View Full Version : What a weiner!
midnight rambler
6th June 2011, 02:36 PM
Now the shithead comes out and confesses all, which includes sending explicit photos of himself to several women both before and after he got married. This is the caliber of our 'leadership'.
6th June 2011, 02:40 PM
What is this about "Taking responsibility" but doing nothing?
The guy is an admitted liar now.
He should go, but will he?
Chutzpah! Shameless gall.
I'd like to see him go away and never be in government again..
I don't think it will happen.
He is a Chosen One so...
6th June 2011, 02:47 PM
Now the shithead comes out and confesses all, which includes sending explicit photos of himself to several women both before and after he got married. This is the caliber of our 'leadership'.
So he is a liar, has shown very bad judgement and has shamed the House of Representatives,
but he does not need to resign.
Of course not.
The Press asking idiotic questions, not pressing him to explain why he shouldn't pack up and go.
6th June 2011, 03:16 PM
Well... I'd rather our 'representatives' spent their time photographing their junk instead of passing laws. But something tells me they have time for both.
midnight rambler
6th June 2011, 03:17 PM
Now the shithead comes out and confesses all, which includes sending explicit photos of himself to several women both before and after he got married. This is the caliber of our 'leadership'.
So he is a liar, has shown very bad judgement and has shamed the House of Representatives,
but he does not need to resign.
Of course not.
The Press asking idiotic questions, not pressing him to explain why he shouldn't pack up and go.
Of course the press isn't going to ask him to go, stuff like that makes for great Telavivison.
midnight rambler
6th June 2011, 03:18 PM
Well... I'd rather our 'representatives' spent their time photographing their junk instead of passing laws. But something tells me they have time for both.
And they STILL have time for insider trading which they are immune from being prosecuted for. Sweet!
midnight rambler
6th June 2011, 03:23 PM
Hey Weiner! YOU are the one who made a joke out of your own name!
Oh gawd, the irony.
6th June 2011, 03:25 PM
Did he confess that his favorite song is....
7th June 2011, 03:23 PM
Well... I'd rather our 'representatives' spent their time photographing their junk instead of passing laws. But something tells me they have time for both.
Plenty of time for both.
They will only work 182 days this year. Damn, where do I apply?
7th June 2011, 04:30 PM
The dude is married to Huma Abedin, the lesbian lover of Hillary.
mick silver
7th June 2011, 06:12 PM
just what if someone would of blackmail him . would that not put everyone in this country in danger
7th June 2011, 06:18 PM
just what if someone would of blackmail him . would that not put everyone in this country in danger
everyone in this country is in danger anyway with douchebags like him in charge
7th June 2011, 06:36 PM
Only the corrupt are controllable, which is WHY they get elected ... so they can be controlled at the pivotal moments.
midnight rambler
7th June 2011, 07:06 PM
Only the corrupt are controllable, which is WHY they get elected ... so they can be controlled at the pivotal moments.
And this weiner provided at least a couple of weeks distraction/entertainment for the rubes, the usefulness of which cannot be doubted.
Camp Bassfish
8th June 2011, 05:26 AM
Charlie Sheen = Winning
Anthony Weiner = Weining?!?
willie pete
8th June 2011, 06:02 AM
what a sleezy snake
8th June 2011, 06:14 AM
what a sleezy snake
He is that, in spades.
But he is "a great friend of Israel" and also a MOT,
so he will probably not be forced to go.
They have big plans for the weasel.
And he is incapable of shame so he won't leave on his own.
8th June 2011, 10:48 AM
The dude is married to Huma Abedin, the lesbian lover of Hillary.
And a Saudi muzzie at that!
Hatha Sunahara
8th June 2011, 11:47 AM
Politicians are all liars. That's what politics is all about. So when you express outrage about how a politician is lying, it is like shedding crocodile tears. People who want 'honest politicians' will always be disappointed.
I think Anthony Weiner was doing damage control when he admitted that it was his weiner in the photo that he sent it to his Twitter acquaintances. Most likely he's done a lot of this kind of thing and worse, so an admission would be less damaging than a continuing denial. I don't think he's as dumb as people think he is.
