View Full Version : defense against the psychopath

Large Sarge
6th June 2011, 12:35 PM

6th June 2011, 01:05 PM
if we accept the situation where a doctor knowingly hurts their patients but chooses to do it anyway because it makes them a lot of money, then i got plenty of experience witnessing psychopathic behavior firsthand via my experiences with LASIK surgeons.

i have met & emailed with a lot of the big name LASIK surgeons in California, met patients they have injured, researched them, etc.

one of the interesting things about that field is that medical students are told up front that -
* if they go into refractive surgery they can make a lot of money.
* they will inevitably have some dissatisfied patients & bad outcomes.

so the LASIK surgeons are self-selected for psychopathic behavior.

if they want to make a lot of money as a doctor but are uncomfortable doing an elective procedure that cripples some patients, they can become anaesthesiologists, as an example - anaesthesiologists make a lot of money but they don't have to lie to persuade a prospective patient to have an elective surgical procedure.

Large Sarge
6th June 2011, 02:19 PM
if we accept the situation where a doctor knowingly hurts their patients but chooses to do it anyway because it makes them a lot of money, then i got plenty of experience witnessing psychopathic behavior firsthand via my experiences with LASIK surgeons.

i have met & emailed with a lot of the big name LASIK surgeons in California, met patients they have injured, researched them, etc.

one of the interesting things about that field is that medical students are told up front that -
* if they go into refractive surgery they can make a lot of money.
* they will inevitably have some dissatisfied patients & bad outcomes.

so the LASIK surgeons are self-selected for psychopathic behavior.

if they want to make a lot of money as a doctor but are uncomfortable doing an elective procedure that cripples some patients, they can become anaesthesiologists, as an example - anaesthesiologists make a lot of money but they don't have to lie to persuade a prospective patient to have an elective surgical procedure.

after I read the book "curing the incureable" (by thomas Levy M.D.; presumably a jew, a good one IMO)

I was quite depressed

I told a friend, they could close 90% of the hospitals overnight if this book was widely read

High dose vitamin c cures everything, its just kind of mind boggling to read it all.....

I guess its the same thing, there is not much money in it.

The best thing I have found is to get people off flouride, they really start waking up, and then showing them videos like the one above, so they can spot the predators....

govt schools and low level poisoning, have dumbed them all down.....

Silver Shield
6th June 2011, 02:44 PM
Very good video!!!

6th June 2011, 02:47 PM
if we accept the situation where a doctor knowingly hurts their patients but chooses to do it anyway because it makes them a lot of money, then i got plenty of experience witnessing psychopathic behavior firsthand via my experiences with LASIK surgeons.

i have met & emailed with a lot of the big name LASIK surgeons in California, met patients they have injured, researched them, etc.

one of the interesting things about that field is that medical students are told up front that -
* if they go into refractive surgery they can make a lot of money.
* they will inevitably have some dissatisfied patients & bad outcomes.

so the LASIK surgeons are self-selected for psychopathic behavior.

if they want to make a lot of money as a doctor but are uncomfortable doing an elective procedure that cripples some patients, they can become anaesthesiologists, as an example - anaesthesiologists make a lot of money but they don't have to lie to persuade a prospective patient to have an elective surgical procedure.

i'v been trying to read that link to lasikflop in your sig file for well over a year, but it's complete html nonsense that comes up.

6th June 2011, 07:11 PM
after I read the book "curing the incureable" (by thomas Levy M.D.; presumably a jew, a good one IMO)

I was quite depressed

I told a friend, they could close 90% of the hospitals overnight if this book was widely read

the word is iatrogenic.

that's the term for an "adverse health condition" (injury, illness, disabling condition, etc.) that's caused by the doctor or the medical system.

many of the health conditions people in the US have are iatrogenic.

so they take their health problem, and go back to the "doctor" for for treatment - or is it abuse ?

Large Sarge
6th June 2011, 10:43 PM
[quote=Large Sarge ]

after I read the book "curing the incureable" (by thomas Levy M.D.; presumably a jew, a good one IMO)

I was quite depressed

I told a friend, they could close 90% of the hospitals overnight if this book was widely read

the word is iatrogenic.

that's the term for an "adverse health condition" (injury, illness, disabling condition, etc.) that's caused by the doctor or the medical system.

many of the health conditions people in the US have are iatrogenic.
so they take their

for the most part, both parties are ignorant (doctor and patient)

so I have a hard time blaming them

DBS had a thing on the medical system, the flexner bros did it, one did the AMA, one did the public school system

thats my whole point about getting them off flouride, and helping to teach one side (either side really patient or doctor in this case) how to think and reason

most of the are unknowingly doing what they are doing....

