View Full Version : Today is the 63rd Anniversary of the Terror State of Israel

14th May 2011, 08:02 AM
What more is there to say ?

Let's not let this day go by without telling the truth - not just to ourselves, but to the many "undecided's" out there who have been brainwashed into thinking that Israel = Judaism.

There is a thread on the subject at Anandtech.


Please come & Join In.

14th May 2011, 09:31 AM
Israel - Rothschild's Zionist creation through the United Nations (http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/roth-israel.html)

"A microscopic look behind the scenes at the manipulations, threats, bribes and murders committed in order to secure the vote by the United Nations, mandating the 'state' of Israel as a homeland for the so-called Jews. A gruesome picture of the bloody terror in Palestine that began simultaneously with the UN mandate. This a MUST READ, even for those who believe they know the facts."

http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/roth-israel_files/CPROGRA1QualcommEudoraEmbedded1982_Roth_2_Sh_PF_f. JPG
http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/roth-israel_files/CPROGRA1QualcommEudoraEmbedded1982_Roth_2_Sh_PF_r. JPG

14th May 2011, 10:20 AM
What more is there to say ?

Let's not let this day go by without telling the truth - not just to ourselves, but to the many "undecided's" out there who have been brainwashed into thinking that Israel = Judaism.

There is a thread on the subject at Anandtech.


Please come & Join In.

This is VERY significant. My interpretation of some bible verses lead me to see this as the start... possibly the latest start.... of the end.

Is there a time when Israel became a very prosperous country?
When did it really begin to grow?

14th May 2011, 11:03 AM
What more is there to say ?

Let's not let this day go by without telling the truth - not just to ourselves, but to the many "undecided's" out there who have been brainwashed into thinking that Israel = Judaism.

There is a thread on the subject at Anandtech.


Please come & Join In.

This is VERY significant. My interpretation of some bible verses lead me to see this as the start... possibly the latest start.... of the end.

Is there a time when Israel became a very prosperous country?
When did it really begin to grow?

When it started leaching off American taxpayers.

14th May 2011, 11:20 AM

Read up on this guy, I think he is key. Note how they killed him, deliberately and with a purpose.

read the speeches he gives on the question of Palestine:

The tragedy of the Palestinian question is, as was said by the Royal Commission, that it is a conflict between two rights. When Jerusalem was destroyed and its site ploughed up in the year 135 A.D., the Jews had occupied the country for about 1,300 years. Since the Mahomedan invasion of 632 the Arabs have occupied Palestine for practically the same period. To these Arabs the Jews are not only alien in culture but also in blood. It is very often loosely said that Jews are Semites, but anthropologists tell us that, pure as they have kept their culture, the Jewish race has been much mixed with Gentiles since the beginning of the Diaspora. During the Babylonian captivity they acquired a strong Hittite admixture, and it is obvious that the Armenoid features which are still found among the Sephardim have been bred out of the Ashkenazim by an admixture of Slav blood. The Zionist movement has its main spring among those Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe. Their leaders demand that an already overcrowded Palestine should be trebled in its population by the admixture of another three million Jews immediately after the war. Now it is not a matter of putting a quart into a pint pot, it is a matter of putting exactly three pints into a pint pot. Successive inquiries have shown that immigration on this scale would be a disastrous mistake, and is indeed an impracticable dream. A far smaller measure of immigration led to the Palestine disturbances which lasted from 1936 to 1939, and showed that the Arabs, who have lived and buried their dead for fifty generations in Palestine, will not willingly surrender their land and self-government to the Jews.

14th May 2011, 06:46 PM
The malignant jew tumor growing upon Palestine is 63 years old.

14th May 2011, 07:01 PM
63 years - talk about cancer. And I didn't realize Edmond De Rothschild was Vincent Price's long lost twin.

15th May 2011, 06:31 AM
This month is also the 7000 year anniversary of the flood of Noah's age.

We are about to see the onslaught of a different kind of flood. I think it is already raining disaster in many places. I can't taste the iodine in the rain or feel the ground shake under my feet.... yet... but there are some amazing things coming. Within 5 months we will see fireballs fall out of the sky. I just don't know how so many things can happen in such a short time. I expect to see a bunch of other things unfold.

Numbers and precision are key in the bible. I do not believe we will go past 2018, and it is possible that we see an end long before then.

I am not sure how the milestones will appear but once they have happened, we will know better where we stand. We are near the cliff because I can hear the roar of the waterfall.

15th May 2011, 06:45 AM
63 years ago Rockefeller operating out of South America was threatening all nations on the planet,
recognize Israel or else he will personally wage war against you to start with no Oil for you and your
country, investment, etc, the Rockefellers had an almost world monopoly on oil along with their partners,
Rothchilds, they also supplied Hitler with oil for the whole duration of WWII and gave them plants
and technology to make their own from coal, IG Farben, Auswhitz was their factories doing this.