View Full Version : Tornado outbreak in Massachusetts

1st June 2011, 06:04 PM
Very unusual for these parts. Several confirmed on the ground throughout the state, with more severe thunderstorms continuing to develop. Massachusetts has declared a state of emergency.

1st June 2011, 06:34 PM
several updates here Sparky: http://www.breakingnews.com/

stay safe!

Twisted Titan
2nd June 2011, 07:09 AM
tornado in massachusetts sounds like snowfall in florida very strange indeed......is HAARP Working overtime?

Camp Bassfish
2nd June 2011, 10:13 AM
Way too close to home for the fisherman. Seems like every 10 years or so this happens. Although I know for a fact that we had one cross the Hudson river 2 years ago. The path is clear...no structures involved, so very little fanfare.

3rd June 2011, 05:22 PM
Mother gave own life during twister to save daughter
The West Springfield mother who sacrificed her own life to save her 15-year-old daughter from a tornado’s wrath was recalled by her broken-hearted husband last night as a “beautiful” woman who died a swift, terrifying and heroic death.

“I don’t think there are any words in this world to describe her,” said Juan Guerrero, 46, through tears as he struggled for words to memorialize his beloved wife, Angelica.

Angie cried out “Ibone” and ran to their bedroom, where she carried their youngest child to the bathroom, put her in the tub and covered her with her own body.

“I couldn’t run that fast,” Guerrero said. “When everything came down on top of us, she was with my daughter, covering her body with her body. Everything fell on top of her. She only screamed once. I knew she was gone. She wasn’t here anymore. My heart doesn’t lie to me. It was a quick death.”

After the disaster, Guerrero said, he pulled himself out of the rubble, made his way to his wife and daughter and began digging them out.

He told his daughter not to panic, to stay strong and to breathe slowly. All the while, the trapped teen cried for her “daddy” to help and told him, “Mom is here with me but she’s not moving, she’s not talking.”

It took rescue workers a few hours to free the pair.

“They found the body of my wife,” he said, “protecting my daughter.”
http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/20110603i_knew_she_was_gone_wife_gave_own_life_dur ing_twister_to_save_daughter/srvc=home&position=0

4th June 2011, 05:17 AM
I live in Monson and own a business that was 200 yds south of total destruction. For whatever is good with humanity all you need to do is to witness the support and well wishes of the Monson community and the surrounding communities towards those who have been affected. It is both heartbreaking to witness the destruction and heartwarming to see the response.

4th June 2011, 07:48 AM
tornado in massachusetts sounds like snowfall in florida very strange indeed......is HAARP Working overtime?

The Gulf Stream stopped. You can thank BP for that one.