5th August 2011, 07:17 AM
this guy Mike Cross was 2nd hour guest on Rense radio last night. This hour will repeat beginning in less than an hour from now, IE 8:08 AM PT (after the top-of-the-hour noise) through 9 AM PT. Listen links:

http://www.renseradio.com/images/wmp.gif (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/livefeeds/16k.asx) http://www.renseradio.com/images/winamp.gif (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/livefeeds/16k.m3u) http://www.renseradio.com/images/realp.gif (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/livefeeds/16k.ram) http://www.renseradio.com/vlccone.gif
VLC (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/livefeeds/16k.asx)

Mike Cross
(https://www.facebook.com/pages/Freedom-From-Conscience/157243080986087)The Psychopathic Personality
In Politics And Corporations
Psychopaths - Freedom
From Conscience (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MZCHjGkTPg&feature=related) - Vid
Michael (author of Freedom from Conscience - Melanie's Journey) about psychopaths part 1


5th June 2016, 04:32 PM
Defense against the Psychopath creator on Spigola's show; haven't listened, prolly won't coz I feel pretty well informed re psychopathy. But desc suggests this is much wider in scope, incl 2nd guest on whole different subject.

Spingola Speaks 6/4/2016
Deanna's guest was Stefan Verstappen, the author of The Art of Urban Survival and The Thirty Six Strategies of Ancient China.
His web site is Urban Survival Strategies: www.urbansurvivalstrategies.com and www.Chinastrategies.com
Stefan Verstappen is the also the creator of the video documentary titled Defense against the Psychopath. Third hour guest was Amie Valpone, the author of Eating Clean, The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body. Her web site is http://thehealthyapple.com


5th June 2016, 09:06 PM
after I read the book "curing the incureable" (by thomas Levy M.D.; presumably a jew, a good one IMO)

I was quite depressed

I told a friend, they could close 90% of the hospitals overnight if this book was widely read

High dose vitamin c cures everything, its just kind of mind boggling to read it all.....

I guess its the same thing, there is not much money in it.

The best thing I have found is to get people off flouride, they really start waking up, and then showing them videos like the one above, so they can spot the predators....

govt schools and low level poisoning, have dumbed them all down.....
I've been intrigued by Vitamin C as potential medical panacea since 1978. High dose Vitamin C plus other mincronutrients were of tremendous healing power in my dying father at that time. His turnaround was stunning. Unfortunately, amidst slow improvement in his congestive heart failure, he suffered a massive coronary infarction which I witnessed first hand.

I have not yet researched Dr. Levy's works but I have watched his impressive testimonials on Youtube. I think there is sufficient evidence of the safety and efficacy of Vitamin C that it wise to supplement. In addition to my 1500 mg per day regular dose, if I feel an illness or malaise coming on, I will double or triple my C intake coupled with abundant liquids and a small simple diet.

I've missed one day of work in 12 years - knock wood.

5th June 2016, 09:44 PM
1500 mg per day regular dose, if I feel an illness or malaise coming on, I will double or triple my C intake coupled with abundant liquids and a small simple diet.


1500mg is already fifteen times the "recommended" daily dosage. How much fruit would our ancestors have to eat to get anywhere near that level?


Or Jack LaLanne with his juicer?



