View Full Version : Do foreign men deserve Russian women?.

4th June 2011, 04:43 PM
The biggest mistake that an American man can do is to marry a foreign woman and bring her to the states, as long as you are living in her country you are usually treated like a king for many reasons......to me taking a woman out of her country is like taking a duck out of the water.
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Do foreign men deserve Russian women?.

In search of a better life Russian women go abroad, hoping for happiness with a foreign prince. However, such stories rarely have a happy ending. Chief Editor of Pravda.ru Inna Novikova talked to a psychiatrist, associate professor of the Institute of Psychoanalysis Vladimir Faynzilberg to find out why Russian ladies are attracted by foreign countries and foreign suitors, and why mixed marriages are rarely happy.

"I hear many stories of Russian women who are married to foreigners from different countries. It is my understanding that the issue is probably not that marriage is mixed, but the fact that people do not know how to build relationships. Does the problem of inter-ethnic marriages exist?"
"Marriages with foreigners are usually unhappy. Over 16 years of life in the West working as a psychotherapist, I tried to help a vast number of people. Therefore, I have plenty of observations. They were mostly mixed marriages, though not always one of the spouses was Russian. Women came to see me more frequently than men. These women were often in a dead-end situation, and often they needed the help not only of a therapist but also a lawyer. The strangest and scariest thing, in my opinion, is that the number of women wishing to marry a foreigner is only growing. I have many friends who successfully maintain websites where they advertise dating with foreigners in order to create a family. These people earn very good money on the desire of women to get married and leave the country."

"What is behind this desire? Do women want to marry a prince and believe that all foreigners are princes?"

"These are dreams of those with low level of intelligence. I think the deeper motivations lies in the fact that we do not have a national idea and patriotism. It was over in 1945. After the celebrations of the Victory the national idea has disappeared. Gradually, people realized that the losers live better than the winners.

Women outnumber men as is, and in addition the war took a huge number of men. Moreover, I read that in 2250 there will be no men left at all. Of course, we do not have to believe this, but there is a trend. Consequently, there is a competition between women. If in Russia we are saying that Russian men treat women badly, that they are not able to earn the living and are drunks, women begin to believe that marriage to a foreigner is like winning a lottery. When my son was a college student, I went to see him in a dorm and saw many pretty girls of various nationalities. I asked him why he is not fond of them. He replied that he had nothing to talk about with foreigners because they did not read those books that he read, did not watch the same movies, and they would hardly understand his jokes.

Analyzing the lives of different couples, I paid attention to the fact that everyone lives their inner life. Those spouses who live well are trying to understand the inner world of each other. This is the basis of their successful married life.

I had a coworker who worked as a psychologist for ten years. She was married, but fell in love with an Italian who worked in Russia and was also married. She got a divorce, left with the Italian, but had to wait for his divorce for 17 years. Italy is a Catholic country, and it is difficult to get a divorce. When the divorce was over, they finally got married. Their wedding was on the same day as the wedding of the psychologist's daughter. This couple is maybe one of the few that, despite many differences, managed to understand the inner worlds of each other."

"It is not a typical example. He lived in Russia for a long time. Most often, women who go abroad know nothing, and their spouses are not trying to understand her inner world."

"This is what I am talking about. I have a friend, a 45-year-old woman who was married, raised two children. She decided to change her life and met an American of Italian descent through an online dating agency. She moved in with him. He abused her emotionally. He would strip her naked, tie her to a chair and invite his friends over for a beer. He offered his friends to touch her, and had an intercourse with her in front of them. An American woman would not allow this, and Russian women do not even try to learn the local laws and local practices."

"Does this mean that foreign husbands of Russian women specifically choose them for modest disposition, and ignorance of the law? Russian girls are at risk."

"They are at risk, of course. From conversations with foreigners, I understood that many ladies in the West are concerned about their careers. They have to get an education, get a good job and be independent. The most interesting thing is that they cannot cook or set the table. And here comes a Russian lady who can bake pies and serve, etc., etc. It is very difficult to build a relationship with a person who grew up in another world."

