View Full Version : Religion Poll - What do you believe in?
1st June 2011, 06:48 PM
I would post this in the "Religious" section, but a lot of non-believers and believers in unusual religions tend to avoid that section or rarely visit there.
A little note regarding word meanings:
I've used "Agnosticism" in the sense that most people are aware of it - as in "not knowing if God exists or not, or what form(s) he/she might take". STRICTLY speaking, Agnosticism says that you CANNOT know if God exists, that is the original meaning assigned to it by the inventor of the word - but almost nobody uses the word in that sense, so I put the "don't know" meaning most people are familiar with in the poll.
As for "Atheism", there are technically TWO varieties of Atheism Those are "soft Atheism", where a person does not BELIEVE in a deity, but also does not believe that there ISN'T a deity... this variety of Atheism is close to what most people think of as Agnosticism. "hard Atheism" is the active belief that there IS NO DEITY, that is the sense I meant it for the poll.
EDIT: One more thing... let's keep it CIVIL, folks. Take your sermons and arguments to the Religious section, there are plenty of those threads already going on over there.
1st June 2011, 06:58 PM
Went several routs over the years, and the question's that I never could find an answer , is why have so many people been killed in the world in the name of religion. Why all the hate for those that do not believe as one group does and another does not. And Which one is right? I do believe that there is a supreme creator. I just can not figure of all of the worlds religions that one is right and the rest of them are wrong.
I lean very strongly to "Deism".
po boy
1st June 2011, 07:12 PM
I checked other as I believe in staying away from religion, I still believe in a creator just not religion.
1st June 2011, 07:12 PM
Christians built The West.
The war is on European Western Christian Peoples.
Some of the greatest European builders and defenders that mattered were highly Christian.
Pick a side.
I am not religious but recognize some history that matters, being Patriotic,
honoring your fathers literally, if you can't do that you won't be free. They
fought for our freedom successfully.
1st June 2011, 07:17 PM
This nosy poll actually DOES belong in our Religion and Philosophy section.
1st June 2011, 07:19 PM
Some of the greatest European builders and defenders that mattered were highly Christian.
Pick a side.
I personally will pick the "side" of the truth... I will respect and admire Christians and Christianity for the good things they've accomplished, and I will condemn it for the bad it has caused. No religion is "Pure" in the eyes of history, they have pretty much ALL engaged in atrocities and horrors in the name of "God" at one time or another. Like you, MAGNES, I also recognize the grand accomplishments of Christianity toward the creation and maintenance of Western civilization.
1st June 2011, 07:22 PM
This nosy poll actually DOES belong in our Religion and Philosophy section.
In YOUR opinion. I've stated my reason for putting it HERE - and stand by that. As for the "nosy" jab - that's a bunch of BS and you KNOW it. Nobody has to identify how they voted... that's ENTIRELY voluntary if you want to get into it with a post.
1st June 2011, 07:27 PM
You hear that our founding fathers were Christian, when in fact most if not all were not! Most believed in Deism.
One example is here (
1st June 2011, 07:36 PM
You forgot " the earth is my mother". ;D ;D
1st June 2011, 07:45 PM
TRUTH takes no sides and isnt reliant on history either.
Gnostic views seem to based on experience an insight.
Which kinda rules out religion and beliefs as they would get in the way(preconcieved ideas).
The world if it is going to transform must go from the world of ideas and beliefs to one of awareness,insight on a personal level .
Great to have a religion but have they worked....obviously not ,just look out the window at the world today.Infact many have become corrupted.Although in many places they appear to be the glue that holds it all together if based on half truths ,myths or lies they are but a facade.
Truth has no need of worshippers or beliefs for it exsists in its own right and to see the truth may also mean seeing the truth in all things. (religion included here)
1st June 2011, 07:46 PM
I know that we came from somewhere.......let it be from a bug in the rug or created by the "Martians" ...........what someone called "The Creator" I called "The Force".
1st June 2011, 07:59 PM
Only two atheists. Hrrmm I wonder who? ;D
BTW, who registered as a Jew? ???
