View Full Version : Cafferty File: What are the chances the U.S. economy could eventually trigger vi

8th June 2011, 03:13 PM
Thought the comments section very interesting, maybe people in general are wakening up!

Need to go to the link to read the comments! some pissed off people!



What are the chances the U.S. economy could eventually trigger violence in our country?

Posted: 04:42 PM ET

FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:

For the first time maybe since the Vietnam War or certainly since the civil rights movement, there are some darkening storm clouds on the civility horizon. A growing number of voices are continuing to suggest that if this economy doesn't turn around, and people can't start feeling optimistic about their futures again, we could be headed for some ugly scenarios. A new CNN poll says 48 percent of Americans think the country is headed for another Great Depression in the next twelve months. That is a stunning number.

James Carville, who in 1992 told Bill Clinton, "It's the economy stupid," says the current economy is so bad, there is a heightened risk of civil unrest. And unless things start changing for the better, it's a distinct possibility.

Our country is bankrupt and our government refuses to do anything about it. Unemployment is stuck above 9 percent. Millions of Americans are out of work, some for a number of years now. The value of peoples' homes is sinking below the break-even line. In the most recent jobs report, more than half of the private sector jobs that were added were at McDonald's.

For young people coming out of the nation's colleges and universities, their families having invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in their education, the outlook is grim.

Add in the early record breaking heat in the cities in the East and we might not even have to wait until 2012. It could become a long, hot, ugly summer.

Here’s my question to you: What are the chances the U.S. economy could eventually trigger violence in our country?

Tune in to the Situation Room at 5pm to see if Jack reads your answer on air.

And, we love to know where you’re writing from, so please include your city and state with your comment.

Filed under: Economy

General of Darkness
8th June 2011, 03:17 PM
Man I've been saying this for 6 fucking years.

8th June 2011, 03:20 PM
Man I've been saying this for 6 fucking years.

The thing is this is main stream media, the more said the more will hear. This is the first time on msm that I can recall that this has been brought up, the pot is starting to boil!

8th June 2011, 03:26 PM
http://www.nigeriafilms.com/image.aspx?img=Y29udGVudC9jb250ZW50L3lvdXRoLmpwZ3w 2MDA=



Can't wait for the news videos on my new big screen HDTV.


8th June 2011, 03:41 PM
Thought the comments section very interesting, maybe people in general are wakening up!

Need to go to the link to read the comments! some pissed off people!

Kathie June 8th, 2011 2:41 pm ET

teh repubs have already loaded the guns by passing open carry laws with/without training. we are reverting to the old west. we are supposed to be a civilized society. guns have no place on anyone's person. lots of blood on republicans hands when the next murders occur.


Alex in Bremerton, WA June 8th, 2011 2:50 pm ET

I've heard it said, "Revolution is only two missed meals away." So if climate change turns the wheat belt back into a dust bowl and social programs get cut, Jack, watch out! We should take a lesson from the Romans. "Bread and circuses" kept the population pacified until the money ran out.

8th June 2011, 03:45 PM
Thought the comments section very interesting, maybe people in general are wakening up!

Need to go to the link to read the comments! some pissed off people!

Kathie June 8th, 2011 2:41 pm ET

teh repubs have already loaded the guns by passing open carry laws with/without training. we are reverting to the old west. we are supposed to be a civilized society. guns have no place on anyone's person. lots of blood on republicans hands when the next murders occur.

Did not say that there were some fruit loops posting also, but the majority said violence could happen.

8th June 2011, 03:50 PM
What are the chances the U.S. economy could eventually trigger violence in our country?

The above is all that I had to read to know that the writer is not up to par with his job......we here know what will happen in the future.......a future where there will be no future......at least for 70 years.

8th June 2011, 03:52 PM
Did not say that there were some fruit loops posting also, but the majority said violence could happen.

no your right, i was just posting that because it is so crazy sounding considering the rhetoric around here is so different.

8th June 2011, 04:09 PM
FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:


Cafferty is Wolf Blitzer's curmudgeon goyim poodle. This guy (http://freelance-zone.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/andy_rooney.jpg) cost too much.


8th June 2011, 04:17 PM
FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:


Cafferty is Wolf Blitzer's curmudgeon goyim poodle. This guy (http://freelance-zone.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/andy_rooney.jpg) cost too much.


I sort of liked Lou Dobbs, ;D

8th June 2011, 06:23 PM
Ha Ha Ha this comment is awesome

June 8th, 2011 2:43 pm ET

Great question today. The chances of violence is very possible. We the people are sick to death of seeing our corrupt worthless political leaders robbing us blind, giving aid to every country, when we need it here first. Allowing an illegal alien invasion, and not doing a thing to stop it. Watching our worthless elects getting richer with every passing day, so yes, it's very possible and about time. If nothing is done, and soon, these corrupt idiots will sell us and our once great country down the road. By the way, I live in the corrupt state of Illinois, where all of our govenors serve 2 terms, the first in office, the second in prison.