"Yet, everyone has their own way of thinking. How fatal is the difference in mentality?"

"I read an interesting article. Psychologists have conducted a test. The task was, based on a few phone sentences over the phone to identify sexual orientation of the speaker. It turns out only three vowels are enough to determine the orientation with 70-percent probability. Everyone has their own language, everyone has their vision of the world. And if we set a goal to adapt to another country to settle down and become its own, then we can merge into a new environment and succeed.

The fact that Russian women are the best and most beautiful is true. The fact that Russia men are often not worthy of them is also, unfortunately, true. Foreigners are even more unworthy. Russian ladies think they can win in this lottery, but the win goes to one in thousands."

"Why such stories are most likely to occur in Scandinavia? They do not so much abuse Russian women, but take the kids away in case of a divorce, believing that the children's life will be better with a local dad than with a Russian mother."

"Scandinavians are very different in terms of expression of emotions, they are reserved. Russian women are emotional. To make them happy, you often have to tell them that they are the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved. And men have to back it up with their actions, not to mention financially. Scandinavians are known for their restraint and stinginess. They are not suited for the Russian temperament. Much fewer complaints are coming from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, because there are emotions that overshadow all negative things. Scandinavians tend to be straightforward and stick to the rules, so they try to take away children because children are the most important thing. They actually believe that a single woman has no financial means to raise a child. They are somewhat right, but it is necessary and possible to argue this point of view. These young ladies who seek happiness overseas must be aware of who they want - the Palestinians, Hispanics, Scandinavians or French."

"Is there a recipe in terms of what kind of suitors are fit for Russian women, and what kind are absolutely unfit?"

"There is no recipe, it varies greatly case by case."

"If Russian women encounter problems abroad, who should they address?"

"In every country, more or less civilized, there are psychological services. They are free, multilingual, and assist victims of violence and women abused by their husbands. They sometimes perform a great job, they can provide shelter. They are associated with embassies. Most importantly, women should think who they are getting married to. Women seek a better life. And if we could create them a good life here, they would never leave."


4th June 2011, 09:56 PM
I seem to recall on GIM1 a guy named Russkie who decided that bringing a Russian woman over to the toxic American culture/society would only delay the inevitable.

He put his money where his mouth was, and emigrated to Russia, married a Russian woman, and stayed in Russia, believing it had better views about the relations between men and women than the USA does.

4th June 2011, 10:22 PM
Does ANY man deserve ANY woman? I think probably not... yet we are graced by their attentions and affections nonetheless! :)

4th June 2011, 11:29 PM
I seem to recall on GIM1 a guy named Russkie who decided that bringing a Russian woman over to the toxic American culture/society would only delay the inevitable.

He put his money where his mouth was, and emigrated to Russia, married a Russian woman, and stayed in Russia, believing it had better views about the relations between men and women than the USA does.

I remember him, we discussed things a few times.

I know a lot of people who are married to russian women (let's keep it at that so not to reveal my identity).

IMHO in US there's a very small pool of good quality women vs. in Russia a pool of quality women is very very large. just nice, sweet, charming, taking care of her husband, parents and family, etc. these are commonly cultivated in women. probably not in Moscow as it is a big melting pot like NYC.

The biggest mistake that an American man can do is to marry a foreign woman and bring her to the states, as long as you are living in her country you are usually treated like a king for many reasons......to me taking a woman out of her country is like taking a duck out of the water.....ssociate professor of the Institute of Psychoanalysis Vladimir Faynzilberg

This is very, very shortsighted. Judged by the fact it is reprint from western-european-communist-funded "russian" Pravda it has some sort of agenda. Probably in this case not a bad agenda, just to keep american man's heads in the sand about much higher womens qualities abroad.

