mick silver
21st May 2011, 05:30 AM
here one from 321 gold i would like to know who wrote it .... http://www.321gold.com/editorials/anonymous/anonymous052011.html ... Author - Anonymous
May 20, 2011
I'm tired of hearing about "manipulation." That's all these cheerleaders talk about when the market drops.
All these people make their living and their fortunes based on a silver boom. While much of their thoughts are constructive and informative, one has to be careful basing one's investment choices on the comments and perspective of those who profit from increased buying participation.
Back to "manipulation". None of these characters said "lighten up" when we reached 50 bucks. Despite silver being overbought, by various measures, to the degree I'd continually pointed out, raising caution (NOT that I was calling a top or suggesting selling everything, but I suddenly WAS suggesting not buying a stick more of silver at that point), these pundits NEVER say anything but "BUY."
So tell me - is that good for your health? Now, after a huge drop, instead of saying "we should have advised, at minimum, caution", they angrily blame "manipulation", as if
They never expected it, so just keep buying, and
They never expected margin increases on $50 silver (granted fast and furious ones, but guess what else was fast and furious? Silver's rise.
Investors that lost money on the drop, buying near the top on endless encouragement - hey, don't blame them for encouraging the buying - JOIN THEM - in expressing great anger at "the manipulators" (anger doesn't put the money back into your pocket).
I think that there is some manipulation also - but why are we blindly just throwing out all the rules and realities of investing when it comes to silver? What other entity is exempt from investment realities?
If this was widgets (Murray Rothbard's favorite example), and not silver, we and everyone else would be saying "way overbought, due for a substantial correction".
But with silver? Nooooooo, we say, "BUY". Now that is not healthy.
Here is a chart of Google:
Chart courtesy of BigCharts.com
Note that it had risen from 100 to 500 from 05 to 06, and then dropped from 500 to 300 in 06, a loss similar to the current silver drop.
Maybe a little, maybe to some degree. But maybe - and mostly, this is how the market works, overbought leads to corrections, regardless of "Duh Dollar," or what "Duh Dollar fundamentals say" (they dictate the longer term price direction and scope).
"Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss".
Please don't think that Sprott et al are selfless, purists, crusaders for justice.
As silver becomes "an industry", they are merely "the new boss", seeking their turn at maximum gain. It's just "their thing", and they're going to promote the shit out of it no matter what.
I can be considered an uninterrupted silver bull since the late 70's with silver at 4 bucks, and again in the late 90's with silver at - - 4 bucks.
I realize the potential and invest heavily with long-term positions.
But I also realize the need to "think for one's self " and not become part of a herd - even an "anti-establishment" herd.
Like I said - when you've lost a substantial amount of equity, it doesn't matter whether it was due to investing in "widgets" or silver - or due to manipulation or not - it's just as lost either way.
So think for yourself, and not with the choir.
May 20, 2011
I'm tired of hearing about "manipulation." That's all these cheerleaders talk about when the market drops.
All these people make their living and their fortunes based on a silver boom. While much of their thoughts are constructive and informative, one has to be careful basing one's investment choices on the comments and perspective of those who profit from increased buying participation.
Back to "manipulation". None of these characters said "lighten up" when we reached 50 bucks. Despite silver being overbought, by various measures, to the degree I'd continually pointed out, raising caution (NOT that I was calling a top or suggesting selling everything, but I suddenly WAS suggesting not buying a stick more of silver at that point), these pundits NEVER say anything but "BUY."
So tell me - is that good for your health? Now, after a huge drop, instead of saying "we should have advised, at minimum, caution", they angrily blame "manipulation", as if
They never expected it, so just keep buying, and
They never expected margin increases on $50 silver (granted fast and furious ones, but guess what else was fast and furious? Silver's rise.
Investors that lost money on the drop, buying near the top on endless encouragement - hey, don't blame them for encouraging the buying - JOIN THEM - in expressing great anger at "the manipulators" (anger doesn't put the money back into your pocket).
I think that there is some manipulation also - but why are we blindly just throwing out all the rules and realities of investing when it comes to silver? What other entity is exempt from investment realities?
If this was widgets (Murray Rothbard's favorite example), and not silver, we and everyone else would be saying "way overbought, due for a substantial correction".
But with silver? Nooooooo, we say, "BUY". Now that is not healthy.
Here is a chart of Google:
Chart courtesy of BigCharts.com
Note that it had risen from 100 to 500 from 05 to 06, and then dropped from 500 to 300 in 06, a loss similar to the current silver drop.
Maybe a little, maybe to some degree. But maybe - and mostly, this is how the market works, overbought leads to corrections, regardless of "Duh Dollar," or what "Duh Dollar fundamentals say" (they dictate the longer term price direction and scope).
"Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss".
Please don't think that Sprott et al are selfless, purists, crusaders for justice.
As silver becomes "an industry", they are merely "the new boss", seeking their turn at maximum gain. It's just "their thing", and they're going to promote the shit out of it no matter what.
I can be considered an uninterrupted silver bull since the late 70's with silver at 4 bucks, and again in the late 90's with silver at - - 4 bucks.
I realize the potential and invest heavily with long-term positions.
But I also realize the need to "think for one's self " and not become part of a herd - even an "anti-establishment" herd.
Like I said - when you've lost a substantial amount of equity, it doesn't matter whether it was due to investing in "widgets" or silver - or due to manipulation or not - it's just as lost either way.
So think for yourself, and not with the choir.