View Full Version : In other words, the world goes mad.

31st May 2011, 10:17 AM
March 22, 2011 : Solar Cycle 24 / Scientists’ research warns humanity may be facing ‘vortex of death’ by Terrence Aym



Professor Raymond Wheeler, from the University of Kansas, at first almost stumbled into the frightening data. The connection was initially discovered by noted Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky during 1915: solar storms trigger conflict, wars and death. A vortex of death.

Chizhevsky found after intense research that the rise and fall of solar activity—interacting with the earth’s magnetic field—causes mass changes in human’s perspective’s, moods, emotions and behavioral patterns. All are affected by sunspots and solar flares.

Building upon the Russian scholar’s research, Wheeler applied a numerically weighted ranking system during the 1930s to separate wars and even individual battles assessing them on length and severity.

He then correlated the impressive data he’d amassed with the 11-year sunspot cycle.

The results were revealing…and horrifying.

When the 11-year solar cycle peaked, so did human unrest, uprisings, rebellions, revolutions and all-out wars between nations. It was almost as if the intense magnetic upswing directly affected the human brain and drove Mankind into deadly emotional tantrums and frenzied killing sprees.

Assaults skyrocket. Murders increase. And bloody wars and rebellions erupt with a fury across the face of the globe.

Wheeler’s research revealed the pattern spanned human history as far back as 2,500 years.

Solar cycle 22

During 1990 the solar maximum fever pitch initiated skirmishes around the world culminating with Iraq invading Kuwait and the U.S. battling back against Saddam Hussein’s army.

Then, 11 years later, the 9-11 attacks against New York and Washington, D.C were followed by two wars in quick succession: Afghanistan and again Iraq.

According to the 11-year solar cycle, as the sun entered its next active peak during late 2010 the disruptions in the earth’s magnetic field could be predicted to cause unrest, instability, uprisings, outbreaks of war, destruction and mass death once again.

Like clockwork it occurred.

Suddenly the news was filled with rising dissent rearing up in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. It spread to Syria, Libya, Iran and China. Europe was not immune: general unrest arose in the UK and France, Greece had extended riots, Spain felt under pressure, and even the U.S. saw angry mobs rise up in the state of Wisconsin.

Magnetic madness

As the flares increase and the sun becomes more violent, expect greater violence on earth as some go mad.

The pattern is unmistakable. At key points during the solar cycle—from minimum to maximum activity—the geomagnetic field begins to intensify as it comes under bombardment. The triggers are when the activity is accelerating towards the peak, or dropping down towards the minimum.

Much research during the following 70 years has shown that the magnetic field interaction with human’s electrochemically driven brains also affects deep-rooted psychological mechanisms including creating anomalous hormonal swings and even significantly mutated brain wave activity.(love that one)

The magnetic monster initiates a general mass hysteria and a degree of uncontrollable psychosis.

In other words, the world goes mad.

Solar cycle number 24: Worst possible

Solar Cycle 24 has begun. NASA and other space agencies worldwide have been warning about it. The cycle is predicted to be violent, unpredictable, and may even affect the fragile 21st earth technology.

Expected to surge as much as 50 more than the record-breaking solar cycle 23—that saw X-flares larger than ever witnesses by humans—this monster cycle is calculated to reach maximum intensity from 2011 through 2012.

It’s the worst possible solar cycle at the worst possible time. Expect more wars, more deaths, more countries toppled and populations displaced.

Ad to that grim scenario that fact that much research also has revealed that increased magnetic storms couples with the magnetic pole shift and changing core of the earth will likely lead to natural disasters such as the catastrophe that hit Japan during March 2011, and it’s a veritable witches’ brew of madness, mayhem and mass death.

The disturbing findings of Becker and Freedman

The year was 1963 when another piece of the terrifying puzzle snapped snugly into place. The picture that was forming might as well have been from the depths of hell.

Dr. Robert Becker and his colleague, Dr. Freedman, made an important—if unsettling—discovery. They determined that intense solar activity leads directly to psychotic outbreaks and mass insanity.

Who is Becker? Some far out crackpot?


Dr. Robert Becker was a pioneering researcher and leading expert in the field of biological electricity. Twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, Becker was also a full professor at the State University of New York, and a noted author.

Becker died in 2008 with a warning to the world about the approaching years of 2010 to 2012.