Don't ask this jewish Faynzilberg guy why there's 500,000 slavic women trafficked yearly into Western Europe and Middle East, good part from Ukraine to jewish-ran prostitution rings. :P

5th June 2011, 06:16 AM
I went azain and yes amerikan culture seems to fuck it all up.

5th June 2011, 06:32 AM
Does anyone here disagree that American culture is toxic to women in general?

From my experience, women collectively seem happier in other countries. At least the countries I've been too, brings fond memories, of Poland especially. I couldn't believe all the smiling happy beautiful women there. I spent several days with one gal, sandy blonde hair, big blue eyes..eyes like an ocean in depth. Anyway, she didn't want to come to America. She wanted me to move to Poland. I remember trying to explain what a Walmart was at the time, and her eyes got huge. She couldn't believe the size, and she didn't like a culture where there was no local butcher, no local bakery, etc.

I think it's a myth that all these women want to come to America, and the ones that do tend to get disappointed once they are here.

Well, at least statistically, a guy has a lesser chance at a divorce if he marries a foreign gal.

5th June 2011, 08:27 AM
I think the psychologist who wrote this piece, may have a problem with selection bias. She is most likely to meet people who have problems in marriages, and primarily russian women, since she is russian herself... Thus she tends to think that all marriages of couples from different cultures fail, and thise who don't (a minute minority of the people she meets) are exceptions to this rule. She should realise she is a magnet to failed Russian brides, and probably even more so now after writing this article...

Uncle Salty
5th June 2011, 08:51 PM
This thread is useless without pictures.

5th June 2011, 09:39 PM

6th June 2011, 07:39 AM
Marriages with foreigners are usually unhappy.

I found that funny.

Marriages with anyone are usually unhappy.

6th June 2011, 10:37 AM
I think the psychologist who wrote this piece, may have a problem with selection bias. She is most likely

"Vladimir" can not be "she".
Hmmm... Yes, well it is an odd name for a woman I must agree...


6th June 2011, 04:50 PM
A lot of fat old bald eccentric losers go to Russia and try to pick the beauty queens that are 16 years old.

Do you think those women are stupid ?

More power to the Russian Women !

Israel is famous for sending men to Russia old guys looking for young wives.

6th June 2011, 09:26 PM
A lot of fat old bald eccentric losers go to Russia and try to pick the beauty queens that are 16 years old.

Do you think those women are stupid ?

More power to the Russian Women !

Israel is famous for sending men to Russia old guys looking for young wives.

I was on a "date russian women" email list long ago, like 1997 or so. Was quite interesting and a little sad - however of the 3 marriages that were posted about, only 1 worked out.

Owner of the list - wife had a previous kid who she brought along to America, and like most Russian women of my acquaintance, was competitive and a bit of a go-getter - the guy was more laid back and I think that contributed to it; she wanted him to be more hard-charging business wise. They were together maybe 5 years. Yes, she and her daughter ended up with American citizenship.

Guy about 29-30 - wrote a stunning redheaded woman, went over there and committed fully to her after vetting her somewhat. He was doing OK financially and living in California, was young enough for her, about 5 years or less age difference, all was going well I think though he posted less after marriage of course.

Third guy actually lived in Moscow or St. Petersburg for a while while getting to know his woman - he fooled around on her (and yes, bragged about it on the list) while courting her. They arrived in America and within 2 months had met and was hanging around a bunch of Belorussian guys she met when they went to a night club... I think he cut her loose after about 120 days. She was the stereotypically urban Russian gold digger, I think, opportunistic and a party girl, somewhat shallow. Her being vegan should have been a clue (indicates outlier, someone not in social norm).

6th June 2011, 09:41 PM
I was on a "date russian women" email list long ago, like 1997 or so. Was quite interesting and a little sad - however of the 3 marriages that were posted about, only 1 worked out. been a clue (indicates outlier, someone not in social norm).

It's agendas, those sites. Anyone, who has an agenda such as a foreign gal wanting to come to the US, is bad news, imo.

