and cover-up globalism and enterprise corruption.

When it comes to pulling off the three C’s of enterprise corruption in America.. three branches of government.. works.

This is what de Tocqueville meant in the early 1830s during ”a” French revolution when he proclaimed.. ”In America.. democracy works”.

What he was actually saying was.. “In America.. pretending to fail.. works.”

Each branch takes turns.. pretending to fail.

Failure of regulation:

It is referred to as “failure of regulation” but the truth is.. failure is the goal.

Communism and all other forms of government located on foreign soil are so evil – that it is ok to cook the books to defeat them.

Most forms of successfully deceptive leadership and government are based on “one party versus another”.

In a monarchy its the “King versus the King’s advisor”.

King + King’s Advisor = Enterprise = Government

Republican + Democrat = Enterprise = Government

In a democracy it is the democrats versus the republicans.

The reality is.. in both a monarchy and a democracy and most other “them-versus-us” forms of government, one side pretends to be against what both sides actually want and what both sides eventually get and both sides blame each other for getting what both sides actually wanted.

This “them versus us” thing is instilled into the minds of the citizenry almost 24 hours a day.

There is so little differentiation between two “opposing” parties that they have to invent differentiation.

Unlike the church.. the government globalizes behind closed-doors (in a task-force) which explains why globalization documentation is kept from public view by executive order for decades if not centuries.

The reason for globalization offered up by the church is “spreading of the word” which used to be called “enlightenment” a few centuries ago

The reason for globalization offered up by the state: “ending poverty throughout the world”

Very noble reasons indeed

Free globalization subsidized by the homeland labor force is just not patriotic and borders on technical and economic treason on the part of the enterprise behind the closed-doors.

Waivers & Exemptions

Enron’s waivers and exemptions: If something is illegal.. why give a company a waiver to do it?

Strange as it may seem, one of the primary purposes of law is to give individuals and corporations exemptions.. from law.

And when it comes to the phony debate over small government or big government, wouldn’t a quiet waiver from big government be considered small government?

Underfunded regulation and quiet waivers and exemptions from regulation works best when periods of heavy burdensome regulation is politically popular.

The public gets to hear lectures about the troubles with big government and the usual comparisons of big government to socialism, fascism, communism, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Marx.. etc.. etc.. while big government is handing out waivers and exemptions from big government at the same time.

Even when markets are fettered, the markets are actually unfettered.. but in a quiet kind of way.

Look close enough and it appears that the legal profession replaced the monarchy.

The 4th Branch of Enterprise Corruption

The “moment of truth” for military action is determined by the SEC.

“Moments of truth” can be scheduled to take place at any time but George W. Bush’s “white-collar-crime” task force choose March 18 2003 to raid the corporate offices of the one single Healthcare corporation that committed the greatest amount of Medicare fraud in the history of Medicare and the SEC choose March 18 2003 as the day to discontinue market trading in HealthSouth stocks which provided its own brand of “shock & awe” for outside investors who owned HealthSouth stock.

In April of 1987 the Fed began “easing depression-era banking limits” by setting into motion a plan to end communism by tearing down the accounting walls that were constructed that last the the fed got caught slaying communism.. by cooking the books.

Off-Shore Tax Havens

America never seems to have ever gained its independence from British off-shore tax havens.

Medicare Fraud

You cannot defraud a big government program without a big government program. Medicare Plan B for drug prescriptions is an intentional accident waiting to happen. You can’t intentionally let your government drug plan be defrauded if you don’t have a government drug plan. Look-out for a big phony announcement of an Government inquiry into the business practices and medicare billing practices of the top Prescription Benefit Managers. The moment of truth war-clock is usually timed to occur about the same moment as the Justice Department and the FBI raid the corporate offices and headquarters of such health care companies. Case in point: March 18th 2003.

Voting matters?

Cooking the laws, cooking the trials, cooking the juries, and cooking the books is called “conservatism”.

Pretending to be opposed to cooking the laws, cooking the trials, cooking the juries, and cooking the books is called.. “liberalism”.

Fighting labor costs is the true purpose of government and military.

War and the military industrial complex is little more than a pragmatic solution to rising labor costs.

The government legalizes dishonesty for management while punishing dishonesty on the part of labor and that is how wages are stabilized.

Tax reciepts pay for the expenses of the coordination and coverup of enterprise corruption.

