View Full Version : History Question - Authoritative List of Countries that Jews were Expelled From

3rd June 2011, 07:21 AM
I see lists that range from about 15 European countries, into the 100's.

for example -

... a list of 109 countries & regions that have expelled Jewish people through the ages.

Does anybody know of similar lists that are thoroughly researched & difficult to dispute ?

3rd June 2011, 07:43 AM
Has to be something to it, they have been booted and denied political positions since way before Roman times. The entire Mideast wouldn't mind them gone. Look what they have done with the entire western civilization that is current. I don't think anyone not a sheeple would mind it either.

3rd June 2011, 08:07 AM

This is the same link I always post and nobody ever tried to challenge it factually at GIM.


3rd June 2011, 02:51 PM

This is the same link I always post and nobody ever tried to challenge it factually at GIM.


where i'll be posting it, it will be challenged.

i can make the point with a list of 12 or 15 countries, but 109 or whatever it is - icing on the cake.

3rd June 2011, 03:31 PM
I can account for 86 of them, I try to keep in a low key by talking only about the "Zionist".......but you and I know better then that.........after all, who were their teachers when they were the Khazars who then became "Jews?".

3rd June 2011, 06:02 PM
But not in the uSofA. But someday I hope.
Thanks 4 the link

3rd June 2011, 06:04 PM
I can account for 86 of them, I try to keep in a low key by talking only about the "Zionist".......but you and I know better then that.........after all, who were their teachers when they were the Khazars who then became "Jews?".

some Jews, possibly many Jews, practiced ritual human sacrifice long before Israel even existed in anyone's imagination.

3rd June 2011, 06:20 PM
Something i find incredibly interesting about this topic is never spoken of. At least i have never seen it debated here or elsewhere, and that is this:

If Jews were kicked out of all of these countries throughout history one must ask a simple question: How did they get in the country in the first place?

Using common sense and logical thinking, we can determine they were let in freely, as anyone else, and allowed to live in peace. I mean, they didnt all sneak in to these countries and then get found. In order to be banned from a country, you must first already be in the country.

So the next logical question is 'why' have they been banned from so many countries? And this is where more common sense and logical thinking comes into play. There seems to be a reason, a trend if you will, of Jews being 'persecuted', or so they would say. It seems only after living for a period of time and settling in, do the Jews start to find themselves being singled out. But again, at some point if you always find yourself in trouble, it is most likely that it is because of YOU and your actions, and not the rest of the world. (Im sure we all know people like this, they are always angry at the world, and it is everyone else's fault)

If countries around the world, all throughout history have come to a similar conclusion, it is very hard for me to lean towards the 'persecution' theory. I lean much farther and harder towards the 'internal subversion' theory.


3rd June 2011, 06:27 PM
Something i find incredibly interesting about this topic is never spoken of. At least i have never seen it debated here or elsewhere, and that is this:

If Jews were kicked out of all of these countries throughout history one must ask a simple question: How did they get in the country in the first place?
Well put I would say.
Using common sense and logical thinking, we can determine they were let in freely, as anyone else, and allowed to live in peace. I mean, they didnt all sneak in to these countries and then get found. In order to be banned from a country, you must first already be in the country.

So the next logical question is 'why' have they been banned from so many countries? And this is where more common sense and logical thinking comes into play. There seems to be a reason, a trend if you will, of Jews being 'persecuted', or so they would say. It seems only after living for a period of time and settling in, do the Jews start to find themselves being singled out. But again, at some point if you always find yourself in trouble, it is most likely that it is because of YOU and your actions, and not the rest of the world. (Im sure we all know people like this, they are always angry at the world, and it is everyone else's fault)

If countries around the world, all throughout history have come to a similar conclusion, it is very hard for me to lean towards the 'persecution' theory. I lean much farther and harder towards the 'internal subversion' theory.


4th June 2011, 07:58 AM
If Jews were kicked out of all of these countries throughout history one must ask a simple question: How did they get in the country in the first place?

Cromwell = textbook example.

