View Full Version : Is this Silver positive? APMEX fractional silver rounds.
16th May 2011, 02:48 PM
APMEX Fractional Silver Rounds - With the price of silver rising, fractional silver rounds offer you a great way to invest in silver without breaking the bank. APMEX now offers 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, and 1/2 oz silver rounds. These silver beauties share their designs with some of the most recognized coins in US history (Mercury Dime, Standing Liberty Quarter, and the Walking Liberty Half).
Produced in .999 fine silver, these fractional rounds are an affordable and attractive way to hedge yourself against global inflation. Silver is gaining popularity around the world and the supply is limited. Grab some for yourself today!
To view available Fractional Silver Rounds, click on the image representing the silver product of your interest: [hide]
That seems pretty bullish to me, for APMEX to release fractionals down to 1/10th of an ounce! Last time there was fractionals available like that, that i can think of, was when silver hit $50 in the 1980's or whatever.
Get ready for $50+ silver, OUTLAW JOSEY WALES!!!!
1970 silver art
16th May 2011, 03:02 PM
Hey Awoke. Don't worry. I will get ready for $50+ silver. Since silver will NOT hit $50 in 2011, then I have plenty of time to get ready for $50+ silver. ;D Sometime after 2011, silver will eventually hit (and easily surpass) $50.
BTW those look like very nice fractional silver rounds, however, the premium does not look so nice to me and that does not even factor in shipping costs.
16th May 2011, 03:24 PM
The disconnect is the highest I've ever seen it... $10.00 for SAE's ...via ebay...
16th May 2011, 07:13 PM
Art.....Brother! You really should consider reincarnating OUTLAWJOSEYWALES.
That was a great handle. I like your current one too, but there was something about how your old handle rolled of the keyboard. Sounded tough as nails!
16th May 2011, 07:32 PM
Art.....Brother! You really should consider reincarnating OUTLAWJOSEYWALES.
That was a great handle. I like your current one too, but there was something about how your old handle rolled of the keyboard. Sounded tough as nails!
I concur with this statement.
16th May 2011, 07:40 PM
The disconnect is the highest I've ever seen it... $10.00 for SAE's ...via ebay...
That must be why my Silver floor predictions are always too high. Most of my stash is now SAE's so I probably have an ingrained or inherent "premium" built into my predictions. So it's not my fault! :-\
1970 silver art
17th May 2011, 03:41 AM
Art.....Brother! You really should consider reincarnating OUTLAWJOSEYWALES.
That was a great handle. I like your current one too, but there was something about how your old handle rolled of the keyboard. Sounded tough as nails!
I agree with you that the "OutlawJoseyWalesJr" handle that I had on GIM1(R.I.P.) was a cool handle but the reason that I have the current handle of "1970 silver art" here on GSUS (and elsewhere) is because I am a silver art bar collector. I love to collect silver art bars especially the ones that were minted in the 1970's. My current "1970 silver art" handle more accurately describes me as a person with a love for '70's silver art bars than the "OutlawJoseyWalesJr" handle ever did and that is why I choose the "1970 silver art" handle when I came over to GSUS. I also post on 2 other forums and I also go by the name of "1970 silver art" on those forums. I love my current GSUS handle and it is much cooler than the "OutlawJoseyWales" handle that I had on GIM1 (R.I.P.) in my honest opinion.
I also have a confession to make: In real life, I am really just a normal sheeple person that is eccentric and is somewhat quiet and a little bit on the shy side. I am funny at times and at other times I am serious. It depends on the subject matter. I am really not "tough as nails" in real life. Overall, I am just way too nice of a person and my personality really does not fit the "OutlawJoseyJoseyWalesJr" handle in my very honest opinion. The reason that I choose the OultawJoseyWalesJr handle when I joined GIM1(R.I.P.) back in November 1, 2008 is because it sounded cool back then and I could not think of anything else to call myself online since, at that time, I just started collecting silver art bars 3 months after I joined GIM1(R.I.P.). If I could go back knowing what I know now, I would have choosen the "1970 silver art" handle from the beginning when I registered on GIM1(R.I.P.) instead of the "OutlawJoseyWalesJr" handle.
