View Full Version : The Will

31st May 2011, 07:32 AM
Each of us has a will, it may be strong through use or weak through abuse. The will is meant to be exercised in a way that makes it stronger. When a person gets out of bed in the morning, they exercise their will over their body's desire for sleep. When a person cleans up around them, they exercise their will to be clean instead of succumbing to the overwhelming desire of their body to do nothing and just be sentient.

The will of a person has to be developed in small ways. Managing the tongue is an act of the will, many people fail in this, they must speak even when not spoken to. Managing food intake is another act of the will, many people fail in this regard because they allow their body to drive them to eat ever larger quantities that eventually end in it's demise.

I AM is the expression of the will of a person. If a person cannot express I AM, then they cannot claim to have a will. If a person allows the will of another to rule them, then they have no will in that matter. Now it is true that our wills aren't always going to be strongest but that isn't any reason not to develop our will. The more we work at developing our will, the stronger we become and eventually we find that our will can be imposed on others.

Imposing our will can be expressed in a number of ways not always dominating but simply in refusing to join the beliefs of others that may be harmful to us. It is important to recognize that our wills are developed or not as a result of our beliefs. If we are led to believe that we should have no will, then we will be subservient and compliant to the will of others as a result of our beliefs.

If for example we believe that our body is a reflection of our mind, then our will must be to develop our minds in a way that improves our body. So physical exercise is a positive development of the will that expresses itself in an outward and inward improvement of our body. This is an expression of the will that others can see. When we control our tongue and our emotions, we also express our will and this is also an external expression that others can see as well. When we meditate on positive energy in our bodies and focus our mind on eliminating negative thoughts about our health, it is reflected in our demeanor and our life force. People see us as having magnetism and great elan.

Developing our will also means having savior faire. This is a French term that means knowing the right thing to do. This is the greatest obstacle to will that most people face. It is very difficult for people to live with the consequences of not "doing the right thing". This is generally called a mistake or in the bible it is called sin. It's not something that we can be free of without effort. This is why developing the will and ultimately savior faire is so important to us in life.

Religion takes away the development of savior faire, it eliminates the will and subjects it to "God". This is a horrible error and those that claim it is the way to "heaven" are deluded and liars. Religion tries to define a way of living that eliminates the need for us to determine on our own what the right thing to do is. This subjects us to the will of those that run the religion and make it's rules. It puts us in subjection to "holy books" of questionable origin. While the books may have some information that could be useful in developing our own will, they are always going to eventually divert us from that. This is where religion is to be questioned severely.

I question religion and for that I am labeled as darkness by some. However, after having spent many years stumbling around in the darkness that is Christianity, I am far more enlightened now. I AM going to spend the rest of my life on this earth developing my will and hope that in the next life, I AM far ahead on the path of having savior-faire. I WILL not be deterred by people who claim that what I do is in some way evil or in error. This is the way of people who are themselves without will and who wallow in that weakness. They hate strength because they are afraid of developing a will. Such people fear they will make errors and most people cannot live with their errors. This is why they use religion as a crutch, they turn off their will and succumb to the will of someone else.

31st May 2011, 07:58 AM
However, after having spent many years stumbling around in the darkness that is Christianity

wrs, please don't pretend to ever being a Christian

you never believed that the Bible is the God's word.

According to the Bible without God's words it is imposible to have faith, without faith you are not Christian.

so, according to the Bible, this "energy" philosofy of yours has nothing to do with Christians or Christianity

31st May 2011, 08:25 AM
However, after having spent many years stumbling around in the darkness that is Christianity

wrs, please don't pretend to ever being a Christian

you never believed that the Bible is the God's word.

According to the Bible without God's words it is imposible to have faith, without faith you are not Christian.

so, according to the Bible, this "energy" philosofy of yours has nothing to do with Christians or Christianity

Actually some of wrs's thoughts predate the bible. And you can find some of his examples in the bible that YOU believe in as well. So there might be something to this "energy philosophy" thing after all eh?