I personally think this is his private business. If there were any standards of behavior for congress members, none of them would be in compliance. It's good to know there is at least one of them who is human. I'd be inclined to forgive him if he promises to not relapse into this moronic childish behavior again. I think he made that promise in his admission. It takes a fairly large amount of integrity to admit a mistake or an indiscretion. In that regard, the man has set a good example for all of us.
8th June 2011, 12:07 PM
"... It takes a fairly large amount of integrity to admit a mistake or an indiscretion. In that regard, the man has set a good example for all of us."
I don't see that at all.
He didn't admit anything, in fact he lied and denied until he was forced to acknowledge that he
was lying.
And he'd still be lying if the women had not come forward with pictures.
Weiner is a weasel.
And I agree with you that probably most of those in Congress are too.
But I don't see 'integrity' anywhere connected to Weiner.
Silver Moon Rising
8th June 2011, 12:23 PM
Any truth to the rumor that because of all the bad publicity,
he is going to change his name to Richard Head?
8th June 2011, 12:47 PM
If the story is true he is certifiably insane. He supposedly sent the pics from his anthonyweiner aol address. He could`ve at least spent 5 minutes and opened a bigdick@yahoo account.
PS. IMHO all these sex scandals like him,Clinton, Spitzer, Arnie, DSK etc are diversions to make the sheeple forget about real news. The way I see it TPTB have a giant bucket of lottery tickets with the names of their political poodles and when they need another diversion they pull a random ticket out and then call the loser to inform him that he is gonna be the star in a TV show about his own degenerate sex life. TPTB have dirt on everyone and the choice of the next victim is either random or it`s a political assasination when the poodle gets out of line a bit which must be rare because the poodles are carefully screened for this sort of thing b4 being given power. There is a trend for almost weekly sex scandals now.
8th June 2011, 05:28 PM
PS. IMHO all these sex scandals like him,Clinton, Spitzer, Arnie, DSK etc are diversions to make the sheeple forget about real news.
Agreed on the diversion for the sheeple, but I alway hate seeing all these guys lumped in as a sex scandals. Each are different.
Bill Clinton was a "lied under oath to a federal grand jury" and to Americans as president, criminal scandal, that involved forgivable infidelity. We all know what Hillary looks like.
Spitzer "the Sheriff of Wall Street" was a "criminal activities" scandal, having been caught in the illegal activities of prostitution. Sex is secondary. He was hated by Wall Street by the way.
Arnie was a "being a horny dumbshit" scandal. His is probably the only sex scandal of this bunch.
DSK was a "criminal rape" scandal, which I do not consider as having/being sex. Everything else is secondary to his brutal crime.
Weiner is just another "perverted degenerate weasel Jew" scandal. There was no sexual relations involved...other then with Rosie and her five sisters.
8th June 2011, 05:45 PM
I personally think this is his private business. If there were any standards of behavior for congress members, none of them would be in compliance. It's good to know there is at least one of them who is human. I'd be inclined to forgive him if he promises to not relapse into this moronic childish behavior again. I think he made that promise in his admission. It takes a fairly large amount of integrity to admit a mistake or an indiscretion. In that regard, the man has set a good example for all of us.
The people who are also saying this on teevee now are all fellow jews. Every last one of them.
Hatha Sunahara
8th June 2011, 08:19 PM
Maybe he has a large majority of Jews in his district who elected him, and this is where the TV media found his supporters.
After watching some videos of Tony the Weiner, my impression of him is that he is really smart, but also arrogant. By his behavior, I think he is pragmatic. He said in an interview in the Capitol that he wasn't going to let the boner photo issue distract him from his job. This was day 3 into the story. Apparently he couldn't stop people from raising the issue, so the only way to put this behind him was to tell everybody what they wanted to hear. Politicians do that--even in situations like this where it costs them. I think he was trying to cut his losses.
I think he fell into a trap. I think the guy has some powerful enemies. People who might think he is dangerous to their agenda. They found his weaknesses and set him up to exploit them. This is a classic way to end somebody's career. It's a political dirty trick. So is an airplane crash. I'm sure there is much more to this story than we are being told or that even Tony the Weiner could tell us.
8th June 2011, 08:48 PM
I think he fell into a trap. I think the guy has some powerful enemies. People who might think he is dangerous to their agenda. They found his weaknesses and set him up to exploit them. This is a classic way to end somebody's career. It's a political dirty trick...