BTW I apologize to Awoke for getting way off topic. I tend to have this bad habit of getting off topic on a thread and I apologize for that. I will get back on topic because I did have more to say about the .999 fractional silver rounds that APMEX is offering. The .999 fractional silver rounds are fine to me but if you are looking at premiums, then it would be much cheaper to get 90% junk IMO. The .999 APMEX fractional silver rounds look just like the 90% junk silver that you can get for a much lower premium. With that said, I think that a person should get them if they really like them as novelty items. There is nothing wrong with that. I person who is buying silver as part of their SHTF prepping should just buy the 90% junk silver instead of the these fractional silver rounds.
17th May 2011, 03:51 AM
The disconnect is the highest I've ever seen it... $10.00 for SAE's ...via ebay...
That must be why my Silver floor predictions are always too high. Most of my stash is now SAE's so I probably have an ingrained or inherent "premium" built into my predictions. So it's not my fault! :-\
Yes, that must be the reason for the anomaly... ;)
Or maybe it is because you can tell your wife, Sorry honey I am not able to eat dinner tonight, because I had to eat an oilfilter/shoe/hat/coat due to losing a bet at GSUS today, I am absolutely stuffed! ;D
17th May 2011, 04:33 AM
BTW I apologize to Awoke for getting way off topic. I tend to have this bad habit of getting off topic on a thread and I apologize for that. I will get back on topic because I did have more to say about the .999 fractional silver rounds that APMEX is offering. The .999 fractional silver rounds are fine to me but if you are looking at premiums, then it would be much cheaper to get 90% junk IMO. The .999 APMEX fractional silver rounds look just like the 90% junk silver that you can get for a much lower premium. With that said, I think that a person should get them if they really like them as novelty items. There is nothing wrong with that. I person who is buying silver as part of their SHTF prepping should just buy the 90% junk silver instead of the these fractional silver rounds.
Buddy, this is GSus. If a thread didn't go off topic, I would probably blame it on the conspirators! :D
You know, I still have those 70's art bars I offered you before. I would do a straight trade for any kind of recognized 1 ounce round, if you are interested.
I personally don't collect silver for any purpose, other than to hold physical, so you would enjoy them more than I would.
17th May 2011, 04:44 AM
Man, it would be nice to have a giant pile of those ones that are based on the Mercury Dime design.
1970 silver art
17th May 2011, 04:51 AM
BTW I apologize to Awoke for getting way off topic. I tend to have this bad habit of getting off topic on a thread and I apologize for that. I will get back on topic because I did have more to say about the .999 fractional silver rounds that APMEX is offering. The .999 fractional silver rounds are fine to me but if you are looking at premiums, then it would be much cheaper to get 90% junk IMO. The .999 APMEX fractional silver rounds look just like the 90% junk silver that you can get for a much lower premium. With that said, I think that a person should get them if they really like them as novelty items. There is nothing wrong with that. I person who is buying silver as part of their SHTF prepping should just buy the 90% junk silver instead of the these fractional silver rounds.
Buddy, this is GSus. If a thread didn't go off topic, I would probably blame it on the conspirators! :D
You know, I still have those 70's art bars I offered you before. I would do a straight trade for any kind of recognized 1 ounce round, if you are interested.
I personally don't collect silver for any purpose, other than to hold physical, so you would enjoy them more than I would.
Unfortunately, I will have to pass for now because I do not think that I have any regular 1-oz .999 generic silver rounds to trade with you but I will double check. I used to have 19 of the 1-oz .999 generic silver rounds but I sold them on April 30, 2011 for a profit and used that profit to buy 1-oz rare silver art bars. Throughout this year so far, I have been finding and buying rare '70's (and '80's) silver art bars that are on my silver art bar wish list. Most of the rare silver art bars that I currently have in my collection, I won on ebay. I have been paying a "collector's" premium for them on ebay but I knew that I was going to pay that "collector's premium" but it is well worth it for me because it makes me feel happy and it keeps me interested in silver. I do occasionally find some rare 1-oz '70's silver art bars locally for .999 generic premiums but that has been very hard lately because of the recent difficulty of finding silver art bars locally. My main goal for me as a silver art bar collector is to find and buy as many of the rare 1-oz silver art bars that I able to afford.
