View Full Version : Ron Paul for President

13th May 2011, 05:25 AM
Rep. Ron Paul announces candidacy for president
By: By CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

May 13th, 2011
07:31 AM ET

(CNN)-Saying "the time is right" because more people agree with his positions, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas on Friday announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.

The long-time lawmaker, who was first elected to the House of Representatives 35 years ago, says he's optimistic about his chances and that his "supporters are enthusiastic."

The 75-year-old Paul, whose libertarian views and outspoken criticism of American foreign and monetary policy has often put him at odds with the GOP, made his announcement on ABC's "Good Morning America." Paul is expected to repeat his announcement of candidacy later Friday at a campaign event in Exeter, New Hampshire, where he's also expected to receive several endorsements.

This is Paul's third bid for the White House. He ran as a libertarian in 1988 and for the Republican nomination four years ago. His campaign in the last presidential election raised eyebrows, thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of his legions of supporters, and thanks to his online fundraising prowess. He brought in millions of dollars in one- to two-day fundraising efforts - or so-called "money bombs."

When it comes to fundraising, it seems that Paul picked up in 2011 where he left off after he dropped out of the 2008 campaign. He raised more than $1 million in a 24-hour period last week, timed to coincide with his appearance at the first Republican presidential debate in Greenville, South Carolina.

Paul has hinted for months that he could launch another bid for the White House. His aides announced on April 14 that he had formed a "testing the waters" account and 12 days later announced the formation of an official presidential exploratory committee.

Paul made that announcement in Iowa, the state which holds the first contest in the presidential primary and caucus calendar. New Hampshire comes second on the calendar. After the event in Exeter on Friday, Paul is scheduled to attend a dinner in Lebanon hosted by the Grafton County Republican Party.

Paul generally holds a non-intervention stance when it comes to foreign policy, believing that the U.S. should avoid entangling alliances with other nations and avoid all wars not related directly to self defense of the country. Paul voted against the resolution authorizing the Iraq war. He also advocates withdrawing U.S. participation and funding from such organizations as the United Nations and NATO.

Paul has taken issue with the way the raid against Osama Bin Laden was carried out, saying that "we could have done it differently," and added that he would have carried out the mission to kill the founder and leader of the al Qaeda terrorist network in a different way than President Obama handled the situation.

But as for the killing of the man behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he says "I'm delighted he's gone."

On fiscal issues, Paul is a strong believer in free market principles and has called for abolishing the Federal Reserve. Thanks to his stance on economic issues, Paul enjoys strong support from many Tea Party activists. For two straight years, he's won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

The most recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll indicated that 10 percent of Republicans and independents who lean towards the GOP support Paul for their party's nomination, which places him fifth in the horse race. But the same survey also indicated that in a hypothetical 2012 general election head-to-head with Obama, Paul trailed by 7 percent, performing better than any other probable or possible Republican candidate.

Paul's son Rand, who like his father is a doctor, won election to the Senate from Kentucky last November. Earlier this year the younger Paul said there was a chance he would enter the race for the GOP nomination if his father didn't.

13th May 2011, 06:11 AM
The Tiabbi blog concerning Ron Paul, and why Matt can't vote for him is great. The comments are some of the best arguments I've seen: devastating for libtards.


13th May 2011, 06:20 AM
Watch this hit piece.......As usual, RP handles himself quite well.


13th May 2011, 06:29 AM
he's not really running for president. he's just campaigning for congressional re-election early.

13th May 2011, 06:29 AM
The Tiabbi blog concerning Ron Paul, and why Matt can't vote for him is great. The comments are some of the best arguments I've seen: devastating for libtards.


Taibbi is a first rank shill for the party. His anti-wall street pieces are nothing more than a pressure release valve to help keep the people complacent.

13th May 2011, 06:41 AM
I would waste a vote for him just like Ross Perot. I don't vote for
the lesser of any evils.

13th May 2011, 06:52 AM
Watch this hit piece.......As usual, RP handles himself quite well.


Was that Justin Bieber's dad giving the interview? The arrogance..