When he talks about expressing free will over food and exercise, think about the 7 deadly sins and gluttony. Why did god command in the bible to that shoving your mouth full of food and getting fat is one of the most unpardonable sins one could commit? If you cannot control what goes in and out of your mouth how can you even began to control what goes in and out of your mind?

We keep the body healthy so that the mind can do all that it is suppose to do.

@ wrs........ you think this is the first step or the first building block of exercising free will? It seems that everything that follows is built of a healthy foundation.

Ps. Didn't mean to give you a thanks g2rad. Sorry no offense.

31st May 2011, 08:36 AM
Pride goes before the fall.


31st May 2011, 08:52 AM
However, after having spent many years stumbling around in the darkness that is Christianity

wrs, please don't pretend to ever being a Christian
you never believed that the Bible is the God's word.
According to the Bible without God's words it is imposible to have faith, without faith you are not Christian.
so, according to the Bible, this "energy" philosofy of yours has nothing to do with Christians or Christianity

Actually some of wrs's thoughts predate the bible. And you can find some of his examples in the bible that YOU believe in as well.
Answer2me, there is no sharing with wrs on that. Repentance is the key. We did not repent from what we did/do. We repent from who we are; thus abandoning attempts to climb to Heaven through our own will.

31st May 2011, 09:00 AM
wrs, please don't pretend to ever being a Christian

you never believed that the Bible is the God's word.

I was a Christian, I believed all the stuff you do now. That is what made me a Christian, nothing else, just my beliefs and that is all you have as well. You have no facts, you have no truth, just belief.

this "energy" philosofy of yours has nothing to do with Christians or Christianity

Of course not, I didn't say it did, it is in opposition to the main idea of Christianity being that you subject your will to something you cannot see or touch or know. My will is me and I don't want to be defined by you or someone else, thus I object to religion in general attempting to define what is right for me.

@ wrs........ you think this is the first step or the first building block of exercising free will? It seems that everything that follows is built of a healthy foundation.

Physical exercise is profitable, the apostle Paul said it was of little benefit. He said godliness was more profitable ( 1Tim 4:8 ) but he had something in mind when he said that so it was his attempt to prioritize good and force it on someone else. By the way, the book wherein Paul is claimed to have made this statement is a known forgery. This is the kind of thing that Christianity approves of, forgery to consolidate beliefs into a narrow range.

Exercising free will means you first must have a will to exercise and so it would behoove all of us to consider how much of our lives are dictated by the will of others. If we have no will yet, it will not be possible to have a free will but it's a goal for which we can strive.

31st May 2011, 09:03 AM
Repentance is the key. We did not repent from what we did/do. We repent from who we are; thus abandoning attempts to climb to Heaven through our own will.

You are just parroting Sunday School stuff here. Do you even know what word is used in the NT for repent? I have repented from Christianity and it's errors.

31st May 2011, 09:33 AM
wrs, please don't pretend to ever being a Christian
you never believed that the Bible is the God's word.
I was a Christian, I believed all the stuff you do now.
You never were a Christian. You never believed.
Your own words testify against you, here is the evidance:

what verse made you a Christian? why did you believe? what were the proofs that made you into a believer?
No verse made me a Christian,

you said no verse made you a Christian.

31st May 2011, 09:44 AM
you said no verse made you a Christian.

That is correct, because it was my belief that made me a Christian. I may have believed certain verses but they didn't make me a Christian, it was belief in the concept expressed by the verses that did it. By the way, to you that might be splitting hairs but it's not, the distinction is critical.

31st May 2011, 10:06 AM
you said no verse made you a Christian.

That is correct, because it was my belief that made me a Christian. I may have believed certain verses but they didn't make me a Christian, it was belief in the concept expressed by the verses that did it. By the way, to you that might be splitting hairs but it's not, the distinction is critical.