17th May 2011, 04:58 AM
My main goal for me as a silver art bar collector is to find and buy as many of the rare 1-oz silver art bars that I able to afford.
That's why I offered them to you.
17th May 2011, 05:43 AM
I'm not sure this is silver positive, but I am sure it is profit positive for APMEX.
It is a good way to lure in newbies with a limited bankroll and make a huge score (premium) off of them.
Junk is all the fractionals I need.
17th May 2011, 05:54 AM
BTW I apologize to Awoke for getting way off topic. I tend to have this bad habit of getting off topic on a thread and I apologize for that. I will get back on topic because I did have more to say about the .999 fractional silver rounds that APMEX is offering. The .999 fractional silver rounds are fine to me but if you are looking at premiums, then it would be much cheaper to get 90% junk IMO. The .999 APMEX fractional silver rounds look just like the 90% junk silver that you can get for a much lower premium. With that said, I think that a person should get them if they really like them as novelty items. There is nothing wrong with that. I person who is buying silver as part of their SHTF prepping should just buy the 90% junk silver instead of the these fractional silver rounds.
Buddy, this is GSus. If a thread didn't go off topic, I would probably blame it on the conspirators! :D
You know, I still have those 70's art bars I offered you before. I would do a straight trade for any kind of recognized 1 ounce round, if you are interested.
I personally don't collect silver for any purpose, other than to hold physical, so you would enjoy them more than I would.
Unfortunately, I will have to pass for now because I do not think that I have any regular 1-oz .999 generic silver rounds to trade with you but I will double check. I used to have 19 of the 1-oz .999 generic silver rounds but I sold them on April 30, 2011 for a profit and used that profit to buy 1-oz rare silver art bars. Throughout this year so far, I have been finding and buying rare '70's (and '80's) silver art bars that are on my silver art bar wish list. Most of the rare silver art bars that I currently have in my collection, I won on ebay. I have been paying a "collector's" premium for them on ebay but I knew that I was going to pay that "collector's premium" but it is well worth it for me because it makes me feel happy and it keeps me interested in silver. I do occasionally find some rare 1-oz '70's silver art bars locally for .999 generic premiums but that has been very hard lately because of the recent difficulty of finding silver art bars locally. My main goal for me as a silver art bar collector is to find and buy as many of the rare 1-oz silver art bars that I able to afford.
It's 2013, a MAD MAX world. The dollar has collapsed and with it civilization. Farmers are the elites of the day because everyone must eat:
1970 Silver Art Bar: People tell me that you're trading fresh eggs?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: You only accept real money, silver and gold?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: I've got this one ounce silver bar, extremely rare.
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: It commemorates that Trolololololo guy, the russian guy
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: You know, trololol lololo lololo lololo lololooooooo
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: How much?
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs.
1970 Silver Art Bar: But this is a rare Trololololo Silver Art bar. I paid double spot for it. It's very rare.
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs. Don't care much for russkies.
1970 Silver Art Bar: Ok [mutters to himself: I should have bought junk silver].
17th May 2011, 06:41 AM
LOL @ "You know, trololol lololo lololo lololo lololooooooo
Seriously funny.
17th May 2011, 11:20 AM
I'm not sure this is silver positive, but I am sure it is profit positive for APMEX.
It is a good way to lure in newbies with a limited bankroll and make a huge score (premium) off of them.
Bang on RH-er
Right there.
17th May 2011, 11:25 AM
LOL @ "You know, trololol lololo lololo lololo lololooooooo
Seriously funny.
I could see Mambo havin some serious fun with this.
