View Full Version : Vatican crackdown at Rome's Playboy Mansion-style monastery.

27th May 2011, 09:29 AM
I am ready to convert right now........
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Vatican crackdown at Rome's Playboy Mansion-style monastery.

By Lewis Page
27th May 2011 12:14 GMT

A controversial monastery in Rome – the scene of performances by lap-dancing nuns and "lifestyles that were probably not in keeping with that of a monk" – has been closed down on the orders of the Pope.

The Santa Croce in Gerusalemme basilica, home to nuns and monks of the Cistercian order, is one of the oldest and most prestigious complexes of the Catholic Church and dates from the 4th century. It is thought to house important relics from the Holy Land. However in modern times it had been allowed to fall into disrepair.

That all changed some years ago when a new and flamboyant abbot, former Milan fashion designer Father Simone Fioraso, took charge. He renovated the buildings and opened a luxury hotel at the site, which reportedly became a popular haunt for celebrities and Italian aristocrats, and held high-profile events including regular concerts and a televised Bible-reading marathon.

A major attraction of the basilica was apparently the "holy dances" performed by the nun Sister Anna Nobili, a former lap-dancer, and other nuns taught by her. Nobili's routines reportedly featured her lying spread-eagled before an altar clutching a crucifix, or undulating passionately in the fashion of a pole dancer.

The saucy Sister has reportedly performed for many high-ranking church dignitaries including Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican cultural department. Other patrons of Santa Croce have included Madonna, who prayed there in 2008.

The monks of Santa Croce have been in trouble with the Supreme Pontiff since 2009, when Father Fioraso was busted from his position as abbot (and presumably despatched to a hardship posting on a remote island off the Irish coast). Investigators from the Vatican's Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life moved in, and delivered their sealed report in March – one so sizzling that it will never be released to the public.

The Vatican has now confirmed that the monks and nuns will all be transferred to other posts and that Santa Croce will now operate solely as an ordinary church, not a monastery.

The enquiry "found evidence of liturgical and financial irregularities as well as lifestyles that were probably not in keeping with that of a monk," Father Ciro Benedettini told the Guardian. There's also BBC coverage here.


27th May 2011, 09:43 AM
Boy... this is worse than that old movie "Sister Act"

The Pr0n0 version:
Sister Snatch? :o

I'm going to hell for this- aren't I? :-X

27th May 2011, 09:46 AM
Joking aside, I'd wager that this was a place of Elite Occult and satanic practices and partying.

Other patrons of Santa Croce have included Madonna, who prayed there in 2008.

Open Kabalist no?

They got too loose with it and the senator had to shut it down.

re-engaging joke mode

Twisted Titan
27th May 2011, 12:57 PM

27th May 2011, 04:31 PM

Truth is stranger than fiction....

You have a hard time believing this one?

13th July 2011, 01:19 AM
presumably despatched to a hardship posting on a remote island off the Irish coast

Feck eh? That gave me a smile. I usually enjoyed Father Ted. Its clear though from the article that this was not a working monas-tery but an entertainment venue. An Ex fashion designer and an Ex Pole dancer, both of whom dress in catholic garb? I wonder if the dungeon was functional?

13th July 2011, 02:02 AM
'Lap-dancing nun' performs for Church


Anna Nobili is no ordinary nun.
The 38-year-old used to be a lap-dancer, and spent many years working in Italian nightclubs.

She is now using her talents in a rather different way - for what she calls "The Holy Dance" in a performance on Tuesday evening at the Holy Cross in Jerusalem Basilica in Rome, in front of senior Catholic clerics including Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's Cultural Department.
Miss Nobili told the BBC World Service that the transformation from podium lap dancer to nun happened gradually.

"It was my mother who went about getting me involved in the faith - she had a powerful vision of Jesus," she says.
"At first I didn't want to know, but then Jesus appeared to me too, and I fell in love with him."

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/shared/img/o.gif http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/start_quote_rb.gif Jesus is a God who dances, not one who stands still http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/end_quote_rb.gif

Sister Anna Nobili

Several years ago, she swapped her old life for the Church, after a visit to the shrine of St Francis in Assisi, a place of pilgrimage for millions of Catholics in Umbria.
Sister Nobili, then joined the order of nuns called the Working Lady Nuns of Nazareth House, and it is through them that she tours prisons and hospitals performing her modern Christian dance.
She says the Church is very open to what she does.

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45643000/jpg/_45643333_090403112503_dancarina226-1.jpg Sister Nobili says her dancing has changed since her lap-dancing days

"They understand that our hearts belong to Jesus, that means our moves also show that he is alive, and that he is a God of joy, not one of sadness," she explains.

"He is a God who dances not one who stands still."

Sister Nobili adds that it is for these reasons she has noticed that bishops, and priests in general, are struck by this new form of expression.

She does use some of her past life in her new shows, telling young people in the audience the story of how she converted.
Referring to the actual dancing she does today, with her group, the Jesus Dancers, Sister Nobili says it is different from what she did for her nightclub shows.

"My body has changed, so the way I dance has changed too."


Think this is the "abbot"

The video is not in English, and the video may become choppy.


13th July 2011, 10:02 AM
'Lap-dancing nun' performs for Church


Anna Nobili is no ordinary nun.
The 38-year-old used to be a lap-dancer, and spent many years working in Italian nightclubs.

She is now using her talents in a rather different way - for what she calls "The Holy Dance" in a performance on Tuesday evening at the Holy Cross in Jerusalem Basilica in Rome, in front of senior Catholic clerics including Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's Cultural Department.
Miss Nobili told the BBC World Service that the transformation from podium lap dancer to nun happened gradually.

"It was my mother who went about getting me involved in the faith - she had a powerful vision of Jesus," she says.
"At first I didn't want to know, but then Jesus appeared to me too, and I fell in love with him."

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/shared/img/o.gif http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/start_quote_rb.gif Jesus is a God who dances, not one who stands still http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/end_quote_rb.gif

Sister Anna Nobili

Several years ago, she swapped her old life for the Church, after a visit to the shrine of St Francis in Assisi, a place of pilgrimage for millions of Catholics in Umbria.
Sister Nobili, then joined the order of nuns called the Working Lady Nuns of Nazareth House, and it is through them that she tours prisons and hospitals performing her modern Christian dance.
She says the Church is very open to what she does.

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45643000/jpg/_45643333_090403112503_dancarina226-1.jpg Sister Nobili says her dancing has changed since her lap-dancing days

"They understand that our hearts belong to Jesus, that means our moves also show that he is alive, and that he is a God of joy, not one of sadness," she explains.

"He is a God who dances not one who stands still."

Sister Nobili adds that it is for these reasons she has noticed that bishops, and priests in general, are struck by this new form of expression.

She does use some of her past life in her new shows, telling young people in the audience the story of how she converted.
Referring to the actual dancing she does today, with her group, the Jesus Dancers, Sister Nobili says it is different from what she did for her nightclub shows.

"My body has changed, so the way I dance has changed too."


Think this is the "abbot"

The video is not in English, and the video may become choppy.


WoW! I was all set to make a snarky joke about the "Working Lady Nun of Nazareth House" :D before watching her performance on video. Thanks, Dogman.

Now I'm smitten! She's really talented. Beautiful. Her performance is stunning.
She dances like an angel. Jesus is lucky to have her. ;D