View Full Version : Help needed......about getting a dog.

19th May 2011, 05:49 PM
As I already posted I just finished a fence wall ten feet all the way around my home.....I was going to booby trapped the whole are but now I decided on a dog that can run all the way around my home and not stray away......

I want a small dog that will sleep outside in summer or winter, but of course in winter it will have some kind of heated dog house.........the key word here is "small dog"........any ideas?, I know that there are plenty of them ;D

I hope my dead kitten will forgive me for doing this :boohoo

General of Darkness
19th May 2011, 06:00 PM
Would that be 10 feet WIDE or 10 feet HIGH?

As to small dogs that won't eat you out of house and hearth Jack Russell terriers cant be beat. They love cats too. Chase them all the time.

Enzo's dog trainer also said Jack Russell. They'd do go in that environment. But Jackies got TONS of energy, if you don't walk them, they'll drive your horse humping ass crazy.

19th May 2011, 06:01 PM
Would that be 10 feet WIDE or 10 feet HIGH?

As to small dogs that won't eat you out of house and hearth Jack Russell terriers cant be beat. They love cats too. Chase them all the time.

Yea , Jacks are good dogs, but with ponce's weather in winter it needs fur!

19th May 2011, 06:04 PM
Would that be 10 feet WIDE or 10 feet HIGH?

As to small dogs that won't eat you out of house and hearth Jack Russell terriers cant be beat. They love cats too. Chase them all the time.

plus they're smart. they can be trained to fetch Toilet Paper as well as newspapers. 8)

19th May 2011, 06:08 PM
Would that be 10 feet WIDE or 10 feet HIGH?

As to small dogs that won't eat you out of house and hearth Jack Russell terriers cant be beat. They love cats too. Chase them all the time.

plus they're smart. they can be trained to fetch Toilet Paper as well as newspapers. 8)

Yep, but because they are wired to the max all the time if they are not worked, the tp and newspapers
may look like they have been run thru a shredder, twice!

19th May 2011, 06:18 PM
Great idea Ponce, go for it!

Try www.petfinder.com

or www.craigslist.org

19th May 2011, 06:27 PM
Get two beagles, don't leave a single dog outside alone for long periods of time. Dogs get depressed too.

19th May 2011, 06:50 PM
...don't leave a single dog outside alone for long periods of time. Dogs get depressed too.

Exactly. Animal cruelty.

Road Runner
19th May 2011, 07:32 PM
Miniature Rat Terriors are nice little dogs. They will catch bunnies, mice and keep animals away. They don't bark needlessly and are really smart. At least the ones I have seen anyways. Good Luck.

19th May 2011, 07:56 PM
Thanks guys........MNeagle? went to that site and found "Dexter", the only thing is that they want $100.00-$500.00 for their dogs.........$100.00 is ok, but more?........... http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/19445269
They are supposed to email me tomorrow telling me how much they want for him, also told them that later on I was going to get another for him to play with.............pet insurance is $5.00 for the first month and $14.95 after that.

It really breaks my heart to see all those unwanted pets.....and to tell you the truth thats one reason that I hate going to the SPCA because I keep thinking who will go to a home and who will die.

19th May 2011, 08:37 PM
Thanks guys........MNeagle? went to that site and found "Dexter", the only thing is that they want $100.00-$500.00 for their dogs.........$100.00 is ok, but more?

How many ounces of silver bars did you say you found in that hole?

19th May 2011, 09:19 PM
You got me there, I must have found it for a reason....... :oo-->

20th May 2011, 01:11 AM
Its a dog's life.


These Blue Smooth Highland Collies were a bit better than the previous herding dogs they had tried, but they still had the heading habits that were found in the earlier collies. Mr. Hall took the progeny of these two collies and crossed them with the Dingo. The resulting dogs were either blue or red speckled pups that became known as "Hall's Heelers". These dogs, described as blue or red thickset dingoes, crept up on the livestock silently, nipped and then would immediately 'clap' or flatten to the ground to avoid the backlashing kick of an angry bovine.

... in the stockyards of Sydney. It was there that Mr. Davis and his colleagues infused a bit of Bull Terrier blood into the dogs for added tenacity. These dogs were gradually fazed out of the breeding programs because they were said to grip the cattle and not let go and because they had limited mobility due to their stocky build.