17th May 2011, 01:38 PM
Actually, those quarter ounce factionals are really nice looking! I love the standing liberty design, and the price is ok if you're still willing to pay $50/oz. Since I don't think it will be that long before we breach $50, I'd be willing to buy a roll, that is except I spent all my monies at the coin show last weekind. ( :(
17th May 2011, 01:56 PM
Actually, those quarter ounce factionals are really nice looking! I love the standing liberty design, and the price is ok if you're still willing to pay $50/oz. Since I don't think it will be that long before we breach $50, I'd be willing to buy a roll, that is except I spent all my monies at the coin show last weekind. ( :(
Sheesh.... Freekin numismatist :oo-->
;D :-*
17th May 2011, 02:02 PM
I'm not sure this is silver positive, but I am sure it is profit positive for APMEX.
It is a good way to lure in newbies with a limited bankroll and make a huge score (premium) off of them.
Yeah, I hear ya; but, there are people out there that can't afford a 1 oz SAE or GML. If they can only afford only a few fractionals, why not?
17th May 2011, 02:34 PM
Silver is currently supporting the entire planet.
1970 silver art
17th May 2011, 02:41 PM
BTW I apologize to Awoke for getting way off topic. I tend to have this bad habit of getting off topic on a thread and I apologize for that. I will get back on topic because I did have more to say about the .999 fractional silver rounds that APMEX is offering. The .999 fractional silver rounds are fine to me but if you are looking at premiums, then it would be much cheaper to get 90% junk IMO. The .999 APMEX fractional silver rounds look just like the 90% junk silver that you can get for a much lower premium. With that said, I think that a person should get them if they really like them as novelty items. There is nothing wrong with that. I person who is buying silver as part of their SHTF prepping should just buy the 90% junk silver instead of the these fractional silver rounds.
Buddy, this is GSus. If a thread didn't go off topic, I would probably blame it on the conspirators! :D
You know, I still have those 70's art bars I offered you before. I would do a straight trade for any kind of recognized 1 ounce round, if you are interested.
I personally don't collect silver for any purpose, other than to hold physical, so you would enjoy them more than I would.
Unfortunately, I will have to pass for now because I do not think that I have any regular 1-oz .999 generic silver rounds to trade with you but I will double check. I used to have 19 of the 1-oz .999 generic silver rounds but I sold them on April 30, 2011 for a profit and used that profit to buy 1-oz rare silver art bars. Throughout this year so far, I have been finding and buying rare '70's (and '80's) silver art bars that are on my silver art bar wish list. Most of the rare silver art bars that I currently have in my collection, I won on ebay. I have been paying a "collector's" premium for them on ebay but I knew that I was going to pay that "collector's premium" but it is well worth it for me because it makes me feel happy and it keeps me interested in silver. I do occasionally find some rare 1-oz '70's silver art bars locally for .999 generic premiums but that has been very hard lately because of the recent difficulty of finding silver art bars locally. My main goal for me as a silver art bar collector is to find and buy as many of the rare 1-oz silver art bars that I able to afford.
It's 2013, a MAD MAX world. The dollar has collapsed and with it civilization. Farmers are the elites of the day because everyone must eat:
1970 Silver Art Bar: People tell me that you're trading fresh eggs?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: You only accept real money, silver and gold?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: I've got this one ounce silver bar, extremely rare.
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: It commemorates that Trolololololo guy, the russian guy
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: You know, trololol lololo lololo lololo lololooooooo
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: How much?
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs.
1970 Silver Art Bar: But this is a rare Trololololo Silver Art bar. I paid double spot for it. It's very rare.
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs. Don't care much for russkies.
1970 Silver Art Bar: Ok [mutters to himself: I should have bought junk silver].
That's funny. I like that. Thanks for the laugh. :) Point taken. However, I my reasons for buying silver are much different from most on GSUS. I am just a silver art bar collector. I am not a real PM stacker and therefore I do not really count in the big scheme of things.
18th May 2011, 06:29 AM
I'm not sure this is silver positive, but I am sure it is profit positive for APMEX.
It is a good way to lure in newbies with a limited bankroll and make a huge score (premium) off of them.