1st June 2011, 08:15 PM
I don't know what to believe, Being brainwashed in the Assembly of God....
I like to pick parts and pieces from different religions, I like the idea of heaven, I don't believe in Hell or Limbo and I like the idea of reincarnation too, coming back until you have learned the lessons you are meant to.
Maybe it is all a bunch of bull and there is nothing when you die? I bet this one is right.
1st June 2011, 08:16 PM
Nobody has to identify how they voted... that's ENTIRELY voluntary if you want to get into it with a post.
:oo--> Can't wait for JQP to accept your gracious offer to defend his Roman Catholic Church here in the General Discussion section after you posted this:
No religion is "Pure" in the eyes of history, they have pretty much ALL engaged in atrocities and horrors in the name of "God" at one time or another.
Why would any Believer feel comfortable sharing anything in this thread now? Why not allow them to debate their interpretations of Scripture in our Religion and Philosophy section without being attacked by the Non-Believers here?
:dunno they don't hurt anybody
1st June 2011, 08:17 PM
BTW, who registered as a Jew? ???
1st June 2011, 08:30 PM
I voted for "Christianity" although the modern Churches are a far cry from the Church of Philadelphia that John wrote to in the book of Revelation. Even in those days, John addressed Seven Churches and only ONE of them was without fault: Philadelphia.
1st June 2011, 08:33 PM
I voted other and I notice there is an important missing category.
I believe in MYSELF. That is pretty much what gnosis is, development of self-knowledge. I think that this is what we are here to develop and perfect through many lifetimes of experience. This is expressed in Gnostic teaching and in parts of the Hindu teaching as well.
1st June 2011, 09:05 PM
I voted other and I notice there is an important missing category.
I believe in MYSELF. That is pretty much what gnosis is, development of self-knowledge. I think that this is what we are here to develop and perfect through many lifetimes of experience. This is expressed in Gnostic teaching and in parts of the Hindu teaching as well.
Your description of it may not be the best, but the thing you're describing was indeed missing from the poll.
My question to Gaillo - what sparked you to make this poll? (aside from today being the new moon :)) Are you interested in what people believe and why for your own personal reasons or are you interested in global forum demographics for non-personal reasons?
1st June 2011, 09:31 PM
Believing in "The Forse" doesn't mean you or I have a religion.....after all, religion was made by man for man and not by "The Force" for man.
1st June 2011, 09:33 PM
I personally will pick the "side" of the truth.
Plato is good. ;)
No religion is "Pure" in the eyes of history, they have pretty much ALL engaged in atrocities and horrors in the name of "God" at one time or another.
Why would any Believer feel comfortable sharing anything in this thread now? Why not allow them to debate their interpretations of Scripture in our Religion and Philosophy section without being attacked by the Non-Believers here?
Book, these posts are harmless and I agree with Gaillo, I myself was never a fan of Catholics and the Pope for one,
people are corrupt and run these organizations, even in the 20th Century, I think Gaillo speaks to history here, not
religious or scripture. Even the Christians are divided, we need unity or else we won't exist. The recent Pope reached
out and looked promising but ... The only thing I would disagree with Gaillo on this is comparing the 3 main ones in conflict,
the Jews and Muslims play for keeps, no checks on them when they compete with the Christians, meanwhile the Christians
fight/kill themselves even in the 20th century as they are attacked.
I voted for "Christianity" although the modern Churches are a far cry from the Church of Philadelphia that John wrote to in the book of Revelation. Even in those days, John addressed Seven Churches and only ONE of them was without fault: Philadelphia.
I voted for Jesus and our Western Forefathers. See my avatar. ;D
1st June 2011, 10:24 PM
My question to Gaillo - what sparked you to make this poll? (aside from today being the new moon :)) Are you interested in what people believe and why for your own personal reasons or are you interested in global forum demographics for non-personal reasons?