...They bred a Hall's Heeler bitch to an imported Dalmatian, with the intent of instilling the love for horses and faithfulness to their master into the breed. This cross was successful, but it cost the breed some of its working ability.

...an Australian veterinarian, decided to infuse Dingo blood back into the Australian Cattle Dog as he felt the breed was getting soft in both temperament and body. McNiven's dogs were imported heavily by ranchers in the United States for work with cattle and other livestock. When the Royal Agricultural Society Kennel Council (R.A.S.K.C.) discovered that Dr. McNiven was crossing purebreds with the Dingo, he was banned from showing and all his dogs were removed from the registry.

...Talk turned to forming a parent club for the breed in the United States with the express purpose of drawing up a breed standard and moving the Australian Cattle Dog out of the American Kennel Club's (AKC's) Miscellaneous Group.

...The American Kennel Club explained to this group that all dogs entered into their stud books must be traced directly back to those dogs registered by in Australia. As the potential new club members started doing extensive research, they discovered that many of their dogs were not actually traceable to the registered dogs in Australia. At this point, the members faced a painful decision as most of the dogs they had were not going to be able to be entered into the AKC stud books...

This meant that many of the dogs currently in the U.S. as "Australian Heelers" or "Queensland Heelers" were seen as not truly purebred, as many traced their ancestry to McNiven's dogs or other suspected crosses.

...These dogs are capable of performing many different jobs with and for their human companions. The Australian Cattle Dog's trainability, intelligence and problem solving skills coupled with their medium-size-build, overall health and easy to care for coat make them a delightful companion.

They need plenty of exercise and a job to do, such as participating in dog sports, learning tricks, or other activities that engage their minds. Some individuals find repetitive training frustrating and dull, so owners should aim to make training sessions varied and more exciting in order to keep their dog interested. Cattle Dogs who do not receive the appropriate exercise and entertainment will invent their own, often destructive, activities.

20th May 2011, 03:35 AM
Its OK I found one for ya.....

or if you want one in a rain coat....

oh hang on you wanted a guard dog how about the bottom one then ...

20th May 2011, 07:11 AM
Ponce, one of my neighbors has the cutest puppy I've ever seen, she's a black lab and chihuahua mix. Very alert, playful, I love that little dog and want to get one too!

20th May 2011, 07:14 AM
Thanks guys........MNeagle? went to that site and found "Dexter", the only thing is that they want $100.00-$500.00 for their dogs.........$100.00 is ok, but more?........... http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/19445269
They are supposed to email me tomorrow telling me how much they want for him, also told them that later on I was going to get another for him to play with.............pet insurance is $5.00 for the first month and $14.95 after that.

It really breaks my heart to see all those unwanted pets.....and to tell you the truth thats one reason that I hate going to the SPCA because I keep thinking who will go to a home and who will die.

Dexter, eh?


20th May 2011, 07:18 AM
I'm partial to Schnauzers myself.

20th May 2011, 07:18 AM
Get a little cattle dog, queensland heeler, they are a hearty and can stay out in the sun or snow.

Good little dogs.

Is a Heeler the right dog for you? If you are looking for a life-long companion, a partner in working livestock, a guard dog, hiking/ tracking buddy, a Australian Cattle ...
Good, smart dogs but many of them seldom bark. If you want a watchdog make sure the heeler is also a barker. Mine is half Red Heeler and Half Australian Shepard and I have to constantly encourage her to "speak!".

She's about 32 pounds.

20th May 2011, 07:44 AM
I'm partial to Schnauzers myself.

Me too. But schnauzers don't like Puerto Ricans, so it might not like an old Cuban, which sort of the same thing. :oo-->

20th May 2011, 09:23 AM
I'm partial to Schnauzers myself.

Me too. But schnauzers don't like Puerto Ricans, so it might not like an old Cuban, which sort of the same thing. :oo-->

I had a feeling you would chime in with a Schnauzer post...they would be an excellent choice!
Miniature Schnauzer?

20th May 2011, 09:36 AM
I'm partial to Schnauzers myself.

Me too. But schnauzers don't like Puerto Ricans, so it might not like an old Cuban, which sort of the same thing. :oo-->

Have had one a Miniature , great dog! smart and loving. The only down side is having to keep them trimmed
on a very regular basis, used to give mine a buzz cut all over to keep the tangles and stuff controlled.
Maybe more than ponce wants to deal with.

