View Full Version : Man tased execution style in his own home by police over an Ipod.

16th May 2011, 01:03 PM

16th May 2011, 01:22 PM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

16th May 2011, 01:27 PM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

16th May 2011, 01:33 PM
as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

Once you conquer your fear of death, they can no longer use it against you to force compliance.

I do not fear death, and know very well that defending my home and family will result in my death if it is the state that decides to break in my home. I've grown to accept it.

willie pete
16th May 2011, 01:38 PM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

Unless you live in Indiana :D :D

Half Sense
16th May 2011, 04:29 PM
The Police are allowed to lie to you. The warrant probably never existed.

16th May 2011, 05:22 PM
I am, at the same time angry and incredibly sad at the same time.

Our once free country, that great men and woman fought and died for, is being systematically destroyed from within by the very same men and woman who are sworn to protect it.

A near perfect example of why our founders insisted on Amendment #2.

Side note- a 'digital warrant'? ...."It in the computer...". This is ridiculous, even if its true. They can take 30 seconds to print a copy and bring it with them. (Although that wouldnt be Lawful either) For a Kop not to understand the need for somebody to see the warrant is unconscionable.

In the near future i vision your arrest warrant to be posted on your Facebook page, and the judge signs it via Twitter. Hows that Orwell?

16th May 2011, 05:44 PM
The Police are allowed to lie to you. The warrant probably never existed.

The warrant probably existed, but it wasn't a search warrant which appears obvious. In a case where a warrant does not include a search clause (terminology may be wrong), 4th amendment rights must be upheld. The officers in this case must wait until the person leaves his home, in public, to execute the warrant.

This is BS if I ever saw it. The actions of the officers. It becomes a game of articulation and interpretation. One arm out the door and they bulldoze in....they will probably write the report how the person in question was acting aggressively and in the course of action allowed them to enter the home that way.

It's the articulation, word games, of the law that brings about the loss of rights. It's all words and interpretation. Bunch of crap, if you ask me.

16th May 2011, 06:07 PM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

Well now let's see. Most of the news we hear about involving home invasions by SWAT or regular cops are with overwhelming force and many times injure or kill people inside that are perfectly innocent. Yes death at the hands of our protectors is certainly a possibility - how poetic and pathos-laden that the underlying truth is we all die anyway one way or another. I'm middle-aged and tired - tired of being demonized for being smarter than their pets and still loving my country. I'm not looking for trouble Ximmy. What you fail to see is life itself is ours to decide. Everything we do, we choose to do. If you can understand that, then you can understand why the statement it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees is both appropriate and legitimate.

16th May 2011, 06:10 PM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

Well now let's see. Most of the news we hear about involving home invasions by SWAT or regular cops are with overwhelming force and many times injure or kill people inside that are perfectly innocent. Yes death at the hands of our protectors is certainly a possibility - how poetic and pathos-laden that the underlying truth is we all die anyway one way or another. I'm middle-aged and tired - tired of being demonized for being smarter than their pets and still loving my country. I'm not looking for trouble Ximmy. What you fail to see is life itself is ours to decide. Everything we do, we choose to do. If you can understand that, then you can understand why the statement it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees is both appropriate and legitimate.

thank you for enlightening me... ::) I am better person now... :D

16th May 2011, 06:15 PM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

that means you have to disable them at the perimeter, before they have a chance to get to the front door.

17th May 2011, 07:42 AM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

that means you have to disable them at the perimeter, before they have a chance to get to the front door.

How many do you think you could disable before your perimeter defenses are exhausted? Because they have more people than that.

17th May 2011, 07:54 AM
It's perfectly legal not to open the door and ignore them in a non-warrant situation. If they break in without one claiming exigent circumstances, defend your own home with whatever means necessary. It's not rocket science.

as long as you include in "whatever means necessary" is the chance you will die at the hands of the police...

that means you have to disable them at the perimeter, before they have a chance to get to the front door.

How many do you think you could disable before your perimeter defenses are exhausted? Because they have more people than that.

If you harm one of the members of the "club" expect every member of that club in the country, if not the world, WILL come after you! And as things escalate your chances of coming out of it alive grow very slim to non existent indeed.

17th May 2011, 07:55 AM
If that didn't enlighten you Ximmy, I don't know what will.

mrnhtbr is right.