My reason for posting the poll is pure curiosity... there have been a number of interesting threads lately in the Religious and Philosophy section, with many posts by non-believers and non-mainstream-religious people. I started to wonder earlier today just what the religious breakdown of this forum is - if you asked me to make a guess, I would have guessed probably 85-90% Christian, with 4 or 5 Atheists and a tiny smattering of Buddhists, Jews, Pagans, and maybe an agnostic or two! I'm actually quite surprised right now at how the poll is turning out - I had NO idea there were so many non-Christians on the forum!
1st June 2011, 10:35 PM
One of my theories, which happens to coincide with string theory several years before I ever heard about string theory, is that everything we can witness is all one giant field of plasma.
When you zoom out enough on super clusters of galaxies, and animate a time slice through them, it looks exactly like a plasma field. Cold dark matter simulations also resemble a giant coagulating "boiling" plasma field.
All you need is the substance itself (hydrogen the simplest most abundant bit of matter rotating around another) , and it all combines and auto ignites under gravitational attraction.
This video is what super clusters of galaxies look like when animated on a time scale that is relative enough to grasp the concept of how they move through time and space:
Cold dark matter combining, to create stars, those stars going supernova, super dense cores (black holes) being left behind to attract matter which strips all matter back down into back into base elements, only to recombine, over and over.
Plasma streams form a double helix in time and space, same as our DNA.
We are just a a vibrating field of energy loosely assembled nothing ever really touching anything.
Time is not really an equation the human mind can comprehend. Seeing as we know infinity to be true, energy is never destroyed, anything can combine to create infinite configurations over time.
A billion years for us relative to a super cluster of galaxies is mere fractions of a second or less, and is far less, the larger out you go. All of this on earth (our entire galaxy in fact) is a tiny spark, a tiny little blip that took all of a billionth of a second on a larger scale.
I don't think intelligent design is a conclusion by any means.
General of Darkness
1st June 2011, 10:36 PM
I personally believe that all organized religions pretty much suck.
1st June 2011, 10:45 PM
Nobody has to identify how they voted... that's ENTIRELY voluntary if you want to get into it with a post.
:oo--> Can't wait for JQP to accept your gracious offer to defend his Roman Catholic Church here in the General Discussion section after you posted this:
No religion is "Pure" in the eyes of history, they have pretty much ALL engaged in atrocities and horrors in the name of "God" at one time or another.
Why would any Believer feel comfortable sharing anything in this thread now? Why not allow them to debate their interpretations of Scripture in our Religion and Philosophy section without being attacked by the Non-Believers here?
:dunno they don't hurt anybody
You seem quite comfortable twisting my meanings and words around to suit your agenda... I know you don't like me, I don't care much for you either. No big secrets or surprises.
I have, and WILL CONTINUE to defend JQP's Catholicism, as I would defend ANY MAN'S RIGHT to believe WHATEVER HE WANTS TO... so long as his/her beliefs do not harm me or interfere with MY right to believe (or not believe) in my own way. JQP knows that I am an Atheist, he knew it before appointing me to this moderator position. It has never interfered with any business we have with each other - I don't attack him for his beliefs, and he doesn't attack me for my lack of them.
My hope when posting this poll was that we could all get some kind of idea what the religous mix of this forum actually is, with some margin for error and maybe some room for intelligent discussion. I was hoping this thread wouldn't degenerate into another Christian vs. non-Christian "God exists" "prove it" "you're going to hell" kind of thread - we have plenty of those in the Religious section already. As for your statement that believers won't feel "comfortable" in this thread, WTH are you talking about? There has been no "chilling" factor or religious attacks going on in this thread - people are free to post pretty much what they want here, all that I asked is that they keep it CIVIL - which is expected pretty much everywhere on this forum except Thunderdome.
So, Book, exactly WHAT is your problem with this poll/thread? Or is it just a problem with me? You think it's too "nosy" to ask people to anonymously check a box, and post about their beliefs if they feel like it, or not they're not comfortable with it? You think that ANYTHING to do with religious should be found ONLY in the religous section? I'd be moving over half the threads on this forum there if that were the case!
1st June 2011, 11:08 PM
I think Book is a little sensitive about discussing or perhaps reflecting on his own personal beliefs and philosophies, so this is one topic he likes to see contained in the subforum.