On Again.. Off Again; Change Is Good

Change.. provides opportunities to place blame. Change provides an excuse. Change is an excuse.

War & Peace is change
Government is change
Enemies change
Rules change
War is.. big government.

So-called proponents of “small government” love the changeover to “big-war” because big-war is big government (for war reasons of-course) which was what proponents of small-government and big government really wanted anyway.

Big war government can replace small government with three simple time-tested words: “they hate us”

If they thought they “hated us” in 2001 – just imagine how much they would have hated us if they had known we had been cooking-the-books for ten years.. before they attacked us. Ironically, they may not have been aware that we were cooking-the-books but their attacks sure did a great job of.. covering it up.

War is the excuse for war welfare domestically and globally.

War permits financial and economic socialism.. in the name of war. The category of individuals and institutions that usually decry big government – love war government.

War permits an excuse for every form of social control that was said be wrong and misguided just prior to war. It is easy to be against things that you know will eventually transpire due to war.

Historically every time leadership pretended to take the high road and offered to free the slaves a war followed and a draft followed right behind.

In the game of government and politics you can have it both ways. We like small government and we like.. war.

Government gets what it wants. Government just pretends it doesn’t want it.. between wars. And war and war government will occur at least 5 times in the life of every individual. And sometimes war lasts an individual’s entire lifetime.

Big government – small government:

Example: The Public Utility Holding Company Company Act

Legislating to “control corruption” works and it is called anti-business big government. Quiet waivers and exemptions from the same big government legislation works and it is called “reigning in big government” and “pro-business”

Now in the 1940s the greatest generation may have voted for the legislation to control corporate corruption.. but who voted for the quiet waivers and exemptions?

History will record the legislation.

History will not record the waivers and exemptions.

The job of a historian is to make it appear that throughout history labor has ever been affordable.

Communism – democracy

Popular reasons for anything & everything:

archaic law
time passed (we didn’t expect or plan on time passing)
the experiment failed

There Is A Reason For Everything

The Reason For George Washington’s Distillery?

His Scottish business man told him whisky could make money.

Politics; Complaining?.. or bragging?

When you hear a politician or a political scientist complaining odds are good that the are actually bragging.


Working wages have fallen..
Human rights
Who is the intended audience of the political speach? Management?.. or labor?

The woes of labor is music to the ears of management.

Complex truth: We are now going to pretend to complain about the effects of the things we just did intentionally. How could we possibly have done what we just did on purpose if we go on record as opposing those same things?

Pretending to complain is part of the exit plan.

Since the goal is always global wage stabilization then why complain about the methods incorporated to achieve the goal?

Every issue a statesman complains about stabilized wages and wage stabilization is always the primary goal. So what is the point of the complaint?

Is the politician warning, protesting, criticising.. or is the politician bragging, boasting, and advising?

Why would politicians and banks care about working conditions and human rights in the countries the politicians and banks just outsourced the jobs to?

Everything the ordinary worker would consider to be a negative a bank would consider to be a positive.

Who is the intended audience of the political speech? Management?.. or labor?

12th May 2011, 12:08 AM
hubby is watching The Ghost Whisperer on Netflix! He's secretly addicted to this chick show...

Can't imagine WHY (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=jennifer+love+hewitt+ghost+whisperer&go=&form=QBIR).

:dunno lol

12th May 2011, 04:48 PM
Haha, I'm sure that DOES have something to do with it, but it was just a funny contrast. ;)

12th May 2011, 06:58 PM
Once you realize that there are 2 ways to do accounting in compliance with the IRS:

1. cash accounting which is always run on a "what do you have in your pockets" kind of cash settlement


2. accrual accounting

which is what ALL corporations use...

you realize that accrual accounting is essentially the ability to keep 2 or more sets of books, which is fraud. And that is why accrual accounting is used.

Accrual accounting is also known as double entry accounting (or bookkeeping). Double entry accounting was invented in the 15th century and in Italy out of all places.

I may be naive, but I believe the spirit of double entry accounting was not to deceive users of financial information, but in order to provide more useful information. For example cash basis accounting simply does not take into account existing liabilities, inventory values, and other assets that affect the overall value of a business.

I do very well understand that today's double entry accounting can and is manipulated in order to deceive users of financial information. Depreciation is one area of double entry accounting that is certainly susceptible to fraud.

