View Full Version : Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

General of Darkness
31st May 2011, 08:54 AM
You gotta admire these men.

31 May 2011 Last updated at 03:19 ET

Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis
By Roland Buerk BBC News, Tokyo

Yasuteru Yamada said people from all walks of life were welcome to join the group

A group of more than 200 Japanese pensioners are volunteering to tackle the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima power station.

The Skilled Veterans Corps, as they call themselves, is made up of retired engineers and other professionals, all over the age of 60.

They say they should be facing the dangers of radiation, not the young.

The entire story.


31st May 2011, 09:27 AM
By this logic, maybe US/Israel should be sending the over 60 crowd to fight proxy wars for Israel in the Middle East, and protecting US/Israel's dollar as the global reserve currency.

Wouldn't it be better to save the young from being slaughtered and maimed and from the expense of caring for them for most of their lives...and they can pay into the jewish usury system much longer too?

31st May 2011, 07:14 PM
By this logic, maybe US/Israel should be sending the over 60 crowd to fight proxy wars for Israel in the Middle East, and protecting US/Israel's dollar as the global reserve currency.

Wouldn't it be better to save the young from being slaughtered and maimed and from the expense of caring for them for most of their lives...and they can pay into the jewish usury system much longer too?

injured soldiers are very profitable for the Talmud-worshippers.

31st May 2011, 07:36 PM
This is why the Japanese are a great and proud people. |--0--|

mick silver
31st May 2011, 08:04 PM
and there way smarter then the younger ones

General of Darkness
31st May 2011, 08:42 PM
and there way smarter then the younger ones

It's "they're" ya hillbilly. ;D

31st May 2011, 11:15 PM
I admire the Japanese for their steadfastness and homogenous culture.

1st June 2011, 12:49 AM
and there way smarter then the younger ones

It's "they're" ya hillbilly. ;D
Stop the dickstabbing already you Ass Allah shoving spelling Nazi! ;)

1st June 2011, 03:37 AM
Idiots the lot of them, send in TEPCO management first.

Oh sorry the manager quit .

This will be the first guy going in.............