View Full Version : Oil Pulling books and references

23rd May 2011, 06:32 PM
Im starting to believe what they say about this.

Practised for a while and stopped but going to continue from now on as it gives a good feeling of health,this may not be noticable to everyone right away that starts doing it.

The affect is still there for everyone and I am certain it is doing good things from my own experience.

small books if you can call them that


23rd May 2011, 06:39 PM
My recent dental visit wasn't as great as when I was OP'ing. I think I'm going to start again.

23rd May 2011, 06:48 PM
i've read enough about it to make an attempt @ oil pulling, but i am having trouble incorporating it into my daily routine...i'll have to redouble my efforts i guess...

23rd May 2011, 07:00 PM
Heard about this for years now. I'd like to know the reasoning behind to how this is supposed to work.

I brush/rinse with hydrogen peroxide + fluoride free TP for a few mins a couple times morning and night, making sure to get the bristles in between the teeth, and my dentist told me he's never seen his work last so long before. I can go for yearly cleanings, as there's nothing to actually clean every 6 mo.

Maybe it's because I also "pull" the HP, (and toothpaste) using pressure and suction forces with my tongue/cheeks to get inbetween everything? Dunno. Maybe it's by doing that...the "pull"?

Since using hydrogen peroxide (about 3 yrs now) I used to have to floss every day, now just once every few days as there's nothing there to floss away. My gums are crazy tough, and never bleed even when flossing aggressively.

Scope, Listerine etc.. are a waste of money...they do nothing compared to HP.

23rd May 2011, 07:28 PM
The idea is that the oil pulls impurities from your blood stream. It is an added bonus that it's also great for the teeth and gums.

23rd May 2011, 07:31 PM
Read up on the web site and you may find that this is the best path to overall health that we can practise.

feed back from others...........http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/oil_pulling.html

23rd May 2011, 07:50 PM
Read up on the web site and you may find that this is the best path to overall health that we can practise.

I looked at their FAQ, and nobody asks the question how it actually works. The site basically just says it cures everything.

I do know keeping a clean mouth is key to good health as it's basically a giant incubator for every germ, bacteria etc...

I remember reading another article about oral plaques contributing to heart disease, which makes sense to me how it would be correlated, but I can't see oil doing anything other than perhaps just getting your mouth cleaner, and helping out/conditioning the gums, but it takes something like 20 mins compared to 5mins with hydrogen peroxide, and good brushing technique.

As for cleaning the blood stream, my liver, and kidneys work really well for that. Not sure how much some oil in my mouth is going to compare to that. Maybe less than 1%, if that, in comparison is my guess.

My take is it's just to get your mouth cleaner by putting more time into oral hygiene, and not letting the hard plaques build up which causes a host of other problems, the heart being the main one which puts stresses elsewhere to trigger further illness.

23rd May 2011, 08:03 PM
Read up on the web site and you may find that this is the best path to overall health that we can practise.

I looked at their FAQ, and nobody asks the question how it actually works. The site basically just says it cures everything.

I do know keeping a clean mouth is key to good health as it's basically a giant incubator for every germ, bacteria etc...

I remember reading another article about oral plaques contributing to heart disease, which makes sense to me how it would be correlated, but I can't see oil doing anything other than perhaps just getting your mouth cleaner, and helping out/conditioning the gums, but it takes something like 20 mins compared to 5mins with hydrogen peroxide, and good brushing technique.

As for cleaning the blood stream, my liver, and kidneys work really well for that. Not sure how much some oil in my mouth is going to compare to that. Maybe less than 1%, if that, in comparison is my guess.

My take is it's just to get your mouth cleaner by putting more time into oral hygiene, and not letting the hard plaques build up which causes a host of other problems, the heart being the main one which puts stresses elsewhere to trigger further illness.

23rd May 2011, 10:58 PM

Best music video ever?