You thought you saved yourself through your believes.
All the credit went to you. Right?
You relied on you-the-savior.
Your dad rightly pointed out to you that you cannot pull yourself out of the ditch by pulling on your hair.
You exited that fake Christianity and you did right.

"Believes" don't save. God saves. God saves through his word.
According to the Bible, you never were a Christian.

31st May 2011, 10:23 AM
Often times there is no way to tell the truth without being "negative". :(

The system teaches only positives.

Telling positives makes money.

Telling positives makes friends.

The first word in the Bible the Devil spoke was positive.

31st May 2011, 11:17 AM
I AM going to spend the rest of my life on this earth developing my will and hope that in the next life, I AM far ahead on the path of having savior-faire.

It seems to me that you're just renaming God by calling Him Will and then attempting to structure a personal church in which your new religion may reside,... all for the "hope" that your next life will be a sort of heaven called savoir faire.

What if all the ideas and thoughts floating around in all of us are not actually created within our tiny little meat heads by ourselves, but we as individuals are merely receivers/transmitters of thoughts and ideas, perhaps at best unscrambling and interpreting them to fit our current points of view, or associating them as "our own" when they in fact, are more like gifts from God, or from the whole.

In that case, "free will" could be defined as the intent to deceive ourselves with the delusion of our separateness.

What if God has to create individual points of view, or individual beings of consciousness in order to experience Himself?

What would be the point of existence at all if there was no outside awareness of it?

"The individual is an aperture through which the whole energy of the universe is aware of itself"...
Allan Watts

I mean really, do you actually believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger for instance, is more entitled to a future life in heaven (savoir faire) simply because he's pounded free weights and nannies with an inordinate amount of free will? :)
There's no doubt the dude has gobs of free will, but to believe he has a better chance in a next life than say, a crippled kid in Bangladesh seems bizarre to me.

Is it free will, or is it hubris? Is it free will or is it a lack of humility?

The more I think about it, the less I believe in the concept of free will, which by the way, has been indoctrinated into us by the very religious institution you're opposing. Free will elicits and breeds elitism and separatism, which may be Gods will after all.

In life, we struggle with our separation from God and in death we go back to God, but if everyone understood that, there wouldn't be much point in living anymore, so we delude ourselves with concepts like free will and savoir faire. ;D

31st May 2011, 04:01 PM
"Believes" don't save. God saves. God saves through his word.

God is a belief, not a fact, you don't get it.

There's no doubt the dude has gobs of free will, but to believe he has a better chance in a next life than say, a crippled kid in Bangladesh seems bizarre to me.

Well I didn't mention either of these, this seems to be some tangent you have gotten yourself on. The will is what I was talking about, not free will. If you don't have a will because you subjected it to religion, you have no free will.

31st May 2011, 07:13 PM
"Believes" don't save. God saves. God saves through his word.

God is a belief, not a fact, you don't get it.

There's no doubt the dude has gobs of free will, but to believe he has a better chance in a next life than say, a crippled kid in Bangladesh seems bizarre to me.

Well I didn't mention either of these, this seems to be some tangent you have gotten yourself on. The will is what I was talking about, not free will. If you don't have a will because you subjected it to religion, you have no free will.

Well of course you didn't. Arnold and the crippled kid was kind of silly, so forgive me, I have a tendency to be playful with my analogies.

But if you can, please explain the difference between "The Will" and "Free Will" of which you speak because I'm not getting it. Seems like semantics to me.

31st May 2011, 09:09 PM
But if you can, please explain the difference between "The Will" and "Free Will" of which you speak because I'm not getting it. Seems like semantics to me.

Good question and there is an important distinction. Free will in my view is will which is not limited by that of another, it is unrestricted will. So for example, you don't have free will if you agree to let TSA search you in order to board an airplane. That is a simple example where you have subjected your will to that of a higher power i.e. TSA.