Zap had a good suggestion , been seeing more and more of them on the farms and what ranches we have here and the owners swear by them. And Jack's are dynamite in small packages, very low maintenance.

20th May 2011, 09:44 AM
I'm partial to Schnauzers myself.

Me too. But schnauzers don't like Puerto Ricans, so it might not like an old Cuban, which sort of the same thing. :oo-->

I had a feeling you would chime in with a Schnauzer post...they would be an excellent choice!
Miniature Schnauzer?

Yes, I have two miniatures and a giant. The two minis are incredibly smart, The gaint is a big goof and lovable dope.

willie pete
20th May 2011, 10:13 AM
I'm partial to Schnauzers myself.

Me too. But schnauzers don't like Puerto Ricans, so it might not like an old Cuban, which sort of the same thing. :oo-->

:lol :lol ....


20th May 2011, 02:34 PM
I'm a big fan of the all white german shepherd


20th May 2011, 03:25 PM
Ponce <-------------new dog owner ;D

Tomorrow I have to go to the bigger town next to the big town to pick up Dexter......$150.00 out the door.

They tell me that he doesn't eat cat foof (different formula) so that now i'll have to buy about 25 sacks of food and who knows how many cans.........in the picture he looks real sad but he will happy here.......and so will I because I like animals more than humans, the four legged one don't stab you in the back like the two legged one.

20th May 2011, 03:29 PM
Yeah !!! Ponce , Mans best friend ! Dexter ;D

20th May 2011, 03:35 PM
Way to go Ponce! Don't go crazy buying a ton of dog food right away. Make sure he likes it, has no allergies to any of the ingredients, etc. I've heard a lot of dog foods now have extra fillers, and JUNK in them, which are terrible for a dog's diet.

Best wishes, and congrats! Hope he works out well for you!

20th May 2011, 03:35 PM
Yeah !!! Ponce , Mans best friend ! Dexter ;D

Yes! We must welcome Dexter to the GSUS family. Welcome, Dexter!!!

And..congrats Ponce!

I guess I'll be calling the bad guys turds again..

20th May 2011, 03:42 PM
Congratulations to you and your new best buddy! And he will be! Wonder how long he will stay outside once he conquers your heart?? And as MNeagle has said , find out what he likes, 9 years later the one I have will not eat any kind of dog food! Having tried all brands no joy.

Your new friend will love you unconditionally!

20th May 2011, 05:03 PM
Good idea guys......about the food......back in Cuba there was not such a thing as "dog food" and they ate what ever we ate.............................besides, I must be carefull what I feed him because someday he just might be my food >:(, upssssssssssss just kidding guys ;D

By the way Pluto........most of the time he will be indoors (if he wants to) but at night he will be outside.

General of Darkness
20th May 2011, 05:31 PM
Some suggestions.

1 - Find a good dog trainer
2 - DO NOT FEED HIM b.s. food from the supermarket. I feed my dogs Orijen - Pricey but the best.
3 - Get a CRATE, immediately start to crate train him, I mean IMMEDIATELY.

If you have other questions just feel free to ask.

20th May 2011, 06:19 PM
A dog trainer?.......for what?, teach it how to dance?.....remember that he will be in my encloused property at all time (maybe a car ride once in a while ;D) so that anyone that breaks the inner gate and comes in will be dog food.

Special dog food?.......he'd better learn to eat crap just like I do, and specially rice with ketshup and Vienna Sousage heheheheheheheheheh.

If I was a crazy old fart in need of a companion I would even buy him a bed of roses..........hummmmmmm I wonder if he would like a blue bow on his head? hahahahahahahahah, he would probably bite me for that and if he didn't do it I would kick the daylights out of him GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

General of Darkness
20th May 2011, 06:29 PM
A dog trainer?.......for what?, teach it how to dance?.....remember that he will be in my encloused property at all time (maybe a car ride once in a while ;D) so that anyone that breaks the inner gate and comes in will be dog food.

Special dog food?.......he'd better learn to eat crap just like I do, and specially rice with ketshup and Vienna Sousage heheheheheheheheheh.

If I was a crazy old fart in need of a companion I would even buy him a bed of roses..........hummmmmmm I wonder if he would like a blue bow on his head? hahahahahahahahah, he would probably bite me for that and if he didn't do it I would kick the daylights out of him GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

OK, then don't take the advice. Do whatever the fuck you want to do, but don't start a thread asking for help.

mick silver
20th May 2011, 07:58 PM
i am glad your getting yourself a pet ponce , it will be good for you

20th May 2011, 08:05 PM

20th May 2011, 08:22 PM
LOL EE........by the way, has a very sad face that I will make happy........unless the picture was taken right after his balls were cut off :conf:.......EE? it looks to me like if the dog has a smaller nose right on top of his big nose.....see it?

