View Full Version : Radiation “Storm” Continues as Data is Suppressed

12th May 2011, 10:17 PM
Thought I'd post this here instead of the "Japan: earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster" topic area for those who missed this story that's causing quite a stir online.

Radiation “Storm” Continues as Data is Suppressed (http://globalcooperative.wordpress.com/2011/05/12/radiation-storm-continues-as-data-is-suppressed/)

May 12, 2011: Yesterday, the Norwegian Institute for Air Research suddenly stopped their public forecasting of radioactive fallout from Fukushima. A rather terse statement is all the explanation we are being given: “Thank you for your interest in the FLEXPART products for Fukushima. The Forecast system is no longer running.”[1] Well, at least they have not overtly lied (as have other institutions) by falsely claiming anything about decreasing levels of radioactivity outside of Japan! However, given that there is no real explanation being provided as to why the Norwegian forecast system has been stopped (while the radioactive fallout is continuing unabated), it is once again up to the individual to deduce that the hidden “power system” (or “global oligarchy”) must be involved in the rapid and wide-reaching suppression of any and all publicly available data related to the radioactive poisons that are now flowing around the northern hemisphere.

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Radioactive Iodine-131 – May 13, 15:00 UTC (Private Forecast)


In only a few days we have seen multiple institutes throughout the world (including the EPA in the US, the Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research in Germany, and now the Norwegian Institute for Air Research) all suddenly and inexplicably stop their measuring of radioactivity, even though the levels of radioactivity are evidently not decreasing (as has been falsely claimed by some of these institutions, while their own data reveals such claims to be lies! [2]). An update on the radioactive “weather” we are experiencing in the northern hemisphere was published on this site five days ago [3] and since that time a number of alternative news sources have also reported on the private Norwegian forecasts [4] [5] that show levels 100 times greater than their public forecasts ever showed.

Some people who understand the physics of nuclear fission sufficiently have already begun saying that the ratio of iodine-131 to cesium-137 (which is expected to be about 3-to-1 during this type of radioactive fallout event) is correct only in the private Norwegian forecasts (and that the ratio was never correct in the public forecasts [6]). This in itself lends credence to the private images. Also, the question posed in the radioactive “weather” update on this site five days ago is still very relevant: if these private forecasts do not show the real levels of radioactive poisons in the air, why do these images even exist and why do they only exist in an obscure folder of the “zardoz” server that is run by the very same Norwegian Institute for Air Research who have now ceased to provide any public forecasts?!

Since the cessation of the public Norwegian forecasts yesterday, many dozens of images have continued to appear in the obscure folder on the “zardoz” server. Thus, it is self-evident that the forecasts for radioactive fallout are specifically and only being suppressed from public view, while the forecasts are yet continuing privately. After the public forecasts were stopped yesterday (evidently due to pressure from the “global corporate oligarchy” or “power system” that rules our world) the final images on the “squid” server were dated for May 13, 21:00 UTC. Thus, we can only compare the public and private forecasts until that time and choosing from some of these most recent (and now final) images gives us further proof of the (at least!) 100-fold discrepancy in the two forecasts, as is seen below.

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I-131 – May 13, 2011, UTC 15:00 (Public vs Private Forecasts)


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Cs-137 – May 11, 2011, UTC 21:00 (Public vs Private Forecasts)


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I-131 – May 11, 2011, UTC 15:00 (Public vs Private Forecasts)


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Xe-133 – May 8, 2011, UTC 12:00 (Public vs Private Forecasts)


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Cs-137 – May 8, 2011, UTC 00:00 (Public vs Private Forecasts)


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See appendix for full size images of those shown above.

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Thus, five examples of the private forecasts over a five day period all consistently show levels of radioactive poisons that are at least 100 times greater than the public images. Simply compare the scales on each pair of images and the conclusion is obvious.

Nuclear Death Industry = Weapon of “Power System” (or “Global Oligarchy”)

Evidence continues to accumulate every day that proves we are being lied to on every front relative to the worst nuclear catastrophe in history (thus far). A conclusive body of medical and scientific evidence (including a highly regarded 323 page publication from Washington DC as recently as 2006 [7]) tells us that all exposure to ionising radiation (the type from nuclear reactors and bombs) increases the risk of cancer, with cumulative increases in exposure further raising the cancer risk. Yet, we have been lied to by every “official mouthpiece” about the true danger of the radioactive fallout now covering vast amounts of the northern hemisphere.

