View Full Version : Why OBL couldn't possibly have been brought to Justice....

11th May 2011, 06:15 PM
The biggest fable clear as day is this:

To bring OBL to Justice would have required the Government to produce EVIDENCE of him and 9/11.

That evidence doesnt exist, and they know it.

12th May 2011, 05:30 AM


12th May 2011, 06:23 AM
The biggest fable clear as day is this:

To bring OBL to Justice would have required the Government to produce EVIDENCE of him and 9/11.

That evidence doesnt exist, and they know it.

actually, it does exist.

the problem is, 2 crimes were committed on 9-11.

Al-CIA-da was trying to fly airplanes into buildings. they may have been aided by some fly-by-wire technology (all commercial and military aircraft have remote control tech. built in).

Israel didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste. so they decided to blow up the buildings for maximum effect.

it is possible that Al Qaeda is responsible for the deaths of the people in the plane that hit the first WTC building.

i don't think the second plane would have hit the building on its own with an amateur pilot. if you look at a map, it is a corkscrewing flight pattern over NYC, not easy.

imagine trying to explain all that.

OBL had to be killed for National Security reasons. no way they could afford a trial. it would blow 9-11 wide open.

Hatha Sunahara
12th May 2011, 09:11 AM
OBL died in December 2001. The FBI says they have no evidence linking OBL to 911. The whole story about killing him is as phony as the official story about 911. Bringing something like that to the courts would be inviting a massive loss of credibility in the entire 'justice' system because it would expose how corrupt that whole system is. The entire war on terror is based on this OBL and Al Qaeda mythology. Bringing it to court would be like doing an episode of Mythbusters. Only on a much bigger scale. There would be lots of naifs observing how the emperor is naked. In fact, all of us would be able to see it. And since the whole story is based on force and make-believe, we would all be a little closer to the 911 truth, which is something the people who did it don't want us to know. So, in order to protect the guilty, they had to shoot the mythical OBL and bury him at sea. I'm pretty sure the number of muslims who worship him couldn't fill a small town church, and the multitude of all his other fans all work for the CIA or Mossad or or MI6, or their jobs are dependent on people believing that the war on terror is real.