Few listened.



31st May 2011, 10:39 AM
Solar Cycle 24 has begun. NASA and other space agencies worldwide have been warning about it. The cycle is predicted to be violent, unpredictable, and may even affect the fragile 21st earth technology.

This is the old wrong information that was proven wrong several years ago when cycle 24 started years late with a wimper and contrary to the tone of the article about stronger magnetic field, the earth's magnetic field has been dropping and infact the opposite of what he warns about is a big concern IMO: the shrinking magnetic fields of both the earth and the sun (heliosphere).

Found another probably older article (http://onlypill.tripod.com/toolsofthetrade/id13.html) on Raymond's climate theories. Like his solar prediction, he predicts what everyone else does anyway but gets it wrong. He is claiming it will be colder till about 2000. History has shown we had warming over this time, with cooling starting just after he said we would start a warming cycle. ;D

31st May 2011, 12:56 PM
Quatermass and the Pit ... should be updated to Quatermass and the Sunspots...

31st May 2011, 01:04 PM
I don't worry about something tha I cannot do something about.....but jus in case......that day I'll be under my bed with some bread, Vienna Winnies, bottle of water and a roll of tp.

6th December 2022, 02:27 PM
War from 'western' (internationalist) oligarchs and their news media and politicians against western citizen's basic rights and health (via winter sniffles) and US-EU economy and fiat currency (via Ukraine-Russia conflict) was/is on the menu this time.

watchers.news: Sunspot numbers exceed predictions for 18 straight months (https://watchers.news/2022/04/06/sunspot-numbers-exceed-predictions-for-18-straight-months/)
April 6, 2022
solarmaxnews.com: CYCLES OF WAR OR PEACE ARE TIED TO CYCLES OF THE SUN (https://www.solarmaxnews.com/cycles-of-war-or-peace-are-tied-to-cycles-of-the-sun/#:~:text=Upon%20close%20examination%20of%20the%20d ata%2C%20a%20pattern,of%20the%20cycle%2C%20when%20 sunspots%20are%20rapidly%20diminishing.)

Buryl Payne, Ph.D. in psychology and an M.S. in physics
Fortunately, our planet’s magnetic field diverts most particles into a circular path around the Earth. Like weather patterns found on Earth, solar wind patterns can change rapidly. Luckily, our planet’s magnetosphere quickly responds to the threat and absorbs the impact, wiggling and jiggling in the process. Geophysicists call this reaction a geomagnetic storm, but because of how it disrupts the Earth’s magnetic field, it could also be called electromagnetic pollution.

These storms, although minute, affect brain waves and hormone levels, causing a number of different reactions, predominately in males. While a few women may also experience changes during these storms, they generally seem less affected by the Sun’s behavior.

We too have magnetic fields which surround each of us. I think it is not unrealistic to conjecture what is happening “externally” is also happening “internally”. I believe current science will acknowledge this notion, showing the Sun’s “charged particles” and its influence on Earth’s magnetic field is the impetus of change. In-like, this same causal effect occurs with human magnetic fields ushering in a change or “transition”. Perhaps this is what our Mayan elders are trying to tell us

Reacting to changing hormone levels, some men may become increasingly irritable and aggressive, while others may instead become more creative. An increase in solar activity is found to increase psychotic episodes in individuals who already suffer from unstable psychological states. While we might relate such behavior to a full moon, in 1963, Dr. Robert Becker and his colleague, Dr. Freedman, demonstrated that solar changes also lead to a noticeable increase in psychotic activity.

Yet these reactions are not simply isolated to a few particularly sensitive or unlucky individuals. Evidence indicates that wars and international conflicts most often break out when sunspots are rapidly forming or rapidly decaying, as these are times when there are more intense geomagnetic storms.

In addition, this increase in solar activity also correlates to periods of more accidents and illness, as well as an increase of crimes and murders. The entire biosphere is affected by this electromagnetic pollution, and human behavior seems to react accordingly...

The solar wind and space plasma storms induce massive electrical currents that can affect power systems on the ground, especially in the north. A large storm in 1989 induced currents in the American northeast that caused a failure in the Hydro-Quebec power system that deprived 6 million people of power for over 9 hours in Canada and the United States. The same storm expanded the upper atmosphere and increased drag on NASA’s Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) satellite which carried valuable specimens of materials in space exposure tests (NASA recovered LDEF before it could re-enter the atmosphere).