23rd May 2011, 02:43 PM
Just came across another interesting post on the blog:

Decoding And Dissecting Enron #54 (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=12076)

This is from Reinhardt's eBook "Either You're With Us or You're Onto Us."

It's pretty dense, but here are some of the highlights (direct quotes are in quotation marks, or are in a bigger font size):

A listing of important business/historical events from the year 1940.

An excerpt from "The Transportation Act of 1940," which discusses problems with the creation of enough cars, trains, and other vehicles in part due to "impairment of railway credit" which was caused by financial "mismanagement" by the companies on one hand and restrictive rate policies by regulatory agencies on the other.

Enron and its connection to building an electricity infrastructure in Dabhol, India (and how it's never mentioned in the media).

no dabhol = no mumbai

no mumbai = no outsourcing

no “Global Crossing”/Tyco/Legatus = no undersea fiberoptic cable

no fiberoptic cable = no internet connection to India

no internet connection to India = no outsourcing


the Dabhol, India plant has certainly grown in output capacity (as planned in 1992)

(or as Judge Painter from the CFTC claims “nearly 20 years ago”)

A listing of important business/political events from 1940 through 1941, including how the AFL and CIO gave a no-strike pledge for the duration of the war ("Note: 'union leaders' are all worthless")

There were 4,288 labor strikes in 1941 (before the pledge, probably pre-July).

war = “no-strike pledge”

(how fortunate for management)

been asked several times “what books do you recommend?”


"The Taliban and Osama bin Laden both intervened when the American public was just finding out how corrupt their leaders were."

How the CIA's real job is to avoid worker wage increase.

Asbestos and Navy Ships: From the 1930s to the 1970s, the U.S. Navy used asbestos-containing products in its ships and shipyards, even though the bad health effects from it were known for years.

industrial production will always be more important than human safety


Kaiser Shipbuilding..

is much of the reason Kaiser has a health system


In a letter written by Frank Lloyd Wright to Ayn Rand: Frank Lloyd Wright writes:

“My dear Miss Rand” .. “I’ve read every word of the Fountainhead.

Your thesis is THE great one. Especially at this time.

So I suppose you will be set up in the marketplace and burned for a witch.”

Rand’s response: “I can’t be burned for a witch, because I am made of asbestos”

~ around 1914


They are tiptoeing around an asbestos, building construction, architecture, cancer problem.


Also, right around this period there is one heck of a lot of “inexpensive” cancer research..

taking place in Germany.

(“inexpensive” = war-time test subjects)


With Klara Hitler’s death from breast cancer,

Adolf had serious cancer concerns and so did..

German industrialists in the United States along with the construction industry,

the shipbuilding (Kaiser = German) industry and a sh-tload of other industries..

including the medical and german pharmaceutical industries.

All benefited greatly from inexpensive experimentation on unwilling human test subjects throughout WW2


Think Tuskegee? .. with the exception of the Germany part, it is really not much of a secret.

(nobody is allowed to go where i’m goin here)

Wars create cheap .. medical research.



A U.S. Navy medical bulletin includes asbestos on a list of hazardous occupations and..

suggests that respirators be used in the workplace.

(what would industry during this period of time have done without asbestos?)


90 YEARS later..

asbestos litigation is alive and well..

and making lawyers wealthy


What is being hidden today that the public has yet to be told?

Personally I think cellphone radiation/radio/wireless frequencies is the next asbestos.

How will the cheap medical research be made available?


I discovered a while ago..

If you want to find and follow enterprise corruption..

follow cancer .. follow health care! .. follow Milken (prostate cancer)

Where Milken goes .. corporate fraud and white collar crime is ALWAYS nearby.


A list of notable events from 1941~42.

it is noteworthy that in 1942 it is still illegal to say the word “cancer”.. on the radio

(ya have ta wonder why?)

Stabilization Act of 1942: created to stabilize wages to September 1942 levels.

Management forced to offer/provide labor with healthcare benefits because..

management couldn’t afford $1.56 an hour for skilled workers.


If management thinks skilled workers are too expensive to afford in 1942..

just wait until the introduction of the transistor five years from now;-)

(management is very well aware that the wage inflation sh-t is about to hit the fan)


If you were management, what would you take a long hard look at?

Try implementing a word that isn’t even in the dictionary yet.