Twisted Titan
13th May 2011, 06:56 AM
So he is gonna make a NEW GROUP

That will get co opted like the LAST GROUP

Does anybody recall what the word is when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result???

13th May 2011, 07:01 AM
So he is gonna make a NEW GROUP

That will get co opted like the LAST GROUP

Does anybody recall what the word is when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result???


13th May 2011, 07:03 AM
So he is gonna make a NEW GROUP

That will get co opted like the LAST GROUP

Does anybody recall what the word is when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result???

being "full of shit?"

13th May 2011, 07:10 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

midnight rambler
13th May 2011, 07:12 AM
Anyone who thinks this effort of Ron Paul isn't more of the "We're just getting the message out" exercise and suffers the delusion that Ron Paul is sincere about actually pursuing the office of the presidency (or that he even has any chance whatsoever up against the banksters' perception management) needs to get a grip on reality. Only throw the resources into this that you can afford to throw away.

midnight rambler
13th May 2011, 07:15 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

Hey, that's how I feel when I mention standing up against the thugs on the street and in the courthouse.

13th May 2011, 07:18 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

the only people in the united states that can make or change laws are congress people. if ron paul really wanted to change things, he'd be introducing 30 or 40 bills a week over and over, he'd be non-stop trying to amend existing legislation, etc.

instead, he gives interviews to fox news and wrings his hand on "morning joe."

midnight rambler
13th May 2011, 07:25 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

the only people in the united states that can make or change laws are congress people. if ron paul really wanted to change things, he'd be introducing 30 or 40 bills a week over and over, he'd be non-stop trying to amend existing legislation, etc.

instead, he gives interviews to fox news and wrings his hand on "morning joe."

You really think Freemason Ron Paul is playing the 'go along to get along game'? Man you're bursting my bubble!

13th May 2011, 07:32 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

the only people in the united states that can make or change laws are congress people. if ron paul really wanted to change things, he'd be introducing 30 or 40 bills a week over and over, he'd be non-stop trying to amend existing legislation, etc.

instead, he gives interviews to fox news and wrings his hand on "morning joe."

You really think Freemason Ron Paul is playing the 'go along to get along game'? Man you're bursting my bubble!

He is cracking the case and many don't like it... I do like it.

13th May 2011, 07:34 AM
it's not personal or anything, i mean, i have met him. he seems like a nice guy.

i just wish that somebody would send him a note that says, "hey ron, you could change things right now, you're a congressman, you don't have to be president to change things. the president just signs notes in to law. you can actually write them."

midnight rambler
13th May 2011, 07:35 AM
Let him put some light on this darkness over this country.

Do you *really* think a Freemason would go against the grain??

13th May 2011, 07:48 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

the only people in the united states that can make or change laws are congress people. if ron paul really wanted to change things, he'd be introducing 30 or 40 bills a week over and over, he'd be non-stop trying to amend existing legislation, etc.

instead, he gives interviews to fox news and wrings his hand on "morning joe."

You don't think he introduces legislation?


Here's a list of bills he's sponsored: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_legislation_sponsored_by_Ron_Paul

Ron Paul, a Republican United States Congressman from Lake Jackson, Texas, has sponsored many bills in the United States House of Representatives, such as those that would abolish the income tax[1] or the Federal Reserve. While Paul's press secretary Jeff Deist has noted, "We don't kid ourselves about the chance of passage of a lot of these bills," some, like his groundbreaking term limits legislation, are recognized as "ahead of their time".[2] Except where indicated, all named bills below were originally authored and sponsored by Paul.

Do you like these:



Well you wouldn't have any if it weren't for Ron Paul.

Maybe the Ron Paul haters should talk a little less shit.

If Congress had 535 Ron Pauls, would we be better off, or worse off?

What the fuck have you done for Liberty today?

*sorry to get shitty... don't take it personal... I haven't had a great week, and I get on here and see people bitching about the Congressman who LEAST deserves to be put down.... talk shit about the faggots robbing you of your liberty, not the guy who does what little he can do to salvage your liberty, while you mock him*

13th May 2011, 07:50 AM
Of course, the same idiots take a shit on anybody trying to do something positive.

the only people in the united states that can make or change laws are congress people. if ron paul really wanted to change things, he'd be introducing 30 or 40 bills a week over and over, he'd be non-stop trying to amend existing legislation, etc.

instead, he gives interviews to fox news and wrings his hand on "morning joe."

