View Full Version : Spinach from South Texas near Gulf ? PASS.

18th May 2011, 02:41 PM
post-Fukushima, i have started to ask canned food & canned milk manufacturers for info about their products - when it was canned, where the farm that grew it was located, etc.

basically doing my homework, in addition to taste test, before buying a few cases of any given prep item.

so i had some spinach that looked perfectly good ... but it's from a farm in South Texas - within 100 miles of the Gulf, about 200 miles from New Orleans.


in the milk department, i got some canned Great Value & Carnation milk that was pre-Fukushima, but it's difficult to tell where the milk came from. i.e. it could have come from a milk farm near the Gulf.

also, i have given up my favorite fast food meal - McDonald's fish sandwich meal. milk & fish both from the low-cost bidder, in the time of the BP Disaster & post-Fukushima - PASS.

i'll miss those. maybe i'll learn how to make something comparable using all home-grown.