Jews were kicked out of England in the 1200's ... Cromwell let them back in in the 1600's.

i think they bribed him.

4th June 2011, 08:05 AM
Something i find incredibly interesting about this topic is never spoken of. At least i have never seen it debated here or elsewhere, and that is this:

If Jews were kicked out of all of these countries throughout history one must ask a simple question: How did they get in the country in the first place?

Using common sense and logical thinking, we can determine they were let in freely, as anyone else, and allowed to live in peace. I mean, they didnt all sneak in to these countries and then get found. In order to be banned from a country, you must first already be in the country.

So the next logical question is 'why' have they been banned from so many countries? And this is where more common sense and logical thinking comes into play. There seems to be a reason, a trend if you will, of Jews being 'persecuted', or so they would say. It seems only after living for a period of time and settling in, do the Jews start to find themselves being singled out. But again, at some point if you always find yourself in trouble, it is most likely that it is because of YOU and your actions, and not the rest of the world. (Im sure we all know people like this, they are always angry at the world, and it is everyone else's fault)

If countries around the world, all throughout history have come to a similar conclusion, it is very hard for me to lean towards the 'persecution' theory. I lean much farther and harder towards the 'internal subversion' theory.


The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens

Lincoln Rockwell

Many, many years ago
When animals could speak,
A wondrous thing the ducks befell;
Their tale is quite unique.

Down by a pond dwelt all these ducks
Ten thousand at the least
Their duckish joys were undisturbed
By any man or beast.

One day down near the entrance gate
There was an awful din
A hundred hens all out of breath
Were begging to come in.

"Oh let us in" these poor birds cried
"Before we do expire!
'Tis only by the merest inch
That we escaped the fire!"

Their feathers burned, their combs adroop
They were the saddest sight.
They'd run a hundred miles or more,
All day and then all night.

"Come in! Come in!" the ducks all quacked,
"For you our hearts do bleed!
We'll share our happy lot with you;
Just tell us what you need!"

And so these poor bedraggled hens
Amongst the ducks moved in.
"For after all," the ducks declared,
"We're sisters 'neath the skin."

Before too many months had lapsed,
The hens were good as new.
They sent for all their rooster friends,
And those were welcomed too.

To please their hosts, these chickens tried
To waddle and to quack.
To imitate the duckish ways,
They quickly learned the knack.

This pleased the flock of ducks because
It gratified their pride.
But hear my tale and learn how they
Got taken for a ride.

The ducks, it seemed, spent all their time
In fixing up the place,
In growing food and building homes
And cleaning every space.

They asked the hens what they would do
To earn their daily bread.
"We'll teach and write and entertain
And buy and sell," they said.

And so these hens began to teach
The baby ducks and chicks.
They traded food and eggs and things,
With many clever tricks.

They wrote great books and put on shows
Of genius they'd no lack.
It wasn't long till chickens owned
The Duckville Daily Quack.

One day a mother duck who took
Her ducklings to the lake,
Was flabbergasted when one said,
"A swim I will not take!"

"Why duckling's always swim" she gasped,
"It's what you're built to do!
Like bunnies hop, and crickets chirp,
And cows most always moo!"

"You're nuts!" her son replied,
"That stuff is all old hat!
It's wrong for birds to swim, besides
It's damn cold on my prat!"

"Oh fie!" the mother duck exclaimed,
"You're talking like a fool!"
Up quacked the other ducklings then:
"He's right! We learned in school!"

"Such talk must stop!" the mother cried,
"Those hens can't tell such lies!
For sheer ingratitude and nerve,
I'm sure this takes the prize!"

But she was wrong, for even then
The hens did thump the tub
Demanding they be let into
The Duckville Swimming Club.

"But you don't swim!" the ducks exclaimed,
"To join, why should you care?"
"That's not the point" the hens replied,
"To exclude us isn't fair!"

The younger ducks, who'd been to school
Agreed right there and then:
"To keep them out is bigotry!
'Twould just be anti-hen!"

Outnumbered by the younger ducks,
The old ducks soon did lose.
The hens could join the Swimming Club,
If they would pay the dues.