Hilarious. You sure are inventing excuses for jewish "victim" Weiner still.
:oo--> he is probably out getting a holocaust arm tattoo now
9th June 2011, 06:03 AM
Weiner is an arrogant pr*ck and his main focus seems to be what he can do for a foreign country.
That also seems to be the basis for his support in this mess.
There's a good chance he will not leave his position.
But the sooner he and others like him, whose primary efforts are what they can
do for another country at the expense of this one, the sooner they are gone
the sooner the USA will begin to be restored.
The lying scumbag Weiner is a perfect example of the article below from Veteran's Today.
Zionist Washington Ensuring End of America
“The great majority of the Senate of the United States…are completely in support of Israel, anything Israel wants. This has been demonstrated time and again, and this has made it difficult.” – Senator William J. Fullbright
Fulbright made these statements during CBS’s “Face the Nation” in 1973. Since that time, Israel’s control over Washington has grown tremendously, like a malignant cancer. This widespread control over Washington by Zionist Jews explains not only U.S. Middle East policy, but also U.S. domestic policy. Together, with their domination of the media, financial system, Washington, think tanks, the educational system and corporate America, Zionists are able to manipulate the minds of Americans, commit collosal fraud on Wall Street and use this money to buy off Washington which effectively functions to enrich this powerful group and position the U.S. as a puppet nation of Israel.
Here, I focus on the control of Washington by Zionist Jews using the Obama administration as an example. Although a similar level of control by Zionist Jews can be seen in previous administrations, one could argue that their power has never been greater, as evidenced by the current administration...
Story here:
9th June 2011, 06:13 AM
Willy wanky weiner pos resign or be forced out? Yes!
All of those "critters" that are "exposed" doing immoral behavior
should be run out of town on a greased "pole".
9th June 2011, 06:27 AM
Only thing this represents is some guy stabbing a jew in the dick... he is a representative of what happens.
9th June 2011, 06:46 AM
PS. IMHO all these sex scandals like him,Clinton, Spitzer, Arnie, DSK etc are diversions to make the sheeple forget about real news.
Agreed on the diversion for the sheeple, but I alway hate seeing all these guys lumped in as a sex scandals. Each are different.
Bill Clinton was a "lied under oath to a federal grand jury" and to Americans as president, criminal scandal, that involved forgivable infidelity. We all know what Hillary looks like.
Spitzer "the Sheriff of Wall Street" was a "criminal activities" scandal, having been caught in the illegal activities of prostitution. Sex is secondary. He was hated by Wall Street by the way.
Arnie was a "being a horny dumbshit" scandal. His is probably the only sex scandal of this bunch.
DSK was a "criminal rape" scandal, which I do not consider as having/being sex. Everything else is secondary to his brutal crime.
Weiner is just another "perverted degenerate weasel Jew" scandal. There was no sexual relations involved...other then with Rosie and her five sisters.
What was the "I have a wide stance" in the shitter guy? That homo congressman in the airport bathroom scandal.
9th June 2011, 06:54 AM
No one cares about the reprehensible conduct of Weiner; not because it is forgivable, but because Americans are so cynical, enured or outright ignorant of current events and decorum that nothing their elected officials do is too shocking or obscene. Americans have zero expectations of their leaders when it comes to ethics, morals, respect for the law and respect for the Constitution. The unspoken common knowledge is that the American dream is dead and the US Constitution is defunct. Everyone is just pretending at republic hoping to get what they can out of the US government handout scam before the economy completely implodes. Half of Americans see a Great Depression on the horizon - that is unprecedented pessimism. Rome burns while a Congressman named Weiner emails photos of his pecker to college age girls with sexually suggestive messages and his pregnant wife cavorts around the globle with the Secretary of State. If this outrageously irreverent conduct isn't emblematic of America's demise and the utter fall from grace of her leadership, then I don't know what is.