List of notable events in 1942~43, including:

"The Executive Order which created the Committee on Fair Employment Practices to stop discriminatory hiring in war industries based on race, creed, color, or national origin.
Note: In other words, you have to stop hiring who you want to hire - because it's war.

And in 2004 they want to allow/promote hiring based on "creed" or belief in the employer's religion of choice."

The Detroit, MI hate strikes against black workers and race riots.

"Note: These events could be why old people say the word “nigger” so easily and casually. The HUAC probably promoted the word usage as safe from communist suspicion. Outwardly expressing hatred of a color rather than corrupt capitalism was probably encouraged by the “commie hunters” [words grayed out] complaining that tby law he had to hire a precise number of blacks for every white and a number of women for every black.

The whole concept here as usual is to legislate preference and affirmative actionaimed at the bottom to screw the middle to protect the top.

A lot of the union members are in the armed services at this time and we can't allow the middle-class working, non-military whites gain a temporary advantage in the workplace.

It is the legislation that is hated more than the color of the benefactors.”

A page about the Fair Employment Practices Committee, Executive Order 8802 signed on June 25, 1941, which banned racial discrimination in any defense industry receiving federal contracts."

A listing of some notable events in 1944, including how the Bretton Woods agreement creates the IMF and World Bank.

in 1944, the imf and the world bank are setting out to do a little foreign nation building..

for the usual reason

the job of the imf and the world bank is to..

bribe officials from undeveloped nations around the world


that is why the citisens of those nations are protesting



you have to put a lot of citisens in developed nations into a state of poverty..

to “end poverty” in developing nations

(and who funds the IMF?)"


"you do

(you actually pay .. to subsidise your foreign job replacement)

and then you’re expected to train your replacement as well

and the amazing thing about it is – you don’t mind


when the king takes the peasant’s money and gives it to..

the officials of foreign nations..

the king refers to it as “competing with foreign nations”


more irony:

then you have your $1,000.00-an-hour lawyers

(controlling global labor costs .. costs a LOT of money)


and the world bank does the same damn thing


they both take money from middle working-class labor in developed nations..

and hand it to officials (regimes) in developing nations

(the process has been going on for thousands of years)


23rd May 2011, 03:00 PM
Some interesting stuff from "r's Next Page (http://www.enterprisecorruption.com/?page_id=12564)" dealing with Hitler, cancer, and the industries that profit from the things that cause cancer.

18/11/1944 Laryngeal polyp foundon the anterior third of Hitler's left vocal cord.



Doyle here doesn’t want to go there:




smoking at EIGHT years old?

(from what i understand this was not uncommon whatsoever)


to some folks, even the suggestion that hitler may have smoked..

freaks them out as if you just denied the holocaust or something


hitler and smoking riles up folks along the same lines as asking..if there were shoe factories in gettysburg

(denialists become incensed)


the smoking issue introduces unorthodox, untasteful motive to the events surrounding those years

(and folks just do not want to go there)


shoe factories introduce “cost of labor” motive during the civil war

(and folks just do not want to go there)


you have to ask.. why do the hitler smoking denialists become so hostile to the possibility?


answer: because it introduces a medical research angle into world warII



in 1940, the First Amendment..

had been in existence in America for nearly 150 years!


yet in 1940 it was illegal to say the word “cancer” on the radio





german pharmaceutical companies .. and cheap medical research .. hmmm


and then there is civil war .. to free the slaves of course..

but, what about the shoe makers’ strikes at the start of the civil war..

and the shoe factories in Hanover Pennsylvania..

just a stone’s throw from Gettysburg .. hmmm


so ya got Lasker, Wirths, the National Cancer Institute..

Hitler, tobacco AND asbestos confessions

ALL at the very same time?


war and cheap medical research?

war and cheap factory labor?

(supply and demand all over the place)


hey, don’t f-ck with my comfy world view, man


Motive for war?

Management says the motive for all war throughout history is..


(what is the ticker symbol for “Hate, Inc.”)

what is the ticker symbol for Reynolds American Inc.?



Their workers – hate our workers


Their workers get 72 virgins.

Our workers aren’t remotely interested.. in 72 virgins.


Throughout history..

cancer confessions have always had the economically negative of killing .. industry.

In 1940, cancer confessions were on the verge of killing .. industry.

No industry – no wall street.