Similar storms can set up currents that corrode the metal structure of petroleum pipelines, disrupt satellite and land-based communications, short-circuit satellite electronics, and interfere with navigational systems on ships and aircraft...

The data on cycles of war and peace extend back at least 2,500 years. (Some believe that they may be traced even further, but the records are not as reliable.) Although some may argue that it seems as if there is always war somewhere, records show that periods of conflict increase and decrease in nearly regular cycles...

Upon close examination of the data, a pattern begins to emerge wherein wars are most likely to start in key points of the sunspot cycle. This is when the geomagnetic activity is changing most rapidly on the upsurge of solar activity, or the downward part of the cycle, when sunspots are rapidly diminishing. In addition we can also see how this affects physiological mechanisms, such as altered brain rhythms and abnormal hormonal levels. In other words, wars are a kind of mass psychosis. ‘War Fever’ is real.

With this in mind, should we view warring behavior as a type of disease? Are the related socio-political or economic factors as much a symptom of solar cycles as the battles they appear to create? And if the data on sunspot cycles points to an impending crisis, how can we best use this knowledge?

When we see the connection to physical mechanisms (electromagnetic pollution), this gives us some predictive insight for when increased aggressions were apt to start. Calculations indicate that we’re due to see another rise in intense solar activity in about two years: September 22, 2010.

As with any disease, if we are aware of the cause, we can take precautions to lessen the symptoms. In past writings on this subject, I have suggested that global meditation might be one tactic for steering this aggressive cycle another way. (More information on this is available at www.buryl.com (http://www.buryl.com) )

Imagine how valuable it would be to mankind, or even an individual, if we were able to address a potentially volatile situation by carefully studying the pattern of history. How would this influence our decisions and actions, and how might this change our fate?

sciencealert.com: The Sun Is Being Weird. It Could Be Because We're Looking at It All Wrong (https://www.sciencealert.com/something-is-up-with-the-sun-and-it-could-mean-our-models-are-wrong)

18 June 2022
Something weird is going on with the Sun.

So far, almost every day in 2022 it has erupted in flares and coronal mass ejections, some of which were the most powerful eruptions our star is capable of.

By itself, an erupting Sun is not weird. It erupts regularly as it goes through periods of high and low activity, in cycles that last roughly 11 years.

The current activity is significantly higher than the official NASA and NOAA predictions for the current solar cycle, and solar activity has consistently exceeded predictions as far back as September 2020. But a solar scientist will tell you that even this isn't all that weird.

"We can't reliably predict solar cycles," solar astrophysicist Michael Wheatland of the University of Sydney, Australia told ScienceAlert.

"We don't completely understand the solar dynamo, which generates the magnetic fields seen at the surface as sunspots, and which produce flares. This is one of the outstanding problems in astrophysics; the inaccuracy in the prediction is unsurprising."

Unsurprising, sure. But what if that very lack of surprise – that we expect to be bad at predicting solar cycles – means we need to completely rethink how we do it? What if we're basing our predictions on the wrong metric?...

Roughly every 11 years, the Sun's magnetic poles flip, north becoming south and vice versa. This switch coincides with what is known as solar maximum, characterized by a peak of sunspot, flare, and coronal mass ejection (CME) activity.

Following this reversal, activity lessens, before ramping up towards a peak once more. This is where we are now – the escalation phase of the current cycle, the 25th since we started counting...

"The sunspot cycle is not the primary thing. It's a secondary thing," he told ScienceAlert. "And the way the canon is written, the way the textbooks are written, the way solar activity is presented, it's portrayed as the primary.

"The problem is that it's really not, and the underlying Hale cycle, the 22-year magnetic cycle, is the primary. And the sunspot cycle is just a tiny subset of this bigger picture."

The Hale cycle was discovered in the early 20th century by US astronomer George Ellery Hale. It consists of two 11-year sunspot cycles – the time it takes for the poles to swap twice, thereby returning to their original positions.

Hale cycles, in contrast to the 11-year cycles, are observed in a number of phenomena. These are the changing magnetic polarities of both sunspots and solar magnetic poles, as well as the intensity of galactic cosmic rays at Earth.