Yes quite possibly. Hot Indian woman has convinced me. :)

24th May 2011, 01:43 AM
Its very old and cheap,no ones selling anything

History of Oil Pulling (OP) and Its Rediscovery
Dwanandhari God of Ayurveda

Dhanvantari God of Ayurveda

It is a little known fact that Ayurveda prescribed Sesame Oil swishing in the mouth as one of the daily routine habits in the morning for oral and dental hygiene.

In case of gum, teeth and mouth diseases the same is prescribed for cure. The beneficial effects are given as: “It is beneficial for strength of jaws, depth of voice, flabbiness of face, improving gustatory sensation and good taste for food. One used to this practice never gets dryness of throat, nor do his lips ever get cracked; his teeth will never be carious and will be deep rooted; he will not have any toothache nor will his teeth set on edge by sour intake; his teeth can chew even the hardest eatables”—Charaka samhita Ch V -78 to 80.

In addition, Dr. (med) Karach proposed oil treatment with Sunflower oil as a cure for all diseases. It appears to be a folk remedy for all diseases. He called it ‘pulling oil’. He said: “most different diseases could be totally cured without medicines or surgery. With pulling oil treatment I have cured my chronic blood disease with which I suffered for 15 years. It healed in 3 days an acute arthritis which made me lay in bed. Pulling Oil heals head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and woman’s diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, encephalitis and chronic sleeplessness. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them”.

Rediscovery of Oil Pulling

I was suffering from allergic sneezing for 43 years and asthma for two decades and I tried many methods but could not get cured. I was still looking for a solution. It was at that time I got the article by Dr Karach who’ – proposed ‘pulling oil’ treatment with Sunflower oil as a cure for all diseases. It was during the last week of December 1992 and started practising since 3 Jan 1993. My wife and I have been practising Oil Pulling for over 14 years. After practising OP for over a year, at the age of 63 I have been cured of allergic sneezing of four decades, asthma of of two decades, sleeplessness, palpitation, allergies due to food items, smells, digestive problems and my wife at 56 cured of over two decades old migraine (headache), three decades old varicose veins, Arthritis, blood pressure, and many other minor ailments. We were suffering from the above diseases for many years obtaining temporary relief from different systems of medical treatment.

Seeing and experiencing the effectiveness of Oil Pulling, a pamphlet in English “Do you want to be Healthy” was printed for distribution.I took it as God given work to spread this remedy to the suffering people. I was obsessed with the idea that all those with any disease should practice and be cured by OP. I was propagating the therapy at Bangalore and in Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad, Guntur, Vijayawada, and at other places to known friends and relatives. I thought Bangaloreans could get rid of allergy, asthma and other diseases by practicing OP and become the Health capital besides being IT capital.

Important Note: Oil Pulling (OP) means Sesame or Sunflower oil rinse methodically as per procedure in the mouth. Both oils have been used over by generations of people and were effective in curing various diseases when used as daily habit. Folk medicine generally was practiced for over generations and was effective, known to many, available locally, safe, cheap, and proven worth to try.


24th May 2011, 01:46 AM
How OP Spread

One of my pamphlets ‘Do you want to be Healthy’ fell into the hands of the staff of Andhra Jyothi, a Telugu daily news paper from Hyderabad. They found its effectiveness in a short time and published articles on “(Adbhuta Chikitsa) – Wonderful Therapy – Oil Pulling (OP)” written by me in their Sunday special for three years from October 1993 to September 1996. Every Sunday the articles in Telugu News paper appeared under the above headlines. Continued publication in every Sunday supplement of Andhra Jyoti made it popular and the response of public was described as a “Health Movement” in Andhra Pradesh. Thousands practised and some wrote their experiences which were also published in the paper.

A book in Telugu and its translations in Tamil and Kannada also were published under the name Oil Pulling – Wonderful Therapy as heading in all publications on the subject and is the reason for continuing to use the same name. Articles on OP and interviews with me on OP were published in English and regional language newspapers at various times during the last few years.