I realize for a lot of guys it is tempting, beautiful women, wanting to be with them...but you've got to spot the agenda. In these cases, it's obvious. If a woman wants to leave her culture, and her family behind, to come to a better life..the guy is just the pawn in the game to achieve that. Any normal gal is not going to want to uproot and leave.

That's why these marriages fail. It's not about love, it's about how one person, or both, can get what they want from the other. There's no give/take there, it's selfishness.

6th June 2011, 10:31 PM
I went azain and yes amerikan culture seems to fuck it all up.

Might be a Western thing; this old OZer tells the tale of his Thai bride's getting corrupted.

I'm still getting through the Thai dating one, this old Ozer has generously shared (http://teakdoor.com/living-in-thailand-forum/62281-thai-dating-scene-3.html#post1278937) his sex life story,

Life certainly gets more complicated as we get older. When I was a young bloke, all you had to do was buy a girl a few beers or vodka and oranges and offer to give her a lift home from the pub on a Friday night. There was a few uppedy bitches there that drank those blue lagoon liqueur drinks, but I always gave those ones a miss because I figured they wouldn't come across.

Then when all this sexual equality stuff came in the girls started getting their own cars, which kinda thinned out the pickings at the pub in getting a root for the price of a lift home. The bitches still expected you to buy their drinks for them though. The pick up lines had to change then. Like, -- "G'day, you drive down here tonight or what?"

After several years of marriage followed by a divorce I found the rules had changed again. Casual roots were harder to come by now and required a bit more work. Most of the gash on the market was divorced with a couple of kids and of course the house courtesy of the ex. They had become far more cagey about handing over the goods. Most of them were better off financially than the blokes but still expected the blokes to pay. Conversation over a nice dinner on a first date went like an interview with a bank manager, -- they all seemed to be asking the same sorts of questions. Questions like -- where do you work. How long have you been there ($)? Do you own your own home or do you rent ($)? I sometimes expected them to pull a calculator to total up my nett worth. Prostitution by stealth really.

Occasionally you would come across a root rat that wanted to go at it day and night, but usually they were damaged goods with some serious baggage. Got stuck with one such nutter for over a year when I was in my early 30s. But couldn't stand the drama of regular split ups and reunions. The last I saw of her was when I threw her down the front stairs. It was only 4 stairs and there was grass at the bottom, so not so bad.

That was the start of my "blue period" where I didn't go out much anymore. Discouraged that most of the sheilas who were formerly up for it had priced themselves out of the market.

Then I discovered Thailand at 41 years old. It was like dieing and going to pussy heaven. It was still all about money, but the prices were so much lower and the pussy was so much younger with firm bodies.
After a while I tired of the hookers and met my now Thai wife. Same age as me.

We married after a year and 3 months in Oz to see how she liked it. All was rosey for a few years until she became westernized by a couple of feminazi bitches she worked with and who had taken her under their wings as a project to educate to the western womens ways. At the same time she started socializing with a couple of younger ex-Thai whores who had snared older farangs. Both of whom have since cleaned their spouses out financially and moved on now. We had some tough times for a few years, but things have settled down now.

Bottom line is that I have come to see that most women are whores in one respect or another. Good luck to those blokes who claim their Thai wives are financially independent and stay with them for their good looks and charm. If true, I reckon they are in a small minority. Women anywhere dont marry foreigners 20, 30, 40 years their senior simply because Thai man no good, -- butterfly too mutt. Though I do understand that such an arrangement could evolve into true feelings of love and companionship.

Now that I am approaching 60 here in farangland I see that there is a surplus of lonely 50 to 60 year old females, some of them quite wealthy. Thier price has come down considerably with age. But what sort of bloke would want to team up with a 60 year old farang woman when there is all those hard bodied little brown things in Thailand going so cheap? Same goes for Thai women I suppose since I have yet to run into another farang married to a Thai in their own age group.

