View Full Version : Mt Athos Prophecies on '666'

22nd May 2011, 03:48 PM

22nd May 2011, 03:59 PM
Nice one Serpo, luckily all of us gold/silver bugs are innoculated and somewhat resistant to the mark of the beast. That decrepid, babylonian monetary system of usury consisting of paper lies. The creator says the gold is his and the silver is his, we should'nt love it because of that, but we can definately trust it.

22nd May 2011, 04:06 PM
One of the best videos on the net giving descriptions of the Anti-Christ by a REAL man not some pansy.


22nd May 2011, 04:19 PM
That was pretty good. I never knew about the six hundred and sixty six talents collected by King Solomon.

7th trump
22nd May 2011, 05:00 PM
If you listen to Athos you are being deceived.
He says 666 is a symbol of economic hedgemeny...........................bullshit!
God wrote saying 666 is a man.
If you read the 6th seal, the 6th vial, and the 6th trumpet (666) all three of these passages describe someone appearing on earth. And according to Gods word He says arch-angel Michael with his angels go to war with satan and his angels in heaven which Michael wins kicking satan and his angels to earth. The three woo's given to those on earth are warnings to us here that satan is coming.
You can easily read in other books that satan comes play acting as Christ when he is kicked to this earth by Michael.
It simple to follow............

22nd May 2011, 06:36 PM
If some dude magically appeared and said you will take this brand/tattoo/dab-of-paint into your hand or even just a spot on your forhead what do you think is gonna happen to that guy? He HAS to make it so people WANT it, even beg for it. It will almost certainly be tied in with the global usurious babylonian banking (beast?) system of enslavement to mammon. Regardless of what it is, you will have to have it to buy things from any store.


What if........ We already have it....... In the form of paper money.....

Hear me out for a moment, then correct me or make your own assumptions.

The 6th definition for mark in my dictionary is "a note" .

There is not one single country on earth that uses honest money today, they ALL use notes, they are a lie and the tool for world wide debt slavery. Every time you buy something it is in your hand, and people think (using their forhead) that it is real money. Of course people love it, desire it, and will even kill you for just a single paper scrap of it.

Look what happened when the last of the precious metals were removed from our currency.

A man could no longer afford to raise his family on his own, most have their wives out in the workplace, and many people work 2 or 3 jobs just to get by. This would make "They shall recieve no rest day or night" applicable as things just go from bad to worse and people have to slave away more and more just to put food on the table. Rest also includes peace of mind, there are ALOT of people out there worrying about paying their bills and everyday the number of people who cant rises.

The grievous wound for those who have it...

What if that wound is a damaged pride? That is an invisible wound that never heals, there is no prosthetic for it, and it literally lasts your whole life until the day you die. How do you think people are going to feel when the paper money scam collapses around the world?

God says the gold is his and the silver is his, paper money is the money of a man. That said, the mark is definately related to currency/finance and purchases (money).

What are your ideas y'all? Lets hear them!

Anyway it is just a rambling thought and I need some more coffee.

7th trump
22nd May 2011, 07:00 PM
If some dude magically appeared and said you will take this brand/tattoo/dab-of-paint into your hand or even just a spot on your forhead what do you think is gonna happen to that guy? He HAS to make it so people WANT it, even beg for it. It will almost certainly be tied in with the global usurious babylonian banking (beast?) system of enslavement to mammon. Regardless of what it is, you will have to have it to buy things from any store.


What if........ We already have it....... In the form of paper money.....

Hear me out for a moment, then correct me or make your own assumptions.

The 6th definition for mark in my dictionary is "a note" .

There is not one single country on earth that uses honest money today, they ALL use notes, they are a lie and the tool for world wide debt slavery. Every time you buy something it is in your hand, and people think (using their forhead) that it is real money. Of course people love it, desire it, and will even kill you for just a single paper scrap of it.

Look what happened when the last of the precious metals were removed from our currency.

A man could no longer afford to raise his family on his own, most have their wives out in the workplace, and many people work 2 or 3 jobs just to get by. This would make "They shall recieve no rest day or night" applicable as things just go from bad to worse and people have to slave away more and more just to put food on the table. Rest also includes peace of mind, there are ALOT of people out there worrying about paying their bills and everyday the number of people who cant rises.

The grievous wound for those who have it...

What if that wound is a damaged pride? That is an invisible wound that never heals, there is no prosthetic for it, and it literally lasts your whole life until the day you die. How do you think people are going to feel when the paper money scam collapses around the world?

God says the gold is his and the silver is his, paper money is the money of a man. That said, the mark is definately related to currency/finance and purchases (money).

What are your ideas y'all? Lets hear them!

Anyway it is just a rambling thought and I need some more coffee.

Plastic taking the number of the beast is easily explained.
Its not any tattoo or anything like that.
Taking the number of the beast on your forehead is nothing more than beleiving satan is Christ returning.
Taking the number of the beast on your hand is helping along this fake even though you may not know hes satan.

Theres a passage where God gives a woo for those in the end times who give suckle.
This is not by any means saying those with an infant human being are doomed for bring in a child in such times.
Remember satan appears on this earth "peacefully and properously" even though he is booted from heaven by Arch-angel Micheal after a war with Micheal in heaven.
This "suckle" passage is describing those who are helping along (giving suckle) satans church are in serious trouble if they continue doing so. You have to read further on back to pick up what the subject is in this passage to know God isnt talking about those with infant child. Its talking about those who are fooled helping along satans church revival.
The whole description of satan having horns and looking like a goat comes from a passage describing satan looking just as a lamb (Christ), having horns, (power), but with the voice of a dragon.
Why a voice of a dragon looking just like a lamb? Because God is warning us that satan is coming first to fool the world into beleiving he is Christ returning. This is the same ole serpent from Genesis who fooled Eve in partaking in the tree of knowledge of good and evil (satan himself), coming to earth play acting as Christ.
Christ said he returns at the last trumpet. Well the last trumpet is the 7th trumpet. Theres a total of only 7 trumpets, 7 seals, and 7 vials. Read the 7th trumpet, 7th seal and 7th vial and you draw a picture of Christ returning.

22nd May 2011, 07:16 PM
Hey, thanks 7th.

7th trump
22nd May 2011, 07:20 PM
Hey, thanks 7th.

Not a problem and no need of thanking me Plastic!
I hope I cleared up some confusion for you.