View Full Version : Midstate Police Profiting Off Drug Trade?

16th May 2011, 09:41 AM
ASHVILLE, Tenn. - Tonight at 10, a major NewsChannel 5 investigation raises disturbing questions about Tennessee's war on drugs.

Among the questions: are some police agencies more concerned about making money off the drugs, than stopping them?

At the center of this months-long, NewsChannel 5 investigation are laws that let officers pull you over looking for cash -- and, get this, they don't even have to charge you with a crime to keep your money.

It turns out, those kind of traffic stops are happening every day in Middle Tennessee.

"This is really highway shakedowns coming to the U.S.," said Scott Bullock with the conservative-leaning Institute for Justice.

Our investigation uncovered startling evidence that raises questions about law enforcement priorities.

"It looks like that they are not concerned about stopping the drugs, they just want the money," NewsChannel 5 Investigates told Dickson Police Chief Ricky Chandler.

"That's what it looks like," Chandler agreed.

"Is that the case?" we wanted to know.

"That shouldn't be the case," the chief answered, "but that's what it looks like."

So what evidence did we uncovered that prompted that admission?

Watch NewsChannel 5 at 10 pm to find out how these controversial laws might affect you.


18th May 2011, 10:35 PM

19th May 2011, 06:49 AM
let freedom ring!

19th May 2011, 07:13 AM
Hell, Texas has been doing this kind of shit for years in a couple places in the state. The cops in the op just has taken it up a couple of notches. Same motives in both states (sure it is happing in other states) greed and trying to keep their sorry jobs by self funding. The foxes/wolfs are guarding the hen house and people both legal and illegal that are carrying cash are their prey. Those assholes in the video justifying what the turds with badges are doing need to be gone from public office/payroll.

This is another example of why I do not care/trust or like cops anymore! At one time years ago there was many
more good cops than bad, not anymore. Bunch of corrupt and greedy ass licks wearing jackboots now.

General of Darkness
19th May 2011, 07:40 AM
The whole system is a fricken joke.


19th May 2011, 07:46 AM
so, what's the moral ?

avoid driving in Southern states ?

Celtic Rogue
19th May 2011, 07:52 AM

Well I guess most of us saw this coming... I truly believe if "WE THE PEOPLE" dont stop this shit NOW it will only get worse. I propose a nation network of people who could at short notice be on the scene of this and other attacks on us... ALL OF US!!!

Imagine if there could be a way of getting 500-1000 people to peacefully move against the corrupt politicians and their cronies by storming the police station, city hall, congress and offices etc. Demand them to cease and desist!!! An old fasion sit in.

TPTB have done a great job of isolating us from each other...family and friends alike. It seems that many dont know what to do in the face of unwarranted violence. The Fed Reserves ability to crash our economy at whim and keep us so in fear we cannot make good decisions. They have everything in place... I believe TPTB are in the final re consolidation of their assets, Once that is done... so is the dollar. IMHO

And I am sure that one day if this were to happen some testosterone hopped up jack boot thug will shoot some unarmed people addressing their grievances in a lawful constitutional way... Will This be Our Shot heard round the world? Would the shooting of unarmed protesters be the spark that sets of the Revolution and ouster of the Bankers and their political stooges!

I hate what we have let our country become... Not so much for me... but my children!

19th May 2011, 08:30 AM
From the OP's news story, pretty much proves that is about going after the money versus a so called drug stopping task force

A review of case summaries supplied by DICE shows that the entire team made one drug seizure -- 602 grams of heroin -- from Interstate 40 in all of 2010. Those officers arrested six people during stops on I-40 during that same 12-month period -- four of them on fugitive warrants, not for drug possession. Most DICE cases were seizures of money in the westbound lanes.

19th May 2011, 08:50 AM
From the OP's news story, pretty much proves that is about going after the money versus a so called drug stopping task force

A review of case summaries supplied by DICE shows that the entire team made one drug seizure -- 602 grams of heroin -- from Interstate 40 in all of 2010. Those officers arrested six people during stops on I-40 during that same 12-month period -- four of them on fugitive warrants, not for drug possession. Most DICE cases were seizures of money in the westbound lanes.

From the OP video toward the end they mention that the majority of all the stops are from the money lane and not the drug lane. While saying that they are fighting the 'drugs'. Then you have the 2 cops fighting over a stop. WTF?

Did I miss something, are we literally in the F'n twilight zone?

Hatha Sunahara
19th May 2011, 09:56 AM
The cops are unapologetic about it, and pretty open about how the law gives them a license to steal. They're pretty sure that none of us can stop them or change the laws.

I'm just curious about who wants it to be this way? Other than the cops, of course. Why are our legislatures so corrupt?


19th May 2011, 10:04 AM
The cops are unapologetic about it, and pretty open about how the law gives them a license to steal. They're pretty sure that none of us can stop them or change the laws.

I'm just curious about who wants it to be this way? Other than the cops, of course. Why are our legislatures so corrupt?


Power corrupts.

19th May 2011, 10:31 AM
The cops are unapologetic about it, and pretty open about how the law gives them a license to steal. They're pretty sure that none of us can stop them or change the laws.

I'm just curious about who wants it to be this way? Other than the cops, of course. Why are our legislatures so corrupt?


The legislators would have to come up with money to fund the drug war program, this way it is self funded through theft that doesn't effect them directly so they can just turn a blind eye and put on the rose colored glasses.

19th May 2011, 11:44 AM
I'm pretty sure it would encourage larger drug flows on the East bound side to cover the losses.

Sounds like its good for the end user...

19th May 2011, 11:55 AM
..the feds will have these crooked cops @sses! No way they are going to stand by and let local cops cut in on their racket! This has been fbi, dea methodology for decades.

19th May 2011, 06:26 PM
I'm sure it's tax free somehow too.