You don't think he introduces legislation?


Here's a list of bills he's sponsored: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_legislation_sponsored_by_Ron_Paul

Ron Paul, a Republican United States Congressman from Lake Jackson, Texas, has sponsored many bills in the United States House of Representatives, such as those that would abolish the income tax[1] or the Federal Reserve. While Paul's press secretary Jeff Deist has noted, "We don't kid ourselves about the chance of passage of a lot of these bills," some, like his groundbreaking term limits legislation, are recognized as "ahead of their time".[2] Except where indicated, all named bills below were originally authored and sponsored by Paul.

Do you like these:



Well you wouldn't have any if it weren't for Ron Paul.

Maybe the Ron Paul haters should talk a little less shit.

If Congress had 535 Ron Pauls, would we be better off, or worse off?

What the fuck have you done for Liberty today?

*sorry to get shitty... don't take it personal... I haven't had a great week, and I get on here and see people bitching about the Congressman who LEAST deserves to be put down.... talk shit about the faggots robbing you of your liberty, not the guy who does what little he can do to salvage your liberty, while you mock him*

cheer up man, it's friday ;D

13th May 2011, 07:51 AM
Let him put some light on this darkness over this country.

Do you *really* think a Freemason would go against the grain??

I think his actions speak pretty fuckin' loud.

Check out his voting record..... (although I'm sure you are already familiar with his perfect voting record).

midnight rambler
13th May 2011, 07:56 AM
Let him put some light on this darkness over this country.

Do you *really* think a Freemason would go against the grain??

I think his actions speak pretty fuckin' loud.

Check out his voting record..... (although I'm sure you are already familiar with his perfect voting record).

You have been drinking the Kool-Aid - nobody's 'perfect'. lol

What the fuck have you done for Liberty today?

It's still early in the day, but on Monday and Wednesday I was in court giving the judge a very difficult time, so difficult of a time they're unable to take the case anywhere.

Your turn to tell us what YOU have done lately for the cause of liberty. (Throwing your resources toward Ron Paul's lameass 'pursuit' of the Office of the Presidency as an exercise in futility notwithstanding)

13th May 2011, 07:59 AM
Ron Paul has my support.

13th May 2011, 08:09 AM
Let him put some light on this darkness over this country.

Do you *really* think a Freemason would go against the grain??

I think his actions speak pretty fuckin' loud.

Check out his voting record..... (although I'm sure you are already familiar with his perfect voting record).

You have been drinking the Kool-Aid - nobody's 'perfect'. lol

What the fuck have you done for Liberty today?

It's still early in the day, but on Monday and Wednesday I was in court giving the judge a very difficult time, so difficult of a time they're unable to take the case anywhere.

Your turn to tell us what YOU have done lately for the cause of liberty. (Throwing your resources toward Ron Paul's lameass 'pursuit' of the Office of the Presidency as an exercise in futility notwithstanding)

I don't drink Kool-Aid. Forgive me for using the word "perfect"... I should have said "best".

Can you point out a Congressman with a better voting record?

Do you think the Union would be in the shape it is today if everyone in Congress were like Ron Paul?

As for my efforts for Liberty, I try to reverse as many cases of rectal-cranial inversion as I can on a daily basis (whether I'm in a courtroom or not), and encourage thinking-for-oneself.

I'd say the results are mixed.


13th May 2011, 08:18 AM
the only people in the united states that can make or change laws are congress people. if ron paul really wanted to change things, he'd be introducing 30 or 40 bills a week over and over, he'd be non-stop trying to amend existing legislation, etc.

instead, he gives interviews to fox news and wrings his hand on "morning joe."

1. It takes more than one congressman to pass a bill.

2. The only way to get more congressmen on our side is via public pressure.

Put the above facts together and it becomes clear that RP could yield more fruit with his public appearances than he could by annoying his colleagues on the house floor.

