View Full Version : Atmospheric aluminum at 8,800 PPM in Ohio?

midnight rambler
21st May 2011, 10:03 AM
Scroll down to the map at the bottom of the page, other locations seem very high as well -


21st May 2011, 11:52 AM
Remove heavy metals from your body with Glutonic acid NOT to be confused with glutamic acid.
As far as I know the best source for Glutonic acid is found in Kombucha tea and 98%+ of American's don't even know what it is.

Do a JewOOgle search for Glutonic acid and see how little information you get.

21st May 2011, 01:02 PM
Remove heavy metals from your body with Glutonic acid NOT to be confused with glutamic acid.
As far as I know the best source for Glutonic acid is found in Kombucha tea and 98%+ of American's don't even know what it is.

Do a JewOOgle search for Glutonic acid and see how little information you get.

8800 ppm is nearly 1 percent - 10,000 ppm would be 1%. For the air to be 1% aluminum, it would have to be raining aluminum as heavily as when it rains water really hard.

of course, i'm not saying it's safe or anything.

anyway, i guess using cast iron cookware is a good idea.

midnight rambler
21st May 2011, 01:03 PM
anyway, i guess using cast iron cookware is a good idea.

That or stainless steel (made anywhere but China).