View Full Version : some good old stuff

7th June 2011, 09:45 PM
For some reason whenever I think of the book of Proverbs, I always think of one occurance.
I was a young boy maybe 8-10 yrs old and we were traveling and stopped at a Motel room.

After we unpacked and were waiting for my Mom to freshen up before going out to dinner,
my Father reached over to the Bible on the nighstand and opened it at random and started reading
out loud in the book of Proverbs.
When he was finished, he was visibly moved by what he just read, and told me
"It never ceases to amaze me the wisdom that is in this book"

That was around 40yrs. ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.

God's Peace

I will not declare this as doctrine but I've always thought; Is it a coincidence that there are 31 chapters and we have months with up to 31 days? I also considered the possibility that the day (number) you were born on has significiance for the proverb of that same number. I don't mean to come off as "mystic" in my approach but consider the following facts:
Who decides what day you're born on anyways? God does, NOT you.
Who is responsible for the days and months and the seasons? God is.
Who was ultimately responsible for the chapter and verse markings? God was.

With this I offer a personal challenge to any believer. Look up the particular chapter in proverbs in which you were born and see for yourself of that particular chapter has significiance for YOU personally over some of the other chapters. If you are older, it will be easier as you will have had MORE life behind you to see if this is true. I can testify that in my life it indeed does. I have had other Christians also take this challenge and they all said that it was true for them as well. by streets

So don't bother correcting mockers;
they will only hate you.
But correct the wise,
and they will love you. by MNeagle

8th June 2011, 08:05 PM
Is it a coincidence that there are 31 chapters and we have months with up to 31 days?

Must be, the Jewish calendar doesn't have 31 day months.