View Full Version : Seasteading - living outside the territories claimed by any standing nation
30th May 2011, 10:43 AM
"the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territories claimed by the governments of any standing nation"
Seasteading, a portmanteau of sea and homesteading, is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territories claimed by the governments of any standing nation. At least two people independently began using the term: Ken Neumeyer in his book Sailing the Farm (1981) and Wayne Gramlich in his article "Seasteading – Homesteading on the High Seas" (1998).
Most proposed seasteads have been modified cruising vessels. Other proposed structures have included a refitted oil platform, a decommissioned anti-aircraft platform, and custom-built floating islands.[1] No one has created a state on the high seas that has been recognized as a sovereign nation, although the Principality of Sealand is a disputed micronation formed on a discarded sea fort near Suffolk, England.[2]
The closest things to a seastead that have been built so far are large ocean-going ships sometimes called "floating cities" and smaller floating islands.
30th May 2011, 10:55 AM
30th May 2011, 11:00 AM
Probably a good idea to arm such a seastead to the teeth. Otherwise someone with arms is going to take it...
30th May 2011, 11:06 AM
Well I think we need to think of new ways to shrink/get rid of government. Government is a cancer on humanity, and the only way we can get rid of it is through creating an alternative system (AKA competition). You can't protest anymore since the media, people, business, and government systems are completely controlled by the Statists. The people are fluoridated and conditioned from cradle to grave to believe the State is the only way for humanities existence.
Personally I love this idea of this and would like to know where to sign up. We have to use technology and very innovative thinking to defeat the State and the Statists. Almost anything that will set humanity free from government should be put on that table.
Just my two-cents.
30th May 2011, 11:15 AM
Agree with the arming to the teeth, but in international waters the sky is the limit on what you can own and use. But the aggressor will also be armed! Floating city's with their own mini navy for parameter defense?
The ideal sounds fun and doable, like saltwater fish and such? Growing crops maybe a problem over the long run, but that maybe able to be overcome.
30th May 2011, 11:23 AM
Can you imagine the Maritime jurisdiction that must come with this?
30th May 2011, 12:26 PM
Agree with the arming to the teeth, but in international waters the sky is the limit on what you can own and use. But the aggressor will also be armed! Floating city's with their own mini navy for parameter defense?
The ideal sounds fun and doable, like saltwater fish and such? Growing crops maybe a problem over the long run, but that maybe able to be overcome.
Actually there was an article not long ago, about dutch experimenters who worked on optimizing growing conditions using led lights and a hydroponics system. The claim in The article was that using a 100 sq.m house, and their developed technology, you could grow enough vegetables in 18 low floors, to feed a population of 60.000 people green leafy vegetables and tomatoes at 200 g per person per day, with very little water required...
Twisted Titan
30th May 2011, 12:31 PM
30th May 2011, 01:29 PM
...outside the territories claimed by the governments of any standing nation...
There isn't a square inch of Earth that isn't "owned" by someone. Even the "airspace" and "mineral rights" are owned.
Can't even move to the Moon:
30th May 2011, 02:07 PM
After spending years living on the ocean due to my work am in no hurry to go back and have a look and see water 360 views all day.
Its beyond boring.Cant beat the earth under your feet.
30th May 2011, 02:19 PM
After spending years living on the ocean due to my work am in no hurry to go back and have a look and see water 360 views all day.
Its beyond boring.Cant beat the earth under your feet.
I can certainly imagine that... We just need to take it back from the thieving sociopaths...
30th May 2011, 02:35 PM
well, there's one problem - i get seasick in 5 foot swells.
side-stepping that, there's the question of how to make it seaworthy.
if it's not sea-worthy, it's a little like Fukushima - not planning for the ambient conditions.
so it needs to be designed to withstand 20 foot seas, or 100 foot seas, depending on how & where it is moored.
of course, you can also use those 20 foot seas to generate electicity, using a Scottish design concept such as the sea-snake.
i think i could deliver a functional seastead for $25 million, $150 million if it is to withstand 100 foot seas and Cat 5 or Cat 6 hurricanes.
there are less expensive ways to obtain independence. but it's a fascinating design challenge.
to make it work for a group of people, you could have an up-front donation of $10,000. then you would need 2500 people to obtain $25 million to help make it happen.
it would happen if most of them had experience living on boats.
it would make a great reality show.
i wonder what size swell would turn even the most sea-worthy person into a sea-sick person, like me, vomiting over the side of the boat for 4 hours the last time i went sailing.
30th May 2011, 02:57 PM
Gundriller some people are more sensitive than others, but I think with time, most people would adapt to the swells. Do you say that for $25 millions you can make a seastead for 2.500 people, is that including living quarters?