LaLanne blamed overly processed foods for many health problems. For most of his life, he advocated primarily a meat and vegetable diet; eating meat three times per day with eggs and fruit in the morning and many servings of vegetables in the afternoon and evening.[21] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_LaLanne#cite_note-21) For six years he was a Vegetarian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarian). In his later years, he appeared to advocate a mostly meatless diet but which included fish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish) (see Pescetarianism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescetarianism)),[22] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_LaLanne#cite_note-22)[23] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_LaLanne#cite_note-23) and took vitamin supplements.[24] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_LaLanne#cite_note-24)[25] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_LaLanne#cite_note-25)[26]
In his television programs, he recommended the following meal plan; Breakfast: fruit, eggs and/or meat, and whole wheat toast . Lunch: Big salad, and meat/fish. Dinner: Big salad, two vegetables, meat/fowl, and fruit.[citation needed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)]

He ate two meals a day and avoided snacks. His breakfast, after working out for two hours, consisted of hard-boiled egg whites, a cup of broth, oatmeal with soy milk and seasonal fruit. For dinner, he and his wife typically ate raw vegetables and egg whites along with fish. He did not drink coffee.[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_LaLanne#cite_note-NYT-obit-5)

:) Lived to age 96

5th June 2016, 10:15 PM
Our ancestors ate enormous amounts of fruits and vegetables and less meat.

In every mammal except man and guinea pig, vitamin C is manufacturer internally. When a dog or cat are exposed to stress, their natural blood ascorbate levels increase 3- to 10-fold. Interesting.

MDA means minimum amount needed to prevent deficiency (i.e. scurvy). MDA is not the same as optimal health levels. Our bodies need a lot more vitamin c than 75 mg per day.

5th June 2016, 10:20 PM

Typical symptoms of scurvy are initially fatigue, followed by formation of spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the mucous membranes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucous_membrane). Spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person may look pale, feel depressed, and be partially immobilized. As scurvy advances, there can be open, suppurating (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppuration) wounds, loss of teeth, yellow skin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaundice), fever, neuropathy and finally death from bleeding.[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scurvy#cite_note-Bradley_S_Buckler_MD.2C_Anjali_Parish_MD-3) Treatment is by a vitamin C-rich diet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_C#Dietary_sources), whereby complete recovery from incipient scurvy takes less than two weeks. Vitamin C is widespread in plant tissues, with particularly high concentrations occurring in capsicum fruit (especially sweet green peppers), cruciferous vegetables (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruciferous_vegetables) (such as kale, broccoli and brussels sprouts), and citrus fruits (especially oranges). Organ meats such as liver contain more vitamin C than muscle meat. Cooking significantly reduces the concentration of vitamin C as does exposure to air, copper, iron, and other transition metal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transition_metal) salts.

Scurvy does not occur in most animals as they can synthesize their own vitamin C. However, humans and other higher primates, guinea pigs, most or all bats, and some species of birds and fish lack an enzyme necessary for such synthesis and must obtain vitamin C through their diets.

5th June 2016, 10:41 PM
I wonder why our bodies can't produce vitamin C by itself like most other animals? Seems weird.

5th June 2016, 11:52 PM
Our ancestors ate enormous amounts of fruits and vegetables and less meat.

In every mammal except man and guinea pig, vitamin C is manufacturer internally. When a dog or cat are exposed to stress, their natural blood ascorbate levels increase 3- to 10-fold. Interesting.

MDA means minimum amount needed to prevent deficiency (i.e. scurvy). MDA is not the same as optimal health levels. Our bodies need a lot more vitamin c than 75 mg per day.

So glad you are back. What is the best form and or brand of vitamin c to take?

6th June 2016, 05:40 AM
I take 20,000 mg per day of vitamin c, ascorbic acid. I've taken as high as 40,000 mg per day and it's suggested you take amounts up to your bowel tolerance. I follow the Linus Pauling therapy for stopping and reversing heart disease. http://www.paulingtherapy.com

I buy the ascorbic acid from Pure Bulk. http://purebulk.com

I order it in five lb. bags when it's available and the cost is a penny to a penny and a half per 1000 mg.

I have Thomas Levy's book "curing the incurable" and have read a lot but not all of it. I also have a book he and a dentist wrote together called "Toxic Tooth". I had a root canal removed because of the information I found there and will never have another one.

6th June 2016, 06:48 AM
So glad you are back. What is the best form and or brand of vitamin c to take?All of them work well, but I would recommend one that includes bioflavanoids. And buffered C is good if it upsets your stomach. I like the 500 mg tabs from Sunkist though they do contain some additives.

6th June 2016, 01:23 PM
Thanks Tumbleweed and Mamboni, im going to hit the vitamin c hard from now on.

6th June 2016, 02:51 PM
As the body uses vitamin C for the production of H202 simply take a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (food grade) 36% in a glass of water several times daily.