Yeah, I hear ya; but, there are people out there that can't afford a 1 oz SAE or GML. If they can only afford only a few fractionals, why not?
I don't hold it against anyone that buys them, but Junior also made a good point about shipping costs as well. Now if you're in the Oklahoma area and pick them up, that is a slightly different story.
I'm assuming if someone buys these fractional coins that they are not buying them in a large quantity because it would make more sense to buy rounds or bars if you have enough money for multiple ounces instead of fractional silver.
The bottom line is that it is smarter to own some silver regardless of premium than not to own any at all. I just think that this offering is for those with a limited budget that want to get their feet wet in the physical metals market.
Yep, agreed. I'm hoping that that market trickles down to local markets so you won't have to pay shipping. I don't know about where you're at; but here it's difficult to get silver coins [esp quarters]. I think this would be good for trade when a 1 oz coin/bar is too much.
18th May 2011, 07:32 AM
You know, I can recall telling a co-worker about silver and encouraging him stack some. He became interested, but never made a purchase because he thought it was overpriced at $14/oz, and "then they add on that premium".
Well, I just paid $41.41/oz last week for a stack of rounds . It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I would rather be buying at $15 or less an ounce, but we all know that the true value of silver can't be calculated in fiat dollars, especially when TSHTF.
Besides, I bought last week and they are sold out this week.
Also, I bought a stack of APMEX 1/2 ounce rounds when they first released them, and I paid more because (as usual) the premium didn't reflect a "percentage gain" based on the ounce weight. It seems the smaller the fractional round, the higher the premium.
But I guess what I am trying to say is that I recognize the mark up on the smaller rounds, but I like the fractional rounds. When I go to trade with the farmer that doesn't give a shit about the Russian Trolololololo guy, he will still give a shit about a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce silver round, which will be an easier denomination to work with as silver starts to reach it's actual value as bartering material.
18th May 2011, 07:46 AM
You know, I can recall telling a co-worker about silver and encouraging him stack some. He became interested, but never made a purchase because he thought it was overpriced at $14/oz, and "then they add on that premium".
Well, I just paid $41.41/oz last week for a stack of rounds . It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I would rather be buying at $15 or less an ounce, but we all know that the true value of silver can't be calculated in fiat dollars, especially when TSHTF.
Besides, I bought last week and they are sold out this week.
Also, I bought a stack of APMEX 1/2 ounce rounds when they first released them, and I paid more because (as usual) the premium didn't reflect a "percentage gain" based on the ounce weight. It seems the smaller the fractional round, the higher the premium.
But I guess what I am trying to say is that I recognize the mark up on the smaller rounds, but I like the fractional rounds. When I go to trade with the farmer that doesn't give a shit about the Russian Trolololololo guy, he will still give a shit about a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce silver round, which will be an easier denomination to work with as silver starts to reach it's actual value as bartering material.
Bring your laptop with you ans show him this and he might pay more for the trololo rounds: UR_nhGX8&ei=bdvTTc7UI8HZgQfU8r0u&usg=AFQjCNFEKsei0HqCRng3zp7_-qR8xTqiRg
18th May 2011, 07:53 AM
Sorry, Youtube is blocked here.
Have to see it later.
18th May 2011, 12:40 PM
Actually, those quarter ounce factionals are really nice looking! I love the standing liberty design, and the price is ok if you're still willing to pay $50/oz. ...
I like the reverse, too. It reminds me of (and too bad they did not just use) the obverse of one of my favorite US coins (strictly from a minting design perspective):
18th May 2011, 12:44 PM
...It's 2013, a MAD MAX world. The dollar has collapsed and with it civilization. Farmers are the elites of the day because everyone must eat:
1970 Silver Art Bar: People tell me that you're trading fresh eggs laying hens?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: You only accept real money, silver and gold?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: I've got this one ounce silver bar, extremely rare.
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: It commemorates that Trolololololo guy, the russian guy
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: You know, trololol lololo lololo lololo lololooooooo
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: How much?
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs laying hens.