13th May 2011, 08:24 AM
More than likely you will get your wish and he wont win the election, but who's the ideal winner (actually in the running) of the next election cycle for the haters?

neocon? barackula? just tying to figure it.

This guy talks the same language I hear on this board all day long and then gets castigated for trying to run for President. :conf:

So how evil of a mason is he? I liked to know where HE has done evil things? or is it just a by association thing?

13th May 2011, 09:12 AM
Ron Paul: "We don't have a First Amendment so we can talk about the weather....".


13th May 2011, 09:51 AM
I think his actions speak pretty fuckin' loud.

Loud, like post 21 loud? ;D

13th May 2011, 11:00 AM
I think his actions speak pretty fuckin' loud.

Loud, like post 21 loud? ;D


sorry about that guys.

I didn't mean to fly off the handle.

No hard feelings, I love you all.


13th May 2011, 11:05 AM
Yeah, they'll let Ron Paul run in order to make the "right" leaning Americans think they are making a difference by campaigning and voting for RP. But the reality is bho ain't going anywhere. With the media & crisis machine they'll find something besides dumping ubl in the ocean to canonize bho into another term.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
13th May 2011, 12:21 PM
More than likely you will get your wish and he wont win the election, but who's the ideal winner (actually in the running) of the next election cycle for the haters?

neocon? barackula? just tying to figure it.

This guy talks the same language I hear on this board all day long and then gets castigated for trying to run for President. :conf:

So how evil of a mason is he? I liked to know where HE has done evil things? or is it just a by association thing?

Right... I understand many here are dissaponted, but I do believe Paul is one of the few people that care for Americans(also like M.Gravel & Kuccinich in '08-but had no chance), if he were to make it he'd have a target on him like JFK the minute he'd win, but he'd be honest & at least putting information other politicians do not discuss often; undeterred by TPTB as foolish as it may seem not to refuse their proposals, but he would carry on with helping the U.S. & try to turn this ship around.

Yeah, they'll let Ron Paul run in order to make the "right" leaning Americans think they are making a difference by campaigning and voting for RP. But the reality is bho ain't going anywhere. With the media & crisis machine they'll find something besides dumping ubl in the ocean to canonize bho into another term.

I was thinking the same, they will pull a hat trick out of their asses like Bush did in '04... we can only prepare as much as we can.

13th May 2011, 01:10 PM
Every minute Ron Paul is on the MSM is a win and another Sheep wakes up.
What better way to get the message across. The Joe Stack message fell on deaf ears. If you interupt danicng with the stars with Ron Pauls message ou might change some peoples programing.

And when he gets assassniated for his efforts lots of people will tune in.

13th May 2011, 01:34 PM
They control the superdelegates and whatever they are called in the Rep party plus the voting machines, not much chance of anybody the TPTB doesn't consider a player for their side gets too the stage.

Publico Pro Se
13th May 2011, 01:39 PM
They control the superdelegates and whatever they are called in the Rep party plus the voting machines, not much chance of anybody the TPTB doesn't consider a player for their side gets too the stage.

Pretty sure there are no super-delegates in the Republican Party. Now the voting machines ...

13th May 2011, 01:41 PM
They control the superdelegates and whatever they are called in the Rep party plus the voting machines, not much chance of anybody the TPTB doesn't consider a player for their side gets too the stage.

Pretty sure there are no super-delegates in the Republican Party. Now the voting machines ...

That's why I said "and whatever they are called" because I couldn't remember what the rep party calls their trump cards

13th May 2011, 02:56 PM
Ron Paul just introduced legislation to let the US farm industrial hemp.

The US is currently the only industrialized nation in the world that does not farm hemp.


13th May 2011, 05:22 PM
I was at a farm show once that had a hemp tent set up for an informational
meeting. 3 fourths of the crowd was bald in the front, with a pony tail in back
and were wearing sandals. :oo--> :oo--> ;D

14th May 2011, 10:46 AM
Dear Liberty Supporter,

Yesterday, I stood in the town hall in Exeter, New Hampshire, with a packed house of fellow Liberty Lovers and announced that I am a candidate for President of the United States.