30th May 2011, 03:15 PM
Five years ago they were building a super duper of a boat-city for 2,000 families that would be moving all the time, I was going to buy a one bedroom apartment for $180,00 (one room with a bathroom) and it was the cheapest one that they had........actually that was the best one because it was where I like it, at the center of the boat and level with the ocean and is about the only place that doesn't have to much movement so that I would not get sea has everything that a regular city would have and at the top deck you could land a small jet plane and helicopters.
There is an old lady who has been living aboard a cruise ship for the past six years, she says that it is cheaper than being in a rest home or owning a home what with all the services and free food and so on.
Right now there are hundred of empty oil platforms in the ocean and threre is a company that all they do is to blow them up and send them to the bottom of the ocean.....with enough people on the deal I am pretty sure that a deal could be made to buy one of them of the coast of FL or CA..... anyone? I am willting to put up $150,000 on the "Silver Island" would be a plain "Oil Island".
30th May 2011, 03:29 PM
well, there's one problem - i get seasick in 5 foot swells.
side-stepping that, there's the question of how to make it seaworthy.
if it's not sea-worthy, it's a little like Fukushima - not planning for the ambient conditions.
so it needs to be designed to withstand 20 foot seas, or 100 foot seas, depending on how & where it is moored.
of course, you can also use those 20 foot seas to generate electicity, using a Scottish design concept such as the sea-snake.
i think i could deliver a functional seastead for $25 million, $150 million if it is to withstand 100 foot seas and Cat 5 or Cat 6 hurricanes.
there are less expensive ways to obtain independence. but it's a fascinating design challenge.
to make it work for a group of people, you could have an up-front donation of $10,000. then you would need 2500 people to obtain $25 million to help make it happen.
it would happen if most of them had experience living on boats.
it would make a great reality show.
i wonder what size swell would turn even the most sea-worthy person into a sea-sick person, like me, vomiting over the side of the boat for 4 hours the last time i went sailing.
Best answer for sea sickness is to place one ear plug in one ear and that is it.
30th May 2011, 03:51 PM
While a good idea in theory maybe, but an unmovable property at sea is a bad idea, imo. Having the sea pounding on it relentlessly, will degrade and destroy anything. Lot's of costs involved in constant maintenance.
The other issue I see, is that this idea leans more towards a cult like environment. Some "leader" must be incharge and followed by the rest of the folks. There's no way you can stick a couple thousand people together like that and have everyone get along. Someone must play the chief role, and that's where it can get very odd, or tyranical, at worst.
For that kind of money, why not buy a boat and stay mobile? When you start talking that kind of money, you wouldn't believe some of the yachts out there...jacuzzi's on board, the works, etc. The whole point is to be able to move around, that's why you go to sea to begin with. If you need someone to teach you how to drive a boat, fly me out and I'll give instruction (for a small fee paid for in silver, of course). ;D
30th May 2011, 04:12 PM
While a good idea in theory maybe, but an unmovable property at sea is a bad idea, imo. Having the sea pounding on it relentlessly, will degrade and destroy anything. Lot's of costs involved in constant maintenance.
The other issue I see, is that this idea leans more towards a cult like environment. Some "leader" must be incharge and followed by the rest of the folks. There's no way you can stick a couple thousand people together like that and have everyone get along. Someone must play the chief role, and that's where it can get very odd, or tyranical, at worst.
For that kind of money, why not buy a boat and stay mobile? When you start talking that kind of money, you wouldn't believe some of the yachts out there...jacuzzi's on board, the works, etc. The whole point is to be able to move around, that's why you go to sea to begin with. If you need someone to teach you how to drive a boat, fly me out and I'll give instruction (for a small fee paid for in silver, of course). ;D
There will be no boats in which people can escape
30th May 2011, 04:22 PM
I don't understand why it's not possible to bribe a poor/corrupt country to give up some land so free minded people can build a micronation or something. Is that possible, at all?
30th May 2011, 05:30 PM
I am willting to put up $150,000 on the "Silver Island" would be a plain "Oil Island".
Hold the Phone!!
Who said Silver Island need be built by the hands of God?
I claim fishing rights to repay the debt... :)
30th May 2011, 05:39 PM
Being confined to a platform at sea would equate to a prison sentence over time.
30th May 2011, 05:43 PM
Being confined to a platform at sea would equate to a prison sentence over time.
A man's mind is the only prison that he should fear.
We could always ship the Swedish bikini team to a floating dock.
30th May 2011, 06:05 PM
Being confined to a platform at sea would equate to a prison sentence over time.
Starts after about 3 days.............
The sky is blue but then so is the ocean....when it is grey overhead ,so is the ocean...........great views ..........nothing to see or look at ......yes its very stimulating.......jaded sorry
30th May 2011, 06:13 PM
Being confined to a platform at sea would equate to a prison sentence over time.
A man's mind is the only prison that he should fear.
We could always ship the Swedish bikini team to a floating dock.
