View Full Version : 25 bucks for a traffic citation hearing in Massachusettes
2nd June 2011, 09:35 AM
A couple of weeks ago, a cop aka ARC (armed revenue collector) pulled me over and cited me for speeding as well as no inspection sticker. The funny thing is, I wasn't speeding, AND I had a valid current inspection sticker (I recently acquired this car and apparently Mass law says you have to get the car reinspected everytime there is a change in ownership). So of course I requested a hearing as these 'traffic violations' are not violations at all according to the very same law these cops claim to uphold So I requested a hearing. (no, I did not refuse for cause, I've tried that before and it doesn't work) I received the following letter from these criminals:
The Registry of Motor Vehicles has received your request for a civil motor vehicle infraction clerk magistrate hearing for the offenses noted below:
Court Filing Fee: $25, please pay this amount immediately.
Massachusettes General Laws (Chapter 131 of the Acts of 2010) states that any person requesting a hearing on a civil motor vehicle infraction must pay a $25 Court Filing Fee in order to schedule a hearing before a Court Magistrate.
blah blah blah telling me how to pay
Failure to comply with these instructions before 6/10/11 will result in you losing the opportunity for a hearing and you will have defaulted on this citation. If you default on this citation, the assessments noted on your copy of the citation plus late and release fees will become immediately due. In addition, your license or right to operate any motor vehicle within the Commonwealth of Massacusettes will now be eligible to be suspended.
Rachel Kaprielen, Registar
(me again) An extortion letter, plain and simple. Considering the fact that Massachusettes cops now routinely arrest people for the crimes of failing to hire a lawyer, videotaping police officers, not having enough money to pay their bills, etc... they should have no problem arresting Rachel Kaprielen for the crime of extortion. Right?
2nd June 2011, 09:47 AM
Corporations are for profit. You can check for the name of your court to find that it too is listed as a corporation.
But then like combines with like so if you want to request the assistance of a corporate court then you become a corporation yourself.
Just another benefit from volunteering to cooperate.
Baloney. I don't volunteer to cooperate, and I never did. I was coerced into obtaining license plate, driver's license, registration, etc. That means the contract was never valid in the first place. You are worse than a koolaid drinker, you are a koolaid pusher.
2nd June 2011, 10:06 AM
There are no half-way measures. You have proven you can be coerced so how are you going to prove you cannot be coerced now?
After you pay the "court/corporation" $25 to participate you are going to have a darned hard time making a claim that they lack jurisdiction.
And if I don't pay it, they'll take away my license and I'll eventually get arrested. Besides, according to THEIR laws, they lack jurisdiction. No corpus dilecti.
2nd June 2011, 10:31 AM
Tell them you're a sovereign citizen and send them a copy of 20 silver pieces and a copy of your thumb print with a copy of your renounced ssn. They'll let you go.
2nd June 2011, 10:38 AM
How much do you charge to do business with Corporations?
(This whole system is the complete antithesis to the Republic)
2nd June 2011, 10:40 AM
How much do you charge to do business with Corporations?
(This whole system is the complete antithesis to the Republic)
I'm not sure I understand your meaning.
2nd June 2011, 10:56 AM
Either you play their game or you will end up in jail, your car consfiscated and your home up for adoption toa bail you out and to take your car out of inpound.....and then pay the fine for what ever.
I am now very carefull when ever I go out of my property because I am then in "their" world and not in mine where I make the laws.
By the way, read yesterday that if some one is trespassing in your property while burglarizing it and they trip and fall and hurt themselves they can sue you and they will laws by the lawyers to be able to make a living.
2nd June 2011, 11:06 AM
The price of "justice"
2nd June 2011, 02:43 PM
How much do you charge to do business with Corporations?
(This whole system is the complete antithesis to the Republic)
I'm not sure I understand your meaning.
You have every right to charge a fee for your time. If the Courts say you 'must' pay the $25, then you submit your bill to them as well.
"I see you want me to fill out this form, and pay $25. I usually charge $50 for filling out forms, do you consent?"
2nd June 2011, 02:47 PM
You have every right to charge a fee for your time. If the Courts say you 'must' pay the $25, then you submit your bill to them as well.
"I see you want me to fill out this form, and pay $25. I usually charge $50 for filling out forms, do you consent?"
That's what I thought you meant, sorry. This thing really creases me. It's only 25 bucks but I'm going to make a huge deal of it, you can count on that regardless of what happens.
2nd June 2011, 02:49 PM
Whatever you decide to do, best of luck and circumstance to ya Dys.
2nd June 2011, 05:30 PM
You have every right to charge a fee for your time. If the Courts say you 'must' pay the $25, then you submit your bill to them as well.
"I see you want me to fill out this form, and pay $25. I usually charge $50 for filling out forms, do you consent?"
That's what I thought you meant, sorry. This thing really creases me. It's only 25 bucks but I'm going to make a huge deal of it, you can count on that regardless of what happens.
EXACTLY. It is such a joke, why not have fun with it?
After spending many hours in court rooms getting flustered, i HIGHLY suggest not letting it get to you too much, and have fun with it. Let the man in the funny robe know that:
1. - You are educated on the matter.
2. - You are polite.
3rd June 2011, 06:23 AM
EXACTLY. It is such a joke, why not have fun with it?
After spending many hours in court rooms getting flustered, i HIGHLY suggest not letting it get to you too much, and have fun with it. Let the man in the funny robe know that:
1. - You are educated on the matter.
2. - You are polite.
In Massachusettes, the cop doesn't show up to the hearing. And funny as it may seem, the judge doesn't show up to the hearing,'s in front of a magistrate. Last time I went through this, the magistrate kicked me out of the hearing.
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