9th June 2011, 07:01 AM
No one cares about the reprehensible conduct of Weiner; not because it is forgivable, but because Americans are so cynical, enured or outright ignorant of current events and decorum that nothing their elected officials do is too shocking or obscene. Americans have zero expectations of their leaders when it comes to ethics, morals, respect for the law and respect for the Constitution. The unspoken common knowledge is that the American dream is dead and the US Constitution is defunct. Everyone is just pretending at republic hoping to get what they can out of the US government handout scam before the economy completely implodes. Half of Americans see a Great Depression on the horizon - that is unprecedented pessimism. Rome burns while a Congressman named Weiner emails photos of his pecker to college age girls with sexually suggestive messages and his pregnant wife cavorts around the globle with the Secretary of State. If this outrageously irreverent conduct isn't emblematic of America's demise and the utter fall from grace of her leadership, then I don't know what is.
Sounds "Jaded" to me!
9th June 2011, 07:12 AM
No one cares about the reprehensible conduct of Weiner; not because it is forgivable, but because Americans are so cynical, enured or outright ignorant of current events and decorum that nothing their elected officials do is too shocking or obscene. Americans have zero expectations of their leaders when it comes to ethics, morals, respect for the law and respect for the Constitution. The unspoken common knowledge is that the American dream is dead and the US Constitution is defunct. Everyone is just pretending at republic hoping to get what they can out of the US government handout scam before the economy completely implodes. Half of Americans see a Great Depression on the horizon - that is unprecedented pessimism. Rome burns while a Congressman named Weiner emails photos of his pecker to college age girls with sexually suggestive messages and his pregnant wife cavorts around the globle with the Secretary of State. If this outrageously irreverent conduct isn't emblematic of America's demise and the utter fall from grace of her leadership, then I don't know what is.
Sounds "Jaded" to me!
I think that 'jaded' comes closer to describing how those of us who are still working and paying taxes to support this corrupt welfare state feel. The rest are just 'doing time' or 'hanging out' and are best described as apathetic. To wit:
Definition: 1. dulled through repetition or excess; 2. no longer interested in something, often because of having been overexposed to it; 3. exhausted from overwork or overexposure; 4. hardened, insensitive, or dispassionate due to unpleasant experience
Synonyms: disenchanted, weary, surfeited, sated, blasé, tired, worn out, spent, impassive, bored, numbed, pessimistic, callous, hardened
Antonyms: refreshed, renewed, excited
Tips: Jade used to be the name for an old horse, especially one that is worn out through overwork. This same connotation is seen in the adjective jaded. Jaded is an adjective used to describe emotions felt from being overexposed to something. For example, it would be easy to see how people would get jaded on politics if they lived and worked in the political arena their whole life. Jaded is also used to describe boredom or weariness from something that has lost its original appeal. For example: "flying is fun and exciting the first few times, but you quickly become jaded from the exhaustion of travel."
Usage Examples:
Looking for something to renew his spirit and refresh his zest for life, the jaded executive decided to embark on a sailing trip around the world. (worn out, disenchanted, bored)
When I was a young business professiona,l I used to love to travel; now, I'm somewhat jaded about traveling and try to limit the amount of time I spend away from my family. (wearied, spent, disenchanted)
The president’s speech on the future of the company was not very optimistic; it left the employees jaded and depressed. (disenchanted, wearied)
He has been through so much hardship in his life that his views of the world are quite jaded. (pessimistic, impassive, blasé)
9th June 2011, 07:28 AM
No one cares about the reprehensible conduct of Weiner; not because it is forgivable, but because Americans are so cynical, enured or outright ignorant of current events and decorum that nothing their elected officials do is too shocking or obscene. Americans have zero expectations of their leaders when it comes to ethics, morals, respect for the law and respect for the Constitution. The unspoken common knowledge is that the American dream is dead and the US Constitution is defunct. Everyone is just pretending at republic hoping to get what they can out of the US government handout scam before the economy completely implodes. Half of Americans see a Great Depression on the horizon - that is unprecedented pessimism. Rome burns while a Congressman named Weiner emails photos of his pecker to college age girls with sexually suggestive messages and his pregnant wife cavorts around the globle with the Secretary of State. If this outrageously irreverent conduct isn't emblematic of America's demise and the utter fall from grace of her leadership, then I don't know what is.
Sounds "Jaded" to me!
