View Full Version : Truth is hate

3rd June 2011, 06:55 PM
Cosmic America (http://delightsome.wordpress.com/2010/09/04/cosmic-america/) is waging a war against hateful reality. Reality is just a form of White supremacist patriarchal oppression.


A Manifesto Against Truth

When it comes to prejudice, "truth" is no justification

Published on May 31, 2011 by Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D. in Between the Lines

The problem with truth is that it can be just as destructive as a lie, sometimes more so.

This is self-evident for most adults. That's why we have the concept and vocabulary of a "white lie" (and yes, even our language has racist overtones).

Yet, when it comes to racism and anti-Semitism, "truth" and "facts" are frequently assumed to trump any other argument. They don't.

Consider this a manifesto against truth.

Don't get me wrong: I like verifiable, data-supported facts as much as the next person, perhaps more than many, given my training and background in research. Even so, I have issues with "truth" -- serious issues.

Here are my Top 3:

#1 There is rarely a single truth. Philosophers have long observed that our reality -- our "truth" -- is strongly influenced (if not outright determined) by one's perspective or point of view. Rather than elaborating, I urge you to watch this video of Chimamanda Adichie about "The Danger of a Single Story."

#2 Science is NOT politically neutral. To the contrary, everything about science is inherently political. This includes the kind of questions that are asked, the specific methodology used to try to find answers, and the social context that is used to frame the findings. A scientist who claims he/she is "objective" is either being deliberately deceitful or is unaware of how personal bias is impacting his/her work. These are both worst-case scenarios. From the perspective of a science consumer, scientists need to 1. be aware of their own biases (that are relevant to the research topic), and 2. either get support in making sure their bias is not reflected in their research methodology/write-up or be transparent about their bias so that readers can make an informed opinion.

#3. Science is still the best game in town, but research findings alone do not justify anything. I'm not trying to be funny. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is it racist to state that Blacks kids graduate high school at lower rates and generally perform less well academically than white kids?

2. Is it racist to state that Black people, especially Black men are MUCH more likely to be arrested and charged with a crime and more likely to be incarcerated?

3. Is it racist to state that Blacks score almost a full standard deviation lower than whites on tests of intelligence -- despite no evidence that contemporary tests of intelligence are racially biased.

4. Is it racist to talk about Jeremiah Wright and the church that Obama attended?

The above are all facts. Their truth is not in question. Yet they can (and often are) used to promote racist ideologies and agendas. This doesn't mean, of course, that everyone who endorses such statements is intentionally promoting racism. To the contrary, these statements are often explicitly used in support of an anti-racism agenda. At the same time, without the relevant context, these statements do, in actuallity, promote racism regardless of the speaker's good intentions, because without the propoer context, they reinforce harmful group stereotypes.

As just one example, take the second statement above regarding the incarceration rates for Black men. Without context, the logical conclusion is that Black men perpetrate more crimes, a harmful stereotype, especially considering that the relevant context (specific data are described here) is that 1.) police officers are more likely to profile and stop Black drivers/pedestrians and 2) Black men are more likely to be convicted and sentenced for the same behavior than men from other racial groups. The racial bias in the criminal justice system is widely acknowledged by criminologists and sociologists but is not well understood by the general public. As a result, decontextualized "truthful" statements about incarceration rates of Black men are destructive and racist and entirely unjustified.

I'll say it again: Truth alone is not a justification for anything. And that's no lie!

3rd June 2011, 07:36 PM
Typical mind f#@k rubbish from physcologists. A white is not a race label when it comes to a lie. It's either a lie that is less harmless i.e. you don't care if it is found out. That is what we call a white lie or it is a dark lie that we don't want to be found out. Lies are racist and the truth is irrelevant to what we believe??

Scientists test observations. They don't make shit up. A person trained in a science who works for a for profit corporation is not really a scientist because they make shit up like this person. What's that got to do with racism?


3rd June 2011, 07:43 PM
I live in this guys back yard. I think he trying to make up for the local rash of young black youths that have been getting their ass in ringer for the past 2 years.

I did find this interesting article in the comments section. 1st comment to be exact. I was also completely introduced to Hanlon's Razor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor). It's a quote I have heard a number of times, but never attributed.

Survival Of The Stupidest (http://www.science20.com/hammock_physicist/survival_stupidest-77846)

Just a snippit. Still reading.

At first sight, stupidity is a characteristic that is expected in natural selection processes to suffer and to become extinct. After all, stupid persons by definition act in ways that tend to yield no gain to them. Place a stupid person in a competitive environment of non-stupid persons, and the stupid person will likely come out as the loser, and certainly not as the fittest.

How then can stupidity survive and flourish?

Let me attempt to provide a satisfactory answer to this question. I do not claim to have reached a definitive answer, but the mechanism I propose, if not fully explaining the survival of stupidity, at least contributes to it. Moreover, and as often is the case, the route towards the answer is interesting in itself. It will bring us from poker strategy to the limits of applicability of game theory.

Key feature of stupidity is that its power lies in its abundance. One stupid person is helpless, a herd of stupid persons can be invincible. Place a smart individual in a group of stupid persons and you will witness the smart person succumb to stupidity. In an environment infested by stupidity 'being the smartest' does not equate to 'being the fittest'.

3rd June 2011, 07:56 PM
Q: How then can stupidity survive and flourish?

A: GOVERNMENT + LAWYERS ...accelerating idiocracy for the "common good". This combination has been the only thing discovered, which is stronger than natural selection.

General of Darkness
3rd June 2011, 07:57 PM

4th June 2011, 06:12 AM
The use of "white" and "black" did not become "racist" until Negros / African Americans / coloureds began insisting on being called black. At the instigation of their Tamudic teachers and NAACP leaders.

"Mikhail Lyubansky" - seriously?

I think Mikhail is a name changer ... do a Google search for Lyubansky and the first 3 pages will only be about him ... meaning no real Russians have this surname; only Khazars pretending to be Russian.

4th June 2011, 11:24 AM
The US justice system does have a race bias.

This is caused by the 'War on Drugs' policy overreach in criminalizing much of the poor, and the fact that much of the Banking and Wall Street and Corporate gang members should also be in jail, but are not.

5th June 2011, 12:58 AM
I second Glass's "typical mind-fuck from a jew-psychologist" notion

"born in Kiev", Mikhail Lyublansky is clearly and 100% kosher (judging by his picture). He probably calls himself either "ukraininan" or jewish depending on his family involvement with jewish religious groups, but pretty much in no way or shape he would refer to himself as "russian" except he may speak a language.

same as "russian mafia", a "kosher nostra". ;)

5th June 2011, 01:58 AM
Behind all the pseudo truths and half truths and no truths always lies TRUTH,it is always there but rarely observed.We are too caught up in the lies.In any situation lies the TRUTH of the matter.

5th June 2011, 02:06 PM
I'm going to venture out and say that there is validity to what this guy is saying. However, he keeps confusing the word "truth" with the word "fact". A thousand facts can be used to support a lie, but a single fact can destroy a thousand lies. So in my view, the moral of the story is: think in the reverse way you've been taught to. Don't say "prove it to me" (support with 1000 facts), but rather say "I'll take what you say as true. What doesn't add up?".

For example, for 911 truth: instead of saying "prove it to me" say, "why does this NOT make sense?". You may realize with this method that you can never truly definitively reject any theory, just have a high confidence its not true. This is good, because its being honest.