Now with regard to your will, you have the will to refrain from certain behaviors or to engage in certain behaviors. If you freely exercise your will then the behaviors you engage in will not result in any restriction of your will. As an example of a behavior that eventually restricts your will consider smoking cigarettes. Once you start it's inevitable that you become addicted. Once you are addicted, your will no longer plays a role in that behavior. Your body demands the nicotine and if it doesn't get it, there are side effects. In order to avoid the side effects your will acquiesces to the body and you smoke. At some point, most smokers want to quit, not all but most.

The obstacle is a withdrawal from cigarettes that is both physical and mental. I know because I quit smoking cold turkey almost 30 years ago. The physical part is easier, the mental part is about retraining your will not to smoke. For years you did not exercise your will not to smoke and so now you must retrain your will in that area. This is the difficult mental process. This is what will is about.

To me, free will is unrestricted. My will is free if it is unrestricted. I can choose many behaviors that do not contradict my will. In those behaviors, I am exercising free will. If I choose not to fly, TSA cannot restrict my will, does that make sense?

1st June 2011, 09:41 AM
Cigarette smoking is a good example. I believe that the difficulty in quitting is 99% induced by outside influences.
We're told over and over from childhood that it's difficult or almost impossible to quit. So it's difficult.

It really isn't though. It's easy to quit smoking. In fact everyone who's quit knows it's easy and that the supposed pain involved is hardly more than an ordinary annoyance. One week with a crappy pair of shoes is far more painful. But of course, most who've quit will perpetuate the lie for nothing more than to gratify their egos. They'll say, "See, I have tremendous personal will power. I quit smoking.

In other words it's not will power that's being exercised; it's social conditioning that has caused a problem where none need exist. Most of which is perpetuated to inflate individual egos.

Thus, the will is a conceptual construct designed to solidify and strengthen ones ego or self image.

Solidifying and strengthening ones ego reinforces the materiality of existence, but reduces ones connection to spirit.

The will is an idea. A concept. Nothing more. There's no math formula that will prove it's existence.

The will is as intangible as the spirit and as indefinable as God, so it's faith based.

So what if someone replaces the word Will with the word Jesus. Is there really any difference?

The only difference I can fathom is ones connection to spirit, to God.

With a connection to Spirit(God) there is Eternal Life, but without God, there is only death, a limit on life.

I think many Religionists get hung up on the names and overlook the meanings.

1st June 2011, 10:30 AM
Cigarette smoking is a good example. I believe that the difficulty in quitting is 99% induced by outside influences.

Please elaborate.

In fact everyone who's quit knows it's easy and that the supposed pain involved is hardly more than an ordinary annoyance.

I didn't think it was that easy. I tried many times before I got religion and nothing worked. I cut down slowly and then I began to bum cigarettes. I could never quit that way. It wasn't until I believed that I was "saved" that I began to pray to the H.S. for the strength to overcome the cigarettes. It worked, I was able to overcome the urge to smoke. I had found a strength within me that I could believe in. I told my father it was Jesus and he said it was me. He was right, I have found the strength within me to beat cancer. I should have been dead three years ago according to the doctors. Exercising my will is a choice but it takes practice and with practice it becomes easier and my will becomes stronger, that is a fact, it's not something ephemeral.

Solidifying and strengthening ones ego reinforces the materiality of existence, but reduces ones connection to spirit.

The will is an idea. A concept. Nothing more. There's no math formula that will prove it's existence.

The will is as intangible as the spirit and as indefinable as God, so it's faith based.

This is weird, you speak of a connection to spirit and ego as though they were real and then say that will is an idea. Well what are ego and spirit? There is no math formula that proves either of them so you should be consistent in your comment. The will is something that I can exercise, it is who I AM.

Your comment is interesting though because it implies you accept the notion of samsara and yet later on you seem to believe there is death without God, you say it is a limit on life.

Your statements seem full of certainty as you knock down the concept of will and yet you cannot provide me with any facts that can manifest the concepts of which you speak.

I have given you clear examples of will which are facts and you reject them in favor of concepts which you yourself admit are not based on facts.