I been married to a Thai for 15 years now and be dammed if I am going to deny myself the pleasure of the occasional dalliance with a cute little 20 year old in my final years. Its really just a matter of following Thai protocol. Dont ever do it in a place where your wifes friends might see and cause the big loss of face thing for her. And when accused of such things, simply lie and denigh, again so loss of face will not occur. And thirdly, make sure the wife is looked after financially so that she doesn't think some other woman is getting her share of the loot.

The world is full of prostitutes in one form or another. Its just a matter of knowing the rules and working within the system to get the best out of it while we are still here and able to enjoy lifes pleasures. Becoming a beaten and subservient husband in my final years ain't for me. Too much living to do and too little time left. Just got to play by the rules and keep the peace is all.

When I was 20 the pussy was laid on in droves. When I was 30 it dried up somewhat. When I was 40 it had priced itself out of the market. Now I am approaching 60, the world is my oyster once again. And I ain't going to let that final opportunity get away. Being older and wiser has some advantages. Discretion is the key.

7th June 2011, 04:29 AM
I think the psychologist who wrote this piece, may have a problem with selection bias. She is most likely

"Vladimir" can not be "she".
Hmmm... Yes, well it is an odd name for a woman I must agree...


here is another vladimir


does not look like a woman either
No, not really, but it is hard to say for certain when the boxing gloves cover the mammary glands, like this... ;)

7th June 2011, 11:12 AM
Next question should be, "Do foreign men deserve Ukrainian women?" -- they seem to be nicer still...

7th June 2011, 12:57 PM
Anyway, she didn't want to come to America. She wanted me to move to Poland. I remember trying to explain what a Walmart was at the time, and her eyes got huge. She couldn't believe the size, and she didn't like a culture where there was no local butcher, no local bakery, etc.

I grew up overseas, and despite living in the U.S. since the 80s, I still can't get used to the large warehouse-style stores. It really is nice to buy stuff from a bunch of little stores that have been owned by a family for at least two generations, and who knows YOUR family as well for just as long.

I think it's a myth that all these women want to come to America, and the ones that do tend to get disappointed once they are here.

It's not just the women! Most people only come here to make money. It's not for the culture (hahaha! What a laugh!). Here in soCal, a lot of the Hispanic workers try to take off during December in order to be with their families for Christmas, even the ones with "good" steady jobs as landscapers and nannies.

I myself long for Italy. When I was there, no one ever asked me what I did for work! Not only that, but they didn't talk about work either.

My god, that was so refreshing! Everyone here is just obsessed with work work work "what do you do?"

There, people talk about painting, architecture and art, and what they're reading. IRL I hardly know anyone with the free time to read a magazine article, much less a book! This is truly the country that built the rat race, and rat race people are hardly the type that make good spouses.

I also notice that Italian men look at women differently. They look at you slowly, taking you in from your feet all the way to your hair. It's a different experience. They also deserve their reputation as good lovers!

Here, men are obsessed with body parts, and look at you like a butcher looks at:

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCCY06puFF8nY8libmgwXjKAIJMK6EE RcMepQVLF-ByN8ChCzk

Even "intellectual" men I know talk to my boobs instead of to my face, lol, and the sad thing is they don't even know they're doing it! I doubt marriage with them is a fulfilling experience.

7th June 2011, 01:02 PM
And that's the worse part about getting old........so many good looking women running around looking for someone to treat them as they should and all that I can do is to look at them and cry in the inside :boohoo

7th June 2011, 02:01 PM
I think the psychologist who wrote this piece, may have a problem with selection bias. She is most likely

"Vladimir" can not be "she".
Hmmm... Yes, well it is an odd name for a woman I must agree...


here is another vladimir


does not look like a woman either

Actually, that's a Vitaly. Just sayin' :)

7th June 2011, 03:10 PM
those two kichkos could have been famous, had they not been born with the wrong skin color

Yeah, Dr Ironfist and his kid brother have made some spectacular KO's over the years. I think they didn't achieve great white hope status because they're Ukrainian and not American.