And, let me tell you, the response has been tremendous!

We have been overwhelmed with media attention and interview requests. Just yesterday, I did nine national television interviews, as well as many New Hampshire–based appearances, and I even had to turn down many more. And, on Sunday, I will be the lead guest on Fox News Sunday.

But, more importantly, I have seen an outpouring of support from friends in Iowa, New Hampshire, and all across the country. Thousands of calls and emails have poured in offering support and encouragement.

Our REVOLUTION is now in a new phase. As the numbers build and the polling surges, we stand poised to win major political battles and take our Liberty back.

You and I know that America is the greatest nation in human history. Belief in Liberty, limited government, and sound money made us the freest and most prosperous people in the world.

But we are in danger. Two trillion dollar deficits, soaring inflation, endless foreign wars, and an ever-growing federal government threaten the very fabric of our nation.

All the work we have done together for the past decades has brought us to this place. We are challenging the status quo, and, if we come together now in these crucial times, we can win.

This REVOLUTION will be hard work. It will require long hours from all of us. And, as we threaten the power elites, we will be attacked. We will face smears, defaming, and dirty tricks.

But, I know that our mission is crucial. Please work with me and help give each other strength as we fight for Liberty.

So, as we launch this new campaign, I pledge the following to you:

1. I will work as hard as I can and do everything in my ability to make this campaign a success.

2. We will build the strongest team we possibly can and execute the best, most professional effort in our power.

3. I will never compromise and never, ever back down.
Over the next few weeks, my team will continue to build the top notch campaign organization our REVOLUTION requires. I will be working to put in place the staff, resources, equipment, and technology necessary to help ensure this campaign is a success.

Please plug in with them over the next few weeks and find out what you can do. And please, always be patient as we deploy our plan. There will be an important job for everyone willing to contribute.

As we launch this campaign, I continue to draw my strength from you. Whenever I get tired or feel discouraged by the scope of our problems, I lean on all the passion across the country and am reinvigorated. I thank you for that, from the bottom of my heart.

Let’s make this REVOLUTION truly historic!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. Our REVOLUTION has kicked into high gear! Please click here to chip in a contribution of $10, $25, or whatever you can afford, so we can build the strongest team possible and spread our message of liberty in key early states like Iowa and New Hampshire

14th May 2011, 11:08 AM
Do you like these:


14th May 2011, 11:14 AM
Move along nothing to see here ::)

Road Runner
14th May 2011, 11:33 AM
I have liked alot about Ron Paul & his ideas, but have lost faith in the system as a whole. I am not sure the voting is honest, if by chance it is then even Ron Paul won't be able to help us, cause somehow Obama got in. My thought is that I think Presidents are merely puppets on a string and they are all run by, well you all know who. The population is made up of such a high percentage of government workers and welfare recipients anymore, that unless they stop them from voting, we don't have much of a chance to get things back in order. I hate to sound negative, but something way more drastic than an election with Ron Paul winning will have to happen to straighten out America. I have felt really deceived & let down by many people in authority the past few years by learning a lot of truths and it has left me in a place I wish I could get out of. I grew up with honesty, so I have a really hard time soaking in all the criminal, self centered minds of power hungry, evil, greedy people. Enough ranting!!

14th May 2011, 02:15 PM
I was at a farm show once that had a hemp tent set up for an informational
meeting. 3 fourths of the crowd was bald in the front, with a pony tail in back
and were wearing sandals. :oo--> :oo--> ;D

Despite your anecdotal experience, hemp is possibly the most useful plant on the planet bar none. It makes biodegradable plastics, clean biofuel which yields almost 1000% more than corn per acre, invigorates the soil it is grown in, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Use your mind, this is about economic warwafe and nothing else.

14th May 2011, 05:04 PM
Does anybody recall what the word is when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result???

Politics? Voting?

silver solution
14th May 2011, 11:13 PM


He just put a big ray of sunshine in my life !!!!!!!

GO RON PAUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LET'S ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give him your bucks and just like last time he will not even try to win.

Some people never learn!! Then they call other people sheep:-)