1st June 2011, 11:38 PM
I was hoping this thread wouldn't degenerate into another Christian vs. non-Christian "God exists" "prove it" "you're going to hell" kind of thread - we have plenty of those in the Religious section already.
Yeah...posting this in the General Discussion section will bring Peace and Love and Understanding between the believers and non-believers who otherwise "degenerate" in the Religion & Philosophy section here.
1st June 2011, 11:48 PM
I think Book is a little sensitive about discussing or perhaps reflecting on his own personal beliefs and philosophies, so this is one topic he likes to see contained in the subforum.
...I'm kind of surprised he is in this thread debating people here because the body of literature usually discussing these things, from what I've read, usually says its kind of pointless to spend energy arguing with people like this. And the idea of "converting" people doesn't really make sense in this context.
I could go into much detailed discussion about these ideas, if someone shows an interest, but if not I'm perfectly happy to keep it to myself...
2nd June 2011, 12:16 AM
Believing in "The Forse" doesn't mean you or I have a religion.....after all, religion was made by man for man and not by "The Force" for man.
May the FORCE be with you Ponce ,
as oppossed to the FARCE we all live under.
2nd June 2011, 12:17 AM
What I believe in:
Hands in prayer
are not as strong as
hands that help.
2nd June 2011, 12:19 AM
Thinking about it, if you were interested in conducting a ground sample study on African soil types, would you travel to Greenland?
Hmm, probably not.
2nd June 2011, 12:23 AM
Thinking about it, if you were interested in conducting a ground sample study on African soil types, would you travel to Greenland?
Hmm, probably not.
Indeed! I was interested in the religious breakdown of GS-US as a whole, not just the members here who spend a lot of their time in the "Religion and Philosophy" section. Since almost the entire membership spends at least some of their time in General Discussion, this seemed like the logical place to post the poll.
2nd June 2011, 05:06 AM
There's nothing wrong just simply being curious, Gaillo.
2nd June 2011, 07:01 AM
BTW, who registered as a Jew?
I'd guess Antonio.
2nd June 2011, 08:12 AM
Thinking about it, if you were interested in conducting a ground sample study on African soil types, would you travel to Greenland?
Hmm, probably not.
Indeed! I was interested in the religious breakdown of GS-US as a whole, not just the members here who spend a lot of their time in the "Religion and Philosophy" section. Since almost the entire membership spends at least some of their time in General Discussion, this seemed like the logical place to post the poll.
I suppose if I wanted to check out some scripture I would head over to the religious section. As far as polls go, that's the equivalent of a Fox news caliber poll.
Religion stops people from questioning things that really need to be questioned, and reflected upon, if mankind is to evolve beyond the tired old traditions of the past, and actually learn something above what is already known.
In my opinion that is a really bad thing. Stop thikning, and asking questions! Here eat this, and feel punished you sinner! :oo-->
2nd June 2011, 09:07 AM
Whlle Pagan is not as obviously Abrahamic propaganda as Heathen, it still is. I object to your Abrahamic goy labeling Gaillo even though I have just recently left the city. ;D
Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic") is a blanket term, typically used to refer to polytheistic religious traditions....
The adoption of paganus by Latin Christians as an all-embracing, pejorative term for polytheists represents an unforeseen and singularly long-lasting victory, within a religious group, of a word of Latin slang originally devoid of religious meaning. The evolution occurred only in the Latin west, and in connection with the Latin church. Elsewhere, "Hellene" or "gentile" (ethnikos) remained the word for "pagan"; and paganos continued as a purely secular term, with overtones of the inferior and the commonplace.
For these reasons, ethnologists avoid the term "paganism," with its uncertain and varied meanings, in referring to traditional or historic faiths, preferring more precise categories such as polytheism, shamanism, pantheism, or animism.