That night the Duckville Daily Quack
Contained this banner spread:

Down at the Duckville Gaity,
The young set laughed with glee,
At cracks about "old fuddy ducks"
In burlesque repartee.

Next day the hens were at the Club;
A petition they'd sent round
They objected to the Swimming Fund
With fury and with sound.

"You use our dues to fix the pond,
To keep it neat and trim
And this is wrong" they said, "because
You know we do not swim!"

"God help us!" exclaimed a wise old duck,
"Those chickens have gone mad!
We'll take this thing to court, by George!
And justice will be had!"

But when they went before the judge,
Imagine their dismay!
A chicken judge decreed that they
A heavy fine must pay!

"Minorities must have their rights!"
The judge declared right then
"To use hens' dues to fix the pond
Is very anti-hen!"

Once more the Duckville Daily Quack
Emblazoned 'cross the page:

In Duckville's church, on Sunday morn
The preacher spoke these words:
"Discrimination's got to stop!
Remember, we're all birds!"

The wisest duck in all the town
Sat down in black despair
"I'll write a book," he thought, "and then
This madness I will bare!"

"Let swimmers swim, let hoppers hop,
Let each go his own way
Let none coerce a fellow bird!"
Was what he had to say.

"'Twas wrong to force the hens to swim,
So here's the problem's crux:
It's just as bad for hens to try
To chickenize our ducks!"

"I can't print that" the printer said
"'Twill put me in a mess!
My shop is mortgaged to the hens
The chickens own my press!"

This worried duck then tried to warn
His friends by speech and pen,
But young ducks fresh from school just jeered,
"He's a vicious anti-hen!"

Now up the stream a little way
Was Gooseville, on the lake
The hens had come to Gooseville too,
But the geese were more awake.

When the hens began to spoil the young
And Gooseville's laws to flout,
The geese rose up in righteous wrath
And simply threw them out.

Of course you know where they all ran;
On Duckville they converged
"We've got to take these refugees"
Was what the ducks all urged.

The Duckville Daily Quack declared:
"Those geese will stop at naught!
They plan to conquer all the world!
Atrocities they've wrought!"

"That's right!" the young ducks all agreed,
"We'll help our fellow birds!
Those geese have plans to conquer us!
We've read the Quack's own words!"

They let the hens from Gooseville in,
The whole bedraggled pack
And every hen took up a job
On Duckville's Daily Quack.

When Duckville's Mayor's term was up,
The Quack put up its duck;
A vain and stupid duck he was,
A veritable cluck!

But when he praised the wild young ducks
And cursed the evil geese,
The Quack declared he was "all-wise"
His praise would never cease.

The hens chipped in to help this cluck
Give grain away for free
The old ducks sadly shook their heads,
The writing they could see.

And sure enough, this stupid duck,
He was elected Mayor
From this point on, the Duckville ducks,
They never had a prayer.

The Mayor said, "Gooseville must go!
We'll wipe them off the map!"
While Duckville slept, the scheming hens
For Gooseville set a trap.

They called the geese by filthy names;
They filled their pond with sticks
They helped the weasels catch the geese,
And other hennish tricks.

The geese got mad and threw some rocks,
"IT'S WAR!" the Quack announced:
"We ducks must fight those evil geese
Till they've been soundly trounced!"

The ducks (who knew not of the tricks
Indulged in by the Mayor)
Were filled with patriotic zeal,
And pitched right in for fair.

Now when the ducks had whipped the geese
The Mayor called "Retreat!
Our Henville friends should really take
Goosevilles's big main street!"

The hens are back in Gooseville now;
They starved and beat the geese
They prayed for peace but organized
The Henville Armed Police.

They drained the Gooseville swimming pond;
And 'De-goose-ified' the schools,
They wrung the neck of Gooseville's Mayor
On lately made up rules.

They formed a council of the hens,
'United Birds' the name
The other birds who joined the thing
Did not perceive their game.

No sooner had they set this up,
Than they announced their plan
To seize up Swanville as a home
For all their hennish clan.

