View Full Version : I know there is a sub forum for this question but

still afloat
1st June 2011, 09:41 AM
but there is little activity there so brought it here where more would actually see it.
Ok , what do you do when you set out pepper , tomato plants .etc and the new plants only last for a few hours if that long .
No they arent dieing they are being attacked , cut off even with the ground and stolen by birds .
Set out 20 plants yesterday and by last night there were only 5 left , of those 5, 2 have been stripped of their leafs this morning. They are not bothering the rows where seeds are planted.Just the newly planted , plants.
What , short of 24 / 7 guarding of the garden with .22 subsonics and hoping they hit no rocks what can be done to stop this , almost out of resources to replace the plants already .These birds are not scared of anything it appears , sure they fly off for maybe 2 min if you go near the garden or the dog chases them but now they are getting smart and as the dog chases off some , otheres are already landing .
Tried hanging shiny things up last year , no effect on them .
Help , I'd rather have a tomato on my burger than a Robbin , mostly its the Robbins that are doing it ,

1st June 2011, 09:46 AM
We had 5 new budding blueberry bushes devoured of all leaves earlier too. Think the bunnies got them, but they left the stalks intact.

We fenced them off w/ chicken wire type stuff, and hopefully they will rebud leaves. So that, along with netting on top of the cages would be my suggestion.

Good luck!

1st June 2011, 09:46 AM
Build a cage around it.

My garden beds have to be rabbit-proof. Not so much with birds, but you can just buy cheap strapping wood and some bulk rolls of wire mesh and whip together a fence.

I made mine sectional so I can remove any side or all sides, depending what I am working on.

1st June 2011, 09:52 AM
I take the 2' tall chicken wire cut about 12-18" long then bend it over at the middle. Use the chicken wire itself to tie the two ends together (I am cheap). Then I weave a post/stick through the wire to hold it in place for a week or two.

If you want a pic I can get you one later today.

still afloat
1st June 2011, 10:06 AM
its a 20 x 25 foot area with vine plants , cantaloupe , watermellon , cukes , .etc on the outside border of 3 sides , the one end open to access rows .
never any problems with rabbits or anything that cant fly over a 6 foot privacy fence , just these birds and only the last 2 years , before that no problems at all.
So the way ts laid out it would have to be a fence bigger than the garage beside it .
The garden area in total , is 30 x 60 with a 20 x 25 section in garden and then 30 x 30 in dwarf fruit trees and black berries lining the fences . have 6 fruit trees , 2 x pear , apple and cherry .
Big problem is neighbor is a bird nutt , yes they put in a 8foot wide window just so she can sit and watch the little birds all day, and has planted their entire yard in bird friendly / attracting plants and the otherside is in pine and ceder trees so they roost there snack at my garden and then go to the bird spa for the many pools and baths in front of the big window.

1st June 2011, 10:08 AM
Try hanging cd's or some aluminum foil strips.

Or get an outside cat. ;D

1st June 2011, 10:31 AM
Try hanging cd's or some aluminum foil strips.

Or get an outside cat. ;D

...and a pellet pistol.

1st June 2011, 10:49 AM
hang small cans of kero about the place....meant to keep birds away

still afloat
1st June 2011, 09:33 PM
hang small cans of kero about the place....meant to keep birds away

Something like a soup can with top cut off and bucket type handle attached to hang it with kero in it ?
Is it the smell or what that works?
A few between the rows , any suggested heights to hang them , how far apart ?

I tried the cds last year in the garden and around the pool ( the birds would take dry dog food from the neighbors dog pen , land on the side of the pool , dip the dry food in the water to soften it then fly off ).
Oh and they would sit and peck on the cds .

General of Darkness
1st June 2011, 09:48 PM
Build a cage around it.

My garden beds have to be rabbit-proof. Not so much with birds, but you can just buy cheap strapping wood and some bulk rolls of wire mesh and whip together a fence.

I made mine sectional so I can remove any side or all sides, depending what I am working on.

+1, chicken wire is your friend and easily molded to fit your needs.