How about a non-psychopathic or non-sociopathic logical option for the poll other than unempowering non-commitment? 8)
Pantheism is the view that the Universe (Nature) and God are identical. Pantheists thus do not believe in a personal, anthropomorphic god or a creator god in the sense of a deity who crafts the universe, but in a deity-which-is-all. The word derives from the Ancient Greek: πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and θεός (theos) meaning "God". As such, Pantheism denotes the idea that "God" is best seen as a way of relating to the Universe. Although there are divergences within Pantheism, the central ideas found in almost all versions are the Cosmos as an all-encompassing unity and the sacredness of Nature.
Dualist Physicalist Pantheism then I guess. Much like the original founders of Jerusalem before ignorance and corruption degraded them into Abrahamic Masonic.
;D Meet my gods:
"Once at Jerusalem, it seems to have lost its unique value as the token of Yahweh's presence; its importance was apparently merged with that of the Temple which Solomon built. The foundation of the capital would pave the way for the belief that the national god had taken a permanent dwelling place in the royal seat. The prophets themselves lay no weight upon the ark as the central point of Jerusalem's holiness.
2nd June 2011, 10:34 AM
I switched from Buddhism to Agnosticism (& Yoga).
2nd June 2011, 11:40 AM
I'm middleways between gnostic and agnostic.
2nd June 2011, 11:59 AM
Atheist. No flying spaghetti monster for me. Why is it so hard for people to just simply live, on their own, doing the best they can with what they have, with no magical outside force directing things, or even just watching? Why is something more required, especially something that relies on magical thinking? Why do I have to have some unprovable and magical being on my side in order for things to work out, or not? Are people afraid of death? I really don't understand.
2nd June 2011, 12:13 PM
I'm middleways between gnostic and agnostic.
Semignostic? Gnostic lite? Don't really gnostic? ;D
2nd June 2011, 12:17 PM
I'm middleways between gnostic and agnostic.
Semignostic? Gnostic lite? Don't really gnostic? ;D
Theist, Maybe?
2nd June 2011, 06:14 PM
I was born a snake handler and I'll die a snake handler.][/img]
7th June 2011, 12:03 AM
Bump for the drunks and vamps... we need your input too! ;)
7th June 2011, 12:12 AM
I'm practicing Titheknot.
7th June 2011, 12:21 AM
Atheist. No flying spaghetti monster for me. Why is it so hard for people to just simply live, on their own, doing the best they can with what they have, with no magical outside force directing things, or even just watching? Why is something more required, especially something that relies on magical thinking? Why do I have to have some unprovable and magical being on my side in order for things to work out, or not? Are people afraid of death? I really don't understand.
There are plenty of other things between either having a magical being or having nothing but what you can see and taste.
7th June 2011, 12:41 AM
Atheist. No flying spaghetti monster for me. Why is it so hard for people to just simply live, on their own, doing the best they can with what they have, with no magical outside force directing things, or even just watching? Why is something more required, especially something that relies on magical thinking? Why do I have to have some unprovable and magical being on my side in order for things to work out, or not? Are people afraid of death? I really don't understand.
There are plenty of other things between either having a magical being or having nothing but what you can see and taste.
All the Agnostics and Atheists even replying to this thread are closet Buddhists that don't know it yet. :)
7th June 2011, 12:45 AM
I'm middleways between gnostic and agnostic.
Semignostic? Gnostic lite? Don't really gnostic? ;D
I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I guess I could be best described as a pro-belief nonbeliever.
I've long known that religion was a tool for controlling people, and I used to think that was a bad thing. But now...
7th June 2011, 01:15 AM
I've long known that religion was a tool for controlling people, and I used to think that was a bad thing. But now...
But now... you think it might be a GOOD thing?
Wake up, man! >:(
7th June 2011, 01:20 AM
Mmm, yes, it's Jesus camp good...
gunny highway
7th June 2011, 02:50 PM
I believe in Myself!!! When i comes down to it, there is no one else in the world that is going to help you but you. Why waste your time deluding yourself with thoughts of omnipotent father figures in the sky?
7th June 2011, 02:57 PM
I'm middleways between gnostic and agnostic.
How many of you guys moonlight as preachers?
