View Full Version : Filthy jews and muzzies leaders urge EU heads not to pander to extreme-right

General of Darkness
30th May 2011, 12:03 PM
Well of course they "URGE" this. It's in their interest to destroy every single white nation on the planet. The important part is how these kikes use words. EXTREME-RIGHT = BAD/HITLER etc bullshit, when in reality the Extreme Right is about the preservation of their IDENTITY as a CULTURE, as a RACE. The Extreme-Right should be renamed NORMAL. The preservation of ones race, culture, identity should be viewed as NORMAL, and anyone against that would should be terminated on the spot for civil rights violations. Just my 2 cents.

Jewish and Muslim leaders urge European Union heads not to pander to extreme-right

30 May 2011

In Brussels, leaders of Islamic and Jewish communities from several European countries today presented a joint declaration to the presidents of the three main European Union institutions. Ahead of a meeting of European religious leaders representing all major faiths in Europe, Bosnian Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric and Brussels Chief Rabbi Albert Guigui handed the document on behalf of the 33 signatories to Commission President José Manuel Barroso, European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy.

The declaration stresses that “Jews and Muslims live side-by-side in every European country and our two communities are important components of Europe's religious, cultural and social tapestry. Both Muslims and Jews have deep roots and historical experience on this continent.” It raises concern about “increasing manifestations of Islamophobia (anti-Muslim bigotry) and anti-Semitism in countries across Europe.”

The joint declaration goes on to say: “Bigotry against any Jew or any Muslim is an attack on all Muslims and all Jews. We are united in our belief in the dignity of all peoples” and urges “all Europeans of conscience to put a stop to any group that espouses racist or xenophobic ideologies long before they are in a position to gain legislative or other power. We must never allow anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia or racism to become respectable in today’s Europe. In that regard, we call upon all political leaders not to pander to these groups by echoing their rhetoric.”

The signatories also declared: “We remember together the horrors that took place on this continent in the 1940s - a campaign of mass murder, unique in history, which resulted in the annihilation of one third of world Jewry in the Holocaust. That atrocity and others, such as the mass killing of Muslim civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990s, resulted from the triumph of racist and xenophobic ideologies that demonized those that they targeted.”

This Europe-wide interfaith initiative – the first of its kind – was set in motion last December with the first Gathering of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders in Brussels. It is modelled on a similar cooperative effort in the United States organized by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. Co-sponsors are the European Jewish Congress, the FFEU, the Muslim Jewish Conference the World Council of Muslims for Interfaith Relations and the World Jewish Congress.

http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/10299/jewish_and_muslim_leaders_urge_european_union_head s_not_to_pander_to_extreme_right

30th May 2011, 01:13 PM
;D hahahaha. Not long ago we read about an exodus from Malmö, Swedens third largest city with aprox 1/3 muslims, of jews, leaving because they felt threatened by the muslim youth hooligans... But of course that is the fault of the white racists... Of course the very reason why Malmö has 1/3 muslims is because this policy has been trumpeted by the Jewish dominated press in Sweden for decades...

The Jews really want to destroy the white race...

30th May 2011, 02:32 PM
Jews and Muslims have been allied in the destruction of Europe going back thousands of years.

Spain, Ottoman Empire, Martel, Charles the Great, Byzantium, the Ottomans come from Khazaria, the Huns
came from there too, Hun is a Turkic language, Jews even wrote the Koran, ever wonder why many
of their belief systems are the same , and their " religion " is better described as political manifestos ,
and we have seen this play out, covert war on you, nothing new, allied.

GofD, ever wonder why many of your good info threads go to bottom fast ?

Cause this forum is full of troll shits that forum slide good threads as jibberish
is bumped. I bump a lot of them and a title like that isn't necessary.


turko mongol khazars

30th May 2011, 02:54 PM
What better place to start than having a family/kids, if your truly scared of your blood/people vanishing. (impersonal)

Hey Magnes, my original family name has its origin from Atila I just recently found out.....I'm not mocking, just throwing

out some "wow" info I have come to know about ancestry.

"Don't taze me bro." ;)

30th May 2011, 02:56 PM
Egyptian Islamo-Nazism and “Omar Amin” Von Leers

Wednesday May 25, 2011 a group of Egyptians, led by founding member Emad Abdel Sattar proclaimed the establishment of “a contemporary frame of reference” Nazi Party.

Sattar reportedly stated that the party, whose founding deputy is a former military official, would bring together prominent figures from Egyptian society, and vest all powers in a “carefully selected” president.


"Omar Amin" von Leers: The Nazi Who Found a Haven in Egypt and Embraced a More Potent Ideology to Destroy the Judeo-Christian West—Islamic Jihad

The Egyptian Leftist publication Al-Masry Al-Youm, at its English website, further contends the Nazi party operated clandestinely during the Mubarak regime which had prevented party leaders from carrying out their activities in the open. Two Facebook pages which appeared recently under the title of “the Egyptian Nazi Party,” may confirm the party’s public emergence since Mubarak was deposed.

Whether or not the inchoate new Egyptian Nazi Party, operating within a “modern framework,” becomes a significant political force, Nazism and its ugly resonance with the country’s Muslim masses, has a prolonged, disturbing legacy in Egypt.

Aribert Ferdinand Heim, was a member of Hitler’s Waffen-SS, and a psychopathic “medical doctor” who committed the most heinous atrocities at the Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Mauthausen concentration camps, including: the performance of operations on prisoners without anesthesia; removing organs from healthy inmates, who were then left then to die on the operating table; injecting poison, including gasoline, into the hearts of others; and taking the skull of at least one victim as a “souvenir.”

