View Full Version : Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed

1st June 2011, 01:43 PM

Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110601/wl_africa_afp/nigeriacrimechildtrafficking_20110601143218)

LAGOS (AFP) – Nigerian police have raided a home allegedly being used to force teenage girls to have babies that were then offered for sale for trafficking or other purposes, authorities said on Wednesday.
"We stormed the premises of the Cross Foundation in Aba three days ago following a report that pregnant girls aged between 15 and 17 are being made to make babies for the proprietor," said Bala Hassan, police commissioner for Abia state in the country's southeast.

"We rescued 32 pregnant girls and arrested the proprietor who is undergoing interrogation over allegations that he normally sells the babies to people who may use them for rituals or other purposes."
Some of the girls told police they had been offered to sell their babies for between 25,000 and 30,000 naira (192 dollars) depending on the sex of the baby.

The babies would then be sold to buyers for anything from 300,000 naira to one million naira (1,920 and 6,400 dollars) each, according to a state agency fighting human trafficking in Nigeria, the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP).

The girls were expected to be transferred to the regional NAPTIP offices in Enugu on Wednesday, the regional head Ijeoma Okoronkwo told AFP.

Hassan said the owner of the "illegal baby factory" is likely to face child abuse and human trafficking charges. Buying or selling of babies is illegal in Nigeria and can carry a 14-year jail term.

"We have so many cases going on in court right now," said Okoronkwo.

In 2008, police raids revealed an alleged network of such clinics, dubbed baby "farms" or "factories" in the local press.

Cases of child abuse and people trafficking are common in West Africa. Some children are bought from their families to for use as labour in plantations, mines, factories or as domestic help.

Others are sold into prostitution while a few are either killed or tortured in black magic rituals. NAPTIP says it has also seen a trend of illegal adoption.

"There is a problem of illict adoption and people not knowing the right way to adopt children," said Okoronkwo.

Human trafficking is ranked the third most common crime after economic fraud and drug trafficking in the country, according to UNESCO.

1st June 2011, 01:59 PM
This world is just plain SICK!!! :redfc

midnight rambler
1st June 2011, 02:01 PM
This world is just plain SICK!!! :redfc

"Be the change you want to see in the world." --Gandhi


1st June 2011, 02:03 PM
This world is just plain SICK FUCKING SATANIC!!! :redfc


midnight rambler
1st June 2011, 02:09 PM
This world is just plain SICK fuckING SATANIC!!! :redfc


The world is what you make it. There are dark forces which have as a goal tricking you into thinking you're powerless. In your own little corner of the world you are anything but powerless.

"Occupy until I come." --Luke 19:13

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." --Ephesians 5:11

Those sound like commands to me, not merely advice nor suggestions.

1st June 2011, 02:17 PM
The world is not what "I" make it at all.

midnight rambler
1st June 2011, 02:21 PM
The world is not what "I" make it at all.

You have no faith in God's plan??

1st June 2011, 02:25 PM
Bullshit! The dude will only face maybe 14 years in prison, he was running a human breeding farm and the kids sold for rituals (killed) or into slavery.

There is only one sentence suitable for ass licks like him and people that prey on kids and that is DEATH!
Very slow , very painful and very public!


1st June 2011, 03:39 PM
i wonder if the Talmud worshippers were using the fetuses for stem cell research.

1st June 2011, 07:31 PM
i wonder if the Talmud worshippers were using the fetuses for stem cell research.

Not sure if they wanted to wait 14 years for a good set of kidneys or not...

7th trump
1st June 2011, 07:51 PM
The whole slave thing was started by blacks who would kidnap surrounding villages and sell the slaves to the white man.

And a black man from Africa working here in the states told me this as he explained pictures of the town where he grew up. It was a port town built just for exporting their own kind as slaves

silver solution
1st June 2011, 08:51 PM
The whole slave thing was started by blacks who would kidnap surrounding villages and sell the slaves to the white man.

And a black man from Africa working here in the states told me this as he explained pictures of the town where he grew up. It was a port town built just for exporting their own kind as slaves

Could not have sold their brothers for slaves with out the Jews and their ships.

I bet they were not really white men.

1st June 2011, 08:57 PM


We know who allows evil to thrive.

1st June 2011, 10:34 PM
There is only one sentence suitable for ass licks like him and people that prey on kids and that is DEATH!
Very slow , very painful and very public!


I like your opinion, and agree. When it comes to kids, folks, we need to protect them at all costs.

That means a harsh, very harsh punishment on the bastards that harm and exploit them. I say string them up, let God sort them out.

2nd June 2011, 07:43 AM
The whole slave thing was started by blacks who would kidnap surrounding villages and sell the slaves to the white man.

And a black man from Africa working here in the states told me this as he explained pictures of the town where he grew up. It was a port town built just for exporting their own kind as slaves

Could not have sold their brothers for slaves with out the Jews and their ships.

I bet they were not really white men.

Christianity did a lot to combat the slave trade in the past 2-300 years. Before that, it is a giant mess where every culture used slaves.

Islam and the Arabs in general are not discussed much in Western circles for the role they played in enslaving European whites, African blacks and even fellow black muslims.

Without Islam, the Jew owned slave ships bound for the New World would have never taken place.

Hammurabi even talked of slavery being embedded in the culture during his time, meaning it didn't start with the "cradle of civilization" in Ancient Mesopotamia (est. 2000-1800 BC), it has much older history.