I've never seen so much bible quoting in my life.
Believe it or not, I'm an ordained minister.
And a Doctor of Divinity to boot!
7th June 2011, 03:09 PM
I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I guess I could be best described as a pro-belief nonbeliever.
I've long known that religion was a tool for controlling people, and I used to think that was a bad thing. But now...
Religion = Evil.
Believing in a Creator = Good
Simple, no?
7th June 2011, 04:34 PM
Mmm, yes, it's monkey-man camp good...
When religion borders on child abuse, and blatant brainwashing it's time to reconsider what's going on exactly.
7th June 2011, 05:21 PM
I believe cats are beautiful.
7th June 2011, 05:49 PM
7th June 2011, 06:12 PM
Just don't question anything you're told, because that would make you a sinner that is going to hell to suffer the most horrific fate imaginable forever and ever, and ever. could take the blue pill, and it's full on mega-awesome times a bazillion like the party of your life that never ends.
It's a tough decision for children to make.
7th June 2011, 06:30 PM
I'm middleways between gnostic and agnostic.
How many of you guys moonlight as preachers?
I've never seen so much bible quoting in my life.
Believe it or not, I'm an ordained minister.
And a Doctor of Divinity to boot!
I'm a lot closer to the Divine than I let on.
7th June 2011, 06:48 PM
Just don't question anything you're told, because that would make you a sinner that is going to hell to suffer the most horrific fate imaginable forever and ever, and ever. could take the blue pill, and it's full on mega-awesome times a bazillion like the party of your life that never ends.
It's a tough decision for children to make.
why did you insult 30% of gsus people?
if this thread about a poll - do the poll.
if you post insulting pictures - its only fair to expect us to return you the favor, monkey man
I did not start it.
you did, Mr. Comunist Bob.
I posted a video of a documentary that depicts realities taking place, then I think you started posting some goofy pictures.
On another note depicting realities of life on earth related to religious beliefs:
Jesus Camp Shuts Down Due to Negative Response
"The controversial Jesus Camp in the US has shut down after a documentary film which featured events of children praying in tongues and sobbing with repentance in the camp met with a negative response.
Camp director Becky Fischer commented to Christianity Today: "Christians go after me because of doctrinal issues, whereas the world is going after me because they think I'm another Adolf Hitler."
She added: "They're accusing me of raising a Christian jihad."
The documentary "Jesus Camp" was launched last September, featuring kids worshipping at Bible camps and youth events in the US.
But the film has caused a scare to some audiences for its raw depiction of white evangelical children being 'radically trained' to lay down their lives for the gospel.
Many condemned Fischer, accusing her of 'manipulating' or 'brainwashing' children.
The film features kids shouting out for forgiveness and sobbing over social issues such as abortion and war. "Air America" radio host Mike Papantonio is among many who disagree with the tactics used at the camp.
"I think when you look at what occurs in the camp, there is a use of guilt. There is a use of shame," Papantonio said. "That is not directed all at Becky. I mean, what is a 5-year-old capable in ways of sin? Maybe stealing an Oreo from a cookie jar."
Papantonio asked Fischer why children needed to be so emotional at such a young age.
"One repetitive theme is a child crying, a child laying out on the ground and crying. Well, what are they crying about?" he asked. "Why does a 5-year-old feel like it is necessary to cry about their spirituality?"
"I do not use guilt. I do not use shame or manipulation in those ways," Fischer said. "This is a very intense moment. These children are passionate about their faith in Jesus Christ. Most people don't really have much emotion going on in their religion at all."
Since the past decade and a half, enrolment at Christian colleges is up 70 per cent in the US. Sales of Christian music in the US are up 300 per cent. Tens of thousands of youth pastors have been trained.
Young people are the majority who are targeted through Christian music festivals, skateboard competitions and rodeos.
"I think there is a push right now in a lot of evangelical churches to definitely keep the teenagers and keep the children in the faith," said Heidi Ewing, co-director of "Jesus Camp". "And this is one version of that attempt."