They took a vote amongst the hens,
And every one approved!
"Swanville was for hens!" they said,
"Way back, before we moved."

And so they kicked the swans all out
With Duckville's help and power
And Duckville could not understand
Why swans on them turned sour.

By this time, Duckville was a mess;
The young ducks had gone mad
They stole and laughed at truth and law
They'd gone completely bad.

The hens were selling loco weed
In every nasty den
But ducks who dared to mention this
Were labelled 'anti-hen.'

The hens all preached of 'Tolerance';
They invoked the 'Golden Rule'
But they subsidized the indigent,
The greedy and the fool.

At last the very dumbest ducks
Began to smell a rat
"This Mayor is no good" they cried
"And we will soon fix that!"

But the hens had planned for even this
A candidate they had,
Whom even wise old ducks believed
Just never could be bad.

This hen-tool duck had whipped the geese;
A soldier duck was he
Although the hens had set him up,
The ducks all thought him free.

This hen-tool got elected,
Through ignorance and greed,
Through hennish lies in press and speech
And bribes of 'chicken feed.'

The hens now kicked the ducks around,
Without a blush of shame
Until the Mayor ran the town
In nothing else but name.

They pumped the swimming pond all dry;
They taught the ducks to crow
While duckish numbers dwindled,
The hens began to grow.

The hens stirred up the happy crows
From out the piney wood
To fight and mix and marry ducks
In the name of 'Brotherhood.'

Things got so bad that fifty ducks
Who knew of days gone by,
Took up their wives and children
And decided that they'd fly.

They flew through storm and tempest;
They froze, and many died
But on they drove, until at last
A lovely lake they spied.

They settled down exhausted,
But soon went straight to work
To build and clear and cultivate,
No danger did they shirk.

Now after many years of toil,
This little band had grown
The fields around were full of grain
From seeds that they had sown.

The first ducks now were long since dead;
Their struggles long had ceased
Through hard work and through suffering
Their joys had been increased.

One day down near the entrance gate
There was an awful din
A hundred hens, all out of breath,
Were begging to come in.

"Oh, let us in!" the poor birds cried,
"Before we do expire!
'Tis only by the merest inch..."

This epic really has no end because
No matter how you fight 'em,
Those hens will show up every time
And so... ad infinitum.

Twisted Titan
4th June 2011, 09:02 AM
The reason that they are expelled is because They have Perfected the Patttern of The Parasite


The Bible on Sharp Jewish Methods by Cdr. George Lincoln Rockwell

In case it seems too incredible and vile to the reader that there could be HUMAN parasites, let me present, from the works of the Jews themselves, their OWN official description of the process.

The earliest and most complete record of Jewish methods can be found in almost any home in America, right under the noses of non-Jews, who have actually been taught to worship the very parasites who are eating them alive.

In the Old Testament, we can read the story of a typical Jewish operation in any nation they invade.

Jews almost always come to a new nation as hapless "refugees", or prisoners and slaves (having had difficulties with their previous hosts).

So it was in ancient Egypt.

A Jew named Joseph was out tending sheep. His brothers were at first going to kill him for his "coat-of-many-colors", and threw him into a pit. (Genesis, 37). But then some Midianite slave traders happened along, and we learn in verses 26 and 27 that these Jews decided it was wasteful just to kill their brother, when they could SELL him for a profit.

So his own Jewish brothers sold Joseph as a slave for twenty pieces of silver, and Joseph wound up an Egyptian slave.

In Genesis 39:6, we find Joseph doing such a good job of running an Egyptian household as a slave that the master makes him the "overseer." In verse 6, the Jewish slave has become so indispensable to the Egyptian master that Joseph is made the boss of the entire Egyptian household.

But Joseph gets in difficulty with the Egyptian's wife. She claims he tried to rape her. Joseph claims, innocently, that she tried to rape him. (Genesis 39:12)

Joseph is tossed into prison, where he repeats the pattern: he becomes so invaluable to the prison administration with his clever business suggestions that he becomes boss of the prison!! (Genesis 39:22)

In this choice spot, he becomes a confidant of Pharaoh's butler, who is in jail. Joseph cleverly interprets dreams for him.