I have with me more than a 1200 testimonials from people after practising OP. Most of them narrate how they suffered without relief but were cured only by OP. I had the good fortune to meet a number of people who had personally related their experiences regarding cures of diseases during my lecture tours to propagate OP, in India in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, other cities in India and to a few in US.

24th May 2011, 02:10 AM
I looked at their FAQ, and nobody asks the question how it actually works. The site basically just says it cures everything.

The difference between oil pulling and brushing of your teeth with water and hydrogen peroxide is that the latter two things will primarily only remove water soluble toxins. Those are things that dissolve by the polar water molecules acting upon the polar toxins.

Oil on the other hand is not polar and will dissolve any other non-polar toxins, in other words fat soluble toxins will dissolve in the oil. The thing is, the large organic molecules are generally hydrocarbons, and generally fat soluble.

24th May 2011, 02:22 AM
I was told about this a long time ago but I couldn`t do it because the taste of oil makes me puke immediately. I can eat lots of it in salads with vinegar or lemon juice to mask the taste but oil by itself is uniquely nauseating.

24th May 2011, 03:09 AM
I brush/rinse with hydrogen peroxide + fluoride free TP for a few mins a couple times morning and night, making sure to get the bristles in between the teeth, and my dentist told me he's never seen his work last so long before. I can go for yearly cleanings, as there's nothing to actually clean every 6 mo.

When you do Hydrogen Peroxide, how do you do it? Do you dilute it with water, or take it straight? Can you provide more details please?

24th May 2011, 03:48 AM
I was told about this a long time ago but I couldn`t do it because the taste of oil makes me puke immediately. I can eat lots of it in salads with vinegar or lemon juice to mask the taste but oil by itself is uniquely nauseating.

try a different type....sunflower.sesame or coconut i suggest and a desert spoon is enough.

After a short time the oil mixes with saliva and becomes more bearable.

24th May 2011, 03:52 AM
How OP Cures

All different treatments sold to cure diseases ignore or ignorant about the built-in wisdom, capacity and power of the body to cure itself if given time and support. A WHO report states that 80 % of world population relies on natural healing as their primary form of health care. Oil Pulling stimulates and supports the healing system of the body in curing all diseases.

WHO report and statistical studies above show bacteria/viruses and toxins they release from the disease spots in the dental plaque, gums and mouth finds a way to the blood stream and cause different diseases in separate parts of the body. The cure of gum diseases shows that body’s intelligence and nervous endocrine and immune systems are stimulated by Oil Pulling to produce antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, pain killer and anabolic chemicals to cure and heal the gum diseases. Testimonials received indicate and confirms the effectiveness of OP in curing not only diseases of gums and teeth but also all other diseases as well.
The body’s intelligence uses the same methods adopted to cure gum diseases to cure other diseases any where in the body stimulated by Oil Pulling. I have devoted a full chapter in my Book 2 on OIL PULLING to explain in detail how the body biologically cures itself by OP as per established systems of treatments.

The testimonials from people after practising OP narrate how they suffered without relief but were cured only by OP. I had the good fortune to meet a number of people who had personally related the cures of their diseases during my lecture tours to propagate OP, in India and to a few in US.

Survey report given separately, (and Medical report and Case study of 150 women – both reports included in Oil Pulling Books), confirms cure of common and chronic diseases.

24th May 2011, 06:58 AM

Best music video ever?

I love that commercial.

Excellent production quality.

2 thumbs up.

27th January 2012, 08:55 AM
Ok I read about this years ago but never really bothered trying it.

So, I started doing in early december.

Monday-Friday right after I wake up I do it in the shower. Its the only time I could do properly empty stomach etc.

Went to the dentist last week for the first time in 3 years. The cute dental hygenist said me teeth and gums looked great. She only had to spend about 5 minutes cleaning my teeth. Apparently there was really nothing to clean. Turns out my teeth sensitivities are from my gums slightly receeding in 2 spots.

Natural flouride free toothpaste, regular flossing, the odd rinse with diluted food grade H202, and oil pulling really do work. :)

I know the thread is old but Figured I'd addd my experience.