Pick a flavor, and the methodology really doesn't change all that much. The recurring trend seems to target the young. Some may take no notice to that, some might.
7th June 2011, 07:43 PM
I posted a video of a documentary that depicts realities taking place, then I think you started posting some goofy pictures.
if you think 30% of Americans here are stupid; if you want to insult us with your goofy religion, then please come to our Religion section zoo, and post you Marxism-Leninism ideas there.
So far I see name calling and finger pointing from you where I have done neither.
I don't have a religion, so why would I go to a religion sub forum to post my interpretations, and ideas?
That would be slightly antagonistic given my interpretations on the whole issue no?
I have a hard time feeling you're upset at me because I'm going to hell.
I will admit you get bonus points for pointing out there will be no communists in heaven. :D
7th June 2011, 08:10 PM
Just don't question anything you're told, because that would make you a sinner that is going to hell to suffer the most horrific fate imaginable forever and ever, and ever. could take the blue pill, and it's full on mega-awesome times a bazillion like the party of your life that never ends.
It's a tough decision for children to make.
why did you insult 30% of gsus people?
if this thread about a poll - do the poll.
if you post insulting pictures - its only fair to expect us to return you the favor, monkey man
I did not start it.
you did, Mr. Comunist Bob.
YOU started with the pics and 3 part religious agenda postings - after I clearly expressed my desire for this thread that no preaching and sermons take place. Just returning the favor with a pic containing some good humor - something you seem to know NOTHING about when it comes to your "faith"! ::)
Chill out... or get out.
7th June 2011, 08:15 PM
I know it is not a religion per se, but I am disappointed Nihilism was not a choice.
NSFW clip from The Big Lebowski
7th June 2011, 08:23 PM
Aaaalighty then...
No ban, you haven't broken any forum rules (except for a few personal attacks on me, which I'll overlook because I'm just that kind of guy!) However, your blatant hijacking of this thread (MY thread!) is over. Feel the need to continue this? Take it to religion/philosophy ot Thunderdome. I'll meet you either place, for a good-old-fashion "debate", most likely devoid of logic and reason.
7th June 2011, 08:23 PM
Why would any Believer feel comfortable sharing anything in this thread now? Why not allow them to debate their interpretations of Scripture in our Religion and Philosophy section without being attacked by the Non-Believers here?
:dunno they don't hurt anybody
Just bumping this June 01 post to say "I told you so".
|--0--| lol
General of Darkness
7th June 2011, 08:25 PM
G2Rad, love ya buddy. I love your convictions. When it comes to religion it's always a can of worms arguement. I'm Catholic, I've seen the good, bad and ugly. Don't take things personal, because at the end of the day, religion or just spirituality should be personal. You make who you are, not other peoples opinions, neither for or against.
7th June 2011, 08:45 PM
I still think my dinosaur riding Jesus pic is epic, I mean shit, just look at the serious level of cool on his face. There's no debating it, dinosaur Jesus is da man.
Aside from the silliness of it, the whole dinosaur issue is a bit of a problem. That and the whole galaxies being hundreds of millions, and billions of light years away (aka hubble deep sky pic) v.s. the proposed thousands of years scenario.
It was around that point the game changed up for me. I wasn't always a heathen soulless minion destined for eternal damnation up to this point ;D
8th June 2011, 12:57 AM
I still think my dinosaur riding Jesus pic is epic, I mean shit, just look at the serious level of cool on his face. There's no debating it, dinosaur Jesus is da man.
Aside from the silliness of it, the whole dinosaur issue is a bit of a problem. That and the whole galaxies being hundreds of millions, and billions of light years away (aka hubble deep sky pic) v.s. the proposed thousands of years scenario.
It was around that point the game changed up for me. I wasn't always a heathen soulless minion destined for eternal damnation up to this point ;D
We are a quick Ctrl-alt-del from being here and being here and now...again.
8th June 2011, 01:37 AM
I still think my dinosaur riding Jesus pic is epic, I mean shit, just look at the serious level of cool on his face. There's no debating it, dinosaur Jesus is da man.