I have to say that will is a fact, it is demonstrated each and every day by every person that struggles to live. The will to live is a fact, it may be related to a fear of death but irrespective, it is a will that is exercised by the majority of people. These same people may not be able to exercise will over a number of other things but they do still exhibit the will to live. That is a fact. Spirit and God and ego are not really facts, I agree with you there.

1st June 2011, 06:14 PM
What you think of as your will, I think of as Gods will.

We're both right.

1st June 2011, 08:20 PM
What you think of as your will, I think of as Gods will.

We're both right.

I used to think this too. It may be correct but neither of us can really know so pragmatically, I have retreated to the agnostic position. If it turns out my will is God's will then that is the same thing as being an individualization of God and I have no problem with that concept (Christians do though). That is how Emmet Fox views us, we have Christ consciousness which expresses God in us. I can accept that but again, it's not knowable for certain so pragmatically, I am agnostic on that concept. I do believe that we shape our lives by our thoughts, on that I am in good agreement with New Thought.

1st June 2011, 11:39 PM
I pretty much share the views in the OP. Like wrs, I "was" a christian too. I would still consider myself a Christian, but I'd also consider the modern definition of Christianity to be flawed in many ways..basically "wrong" if I tended to make those kind of statements.

What wrs is putting forth here is actually a fairly well developed philosophy/religion, although its nature is to be pretty loose in its definitions and "doctrines". I'm kind of surprised he is in this thread debating people here because the body of literature usually discussing these things, from what I've read, usually says its kind of pointless to spend energy arguing with people like this. And the idea of "converting" people doesn't really make sense in this context.

I could go into much detailed discussion about these ideas, if someone shows an interest, but if not I'm perfectly happy to keep it to myself. I am kind of curious about how wrs arrived at his conclusions, and what books he's read. Wrs, it kind of sounds like you've read the 3 volume series from a guy named Boris. Is that right?

2nd June 2011, 03:53 PM
I could go into much detailed discussion about these ideas, if someone shows an interest, but if not I'm perfectly happy to keep it to myself. I am kind of curious about how wrs arrived at his conclusions, and what books he's read. Wrs, it kind of sounds like you've read the 3 volume series from a guy named Boris. Is that right?

Yes I have. I bought them from Amazon even though they are available as PDFs. I have Ouspenky's version too. I have read quite a lot of stuff in that vein. I have read several of Castaneda's books and also studied the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I have created a practice of my own from some of the Gnosis series and from some Yoga books. I taught myself to meditate and focus and I am always trying to develop my will in tangible measurable ways. I think that was a big part of what G taught and what is expressed in the Gnosis series.

3rd June 2011, 10:54 AM
I've read just about everything by Castenada, and found a lot of truth in the writing.

But I wonder...if his distilled message of attaining personal power might be thought of as "Selfism,"

or perhaps even a sort of mystical variant of Randian Objectivism that might have been perpetrated
onto the American psyche' by the Military Intelligence, or psyops. I know you'll find that to be a leap,
but I happen to think in intuitive leaps.

Check out this video that shows a spin off of his teachings. The blonde woman along with several others supposedly disappeared. One suspicion is that it was a suicide cult.

I honestly don't know whether any of that is true or rumor, but the body movements and hand gestures in the video are kinda creepy, perhaps superstitiously. What do you think?


3rd June 2011, 03:46 PM
I watched the video and listened to the lady. I am aware that Castaneda had publicized something called tensegrity but I wasn't aware of exactly what it purports to be. I guess it's similar to kundalini but from this one video I am not sure.

My interest in Castaneda is not so much how he believes that he achieved non-ordinary reality because he doesn't really make that clear, but in some of the facts that he reveals in his books. He makes some statements as he writes that show where he is coming from and the stories he tells in the books aren't just to make it readable, they have some purpose in revealing his underlying philosophy I believe.

I haven't read all his books just the first two and the last one. What I found to be the most interesting was the at the end of the Active Side of Infinity where he describes the predator. That passage is very revealing and it pretty much shows us why the monkey mind of Yoga exists and it dovetails with the concept of archons in the Gnostic texts from Nag Hammadi.