Solar activity makes it harder for cosmic rays to reach Earth, but the odd- and even-numbered solar cycles have different cosmic radiation waveforms. This has been attributed to the polarity of the solar magnetic field...

"The sunspot cycle is a result of the interaction between these larger magnetic cycles," McIntosh told ScienceAlert. "In other words, it's like an interference pattern. The magnetic fields want to cancel one another all the time."

Based on the findings of the 'interference pattern', McIntosh and his team have arrived at predictions of the current solar cycle that are more in line with current observations than official predictions – the ones based on sunspot counts...

His team's most recent paper on the solar cycles has been published in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2022.886670/full).

13th February 2023, 07:11 AM
Sunspots and solar system magnetic field turbulence increasing fast the last few weeks. Solar cycle should peak/reverse this year (or next if still double peaked like the last one).

Spaceweather.com Time Machine (https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=02&month=02&year=2023)

Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023
SUNSPOT COUNTS HIT A 9-YEAR HIGH: In a continued sign of strength for Solar Cycle 25, sunspot counts just hit a 9-year high. This plot from NOAA shows how the monthly sunspot number skyrocketed in January 2023:


The monthly sunspot number of 144 in January 2023 was only percentage points away from topping the previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 24, which peaked in Feb. 2014 with a monthly value of 146.

Originally, forecasters thought (https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/news/solar-cycle-25-forecast-update?fbclid=IwAR0II6o75ehEkIfRW-QP4F4w1ljXx89KsQrKdhEGeJvnIm6GviIFiEjdH34) Solar Cycle 25 would be about the same as Solar Cycle 24, one of the weakest solar cycles in a century. Current trends suggest Solar Cycle 25 will surpass that low threshold, at least. Solar Maximum is not expected until 2024 or 2025, so it has plenty of time to strengthen further, bringing X-flares, geomagnetic storms and auroras. You can follow the progression here (https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression).

14th February 2023, 10:03 AM
This video seems reasonable.
Gives a detailed explanation of the recent solar space weather, the event noted in the post above and this stage of the solar cycle and what to expect going forward the next little while.

Starts at 30s

Stefan Burns: A SOLAR PARADIGM SHIFT IS HAPPENING  Jan-23 Solar and Geomagnetic Breakdown


25th March 2023, 09:52 PM
WaPo: Auroras shine unusually far south amid strongest solar storm since 2017 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/03/24/northern-lights-aurora-us-virginia/)

March 24, 2023
On Thursday night, a “severe” geomagnetic storm — rated a level four out of five by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (https://twitter.com/NWSSWPC/status/1639123568184401921) (NOAA) — brought vibrant, bright auroras as far south as Arizona, California, Oklahoma, Iowa, New Mexico and North Carolina, according to reports on Twitter. Some even reported seeing an another newly discovered aurora-like phenomenon called STEVE (https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/03/20/meet-steve-streaking-pulsing-northern-lights-peaking-spring-equinox-sky/?itid=lk_inline_manual_11), or Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement.

“We were not expecting that level of storm by any means,” said Bill Murtagh, program coordinator at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. “A lot of variables come into play. … It’s difficult to get people spun up for the aurora because so often things don’t work out much more often than they do.”

Thursday night, he said, was the exception. The last time a severe “G4” level storm like this occurred was 2017.

Northern lights spotted in Arizona



Sunday, Mar. 26, 2023 SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Forecasters did not see this one coming. On March 23-24, auroras spread into the United States as far south as New Mexico (+32.8N) during a severe (category G4) geomagnetic storm--the most intense in nearly 6 years. The cause of the storm is still unclear; it may have been the ripple effect of a near-miss CME on March 23rd...

Other notable mid- to low-latitude sightings were made in Virginia (+38.7N), Colorado (+40.4N), Missouri (+40.2N), Colorado again (+40.6N), Nebraska (+42.4N), Nebraska again (+41N) and North Carolina (+36.2N). More than half of all US states were in range of the display.

Not every light in the sky was the aurora borealis. There was also STEVE. Alan Birdsell photographed the phenomenon from Spokane, Washington:

"This was the first time I have seen a severe geomagnetic storm here in Spokane," says Birdsell. "It was all a very profound and surreal experience."

STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) looks like an aurora, but it is not. The phenomenon is caused by hot (3000°C) ribbons of gas flowing through Earth’s magnetosphere at speeds exceeding 6 km/s (13,000 mph). These ribbons appear during strong geomagnetic storms, revealing themselves by their soft purple glow. STEVE also appeared over South Dakota, Washington State, Idaho, Idaho again, Montana, Montana again, and Scotland.

This remarkable and surprising storm began on March 23rd when magnetic fields in the space around Earth suddenly shifted. In the jargon of space weather forecasting "BsubZ tipped south." South-pointing magnetic fields can open a crack in Earth's magnetosphere and, indeed, that's what happened. Earth's "shields were down" for almost 24 hours, allowing solar wind to penetrate and the storm to build to category G4.

These developments may have been caused the close passage of an unexpected CME. The storm cloud could have left the sun on March 20-21 when SOHO coronagraph data were unusually sparse. We didn't know it was coming. For aurora watchers, it was a welcome surprise.

24th April 2023, 12:52 PM
They predicted no more than a G2 storm when first released Friday, but Saturday and Sunday felt like it was stronger, like last months. It was.

spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=21&month=04&year=2023 (https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=21&month=04&year=2023)

EARTH-DIRECTED EXPLOSION ON THE SUN: A magnetic filament snaking across the sun's southern hemisphere erupted today, probably hurling a CME toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded this significant M2-class event..

The US Air Force is reporting Type II and Type IV solar radio bursts--both indicative of a CME. The radio bursts are natural emissions produced by shock waves preceding the CME as it passes through the sun's atmosphere. Drift rates in the Type II burst suggest a CME velocity of about 580 km/s (1.3 million mph).

Stay tuned for updates as coronagraph images become available to potentially confirm a CME.
spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=22&month=04&year=2023 (https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=22&month=04&year=2023)

EARTH-DIRECTED EXPLOSION ON THE SUN--UPDATED: Earth is in the strike zone. Yesterday (April 21st), a large magnetic filament snaking across the sun's southern hemisphere exploded, hurling a cloud of debris in our direction...

Models from NASA and from NOAA agree: the CME should reach Earth during the early hours of April 24th between the hours of 00:00 and 12:00 UT. The impact could spark G1- (Minor) to G2-class (Moderate) geomagnetic storms
spaceweather.com/ (https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=24&month=04&year=2023)

Apr. 24, 2023
THE STORM IS SUBSIDING: A severe G4-class geomagnetic storm that sparked auroras over Europe, China, and most of the United States on April 23-24 is subsiding. The storm was caused by a CME hitting Earth's magnetic field.

westernstandard.news: Planet Earth blasted with ‘coronal mass ejection’ from the Sun (https://www.westernstandard.news/features/planet-earth-blasted-with-coronal-mass-ejection-from-the-sun/article_d1d3b674-e2a3-11ed-a85c-871e476acc28.html)

3 hrs ago
If you were feeling a little light headed yesterday, or the WiFi wasn’t working like it should, it might not have been your imagination.

That’s because the Earth was rocked with a Level 4 geomatic storm Sunday afternoon around 1:30 (EST), according to the US’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). That’s one lower than a Level 5 which can cause mass communication outages...

By Monday morning NOAA said the initial effects of the storm were winding down but warned there could be more on the way.

According to the agency the charged particles... reached Earth in about two days. The storm arrived earlier and was stronger than expected, it said in a statement...

Auroral displays — aka the Northern Lights — were visible in places like Honolulu and Cuba. The flare, which lasted about 17 minutes, was so bright that birds reportedly started chirping in anticipation of sunrise.

25th April 2023, 05:33 AM
So you're suggesting that I should wear a tinfoil hat or possibly one made of MU metal.

26th April 2023, 09:18 AM
So you're suggesting that I should wear a tinfoil hat or possibly one made of MU metal.

Normally no, but then that suggestion supposition imposition.

So I'll ask first before I give you specifically an answer, are you still wearing N95 or cloth masks for protection from respiratory viruses?

27th April 2023, 05:17 AM

Normally no, but then that suggestion supposition imposition.

So I'll ask first before I give you specifically an answer, are you still wearing N95 or cloth masks for protection from respiratory viruses?

NO, except at the cancer clinic. It makes the other patients happy. Also, I think it's neat how Ponce is still posting long after he's dead. It give one hope for the afterlife.