2nd June 2011, 07:55 AM
The whole slave thing was started by blacks who would kidnap surrounding villages and sell the slaves to the white man.

And a black man from Africa working here in the states told me this as he explained pictures of the town where he grew up. It was a port town built just for exporting their own kind as slaves

Could not have sold their brothers for slaves with out the Jews and their ships.

I bet they were not really white men.

Christianity did a lot to combat the slave trade in the past 2-300 years. Before that, it is a giant mess where every culture used slaves.

Islam and the Arabs in general are not discussed much in Western circles for the role they played in enslaving European whites, African blacks and even fellow black muslims.

Without Islam, the Jew owned slave ships bound for the New World would have never taken place.

Hammurabi even talked of slavery being embedded in the culture during his time, meaning it didn't start with the "cradle of civilization" in Ancient Mesopotamia (est. 2000-1800 BC), it has much older history.

The bible endorses slavery.

Basically "if you are a slave, be a good slave".

Slavery is actually kind of a big thing in christianity.

Celtic Rogue
2nd June 2011, 08:21 AM
Slavery is much more than an African thing. The Romans routinely made slaves of the people they had conquered. They considered it compassionate to spare their lives instead of killing them. Many people of ALL colors have bought and sold people into slavery.

7th trump
2nd June 2011, 08:22 AM
The whole slave thing was started by blacks who would kidnap surrounding villages and sell the slaves to the white man.

And a black man from Africa working here in the states told me this as he explained pictures of the town where he grew up. It was a port town built just for exporting their own kind as slaves

Could not have sold their brothers for slaves with out the Jews and their ships.

I bet they were not really white men.

Christianity did a lot to combat the slave trade in the past 2-300 years. Before that, it is a giant mess where every culture used slaves.

Islam and the Arabs in general are not discussed much in Western circles for the role they played in enslaving European whites, African blacks and even fellow black muslims.

Without Islam, the Jew owned slave ships bound for the New World would have never taken place.

Hammurabi even talked of slavery being embedded in the culture during his time, meaning it didn't start with the "cradle of civilization" in Ancient Mesopotamia (est. 2000-1800 BC), it has much older history.

The bible endorses slavery.

Basically "if you are a slave, be a good slave".

Slavery is actually kind of a big thing in christianity.

Yes you can become endentured if you elect to, but kidnapping is punishable by death. And kidnapping is what these africans did to their own kind and then want to keep blaming the white man generations after who have never owned anybody.
I have on several occasions called niggers "nigger" who are trying to get a free cig or a drink out of a working white guy after they say whitey owes it to them.
They get the picture and leave.
Had a few thrown out of places for acting like freeloading niggers. They get a chioce of being called a "black man" or a "nigger"...............totally up to them to decide and like usual after some shouting they leave.
Oh they know!

2nd June 2011, 11:04 AM
Not to rain on anyones anger parade but this is just one microscopic fraction of the attrocities that occur on the African continent on a daily basis.

In the short time I was there I had witnessed enough genocide, rape, murder, brutality and slavery to last 1000 lifetimes.

The horiffic part it the UN is the cause of about 70% of it. Take all the movies you have seen on the horrors of modern Africa and multiply it by about 100.

If their is a all merecifull god there can be no explanation for Africa.

If the UN really wanted to fix it they should give the entire continent lock stock and barrel to China and let them settle it. that would fix about 70% of the planets problems in about 10 years.

Watch VBS vice guide to Liberia and that is curerently one of the "good" areas. the bad areas they would have ben killed in about an hour after arrival.


2nd June 2011, 11:40 AM
This sucks. Who am I gonna buy a Nigerian baby from now?

And please don't suggest a Kenyan baby. They're just not the same.

2nd June 2011, 12:08 PM
This sucks. Who am I gonna buy a Nigerian baby from now?

And please don't suggest a Kenyan baby. They're just not the same.

I hear Jamaican babies come with a complimentary voodoo doll and a live chicken.

silver solution
2nd June 2011, 10:08 PM
The whole slave thing was started by blacks who would kidnap surrounding villages and sell the slaves to the white man.

And a black man from Africa working here in the states told me this as he explained pictures of the town where he grew up. It was a port town built just for exporting their own kind as slaves

Could not have sold their brothers for slaves with out the Jews and their ships.

I bet they were not really white men.

Christianity did a lot to combat the slave trade in the past 2-300 years. Before that, it is a giant mess where every culture used slaves.

Islam and the Arabs in general are not discussed much in Western circles for the role they played in enslaving European whites, African blacks and even fellow black muslims.

Without Islam, the Jew owned slave ships bound for the New World would have never taken place.

Hammurabi even talked of slavery being embedded in the culture during his time, meaning it didn't start with the "cradle of civilization" in Ancient Mesopotamia (est. 2000-1800 BC), it has much older history.

Seems the so called Christians went against God and look at the mess we have today.

Now these so called Christians toss them in jail for decades many for no crime in Gods eyes.

I would love to have a couple slaves maybe more.

2nd June 2011, 10:40 PM
I hear Jamaican babies come with a complimentary voodoo doll and a live chicken.

With any luck they'll grow up to be sexually assaulted by some evil jewish banker...

3rd June 2011, 07:11 PM
I hear Jamaican babies come with a complimentary voodoo doll and a live chicken.

With any luck they'll grow up to be sexually assaulted by some evil jewish banker...

See? This is why Nigerian babies are so much more desirable. Plus every Nigerian is born with a
multi-million dollar bank account in the name of a relative of yours.