Heyyyyyyyy I wrote an answer to the General and is now gone........anyway General, I only wanted to know what kind of a dog and not how to build a dog.........spent two hours reading about how dogs can get sick and the only two that I really would worry about is the rabbis and the deer ticks.....I can buy the shots myself and give them to him........in case of help I'll come to you.........thanks :P

willie pete
20th May 2011, 08:25 PM

looks sick.....the eyes look jaundice... = bad liver :o

20th May 2011, 08:55 PM
LOL EE........by the way, has a very sad face that I will make happy........unless the picture was taken right after his balls were cut off :conf:.......EE? it looks to me like if the dog has a smaller nose right on top of his big nose.....see it?

Heyyyyyyyy I wrote an answer to the General and is now gone........anyway General, I only wanted to know what kind of a dog and not how to build a dog.........spent two hours reading about how dogs can get sick and the only two that I really would worry about is the rabbis and the deer ticks.....I can buy the shots myself and give them to him........in case of help I'll come to you.........thanks :P

Definitely keep the Rabbi's away. They will suck your dog dry.

General of Darkness
20th May 2011, 09:00 PM
Heyyyyyyyy I wrote an answer to the General and is now gone........anyway General, I only wanted to know what kind of a dog and not how to build a dog.........spent two hours reading about how dogs can get sick and the only two that I really would worry about is the rabbis and the deer ticks.....I can buy the shots myself and give them to him........in case of help I'll come to you.........thanks :P

No worries, the ONLY issue I have is that I use to feed my dogs crap food etcetera. Ultimately, I think that by me feeding them crappy dog food resulted in my dogs dying prematurely. Let me tell you brother, the pain of loosing a companion that loves you no matter what mood you're in, what time of the day it is, rips your heart out.

Trust me, that little bastard is going to fill your heart and soul with the things that's going to make even an angry ass Cuban like you, more human.

I could tell you a lot of things, but just embed this in your head. Dogs as a whole, LOVE to please and make their master happy. They WANT to do the RIGHT thing, and when they don't it's not because they're being an a-hole, it's because they don't know, and the reason they don't know is because, you the owner, didn't train them properly.

You're going to have a ton of fun with Dexter, and if you run into problems there's a lot of people that you can rely on here to help you through it.

20th May 2011, 09:12 PM
Some suggestions.

1 - Find a good dog trainer
2 - DO NOT FEED HIM b.s. food from the supermarket. I feed my dogs Orijen - Pricey but the best.
3 - Get a CRATE, immediately start to crate train him, I mean IMMEDIATELY.

If you have other questions just feel free to ask.

Good advice GoD

All our dogs are crate trained and it makes life sooooo much easier. Things are so much easier when you've got a dog trained to see it's crate as a safe comfortable place to stay while you're unable to watch them or need them confined for travel etc.

Definitely find them a quality food but you may have to experement a bit with different brands. Some of the better brands actually give one of my dogs terrible gas. We're stuck with 3 different brands of food for four different dogs.

20th May 2011, 10:07 PM
Holly macro Drafter, I think that I'll move in with you till you find me the kind of food that I like......CUBAN FOO, havent had it in 13 years........

No more love can a animal give to his friend than the one that my little female cat gave me.....if there is really a heavens and she's not there waiting for me I'll be one friking angry Cuban with "The Force".... she also acted as my guard dog by going to the window and letting me know when someone was close to the house.........I think of her everyday and I haven't touched the cushion where she die, every nite I touch it and tell her good night and every morning I touch it and tell her good morning......right now I am crying writing about it and that's something that I never do for a human........oh well.

21st May 2011, 11:05 AM
No worries, the ONLY issue I have is that I use to feed my dogs crap food etcetera. Ultimately, I think that by me feeding them crappy dog food resulted in my dogs dying prematurely.

Definitely find them a quality food but you may have to experement a bit with different brands. Some of the better brands actually give one of my dogs terrible gas. We're stuck with 3 different brands of food for four different dogs.