No industry – slim if any .. economy.


Again, the big problem here is .. motive for war.

mick silver
24th May 2011, 04:47 AM
just look at the money they take in every year . i have said there no way they will cure cancer it to big of a way to make money .................................................I f you want to find and follow enterprise corruption..

follow cancer .. follow health care! .. follow Milken (prostate cancer)

Where Milken goes .. corporate fraud and white collar crime is ALWAYS nearby.

31st May 2011, 02:17 PM
Reinhardt has updated one of his pages:


This includes more information about white collar crime and its relationship to health care and cancer.


This is when I first took an interest in history and started connecting some serious dots.


note the date of the wall street journal printing of this article below

(this is called financial journalism laundry days)



there is a question when it comes to financial laundry


why would the editor (Robert Bartley) of the wall street journal..

print this on a day when the peasants are busy wrapping presents?


because there were a lot of folks at the top of the wall street journal..

with SERIOUS medical issues



the way to follow the white collar crime .. is to follow the healthcare/cancer

(when did old Bush 41 sell his shares of GlobalCrossing?)


we have a few more pages to go to get to that answer


31st May 2011, 02:25 PM
"when did old Bush 41 sell his shares of GlobalCrossing?"

Weeks before its stock started tanking, according to this old BusinessWeek article:

Bush Sr.'s Profitable Crossing (http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/feb2002/nf20020222_2866.htm)
The former President made a tidy $4.5 million from his shares in now-bankrupt Global Crossing

President Bush may complain that his mother-in-law took a hit on her Enron stock, but it seems his dad made a tidy profit on that other notorious bankruptcy, Global Crossing. In 1999 and 2000, the elder Bush pocketed more than $4.5 million by selling Global Crossing stock, according to Securities & Exchange Commission documents obtained by BusinessWeek. His last sale came just weeks before the once high-flying telecom's stock started tanking.

The elder Bush and his wife, Barbara, sold 100,000 Global Crossing shares on Nov. 16, 1999, for $4.45 million, according to the documents. Then, the Bushes notified the SEC they were selling an additional 1,000 shares on Mar. 13, 2000, for $55,000. The former First Family had acquired at least 100,000 shares of Global Crossing stock as a private investment on Apr. 21, 1998, the documents say.

METEORIC TRAJECTORY. The shares listed in the documents may have been payment for appearances the elder Bush, whose normal speaking fee ran $80,000, made at Global Crossing conferences. In the months before he acquired the stock in April, 1998, Bush made speeches on behalf of Global Crossing in Tokyo in February and in Barcelona in April. Jean Becker, spokeswoman for the former President, says Bush also addressed Global Crossing audiences in June, 1999, in Virginia and in June, 2000, in Rochester, N.Y. The Bushes acquired the 100,000 shares four months before Global Crossing went public at $19 a share (the stock split two-for-one six months later).

The documents don't indicate how much Bush paid for the shares since he acquired them before the company was public. It's also not known whether he bought additional shares of Global Crossing before or after it went public. Neither Bush's spokesman nor the manager of his trust would comment on his financial dealings. "I don't talk to the press about private clients," says Anthony Duke Jr., a managing director at Bessemer Trust, the Bushes' trustee.

In its first months of public trading, Global stock ran up as high as $64.25 in May, 1999, but then began a roller-coaster ride that lasted until a slow-motion collapse started a year later. The volume of trading intensified dramatically in September, 1999. And the Bushes sold 100,000 shares in November of that year after the volatile stock bounced back to $44.50 from a September low of $20.25. The second sale, four months later, came near Global's peak. A month after that, it had lost nearly half its value. A share of the company's stock now sells for pennies.

2nd June 2011, 10:08 AM
I just read an old 2003 news story that reinforces the idea that "Globalization is the act of transferring one nation’s intelligence to other “developing” nations."

Clinton Gave China Chips for Nuclear War (http://ht.ly/55FKO)

Charles R. Smith
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2003

Newly declassified documents show that President Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat.
The documents show that in 1996 Clinton approved the export of radiation hardened chip sets to China. The specialized chips are necessary for fighting a nuclear war.

"Waivers may be granted upon a national interest determination," states a Commerce Department document titled "U.S. Sanctions on China."

"The President has approved a series of satellite related waivers in recent months, most recently in November, 1996 for export of radiation hardened chip sets for a Chinese meteorological satellite," noted the Commerce Department documents.