I think that 'jaded' comes closer to describing how those of us who are still working and paying taxes to support this corrupt welfare state feel. The rest are just 'doing time' or 'hanging out' and are best described as apathetic. To wit:
Definition: 1. dulled through repetition or excess; 2. no longer interested in something, often because of having been overexposed to it; 3. exhausted from overwork or overexposure; 4. hardened, insensitive, or dispassionate due to unpleasant experience
Synonyms: disenchanted, weary, surfeited, sated, blasé, tired, worn out, spent, impassive, bored, numbed, pessimistic, callous, hardened
Antonyms: refreshed, renewed, excited
Tips: Jade used to be the name for an old horse, especially one that is worn out through overwork. This same connotation is seen in the adjective jaded. Jaded is an adjective used to describe emotions felt from being overexposed to something. For example, it would be easy to see how people would get jaded on politics if they lived and worked in the political arena their whole life. Jaded is also used to describe boredom or weariness from something that has lost its original appeal. For example: "flying is fun and exciting the first few times, but you quickly become jaded from the exhaustion of travel."
Usage Examples:
Looking for something to renew his spirit and refresh his zest for life, the jaded executive decided to embark on a sailing trip around the world. (worn out, disenchanted, bored)
When I was a young business professiona,l I used to love to travel; now, I'm somewhat jaded about traveling and try to limit the amount of time I spend away from my family. (wearied, spent, disenchanted)
The president’s speech on the future of the company was not very optimistic; it left the employees jaded and depressed. (disenchanted, wearied)
He has been through so much hardship in his life that his views of the world are quite jaded. (pessimistic, impassive, blasé)
Thanks Doc!
I knew that word fit some where in your op I was replying to. Was looking for one word that would fit what you wrote in your post.
Large Sarge
9th June 2011, 07:36 AM
look at the average type of person that goes into politics.
(I Except Cynthia McKinney, retired Rep Findley, and to a point Ron Paul)
They get there by telling the biggest lies, and promising the most free stuff to their constituents (and to Israel).
Should we be all that surprised that their private life mirrors their public life.
(as inside, so outside)
take a look at what they do to the folks that tell the truth, matt simmons (dead)
Jim Willie, who after repeated threats was forced to discontinue his "crisis report"
I guess what I find shocking, is that americans are shocked or outraged, when a professional liar, gets caught telling more lies....
Americans have no real appetite for the truth, try talking to neighbors, co-workers, etc about 9/11, chemtrails, japan nuclear disaster, gulf oil disaster, etc
usually ends rather badly, otherwise intelligent people get hostile, and just "shut down"
another day at the circus, and a liar gets caught telling lies.....
Hatha Sunahara
9th June 2011, 11:00 AM
I think he fell into a trap. I think the guy has some powerful enemies. People who might think he is dangerous to their agenda. They found his weaknesses and set him up to exploit them. This is a classic way to end somebody's career. It's a political dirty trick...
Hilarious. You sure are inventing excuses for jewish "victim" Weiner still.
:oo--> he is probably out getting a holocaust arm tattoo now
I'm not making excuses for jewish "victim" Weiner. I'm trying to read between the lines for the content that the MSM do not deliver in their 'journalism'. I'm also trying to be fair to the guy. He's guilty of an 'indiscretion', not a heinous crime. A little empathy never cost anybody anything. You should try it sometime Book.
12th June 2011, 12:15 PM
The poor baby is "sick".
All you meanies picking on him should be ashamed of yourselves.
Get well Weiner !
Shortly after, Weiner's office announced that the embattled New York Democrat had decided to enter a treatment program, saying he "needs this time to get healthy and make the best possible decision" about his future.
"Congressman Weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person," Weiner's office announced. "In light of that, he will request a short leave of absence from the House of Representatives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well."
It's unclear what type of treatment Weiner is seeking, but Democrats hinted it's not enough to overcome the scandal and urged him to resign.
12th June 2011, 12:22 PM
The poor baby is "sick".
All you meanies picking on him should be ashamed of yourselves.
Get well Weiner !
Get well????
He has been making BAD choices. Calling it an illness takes the blame off the creep. He is a socialist scumbag and his weener affairs are small compared with his political poison. His small todger is the right size for his entire brain. The recoery needed is for Amerika to purge itself of these tiny men.