As revealed in this February 4/5, 2009 New York Times story , Heim, like many Nazi war criminals, lived safely in Egypt, perhaps for up to three decades, following his flight from Europe in 1962.

A dusty briefcase with rusted buckles, sitting nearly forgotten in storage here in Cairo, hid the truth behind Dr. Heim’s flight to the Middle East. Obtained by The New York Times and the German television station ZDF from members of the Doma family, proprietors of the hotel here where Dr. Heim resided, the files in the briefcase tell the story of his life, and death, in Egypt.

Josef Kohl, a former inmate at Mauthausen, gave the following testimony regarding Heim to a United States war crimes investigating team on Jan. 18, 1946, less than a year after the German surrender.

Dr. Heim had a habit of looking into inmates’ mouths to determine whether their teeth were in impeccable condition. If this were the case, he would kill the prisoner with an injection, cut his head off, leave it to cook in the crematorium for hours, until all the flesh was stripped from the naked skull and prepare the skull for himself and his friends as a decoration for their desks.


30th May 2011, 03:08 PM

The ex-Mufti oversaw von Leers’ formal conversion to Islam, and remained one of his confidants. And von Leers described the origins of the Muslim “forename,” Omar Amin, that he adopted as part of his conversion to Islam in a November, 1957 letter to American Nazi H. Keith Thompson [8],

I myself have embraced Islam and accepted the new forename Omar Amin, Omar according to the great Caliph Omar who was a grim enemy of the Jews, Amin in honor of my friend Hajj Amin el Husseini, the Grand Mufti.

Well this can't be....."whitey" can never be a "muzzie" ::)

General of Darkness
30th May 2011, 03:44 PM

The ex-Mufti oversaw von Leers’ formal conversion to Islam, and remained one of his confidants. And von Leers described the origins of the Muslim “forename,” Omar Amin, that he adopted as part of his conversion to Islam in a November, 1957 letter to American Nazi H. Keith Thompson [8],

I myself have embraced Islam and accepted the new forename Omar Amin, Omar according to the great Caliph Omar who was a grim enemy of the Jews, Amin in honor of my friend Hajj Amin el Husseini, the Grand Mufti.

Well this can't be....."whitey" can never be a "muzzie" ::)

Easy there troll. Don't make me shove Allah up your goat humping ass.

30th May 2011, 04:07 PM

The ex-Mufti oversaw von Leers’ formal conversion to Islam, and remained one of his confidants. And von Leers described the origins of the Muslim “forename,” Omar Amin, that he adopted as part of his conversion to Islam in a November, 1957 letter to American Nazi H. Keith Thompson [8],

I myself have embraced Islam and accepted the new forename Omar Amin, Omar according to the great Caliph Omar who was a grim enemy of the Jews, Amin in honor of my friend Hajj Amin el Husseini, the Grand Mufti.

Well this can't be....."whitey" can never be a "muzzie" ::)

Easy there troll. Don't make me shove Allah up your goat humping ass.

E-z tough guy...... everyone on this site knows you can do that, we've all heard it before........

30th May 2011, 04:13 PM
A redefinition of East & West separation by Oceans is what's needed in your guys case.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

30th May 2011, 05:21 PM
A redefinition of East & West separation by Oceans is what's needed in your guys case.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Translation, turn Europe into the NWO creaton Turkey, destruction of nations and people.

What the fuck do you think the Mexicans are being used for ? Oh I forgot, you don't seem
to mind the same for the North American continent. Destruction.

No wonder you love my threads on real history that is Pro European, Pro Christian, Pro White,
Pro Irish, etc etc

30th May 2011, 05:36 PM
Translation, turn Europe into the NWO creaton Turkey, destruction of nations and people.

Neither you or I could turn a swirling cesspool of vipers into a promised land, Magnes.

To wish to is Zionist in nature.

30th May 2011, 05:59 PM
The only thing that will destroy European man is brainwashing propaganda,
even if 90 % of us are murdered as the Muslims and Jews murdered tens of millions
of us already we will still survive and prevail, truth will prevail, justice will prevail, only
a matter of how much damage is done and the time frames, I said quite a few
times a new dark age approaches, European man needs a new Charles The
Great. What did he do ? Well for one you all speak English and write in Latin,
if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be doing either. You'd be bending your asses
up in the sky praying to mecca, those of you that were not murdered.




7th trump
30th May 2011, 05:59 PM
After reading this thread I cant imagine anybody not understanding who Isreal really is.
I've been flamed and ridaculed for saying that the true Isrealites are the caucasion races (Germans, English, French, Russian, Belgion, Canada, white Americans, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Swiss, Netherland, Greenland and a few other that I cannot remember) that migrated north over the Caucaucian Mountains of Georgia just as its written in the Bible.
Who is being presecuted when you read this thread..................the white man is the one being prosecuted now just as he was then.
It was the white race that brought civilization and many wonders to the gentile races. The blessings came through the white race and no other.

Wake up and grasp who you are white man!

5th June 2011, 10:57 PM
Nigel Farage highlights E.U. attack on Freedom 24 Nov 2010

Nigel Farage lashes out once again at the E.U for being the Nazi post-democratic Empire it is and focuses his attack all about the lacking freedoms and poverty in the E.U.