These special computer chips are designed to function while being bombarded by intense radiation. Radiation hardened chips are considered critical for atomic warfare and are required by advanced nuclear tipped missiles.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act, a Washington-based political watchdog group.

Several documents were withheld from release by the U.S. Commerce Department for commercial and personal privacy exemptions, but none of the documents were withheld for national security reasons. Judicial Watch is expected to appeal the withholdings.

Decade of Betrayal

U.S. intelligence sources stated that the newly released documents illustrate the extent to which the Clinton White House placed trade – and trade with China specifically – above national security.

"In all likelihood we will be glowing in the dark before we discover the true extent of the Clinton decade of betrayal," stated Rick Fisher, Asian Security Fellow at the Center for Security Policy.

"If it was indeed intended for a new PRC weather satellite, then it is possible that it was used for their new polar orbit weather satellites. This is significant because the Chinese themselves acknowledge that their polar orbit weather satellites directly contribute to their long-range missile targeting capability. This becomes even more important for their new smaller but more accurate warheads, used on their new DF-31, DF-31A, DF-5 Mod2 and JL-2 missiles. If they encounter significant weather, warhead accuracy degrades, reducing their utility," stated Fisher.

"Inasmuch as similar U.S. military weather satellites perform the same missions, the Clinton Administration had to have known they were assisting a PLA strategic military capability," concluded Fisher.

In addition, the Chinese military is clearly interested in acquiring advanced radiation hardened computer chips for its strategic nuclear arsenal.

U.S. Chips for PRC Nukes

Currently, China has only liquid fueled, long-range missiles, and the majority of them are based inside underground silos. These long-range rockets are reported to be "bore-sighted" – meaning the underground silos are aimed directly at target cities inside the United States.

The Chinese army is now attempting to shift its strategic nuclear arsenal to a solid-fuel "launch on command" capability. These new missiles are rail- and road-mobile and require sophisticated electronic guidance systems to accurately strike their intended targets.

As part of this upgrade, the Chinese army is also modifying its nuclear warhead designs to arm new survivable missiles such as the DF-31 and JL-2. Chinese engineers are planning to equip these new missiles with MIRV technology, allowing each missile to carry multiple nuclear warheads.

Again, the U.S. radiation hardened computer chip technology is a logical addition to the reconfiguration and upgrade of Chinese nuclear weapons.

Stolen U.S. Chips

Another critical element of the Clinton-supplied waiver is the fact that it took place during an investigation of Chinese espionage into missing U.S. radiation hardened satellite chips.

In February 1996, a Chinese Long March rocket carrying a Loral Intelsat satellite failed and crashed on lift-off. The Loral Intelsat payload was badly damaged. The Chinese intended to launch the Loral satellite into deep space as they had been paid to do by Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz.

However, fate took a twisted path, and so did the Chinese rocket. The Long March rocket failed on launch and crashed into a nearby Chinese village, killing over 200 innocent civilians. The failure of the Long March allowed the U.S. to recover the sealed satellite guidance box, which revealed the control board of radiation-hardened chips was missing.

The missing board from the Loral Intelsat satellite is no mystery. It quickly became obvious that Chinese engineers removed the special electronics and kept the board for examination. The stolen Loral electronics consist of radiation hardened, encrypted telemetry chips, stored in a secure flight control box similar to those found on airliners. The NSA changed all U.S. satellite codes as a result of the stolen Loral chips, costing American taxpayers millions of dollars.

1996 Illegal Campaign Donations

Another factor involved in the November 1996 waiver issued by then-President Clinton is the fact that illegal money entered the U.S. elections from the Chinese army. The money was donated to the DNC from a variety of sources including convicted Chinagate figures John Huang, Charlie "Yah-Lin" Trie and Johnny Chung.

The 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign readily accepted much of the money from the Chinese army sources without question, and in some cases took these donations in cash. The allegations of Chinese espionage and illegal campaign donations were never investigated properly.

The successful effort by China to obtain U.S. microchip technology included espionage, sabotage and perhaps bribery. The red intelligence windfall freed the Chinese army to more accurately target American cities with atomic weapons using advanced U.S technology.

The legacy that President Clinton left for the 21st century is a modern Chinese army equipped for global nuclear war.

