View Full Version : The Patriot is a Scarce Man

14th May 2011, 07:23 PM
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

From Mark Twain (http://www.twainquotes.com/Patriotism.html)

Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood of his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man"- with his mouth.
- "The Lowest Animal"

Patriotism is usually the refuge of the scoundrel. He is the man who talks the loudest.
- Education and Citizenship speech, 5/14/1908

Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.
- More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

A man can be a Christian or a patriot, but he can't legally be a Christian and a patriot -- except in the usual way: one of the two with the mouth, the other with the heart. The spirit of Christianity proclaims the brotherhood of the race and the meaning of that strong word has not been left to guesswork, but made tremendously definite -- the Christian must forgive his brother man all crimes he can imagine and commit, and all insults he can conceive and utter- forgive these injuries how many times? -- seventy times seven -- another way of saying there shall be no limit to this forgiveness. That is the spirit and the law of Christianity. Well -- Patriotism has its laws. And it also is a perfectly definite one, there are not vaguenesses about it. It commands that the brother over the border shall be sharply watched and brought to book every time he does us a hurt or offends us with an insult. Word it as softly as you please, the spirit of patriotism is the spirit of the dog and wolf. The moment there is a misunderstanding about a boundary line or a hamper of fish or some other squalid matter, see patriotism rise, and hear him split the universe with is war-whoop. The spirit of patriotism being in its nature jealous and selfish, is just in man's line, it comes natural to him -- he can live up to all its requirements to the letter; but the spirit of Christianity is not in its entirety possible to him.
The prayers concealed in what I have been saying is, not that patriotism should cease and not that the talk about universal brotherhood should cease, but that the incongruous firm be dissolved and each limb of it be required to transact business by itself, for the future.
- Mark Twain's Notebook

...majority Patriotism is the customary Patriotism.
- "As Regards Patriotism," Europe and Elsewhere

14th May 2011, 08:55 PM

General of Darkness
14th May 2011, 09:26 PM

14th May 2011, 09:49 PM
The greatest patriots are and will be the quiet men and women, whom no one would expect. It might be us or others, but there are patriots, even if they don't know it yet.

14th May 2011, 10:17 PM
OK, if you want to be the first one to open the door and go down as a patriot then how would you do it?

Somebody somewhere has to be the one.......but by doing what?.......

14th May 2011, 10:24 PM
OK, if you want to be the first one to open the door and go down as a patriot then how would you do it?

Somebody somewhere has to be the one.......but by doing what?.......

There's been many, Congressman Larry McDonald comes to mind.

14th May 2011, 10:36 PM
As far as I am concern......to talk and do nothing is to talk crap......by that I mean that somekind of "physical" issue must enter the picture.

15th May 2011, 02:00 AM
OK, if you want to be the first one to open the door and go down as a patriot then how would you do it?

Somebody somewhere has to be the one.......but by doing what?.......

Buy land. Quit your job. Cut your Driver's License and Social Security card into shreds. Grow crops. Install Solar Panels. Anybody that fucks with you, shoot em.

15th May 2011, 06:50 AM
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

From Mark Twain (http://www.twainquotes.com/Patriotism.html)

I had this in my sig for the longest time.

Combined with a Aristotle and Socrates quotes, " courage is the greatest quality of the mind ."

Not being afraid to speak.

And Euripedes, only slaves are afraid to speak, those afraid to speak have masters, etc.

All of these honor the 1st Amendment, no freedom of speech no freedom, it really is that simple.

Which is why there is a war being waged against the truth and truth speakers.

15th May 2011, 08:42 AM
Well Magnes, I have had my anti-Israeli sign (my avatar) in my front yard for the past nine years but even that to me is just talk........

15th May 2011, 04:44 PM
I just saw the movie "The Patriot" once again and to me that's what is all about.......but, how do we fight the "red coats" in the US government? who do we go after and how?........we can't just walk in in the capital and start shooting everyone.

15th May 2011, 06:08 PM
USS PONCE (http://www.navysite.de/ships/lpd15.htm)


15th May 2011, 06:21 PM
wow! It's real


15th May 2011, 08:47 PM
Aftere thinking about it........before becoming a "patriot" you must be a "rebel".......