View Full Version : My new toys......... : )

31st May 2011, 07:35 PM
Every night before going to bed I always check out this site http://www.dailysteals.com/ and two weeks ago they had a super deal.......four color tv cameras, one 17" monitor with a DVR recorder, remote control and 4 60' feet cords for the cameras PLUS free shipping.......about 45 lbs......so......Ponce being Ponce I bought 2 of them for $300.00...................... ;D ;D ;D...........let me tell you, I just got them in today and already tested both of them and installed all four cameras for one of them........THEY WORK GREATTTTTT, I can clearly see everything at 15' when the monitor is divided in four and 50' when using one frame for the full monitor.......with one set 40% of my property is covered and tomorrow the other set is going up in the back of the house, that's not counting the other 7 tv cameras and four monitors set up upstairs.........is so clear that I can even see the ants on the ground and the rain falling outside.

PS: Agnut also bought 2 of them, his should come in tomorrow.

PS of the PS: Many times they give away free stuff and all that you pay is shipping......evey Friday is free shipping.

31st May 2011, 08:16 PM
Why didn't you tell us right after you bought them? :redfc ;D

31st May 2011, 08:39 PM
Was this the deal?

31st May 2011, 09:00 PM
Osoab? they were gone in two hours........I believe that Agnut bought the las two.

Glass? yes, that was the one but after that they had it in the "Ice Monkey" (bottom of page) special for $150.00 and free shipping.

31st May 2011, 09:11 PM
how dare you buy something other than gold and silver! >:(

31st May 2011, 10:16 PM
ct? gold, silver and tp.......anything else is a luxury hehehehehehehee.

31st May 2011, 11:49 PM
I know rebel, is supposed to consume fifty watts each, so that both of them together would be like having a one hundred light bulb on all the time.......but they can also run from my solar hence the two twelve volts batteries with the converter.........in summer it would be for free.

The only thing that I don't like about them is the fan in the DVR or whatever it is, very noise.

7th trump
1st June 2011, 06:17 AM
I've installed many camera systems and I will tell you guys right now............................the four cameras are junk!
Not sure about the DVR or the monitor, but the camera's are junk. Last about a year maybe longer and then will start going bad or fail all together.
If you are going to spend any amount of money on a camera system I suggest the Pelco unidome cameras........anything Pelco thats not that old for that matter. Like this one on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/PELCO-DD5BC-SPECTRA-II-DOME-CAMERA-BB5A-PG-E-HOUSING-/110689335805?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c59939fd

This cameras is a Spectra II (second generation) but they work far better for the prices out there than the Spectra IV and Spectra III or any stationary camera. These will see in the dark with little light source (black/white for night viewing and color for day viewing version) pretty good and zooming in and out capability is at least a quarter mile if not more to see a license plate fairly decent.
I have two of these cameras already in use at my house and they zoom into the neighbors house quite well and in detail (he himself wanted to know what I could see and he has access to move that particular camera from his pc via IP network to watch his house and my north side of property)
I recommend this little remote to pan, tilt and zoom up to 99 camera's.................it works great just as it says it will. I just ordered another for my dad.

1st June 2011, 06:51 AM
The FCC/NSA has the ability to use ANY device you have in or around your home. Wireless or wired.

This is one of the main reasons i have not gotten a security setup like Ponce posted. Think about it, cheap cameras and recorders installed in your home. All devices that Big Bro has the ultimate control of.

The Government couldnt be happier.

1st June 2011, 07:09 AM
i think it's a good idea to have multiple hidden cameras on The Sign, so that people who vandalize it can be prosecuted and especially, interrogated to see if they are working for anybody else.

7th trump
1st June 2011, 07:28 AM
The FCC/NSA has the ability to use ANY device you have in or around your home. Wireless or wired.

This is one of the main reasons i have not gotten a security setup like Ponce posted. Think about it, cheap cameras and recorders installed in your home. All devices that Big Bro has the ultimate control of.

The Government couldnt be happier.

And dont forget the camera's can be used against them as well.
I'd rather have evidence in hand covering my ass than any bird in the bush and I dont care if its government or a thug burglar.

7th trump
1st June 2011, 07:32 AM
I know rebel, is supposed to consume fifty watts each, so that both of them together would be like having a one hundred light bulb on all the time.......but they can also run from my solar hence the two twelve volts batteries with the converter.........in summer it would be for free.

The only thing that I don't like about them is the fan in the DVR or whatever it is, very noise.

Thats a lot of power consumption Ponce. The Pelco unidomes require only 250ma at 24 vac to pan, tilt and zoom. Thats only 6 watts max consumption per camera. These camera's use much less when stationary (not moving).

7th trump
1st June 2011, 07:34 AM
The FCC/NSA has the ability to use ANY device you have in or around your home. Wireless or wired.

This is one of the main reasons i have not gotten a security setup like Ponce posted. Think about it, cheap cameras and recorders installed in your home. All devices that Big Bro has the ultimate control of.

The Government couldnt be happier.

They dont have ultimate control if the camera's are not known to anyone.

1st June 2011, 10:44 AM
All that I can say is that if they last for a year then $150.00 for the whole thing (including shipping) is a great deal.....I have two cameras pointing to my sign but what really counts it the alarm hiding behind it that will tell me of anyone there, is a driveway alarm that sends a signal to my bedside and all that I have to do is to turn on the spot light at them.....I have two boat spot lights (12 volts) that tilt and pans, I extended the wires from 8 feet to 100 feet and added a tv camera at the top of them...when ever one of my alarms goes off at night I can (from my bed) turn on my monitor and spot light and see what is going on (usually deers and racoons)..............Just ordered a tilt and pan camera, just want to see if it is any better than my set up.

Everything connected to my solar set up, working great and for free ;D

Last night one of my alarms went crazy and I finally got up and went outside to ched it out......a danm spider trying to make her home there.

2nd June 2011, 11:10 PM
I went to the original site that sells this item "netrome.net" and the original price was of $1,550 that came down to $999.00 and now is selling for $599.00.....and the cheapes that I could find on line is of $260.00 (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=netrome+tetragon&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1001&bih=473&wrapid=tlif130706724429610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5221002854912957060&sa=X&ei=nG3oTaHBGYK-sAO6ppWIDg&ved=0CEEQ8wIwAg#0 so the $150.00 that I paid for each (including shipping) is a bargain.

Today I place two of them outside on the roof and the LED's that provides the night light works more like a spot light up to about 75 feet.......I made a drawing of my property and to see everything around my home will take only 6 of them so that the other two will be used behind the property.....I can only hope that they are water proof :conf: ........I think that I'll build a little something to put over them.

The only thing that I don't like about them is the cooling fan in the DVR it makes so much noise that is hard to hear anything outside......I think that I'll try to put in another one.

This is Ponce reporting for "Radio Free Cuba"........ :P

2nd June 2011, 11:49 PM
We bought a video camera. Full colour, and you can control/move it including changing the speed of travel with a mouse on the screen. It can focus sharply on a blade of grass, or zoom out to the distant mountains in incredible detail. It works at night in B&W, and can be programmed to follow movement. It can turn in circles and can look up to horizontal or fully down (It is meant to be mounted up high). Heated and fan cooled enclosure depending on the weather. Cost about $3k. You do have to pay for quality....