Aside from the silliness of it, the whole dinosaur issue is a bit of a problem. That and the whole galaxies being hundreds of millions, and billions of light years away (aka hubble deep sky pic) v.s. the proposed thousands of years scenario.
It was around that point the game changed up for me. I wasn't always a heathen soulless minion destined for eternal damnation up to this point ;D
We are a quick Ctrl-alt-del from being here and being here and now...again.
Probably the best post this thread will ever receive... though Dino-Jesus WAS pretty cool! ;D
8th June 2011, 01:58 AM
I know it is not a religion per se, but I am disappointed Nihilism was not a choice.
NSFW clip from The Big Lebowski
"We believe in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your chonson."
8th June 2011, 03:05 AM
That jesus camp video is like watching child abuse and not being able to do anything.
D sciple
8th June 2011, 05:38 AM
I think there should have been an ethnic Jew atheist category.
8th June 2011, 11:47 AM
I still think my dinosaur riding Jesus pic is epic, I mean shit, just look at the serious level of cool on his face. There's no debating it, dinosaur Jesus is da man.
Aside from the silliness of it, the whole dinosaur issue is a bit of a problem. That and the whole galaxies being hundreds of millions, and billions of light years away (aka hubble deep sky pic) v.s. the proposed thousands of years scenario.
It was around that point the game changed up for me. I wasn't always a heathen soulless minion destined for eternal damnation up to this point ;D
We are a quick Ctrl-alt-del from being here and being here and now...again.
<nods> Deep man....very deep.
8th June 2011, 12:57 PM
I know it is not a religion per se, but I am disappointed Nihilism was not a choice.
NSFW clip from The Big Lebowski
"We believe in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your chonson."
The Big Lebowski is a 1998 comedy film written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.
Joel and Ethan Coen, both of them with Jewish heritage,[3] grew up in a Jewish community in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis
8th June 2011, 01:08 PM
So who planted "We believe in nothing" in your little heads?
8th June 2011, 01:23 PM
So who planted "We believe in nothing" in your little heads?
I believe I've warned you three times now about sermonizing and hijacking this thread with your multi-post diatribes... and I've removed several of them (something I almost NEVER do as a mod...) yet you STILL fail to take my abundantly clear communication for its crystal clear meaning.
Take 3 days off to re-read the warnings, and THINK about it this time.
8th June 2011, 05:09 PM
My outlook on the world expanded immensely the moment I removed the religious limitations imposed on me by my over zealous parents from a young age. Taught never to question, just willingly accept, and never look outside the box. Circular thinking in repetitious circles was encouraged, and rewarded.
Proof positive is that I was able to memorize all the congregational responses, and songs without even trying. This was seen as good by others in the church. I saw it as stagnation from my perspective. As the years progressed, I increasingly looked around at all the older parishioners holding the books, heads down reading, and wondered, why are you still reading it? Don't you know the procedure yet? Look around at your surroundings, observe.
Technology has opened up a universe of learning, and discovery, something religion encouraged me away from.
Anyone else feel corralled into the one train of repetitious thought,? ...and why would anyone use perpetual fear, and guilt complexes to condition thinking patterns, and not question it?
This always bothered me as I got older. Hey look at this innocent kid, lets lay a mind trip on him.
I'm not convinced it's the best way to go about teaching anyone anything.
8th June 2011, 05:25 PM
"We believe in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your chonson."
And some here once thought that I was more dangerous than Ximmy.
:ROFL: she scares the hell out of me
8th June 2011, 05:48 PM
I believe,
I believe,
I believe,
8th June 2011, 06:35 PM
I have been sharing what I believe with you all for years. With any luck, I will continue to do so.
D sciple
10th June 2011, 12:59 AM
Hmm. The Religion and Philosophy sub(?) forum seems to be missing. Seemed to get a fair amount of traffic, wonder why?
10th June 2011, 11:00 AM
All the Agnostics and Atheists even replying to this thread are closet Buddhists that don't know it yet. :)
Come on guys, the grass is pretty green over here ^^ I voted Agnostic, but it's complicated.
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