View Full Version : Cop To Citizen: "If You Take My Picture Again, I'm Going To F** Break Your Face

7th June 2011, 05:21 PM
<iframe src="http://videos.pixiq.com/embed/player/?widget_template_cid=black&content=77455P28DHJ96BVM&widget_type_cid=svp" width="420" height="380" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

A police officer from the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority in Buffalo walked up to a citizen who was filming him and threatened to "fucking break" his face.

The cop said he was speaking "not as a police officer, but as a person."

The only problem is, the sonofabitch was in full uniform with a police dog in tow.

The incident took place Thursday in the Square in downtown Buffalo after a fight had broken out. No further details are available at this point.

But the video speaks for itself.


7th June 2011, 05:26 PM
Contract offer.

Response in the form of a counter offer might be: "Are you threatening me?"

7th June 2011, 05:46 PM
Contract offer.

Response in the form of a counter offer might be: "Are you threatening me?"

Many times I don't get what you're saying, but this is clear and the correct response.

7th June 2011, 05:54 PM
Contract offer.

Response in the form of a counter offer might be: "Are you threatening me?"

Contract offer.

Response in the form of a counter offer might be: "Are you threatening me?"

Many times I don't get what you're saying, but this is clear and the correct response.

The walking donut did make the threat saying not as a police officer but as a private citizen, he would "Break your face".

When in uniform anything he says can be considered "official" in my opinion! the uniform makes it so. It would be interesting to see what a "Real" lawyer would say about this matter.

Would it be a threat as a officer of the law or private citizen, and or both?

7th June 2011, 05:57 PM
Does a Policy Enforcement Officer think he can just 'remove' his fictional hat anytime he chooses, and them step into the 'real' world? Would he be getting paid for his time? Who is keeping track of this?

Which is the bigger crime committed? Threat of assault via violence as an Officer towards a citizen? Or a citizen threatening assault via violence towards an Officer of the State?


Interesting, indeed.

My reply: " Sir, with all due respect, YOU are a coward in a costume and its not Halloween, AND DONT EVER FORGET THAT. Now please by all means, have a nice day."

7th June 2011, 06:01 PM
Does a Policy Enforcement Officer think he can just 'remove' his fictional hat anytime he chooses, and them step into the 'real' world? Would he be getting paid for his time? Who is keeping track of this?

Which is the bigger crime committed? Threat of assault via violence as an Officer towards a citizen? Or a citizen threatening assault via violence towards an Officer of the State?


Interesting, indeed.

My reply: " Sir, with all due respect, YOU are a coward in a costume and its not Halloween, AND DONT EVER FORGET THAT. Now please by all means, have a nice day."

And after you get off the ground, and he removes his boot from your ass, or something closely related, you can feel good you had your say! :o

7th June 2011, 06:11 PM
You can't have it both ways - use the uniform as a shield and yet act in a personal capacity.

Speaking as a private individual, he was explicitly setting aside his immunity. The person filming should file assault charges.

po boy
7th June 2011, 06:32 PM
You can't have it both ways - use the uniform as a shield and yet act in a personal capacity.

Speaking as a private individual, he was explicitly setting aside his immunity. The person filming should file assault charges.

Hell, he was in uniform on duty making threats to a man doing nothing illegal.Sue the pos pig.

Cops whine about how stressful the job is but the average burger king employee takes more shit and doesn't go postal.

It's going to be tough to here these guy whine when their pensions get robbed. :sarc:

7th June 2011, 06:41 PM
Does a Policy Enforcement Officer think he can just 'remove' his fictional hat anytime he chooses, and them step into the 'real' world? Would he be getting paid for his time? Who is keeping track of this?

Which is the bigger crime committed? Threat of assault via violence as an Officer towards a citizen? Or a citizen threatening assault via violence towards an Officer of the State?


Interesting, indeed.

My reply: " Sir, with all due respect, YOU are a coward in a costume and its not Halloween, AND DONT EVER FORGET THAT. Now please by all means, have a nice day."

And after you get off the ground, and he removes his boot from your ass, or something closely related, you can feel good you had your say! :o

Are you using fear again? I dont let fear control morals or values.

7th June 2011, 08:11 PM
"officer, are you using the word fuck as an adverb ?"

8th June 2011, 10:58 AM
Information suppression is one of the most reliable indicators of criminality.


8th June 2011, 01:54 PM
It's a weapon for a new age:


willie pete
8th June 2011, 03:21 PM
I can't understand how ANYONE can refuse to have their photo taken in a PUBLIC place....what about when this cop (?) walks into a 7-11? they record 24/7.....is 7-11 breaking the law by filming a cop? ....according to this info, it's NOT illegal IN MOST CASES to video record Anyone in Public...where the problem comes in and it's what some states are using to prosecute is not the video portion BUT THE AUDIO portion, it's illegal in many states NOT to have the other person's consent to Audio record them....


8th June 2011, 04:39 PM

feel sorry for the dog having to be partnered with a piece of dirt like that all day.