* * * * * *

2nd June 2011, 02:35 PM
Simple Lies & Complex Truths

Simple Lie: Failure of government. Every fox that has ever been given the responsibility of guarding the hen-house.. has failed miserably.

Complex Truth: Intentional failure of government. The primary function of government.. is to pretend to fail. Government succeeds in doing exactly that which government planned to do from the onset and then calls it a “failure” to make it seem otherwise. Popular announcements of planned failure include:

Failure of regulation
Failure of the system
Failure of the “grand experiment”
It is the best system we have got
Governmental oversight
Underfunded regulation
Unfettered markets
Bank failure
Too many loans
Watchdogs caught napping


Congressman Alan Grayson was not reelected after asking this question.


2nd June 2011, 02:42 PM
Very nice posts, and excellent bolding emphasis, keep them coming...

2nd June 2011, 03:52 PM
I just read an old 2003 news story that reinforces the idea that "Globalization is the act of transferring one nation’s intelligence to other “developing” nations."

Clinton Gave China Chips for Nuclear War (http://ht.ly/55FKO)

at one of the defense contractors i worked at, there was a native Chinese employee, an engineer ... who did no work.

the rest of us couldn't figure out what his story was. he was useless in the areas of design, analysis, fabrication. he sat around and billed projects - the company actually made money on that, because they re-billed the government.

it was an ongoing mystery. it took them a year to fire him, at our location - and he transferred there after burning up engineering time at another location for a year.

3rd June 2011, 11:52 AM
Just saw this post about what Reinhardt calls the "Legatus Effect":

Legatus effect? "US stocks fall..DJIA suffers biggest drop in almost one year" (http://seeker401.wordpress.com/2011/06/03/legatus-effect-us-stocks-fall-djia-suffers-biggest-drop-in-almost-one-year/)


U.S. stocks suffered their biggest declines since the middle of last year as a slew of downbeat reports prompted fears the economic recovery is running out of steam.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 279.65 points, or 2.2%, to 12290.14, the biggest point drop since June 4, 2010. Caterpillar dropped $4.56, or 4.3%, to 101.24, while Alcoa shares sank 72 cents, or 4.3%, to 16.09 and Bank of America fell 50 cents, or 4.3%, to 11.24.

All 30 of the blue-chip components finished in negative territory. The Dow, which snapped a four-day winning steak, dropped by more than 2% for only the second time this year.

The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index fell 30.65 points, or 2.3%, to 1314.55, its biggest drop since August 11. The financial, industrial and material sectors each fell more than 3%. Only 10 stocks in the S&P 500 finished in positive territory.

The technology-oriented Nasdaq Composite fell 66.11 points, or 2.3%, to 2769.19.

“There isn’t a lot of confidence to begin with, so it doesn’t take much to push people away from the table,” said Ted Weisberg, a trader with Seaport Securities.


Pro-Life Conference
Details coming soon!
Washington DC
April 28-30, 2011

So the first trading day back was the 2nd of May:


559 point fall as of today


love him or hate him reinhardt stumbled onto the legatus story a few years ago and although after the inital predictions all landing, a new phase took over where it became bailouts..are we back on the debasement stage?


Someone responded to this with this comment:

Yep, its a hit. IMO Legatus alone is not the trigger. Go back and look, the years that there were drops in the market, there were multiple Legatus events: Summit, Prolife, (TWO (huge indicator) in the fall,like the upcoming Pilgrimages), coupled with Legatus Chapter charters, opus dei event, canonization and ordinations.

Reinhardt got lucky. Those first years had all the criteria, 2009 and 2010 did not!
It’s game on in my book.

Also USCCB meeting in June, tends to bring a market downturn. Watch for that as well June 13-17.

BTW I tried multiple time to explain my theory to reinhardt

24th December 2011, 04:48 PM
I'm glad I took the time to copy and paste all these pages from the site, as now they are all gone.

But here's what's on the front page today:

Simple Lies & Complex Truths











24th December 2011, 06:17 PM

Months ago this thread helped me get my head around the reality that our collapse was not due to ineptitude but intentional planning.

http://www.hydrocanna.com/images/smilies/58390736.smiley_wave.gif thanks for the profound epiphany Lapis

25th December 2011, 12:13 PM
bump for further read

25th December 2011, 01:13 PM
If any thread deserves a sticky, it's this one.