Pharaoh later reinstates his butler, and has a dream he can't interpret. The butler suggests Joseph. Pharaoh has Joseph brought before him, and tells Joseph about seven fat beeves, and seven thin ones. The wily Jew tells Pharaoh this means Egypt will have seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. (For centuries in the Nile valley, there were huge floods and then periods of drought, so that "lean years" were absolutely certain to follow "fat" years, and vice versa.)

But young Pharaoh is so impressed with Joseph that he asks Joseph what to do about it. The clever Hebrew replies that Pharaoh must find a man smart enough to gather up huge stores of Egyptian grain during the next seven years. "Surprisingly" enough, Pharaoh picks Joseph as that man, and in Chapter 41, verse 30 of Genesis, Pharaoh turns all Egypt over to his new Jewish "friend." Joseph becomes the "Bernard Baruch" of Egypt, with Pharaoh ordering "without thee no man shall lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt."

Joseph duly gathers up and stores the grain produced by Egyptian labor, in vast amounts.

When Egypt is drought-stricken, and the Egyptians are starving for food, Joseph begins to sell their own grain back to the Egyptians. (Genesis 41:56)

The same rotten Jews who sold Joseph into slavery now come over from Canaan to buy some Egyptian grain. Joseph, who is selling the grain to the Egyptians, gives grain to his fellow Jews. In fact, he gives the Jews a double order of grain on their second trip, and Egyptian gold in the bags to boot! (Genesis 44:1)

Then he kicks all the Egyptians out of his office, and tells his Jewish brothers to bring all the Jews over to live free off the Egyptian grain. (Genesis 45:1, 10, 11)

Meanwhile, Joseph is selling back their own grain to the Egyptian farmers who produced it. The king is tickled to death, as the treasury bulges. So Joseph tells the king his brothers and families are on the way, and the king promises Joseph that the Jews will live on "the fat of the land." (Genesis 45:18)

From the money being paid by the Egyptian farmers to buy their own grain back, Joseph gives all the Jews wagons, equipment, furniture and doles out 300 pieces of Egyptian silver to all these Jews! (Genesis 45:16, 22)

Next, Genesis 46 describes how a whole ARMY of Jews moves into Egypt, with who "begat" who and all the children and "children's' children," etc. Joseph tells his fellow Jews to lie to the king that they are not shepherds (which he knows might aggravate the king). Instead, the Jews all get free Egyptian cattle and land, the best in Egypt. (Genesis 46:34). Not one of these Jews has done a lick of work to produce the wealth they are grabbing (a familiar parasitic pattern).

Genesis 47, verse 14 reveals that Joseph, Egypt's Jewish boss, has "gathered up all the money" of the Egyptians, selling them grain.

As a result, in verse 15, we discover that the "money of Egypt fails!"

A depression!

The starving Egyptians plead with Joseph to let them have a little grain because their money is all gone. Joseph tells them, in typical hock-shop Jewish style, that they still have their cattle! So the Jew takes the Egyptian farmers' cattle. (Genesis 47:16)

The next year, the starving Egyptians again beg for grain. But the Jewish keeper of the granaries (filled by Egyptian work) tells them that they will have to give up their land too! To survive, the people have to give this Jew their land in the name of the Pharaoh (verse 20). Joseph then puts them all into "concentration areas" -- cities, taking them off their own land! (verse 21). When the Egyptians are finally reduced to utter despair, starving, without their money, without their land and without their cattle, Joseph puts them back on their own land as SHARE-CROPPERS, at 20% profit! (verse 24).

Understandably, since Joseph is running the affairs of the Egyptian, the Egyptians are poor, working like slaves and hungry.

But, meanwhile, the hordes of Jews he has brought are getting "rich and fat" (verse 27) living off the "fat of the land" -- WITHOUT WORK!

Sound familiar?

After 80 years of this process, the Jews have almost everything and the Egyptians are all slaving for the Jews! (The story doesn't mention what the Egyptians think of the arrangement, but it isn't hard to imagine.)