I think the second book, A Separate Reality was mainly about seeing which is essentially one of the stages of meditation that is achieved in Yoga. The Yogi achieves this state through manipulation of the energy around him and through his body.

What I have done is to come up with my own routine for warming up in preparation for meditation. I don't spend a great deal of time at meditation each day, only about 15-20 minutes but I have specific goals in mediation and it can be quite powerful if I can remain focused on the goal. My warmup involves about 30 minutes of Yoga poses and the first is called the salute to the Sun and Moon, this one takes about 10 minutes to do 8 times. It has some of the features of what the lady was doing in the video.

Breath is important in the poses and you have to work on the breath in both the warmup and the meditation. There are two types of breath that I use, one is that short hard exhale and the other is the longer slow measured inhale/exhale. There is another that I call the complete or perfect breath that comes after a number of incomplete breaths. I usually cannot get two complete breaths in a row but when I get one, I hold it.

Now I know all this sounds ridiculous but I can definitely tell you that my health is outstanding, my mind is sharp and things are happening in my life as a result of this practice. The things that are happening are in accordance with my will and the mediation helps me to focus my will. I am using the cosmic energy as well as the earth energy to create within me a new energy that I can the re-transmit to the world around me. It's a personal modulation of the two vibrational energies that give us life. I think it is what we are here to do but if we don't know that, then we never try to do it and we fail to accomplish many other tasks.

I am absolutely certain that this sounds nutty to most people reading it but so be it. It's where I am and it's working for me, it is a real practice producing real results for me. It is unique as far as I am concerned and it is entirely customized by me, for me. I wouldn't think it will work for someone else and I wouldn't try to build a system from it that could be shared with others.

3rd June 2011, 05:28 PM
I've read just about everything by Castenada, and found a lot of truth in the writing.


:oo--> you know about his cult suicides

3rd June 2011, 06:48 PM
I've read just about everything by Castenada, and found a lot of truth in the writing.


:oo--> you know about his cult suicides

Yeah, I watched that video quite a while ago. Notice how in the beginning of the video, it says
the women left Los Angeles in a suicide pact. Well, it does not say they committed suicide.
It just left the whole thing in the air. That's why I wrote this in my previous post.

"The blonde woman along with several others supposedly disappeared. One suspicion is that it was a suicide cult."

Those are the same women who did the Tensegrity video I posted. Very strange.

Who knows? Are those women performing ritual Satanism attracting dark energy? Or rather, is pursuing dark energy what Satanism is about?

I wonder about these things. Is what I call "selfism" the same thing as personal empowerment and does it have something to do with that dark energy those women in the video were attempting to tap into.

Admittedly I'm not much of a pragmatist, but I tend to be rather skeptical of mystical forces. It's my upbringing, I'm sure.
But this whole question pertaining to the will has to do with a sort of mysticism...in the sense that by doing certain exercises, meditations or prayers one can align an undefinable external energy that contributes to personal gain.

Of course it may just be "natural" energies such as chi or orgone or something, but it still resides in the realm of mysticism. And if one allows for that, then the existence of all the other non pragmatic religious bogymen inevitably crowd into the scene.

See where I'm going with this? If one allows for all that, then believing in a universal deity isn't too difficult.

I am using the cosmic energy as well as the earth energy to create within me a new energy that I can the re-transmit to the world around me.

And this is what I was trying to get to from my first post. That we as sentient beings are receivers and transmitters of certain external energies.

Is this what is meant by "the will?"

3rd June 2011, 07:38 PM
Is this what is meant by "the will?"

If you mean that which seeks to use these energies then I would say yes, that is the will. The energies themselves are there to be used by the will and transformed into various manifestations of the will.

3rd June 2011, 08:55 PM
...we as sentient beings are receivers and transmitters of certain external energies.