1970 Silver Art Bar: But this is a rare Trololololo Silver Art bar. I paid double spot for it. It's very rare.
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs laying hens. Don't care much for russkies.
1970 Silver Art Bar: Ok [mutters to himself: I should have bought junk silver].
18th May 2011, 12:55 PM
However, I my reasons for buying silver are much different from most on GSUS. I am just a silver art bar collector. I am not a real PM stacker and therefore I do not really count in the big scheme of things.
Well, we (GSus'ers) may not have transformed you into a metal-stacking, food hoarding prepper, but at least we have transformed you into a handgun owner!
Baby steps.
1970 silver art
18th May 2011, 02:44 PM
However, I my reasons for buying silver are much different from most on GSUS. I am just a silver art bar collector. I am not a real PM stacker and therefore I do not really count in the big scheme of things.
Well, we (GSus'ers) may not have transformed you into a metal-stacking, food hoarding prepper, but at least we have transformed you into a handgun owner!
Baby steps.
Well Awoke, In terms of me being a gun owner, I will also have to give credit where credit is due when I mention that my dad was the one that got me to shoot a gun. That was the game changer for me in my life. You and the rest of the GSUS community influenced me to get a gun.
As for me being a SHTF prepper.................well..................some people are simply not cut out to be a SHTF prepper and I happen to be one of those people that is not cut out to be a SHTF prepper. I am too happy and too optimistic to be a SHTF prepper doomer. However, GIM1 (R.I.P.) woke me up in terms of the out-of-control gov't and the failing U.S. dollar and GSUS is keeping me awake. FWIW I will be just a pepperoni pizza-eating orange juice-drinking silver art bar collector who, for the most part, is very happy and very optimistic in life. ;D
18th May 2011, 08:24 PM
FWIW I will be just a pepperoni pizza-eating
Can't you think of something better to eat 1970sa? You should have a more varied diet.
19th May 2011, 08:08 AM
FWIW I will be just a pepperoni pizza-eating
Can't you think of something better to eat 1970sa? You should have a more varied diet.
Like hats and oil filters?
19th May 2011, 08:16 AM
You know, I still have those 70's art bars I offered you before. I would do a straight trade for any kind of recognized 1 ounce round, if you are interested.
I personally don't collect silver for any purpose, other than to hold physical, so you would enjoy them more than I would.
The same offer stands with me. I have mostly silvertown, cars and planes and some other stuff like "silver bullet".
19th May 2011, 08:23 AM
It's 2013, a MAD MAX world. The dollar has collapsed and with it civilization. Farmers are the elites of the day because everyone must eat:
1970 Silver Art Bar: People tell me that you're trading fresh eggs?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: You only accept real money, silver and gold?
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: I've got this one ounce silver bar, extremely rare.
Farmer: Yep
1970 Silver Art Bar: It commemorates that Trolololololo guy, the russian guy
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: You know, trololol lololo lololo lololo lololooooooo
Farmer: [silence]
1970 Silver Art Bar: How much?
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs.
1970 Silver Art Bar: But this is a rare Trololololo Silver Art bar. I paid double spot for it. It's very rare.
Farmer: One ounce of silver gets you two dozen eggs. Don't care much for russkies.
1970 Silver Art Bar: Ok [mutters to himself: I should have bought junk silver].
Funny I think along the exact same lines when someone is trying to pass off a tarnished dime in the exact senario.
Famer why are you trying to give some dime from "that dead currency? I should pimpslap you for just showing me that!
Mamboni But it is a 1960.
Famer I don't care I said gold or silver period !
Mamboni But... but... but.... it is a 1960 they had silver mixed in the coin...If the internet still existed I would show you... wikipedia says so.
Farmer GTFO or Clyde is going to mash you into paste
Mamboni (kicking rocks) "Sniff" Junk silver is really junk... I should have got rounds that say .999 pure silver..."sniff".
19th May 2011, 09:12 AM
I am totally on board with you, Manx.
I buy .999 bullion coins and bars exclusively. I have no interest in mercury dimes, etc. When I first got into PMs I bought some junk dollars, half dollars, etc, but no more.
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