I'm so glad I researched and found information about the raw meaty bones diet. I feed my dog mostly chicken, beef, turkey and occasionally organ meats, eggs and table scraps. She is very healthy and has a great temperament (there are some silly Internet rumors that feeding dogs mostly meat makes them aggressive ::)).

21st May 2011, 01:54 PM
Well, back home I am with Dexter and who was suppolsed to be my cat Lily (yuck), changed the name to Gata as my old one.......as soon as I openned the door to the car the cat took off, I hope that it will stick around...............Dexter is a lovable dog who don't bark and likes to get into everythig........anyway, let me look around for Lily AKA Gata.

21st May 2011, 05:25 PM
Took a nap and the dog did the same next to the bed on the rug, didn't even tried to climb the bed.......in the car the dog takes a nap with his head on my lap.......the cat still lost, must be in China by now.

22nd May 2011, 04:03 AM
Hopefully the cat comes back Ponce.


22nd May 2011, 05:06 AM
If you put food out for it , then the maybe--


po boy
22nd May 2011, 05:24 AM
Congrats on the new addition Ponce, the cat will most likely come back when its hungry.

General of Darkness
22nd May 2011, 06:37 AM
You got to post pictures Ponce. Let's see the little guy. ;)

22nd May 2011, 06:41 AM
Thanks guys, I don't believe that the cat even knows that this is his home because as soon as I oppened the cars door it took off like a bullet.......Dexter sleep on a nice soft inclosed bed that just to belong to one of my cats that he never used, this turkey is always hungry and all it wants is treats.........going to make some 5 inch holes along the fence line and then cover them up with some mesh wire so that Dexter can look outside incase someone gets to close.

Last night a cars slowed down and stopped to look at my house and I turned on the two remote controlled spot light facing the front of the house, the driver took off like a bat out of hell.

General? EE already did, look a few posts below.

First post of the day................good morning to one and all.

22nd May 2011, 07:50 PM
The dog is a deer finder, while sitting outside with the mutt he froze while looking at the forest and it took me a while to find the deer......on my walk on the road a while ago once again he froze and sat down and about 100 feet away there was a deer.....on the way back he once again froze and sat down and this time there was 3 deers................if it waesn't for him I would have never seen the deers.

The dog only barks when someone walk on the road close to the house but otherwise he does not bark, it is the kind of dog that I wanted ;D........only thing is that he eats for three dogs and I haven seen yet where he takes a dump........he loves the 4" "windows" that I made on the fence for him and he runs from one to the other one to look outside.

22nd May 2011, 07:55 PM
LOL I am glad you got a little company Ponce ! and he helped you to see the deer. ;D

Has Gata come back yet?

22nd May 2011, 08:25 PM
........only thing is that he eats for three dogs

Careful, Ponce. Unlike cats, dogs will eat until they are sick and obese. I think dogs are only supposed to get one full meal, at the end of the day.

22nd May 2011, 08:34 PM
........only thing is that he eats for three dogs

Careful, Ponce. Unlike cats, dogs will eat until they are sick and obese. I think dogs are only supposed to get one full meal, at the end of the day.

All of my pups I have always put food out so when they are hungry they eat, and they have moderated their
eating, they would go get a bite and then leave and come back later chipping at the food. It is called demand feeding.

Have never had a problem, when training during weening , older dogs/pups not so much luck and they tend to gobble the food/overeat. Think it may depend on the breed? not sure.

22nd May 2011, 09:00 PM
........only thing is that he eats for three dogs

Careful, Ponce. Unlike cats, dogs will eat until they are sick and obese. I think dogs are only supposed to get one full meal, at the end of the day.

All of my pups I have always put food out so when they are hungry they eat, and they have moderated their
eating, they would go get a bite and then leave and come back later chipping at the food. It is called demand feeding.

Have never had a problem, when training during weening , older dogs/pups not so much luck and they tend to gobble the food/overeat. Think it may depend on the breed? not sure.

Yeah, I think some of the smaller breeds don't have this problem as much. I guess the simple message is make sure they are not overeating.

22nd May 2011, 09:59 PM
The cat is gone and God know where because I sure as hell don't........she has a chip in her so that someone will probably return her one of this days, I think that I'll take her back to where she came from.

The dog now knows that when I clap my hands he is suppose to come to me right away.....now I am training him to sit by me when we are on the road and a car comes by........he grunts at me instead of barking, a very interesting fellow.