12th June 2011, 04:19 PM
So I just noticed that Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin (, is not only a muslim, but has been rumored to be Hillary Clinton's gay lover.
Here ( is a link to a Harpers article from 2007.
It’s not just Republicans who play rough in South Carolina. Rumors have been circulating in the Palmetto State, and elsewhere, that Hillary Clinton is having a lesbian affair. Her alleged paramour: a beautiful aide named Huma Abedin (Oscar de la Renta says he longs to see Huma in a strapless dress before he dies). As you can see from the photo, if Hillary is having an affair with Abedin it would not be evidence of her lesbianism as much as of her common sense and sound judgment.
This whole story just got a lot crazier.
12th June 2011, 04:46 PM
Poor woman. Must be suffering from some sort of esteem issues. Don't see how she couldn't be if her lovers are Weiner and Clinton. That's just frickin' gross.
Hope whatever she's getting out of the deal is worth it. If I saw Hillary naked I'd be doing suicide by cop.
It is going to be interesting to see if she loves the weiner or it will be splits ville! :o
LoL ;D
13th June 2011, 06:46 AM
The poor baby is "sick".
All you meanies picking on him should be ashamed of yourselves.
Get well Weiner !
Weiner is very shrewd, taking a leave and casting himself as the 'victim.' Pelosi and the other Demonrats who are demanding that Weiner resign best be careful or they may come off as cruel and unsympathetic. After all, Weiner has a mental illness - it's not his fault.;D
That's that vexing thing about this culture of 'victimology' created by the Socialists: it's a two-edge sword. No one is responsible for his actions it would seem. The little devil sitting on his left shoulder made him do it.:o
13th June 2011, 07:53 AM
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
"I will support and defend the interests of those I represent against all attempts to be regulated, denied access to government largess, or otherwise impeded through legislative barriers; that I take this oath with a grain of salt like everyone else, without any concern for the purpose of its meaning; and that I will faithfully discharge the needs of special interests through my office on which I am about to be installed through a long process of marketing and subterfuge at the hands of my supporters: So help myself. "
Which is reality? Telling that the real truth here is the second oath as the first has been rendered obsolete. As long as Weiner continues to maintain the status quo for his benefactors he will play games to delay his eventual reassignment for a job well done. He will join a long list of oddballs that served as temporary distractions while the band plays on. The whole affair is like Saran Wrap on people's heads looking for their auto-erotic moment to celebrate their own slavery.
13th June 2011, 05:28 PM
That's that vexing thing about this culture of 'victimology' created by the Socialists: it's a two-edge sword. No one is responsible for his actions it would seem. The little devil sitting on his left shoulder made him do it.:o
Barney Frank & the Kennedy's have used this tactic quite nicely. They know those that vote for them will eat it up quicker than Ponce would be at a 90% off TP sale.
It appears The Great Leader has just thrown poor sick Weiner under the bus.
Obama: 'I would resign' in Weiner's situation
13th June 2011, 05:32 PM
Ohh... when will the persecution of the jew cease...
15th June 2011, 10:25 AM
Weiner in a bra.
15th June 2011, 11:38 AM
The clown is toast. He is just trying to wait it out- hoping the shytstorm will subside. If his name wasn't WEENER, he might be able to pull it off... the caper... not the weener. But since he is a Weiner and got caught with still unfolding scandals, his weenie is roasted.
16th June 2011, 07:45 AM
Weiner can't stand the heat and gets cooked!
The ass lick just resigned!
16th June 2011, 09:19 AM
I wonder who Weiner crossed?
Pretty much all congressfags regularly do worse than what Weiner did....
It's kinda weird to see a jewish congressfag thrown under the bus like that.
16th June 2011, 10:01 AM
I wonder who Weiner crossed?
Pretty much all congressfags regularly do worse than what Weiner did....
It's kinda weird to see a jewish congressfag thrown under the bus like that.
Thats the same thing I was thinking, a jew congressman getting taken down like this.
Weird indeed.
willie pete
16th June 2011, 10:15 AM
I wonder who Weiner crossed?
Pretty much all congressfags regularly do worse than what Weiner did....
It's kinda weird to see a jewish congressfag thrown under the bus like that.