The Japanese government (that is self-evidently controlled by the nuclear industry) has continually lied about the safety of areas within a huge radius of the reactors in meltdown. A recent joint survey by the US and Japan found the following [emphasis added]:

"The first map of ground surface contamination within 80 kilometers [50 miles] of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant shows radiation levels higher in some municipalities than those in the mandatory relocation zone around the Chernobyl plant. [8]"

What this means is that potentially hundreds of thousands of people (due to the very high population density in Japan) are still living in areas that are more poisoned by radiation than areas where people were forcibly removed (“mandatory relocation”) after the Chernobyl disaster! These actions show criminal and even genocidal intent on the part of the global oligarchy that uses what is truly the nuclear death industry as a weapon against all Earthkind.

The absolute suppression of critical life-saving information relative to the poisonous radioactive fallout in the northern hemisphere only confirms this genocidal intent of those who rule. Given that the suppression of such data is taking place simultaneously in a number of nations (including the USA, Germany, and Norway) a global power must be responsible. And that global power can be variously described as the “global oligarchy” or “old order” or “power system” that rules the entire world. There is quite simply no other possible explanation for the events taking place at this time.

Even the names of the servers run by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research are suggestive of the global deception that is taking place. The public server (with radiation levels one hundredth and lower than those shown by the private images) is named “squid” being suggestive of black and murky inkiness, or that which helps to obscure the real data from public view. On the other hand, the private server is named “zardoz” and some bloggers have already made the connection to the “science-fiction” movie of the same name from 1974 starring Sean Connery in a post-apocalyptic world [9]. Thus, are the forecasts on “zardoz” in Norway the real forecasts (and not any “science-fiction” at all) showing an apocalyptic event that is currently taking place?! It seems that this is indeed a reasonable conclusion, given that all evidence points to the real levels of radioactivity being shown only by the “zardoz” forecasts.


12th May 2011, 10:34 PM
I first came across this information here at YouTube:

5/12/2011 -- URGENT !! NILU - Norsk Institute = ZARDOZ = radiation @ VERY HIGH levels


This is the URL (http://zardoz.nilu.no/~flexpart/fpinteractive/plots/?C=M;O=D)of the ZARDOZ subdomain at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), which as of this time (10:20 PST) is still up, with all the images mentioned in the video and in the article above.


I just looked at some of the comments to this video, and this is what some naysayers have posted:

"ZARDOZ is computer security thats been around since 1991 , Maybe look things up before you add that extra fear we dont need at this very serious time"

"This is absolutely nothing to worry about. The images you are viewing in that directory are where they store SIMULATIONS created by users from all over the world using this page...


...go ahead try it out. I just did and guess what, the simulation I created was at the top of the directory list on the site you are linking to. It's actually kind of a fun and useful scientific tool."

12th May 2011, 11:11 PM
Right, your title says it all.

Who knows where the river goes anymore?

They've stopped testing now, just as TEPCO states we've just only arrived at meltdown for #1.

13th May 2011, 04:28 AM
The absolute suppression of critical life-saving information relative to the poisonous radioactive fallout in the northern hemisphere only confirms this genocidal intent of those who rule. Given that the suppression of such data is taking place simultaneously in a number of nations (including the USA, Germany, and Norway) a global power must be responsible. And that global power can be variously described as the “global oligarchy” or “old order” or “power system” that rules the entire world. There is quite simply no other possible explanation for the events taking place at this time.


How is this suppressed information "life-saving" for us peasants in the Northern Hemisphere?

Our rulers are quietly sailing their own children to the Southern Hemisphere in an orderly fashion. Avoiding public panic.

Our children in the Northern Hemisphere are fucked. Hanging a NukeAlert (http://www.bulletproofme.com/new%20download%20images/NukeAlert.jpg) around their necks solves nothing. Constantly monitoring (http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/29000/Radiation-29202.jpg) and reporting their growing radiation level solves nothing.

:whistle good luck up there in the Northern Hemisphere peasants !!! (http://health.yahoo.net/yahoohealth/images/category_pictures/Family%20sunscreen%20beach.jpg)

13th May 2011, 05:05 AM
We now go to Staci for the latest rad count. Staci?

13th May 2011, 05:13 AM
Wonder if this is why the sky has been clear blue here the last few days? Maybe radiation kills clouds too? :oo-->

13th May 2011, 05:14 AM
We now go to Staci for the latest rad count. Staci?

Looking at breast is healthy right?

13th May 2011, 05:47 AM
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/23680177?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/23680177">Fukushima - One Step Forward and Four Steps Back as Each Unit Challenged by New Problems</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user6415562">Fairewinds Associates</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


mick silver
13th May 2011, 05:53 AM
just when have they told the truth . and now they flooding farm land all over this country . you think food prices are bad now just wait till prices double in the next few months

13th May 2011, 01:07 PM
this is like Woodward & Bernstein turning down a Sunday brunch appointment with Deep Throat.

that Norwegian organization knows their info is being read by more & more people.

guess we'll all have to buy Geiger counters now.

i wouldn't be surprised to see DHS monitoring Geiger counter sales.

anyway, thanks a MILLION for posting the info !