Castaneda wrote about the concept of "erasing personal history" and advised his associates to sever ties with their family. Sometime in either 1977 or 1978 Patricia and Mark visited Patricia's mother and that was the last contact she had with her family for almost twenty years. As part of the process of erasing personal history, the women of Castaneda's inner circle changed their names and refused to allow their pictures to be taken. Eventually all the women also had their hair cut short and bleached blond.

Patricia Partin (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Patricia_Partin)

4th June 2011, 07:39 AM
Castaneda wrote about the concept of "erasing personal history" and advised his associates to sever ties with their family.

I believe Jesus did this same thing. Family values tie one to this life and keep you from focusing on the spirit or energy body according to many spiritual disciplines, this is why monks are segregated from the general population and it's distractions.

Another thing that Castaneda makes mention of in one of his books and that is worth while is recapitulation. In that you focus on trying to remember all the significant events in your life. In this way you can examine yourself and see the things that are bad about you which you may have buried and the good things which you may tend to overemphasize. You will see that if you contrast these things that your view of yourself may be false. This is good because if you carry a false view of yourself, you will manifest a false identity and your will may not be yours. This is part of the action of the mind of the predator or what in Yoga is called Vritti which are part of Chitta or the mind field. Yoga seeks to still the waves of the mind or citta vritti nirodha. That is the second sutra of Patanjali. Understanding the source of vritti is important and in his way Castaneda does reveal some of this in his books. Jesus does the same thing in some of his teachings but this goes right over the heads of Christians who read his words in an entirely different light.

9th June 2011, 06:59 AM

9th June 2011, 07:48 AM
The more we work at developing our will, the stronger we become and eventually we find that our will can be imposed on others.

The test of human existence is not whether you can achieve some power over this natural realm, but whether or not you can persist as love.

Bubba Free John

D sciple
11th June 2011, 03:28 AM
In cartoons sometimes the main character will have a moral dilemma. Then a little angel and devil pop up on each shoulder and argue their case for what this character should do. I think there's definitely some truth to this depiction.

Does God impart knowledge and direction through his spirit? Sure. Does the "Dark Side" also? Probably. Are they the same? Absolutely not.

7th September 2013, 07:36 PM
Yeah, I watched that video quite a while ago. Notice how in the beginning of the video, it says
the women left Los Angeles in a suicide pact. Well, it does not say they committed suicide.
It just left the whole thing in the air. That's why I wrote this in my previous post.

"The blonde woman along with several others supposedly disappeared. One suspicion is that it was a suicide cult."

Those are the same women who did the Tensegrity video I posted. Very strange.

Who knows? Are those women performing ritual Satanism attracting dark energy? Or rather, is pursuing dark energy what Satanism is about?

Bumped the old thread.

I have read quite a few Castaneda books, some of them in multiple languages.

What is, without a doubt, is that he was a student of a very advanced...spiritually (? misaligned word in western "culture") person or school that is very advanced.

There's no way he came up with all that information out of his head.

Also, clearly information is delivered in a very specific way of absolute high-end spiritual school, i.e. only spoon-fed, only low level and slowly being revealed while teacher makes sure it doesn't harm student.

Which clearly makes it a "white" (as opposed to "black" or satanic) teaching. Which rules out any possibility of a "death cult".

What is also clear to me that some latest published books are not coming from Castaneda, they are coming from some entity that took over and is now feeding catholic B.S. and satanism to mess up a very strong alternative to modern ... religious/cult movements .

7th September 2013, 07:38 PM
Blonde woman in video is purposely dressed in black, she makes NWO satanic "horn" signs, and she's got no spirituality in her eyes. That "castaneda" death cult was a takeover of toltec shamanism by modern satanists.

They (modern satanist NWO types) clearly saw a danger in Toltec shamanism / Castaneda writings, and so IMHO they made a purpose to take it over. Like they took over "white" teachings of Jesus Christ and made them into "black" catholicism , which is whole lot of nonsense, rituals and rules and not whole lot of real spirituality.