View Full Version : 18 Signs That Life In U.S. Public Schools Is Now Essentially Equivalent To Life.

1st June 2011, 11:57 AM
18 Signs That Life In U.S. Public Schools Is Now Essentially Equivalent To Life In U.S. Prisons.

#1 Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has announced that school officials can search the cell phones and laptops of public school students if there are "reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school."

#2 It came out in court that one school district in Pennsylvania secretly recorded more than 66,000 images of students using webcams that were embedded in school-issued laptops that the students were using at home.

#3 If you can believe it, a "certified TSA official" was recently brought in to oversee student searches at the Santa Fe High School prom. (Ed. They actually backed off from this...for now)

#4 A few years ago a class of 3rd grade students at one Kentucky elementary school were searched by a group of teachers after 5 dollars went missing. During the search the students were actually required to remove their shoes and their socks.

#5 At one public school in the Chicago area, children have been banned from bringing their lunches from home. Yes, you read that correctly. Students at that particular school are absolutely prohibited from bringing lunches from home. Instead, it is mandatory that they eat the food that the school cafeteria serves.

#6 The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending huge amounts of money to install surveillance cameras in the cafeterias of public schools so that government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating.

#7 A teenager in suburban Dallas was recently forced to take on a part-time job after being ticketed for using bad language in one high school classroom. The original ticket was for $340, but additional fees have raised the total bill to $637.

#8 It is not just high school kids that are being ticketed by police. In Texas the crackdown extends all the way down to elementary school students. In fact, it has been reported that Texas police gave "1,000 tickets" to elementary school kids over a recent six year period.

#9 A few months ago, a 17 year-old honor student in North Carolina named Ashley Smithwick accidentally took her father's lunch with her to school. It contained a small paring knife which he would use to slice up apples. So what happened to this standout student when the school discovered this? The school suspended her for the rest of the year and the police charged her with a misdemeanor.

#10 A little over a year ago, a 6 year old girl in Florida was handcuffed and sent to a mental facility after throwing temper tantrums at her elementary school


1st June 2011, 12:04 PM

Been happing here for years in my part of Texas, drive by the high schools and you will see patrol cars, in the front parking lot.

School discipline has "Evolved" into Police discipline by juvenile court. :sarc:

6th June 2011, 07:29 AM
How about just 1 sign:

#10 - Free education for all children in Public Schools.

(Communist Manifesto, 10th Plank)

If somebody else is paying for your child's education, why do you think you should get a say in what they are taught?

Twisted Titan
6th June 2011, 08:07 AM
that is why there is a huge ground swell to homeschool kids as much as possible......keep those.parasites at bay for as long as possible

6th June 2011, 09:16 AM
that is why there is a huge ground swell to homeschool kids as much as possible......keep those.parasites at bay for as long as possible

that's what i was going to say - home-schooling is catching on.

6th June 2011, 02:49 PM
that is why there is a huge ground swell to homeschool kids as much as possible......keep those.parasites at bay for as long as possible

that's what i was going to say - home-schooling is catching on.

As long as you show the Government what you are teaching at home, home school is still ok.....FOR NOW.

I REALLY wish home births via midwife's would catch on as well.

Come to think of it, imagine making it through your life without Government help! Amazing! How did we get here without the Government babysitting us from cradle to grave?

6th June 2011, 02:59 PM
How did we get here without the Government babysitting us from cradle to grave?

If it wasn't for the Spanish magistrate funding Columbus, we would all still be European & forming some rudimentary weapon for a crusade.