Wait until they start complaining they're bored after sexing all of them up 5+ times a day, and even that has no positive mental effect anymore. :o
Would need a helicopter to visit some nearby islands. That could work, along with some extensive farming/gardening situation happening, and of course chain gun turrets at every corner.
30th May 2011, 06:17 PM
No thanks. I'd go more nuts than I already am.
30th May 2011, 06:17 PM
There will be no boats in which people can escape
30th May 2011, 06:18 PM
Wait until they start complaining they're bored after sexing all of them up 5+ times a day, and even that has no positive mental effect anymore. :o
Would need a helicopter to visit some nearby islands. That could work, along with some extensive farming/gardening situation happening, and of course chain gun turrets at every corner.
True Fishermen are never bored... ;D
30th May 2011, 06:20 PM
Being confined to a platform at sea would equate to a prison sentence over time.
Starts after about 3 days.............
The sky is blue but then so is the ocean....when it is grey overhead ,so is the ocean...........great views ..........nothing to see or look at ......yes its very stimulating.......jaded sorry
Picturing myself on a platform isolated at sea is like some kind of surreal isolation... perhaps the definition of loneliness itself.
I could see that becoming a private hell without extensive on board amenities, bountiful edible foliage, and a sandy beach area to mimic dry land as much as possible.
Talk about feeling stranded. Gives me the willies a bit actually.
Definitely would need a helicopter, and a fast boat. Both probably very expensive transportation options depending on what's around proximity wise.
30th May 2011, 06:23 PM
I'd rather make an island out of the girls, spray them down with coconut oil, and climb aboard for three hour tour.
30th May 2011, 06:30 PM
Being confined to a platform at sea would equate to a prison sentence over time.
Starts after about 3 days.............
The sky is blue but then so is the ocean....when it is grey overhead ,so is the ocean...........great views ..........nothing to see or look at ......yes its very stimulating.......jaded sorry
Picturing myself on a platform isolated at sea is like some kind of surreal isolation... perhaps the definition of loneliness itself.
I could see that becoming a private hell without extensive on board amenities, bountiful edible foliage, and a sandy beach area to mimic dry land as much as possible.
Talk about feeling stranded. Gives me the willies a bit actually.
Definitely would need a helicopter, and a fast boat. Both probably very expensive transportation options depending on what's around proximity wise.
Sorry all you get is this....
30th May 2011, 06:32 PM
I'd rather make an island out of the girls, spray them down with coconut oil, and climb aboard for three hour tour.
Meant to start imaging these things after you are there a while not before........... ;D
30th May 2011, 06:35 PM
Gundriller some people are more sensitive than others, but I think with time, most people would adapt to the swells. Do you say that for $25 millions you can make a seastead for 2.500 people, is that including living quarters?
though the living quarters might be a bit spartan - e.g. just a hammock (like in Avatar) or a bunk.
but a pool table and foosball table, for sure.
30th May 2011, 06:54 PM
Gundriller some people are more sensitive than others, but I think with time, most people would adapt to the swells. Do you say that for $25 millions you can make a seastead for 2.500 people, is that including living quarters?
though the living quarters might be a bit spartan - e.g. just a hammock (like in Avatar) or a bunk.
but a pool table and foosball table, for sure.
Don't forget a few rolls of dental floss so the women can make themselves clothing.
30th May 2011, 06:56 PM
Bob? you would get bored only if you have no imagination........remember that the real world is the one that you create in your own mind.......that's why my best friend is always with me.
30th May 2011, 07:06 PM
Bob? you would get bored only if you have no imagination........remember that the real world is the one that you create in your own mind.......that's why my best friend is always with me.
The only thing that you end up imagining is leaving
30th May 2011, 07:20 PM
Bob? you would get bored only if you have no imagination........remember that the real world is the one that you create in your own mind.......that's why my best friend is always with me.
I hear what you're saying, but the entire Swedish bikini team, and the Kama Sutra only account for so many available combination's.
30th May 2011, 07:40 PM
After spending years living on the ocean due to my work am in no hurry to go back and have a look and see water 360 views all day.
Its beyond boring.Cant beat the earth under your feet.
Concur 100%
After 16 years of sea duty and over 4 years of no shit time underwater. I am ready for some mountians and sky.
31st May 2011, 09:11 AM
I don't understand why it's not possible to bribe a poor/corrupt country to give up some land so free minded people can build a micronation or something. Is that possible, at all?
The people who run this world would NEVER let that happen. I bet it's been tried. The 'perpetrators' were either bought out, ruined/arrested, or killed. Think Ruby Ridge/Waco in the 3rd world.
31st May 2011, 11:59 AM
You don't necessarily have to inhabit a physical space to receive the benefits or status of that space....just look at U.S. Citizenship....none of us live in D.C. do we?
31st May 2011, 12:05 PM
I'd rather make an island out of the girls, spray them down with coconut oil, and climb aboard for three hour tour.
The oil rig comes prebuilt with grab bars & oil.
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