I think the death-nail for weiner was the fact he Lied about it first.....Very rarely, even for the scum in DC, do you come back from getting caught lying in "Public" ....I'll bet you IF he'd come out in the begining and said "yea, that's me" he probably could've survived.....
16th June 2011, 03:22 PM
Ron Paul weighs in and adds salient comparisons/thought to it all.
16th June 2011, 05:40 PM
I think the death-nail for weiner was the fact he Lied about it first.....Very rarely, even for the scum in DC, do you come back from getting caught lying in "Public" ....I'll bet you IF he'd come out in the begining and said "yea, that's me" he probably could've survived.....
Even at the beginning he didn't DENY it was him. The "journalists" (forgive me as I'm using the word loosely) seemed amused that he would not admit to sending the pics, but wouldn't say if it was him or not.
26th June 2011, 12:15 PM
The Great American Disconnect (
<li id="comment-331269" class="author"> Brother Nathanael ( June 21, 2011 @ 11:45 pm (
The Great American Disconnect
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved
Perverted Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner’s recent online ‘sexting’ scandal has brought even more focus to the complete disconnect between our allegedly elected Washington policy makers and the ever more disenfranchised and betrayed American public.
Weiner began his political career as Senator Charles ‘Chuckie’ Schumer’s legislative aide – soon climbing the jaded rungs of the New York Jewish power ladder as a US Congressman.
Perhaps learning well the political art of bald-faced lying during his years sucking up to Schumer, Weiner stupidly told reporters when asked about his lewd photo exchanges with some VERY young women, that his Twitter Account had been “hacked” by his enemies who, he would like us to believe, were driven by ‘Anti-Semitism.’
Although Weiner claimed he was ’set up,’ as the old saying goes, “You can’t hide those lying eyes.” Now watch Weiner squirm and worm.
[Clip: Newscaster: “Congressman, I think the main question that everyone has, is, was that a picture of you?”
Weiner: “Well, the main question a lot of people are asking is, did I send the photograph? I did not, this was a prank, a hoax.”
Newscaster: “So it sounds like it was a photo of you.”
Weiner: “Well, we’re going to try to find out exactly what happened. The photograph does not look aah look aah aah familiar to me.”
Of course, Weiner was caught in his transparent lie and was forced to resign last week. As a reward for betraying the public trust, Weiner is now eligible for a fat 1.3 million government pension – paid for by the looted American taxpayer whom Wiener and countless others of his synagogue sidekicks have betrayed.
As the chasm grows wider between the very rich — which includes an astonishing number of influential Jews dominating finance, monetary policy, academia, the courts — and the declining White Christian Middle Class, a Great American Disconnect is now in full bloom.
This “disconnect” can be clearly visualized in our airports, for example, where the sheep are degraded, probed, groped and made to know their place…which is that of being targeted as hypothetical ‘terrorists.’
All this was concocted and installed by Zionist-Jewish politicians and their controllers who have so shrewdly stripped America to the bone.
Yes, in TSA lines across America, most citizens can rest assured they will be undressed and given a dose of radiation en masse by a machine called RapiScan…which clearly should have been named RapeScan.
The policy makers behind this strip-search machine are former Department of Homeland Security chief Zionist Michael Chertoff, now head of the Security Consulting Firm, The Chertoff Group, and Zionist Senator Joseph Lieberman, Chairman of the Senate Committee for Homeland Security, who happily handed the mega-million dollar RapiScan airport radiation cooker contract to his fellow Talmudic Jew, Michael Chertoff.
[Clip: Newscaster: “When we talk about screenings at the airport and other protective mechanisms along the way, what should we be doing that clearly we’re not?
Chertoff: “First, we could deploy the scanning machines that we’re currently beginning to deploy in the US that would give us the ability to see what someone has concealed underneath their clothing. Now there’s been a very vivid lesson in the value of that machinery.”]
Chertoff is quite bold in affirming that he’s the consultant for the backscatter boxes, he makes no bones about it…
[Clip: Newscaster: “I know you’ve been an advocate of this technology for a long time.”
Chertoff: “Correct.”
Newscaster: “But just in the interest of full disclosure I also want to point out in your current role as a security consultant you are representing some of the companies who manufacture that technology.”
Chertoff: “Ab, ab, absolutely correct, yeah.”]