In the Jews' own book of Exodus, we next find Joseph dying and the Egyptians trying to find some way of getting the Jews off their backs. In Exodus 1, there are some verses worth repeating whole:

7. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied and waxed exceedingly mighty, and the land was filled with them.

8. Now there rose up a king who knew not Joseph. (An anti-semite no doubt.)

9. And he said unto his people "Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we! (Take a look at New York City, Los Angeles, etc!)

10. Come on, let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply, lest it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies (as traitors, spies).

Remember the Rosenbergs, Sobels, Greenglasses, Golds, Moskowitz's, Silvermasters, etc., etc., etc., who "joined also unto our (Communist) enemies?")

Observe here the classic pattern:

The Jew arrives in rags and tatters and terrible misery because of the actions of his own people. (Not Gentiles, but his own Jewish brothers sold Joseph into slavery.)

The host people are relatively easy-going, and soon recognize the undeniable clever business manipulations of the Jew. (Joseph becomes boss of the household where he was a slave.)

The Jew begins to push. (Joseph is accused of getting "fresh" with the wife of his master, who sends him to jail.)

In spite of adversity however (jail), the Jew prospers because of the same old Jewish ability to manage and manipulate. (Joseph becomes boss of the jail.)

Using his wits, the Jew reaches the highest positions of power. (Joseph becomes the "executive officer" under Pharaoh, and actually runs Egypt.)

Abusing every leverage of the high office of power, the Jew begins to gather up not just the money and the power, but all the money and all the power which he turns over to more and more Jews. He becomes so greedy and rapacious that he smashes the whole economy. (Joseph grabs up so much money from the Egyptians that the "money fails.")

In the following "depression" the Jew gathers up all the material wealth of the land. (Joseph did exactly this, giving his fellow Jews "the fat of the land.")

Once the Jew owns and controls everything, he proceeds to make financial slaves out of the native population. (Joseph sent the farmers back to their own land as sharecroppers, producing 20% profit!)

Inevitably, this process produces such a horror of Jewish power and wealth and such misery for the native population, that the host people become "anti-Semites" and the Jews begin to look around for another country to which they can flee. THEY BECOME SPIES, etc. (The king of Egypt warns his own people that the Jews are more powerful than the Egyptians in their own land, and that the Jews are likely to be traitors. He first tries to make the Jews work as slaves.)

The next and last step is for the native population to try to hold the Jews back somehow. (The king orders infanticide for all newborn male Jews.) When these less radical methods won't work, the native populations rise up and either kill the Jews or drive them out. (Moses led the Jews out of Egypt only yards ahead of the king's armies)

That Jewish pattern was established in writing more than four thousand years ago -- by the Jews themselves. You can check every word of it in any Bible.


4th June 2011, 09:07 AM
America 1800 - 2000 Jews

America 1900 - 1 Million Jews

1925 - two million more have arrived as a result of Eastern European persecution - so we are at 3 million + the increase from births ; many of these new Jews are heavily socialist/communist

immediate post-WWII - Morgenthau under Truman lets in 500K plus, despite it being illegal to do so - figure 5-6 million at this point

more info:

scroll down to map of "current situation"

Today, if you include quarter and half Jews, other Jews who hide via name changing, the new batch of Russian emigres under the Lautenberg amendment, etc. I would estimate 30-40 million maybe?

4th June 2011, 09:48 AM
If Jews were kicked out of all of these countries throughout history one must ask a simple question: How did they get in the country in the first place?

The question I like to ask when posting the list is:



Hatha Sunahara
4th June 2011, 10:08 AM
Jews corrupt people with money.

Corruption means getting people to do what they would not do if they had integrity. For most people, money will trump integrity. Jews exploit that feature of money. If you corrupt the people in the power structure, you have power over them.

It is unfortunate that this works really well for them in the USA. It also worked well for them in the Soviet Union.

The list of countries where they have been expelled is a list where at times integrity has triumphed over corruption.

The Talmud reinforces the corruptive influence of the Jews