…and this should indicate to every thinking American (if there are any left) that American Jewry’s spokesmen couldn’t care less about any outrage regarding their in-our-faces arrogance.
So, next time you stand in a TSA line, remember that two Talmudic Jews are undressing you, blasting your DNA with radiation, and not only getting away with it…but getting PAID for it, too.
Along with Lieberman and Chertoff, [is another Zionist-Jewish policy maker, Senator Carl Levin, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee and also serves on the Senate Committee for Homeland Security.
At the Joshua Rosenthal Lecture Series at Ford University, (yet another of the thousands of Jewish organizations inundating our country), Levin told his co-religionists that the Afghan military theatre is the “central focus in America’s war on terrorism” – and although proven a grotesque lie – Levin affirmed that Saddam Hussein possessed “weapons of mass destruction” as justification for the annihilation of the sovereign nation of Iraq.
[Clip: Levin: “The CIA director told the president that it was a slam dunk case that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. When army chief of staff General Shinseki warned that he could take several hundred thousand US troops to occupy and stabilize Iraq after the war he should have been listened to.”]
In spite of both these wars being highly unpopular with the American people, Jewish leaders like Senator Carl Levin have no problems promoting them…because the tens of thousands dead and maimed are the Goyim…not Jews.
The children of the Zionist warmongers simply do not fight or die in the wars their parents and elders force America into waging.
Finally, in America’s cultural realm, the relentless bombarding of “Jewish victimization” brought to us by our policy makers in Washington, keeps on endlessly ramming “The Holocaust Religion” down the throats of the American public.
The most visible icon, the high priest of the Holocaust ‘Religion’ extortion machine is, of course, the omnipresent, ad nauseum apostle of the everlasting “Yiddish gripe,” Elie Wiesel.
During yet another ceremony awarding Wiesel with yet another gold chain, the ever-sulking, ever-offended proselytizer of Holocaust Religion demanded that American Gentiles honor dead Jews as holy martyrs or be guilty of “killing Jews again” with a “second death.”
[Clip: Wiesel: “To forget the dead would mean not only to betray them but to give them a second death, to kill them again.”]
What is the greasy Wiesel suggesting here? Just that Gentiles must send Jews to heaven, rather than an eternity in hell, which is what deniers of Christ deserve, according to Orthodox Christian dogma.
America has been sent into a manufactured, fatal identity crisis. The disconnect, the gigantic hole…between the Zionist-Jewish policy makers and their multitudes of dupes and servants in Washington, and the American people, is so wide that one still above room temperature can’t help but call our society terminally dysfunctional.
This monstrous disorder, which I call, “The Jewification of America,” is now SO DEEP in its decay that NO amount of therapy — whether at the Ballot Box, Tea Party Meetings, or Town Hall Protests — can ever reverse or rehabilitate.
As the timeless title of the famous Thomas Wolfe novel states so clearly…. You Can’t Go Home Again.
26th June 2011, 07:02 PM
if fills me with hope to see the US Congress do the right thing and lay down the law
justice has prevailed
Weiner's exit from the Congress shows that America is Truly a Democracy
the Intense Media Scrutiny Weiner received shows us that inside the chest of American Journalism beats the heart of a true journalist, with the courage to tell the truth about the tough news stories
27th June 2011, 01:44 AM
If the story is true he is certifiably insane. He supposedly sent the pics from his anthonyweiner aol address. He could`ve at least spent 5 minutes and opened a bigdick@yahoo account.
PS. IMHO all these sex scandals like him,Clinton, Spitzer, Arnie, DSK etc are diversions to make the sheeple forget about real news. The way I see it TPTB have a giant bucket of lottery tickets with the names of their political poodles and when they need another diversion they pull a random ticket out and then call the loser to inform him that he is gonna be the star in a TV show about his own degenerate sex life. TPTB have dirt on everyone and the choice of the next victim is either random or it`s a political assasination when the poodle gets out of line a bit which must be rare because the poodles are carefully screened for this sort of thing b4 being given power. There is a trend for almost weekly sex scandals now.
^ This. I'm surprised that any of you "enlightened patriots" even give a fuck about this. I guess women like their gossip. No one is put into office with out "TPTB" having some dirt on them that can be brought up at a whim.
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