View Full Version : Bongo the Pygmy Chimp, is on strike!

8th June 2011, 09:56 PM
milehi posted this pic in the thought provoking photos thread:


It provoked a thought so I had a look to see what "The Gathering" was about. Seems it is supposed to be a pic of lots of famous people including some from the wild west in the one place.

A search turned up the claim it was a fake pic. See here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091014012450AA5jedl

The link on that page goes to this web page http://www.ferncanyonpress.com/index.html which says

Fern Canyon Press is on hiatus because our web designer, Bongo the Pygmy Chimp, is on strike. While the management refuses to meet his demands of a decrease in his 80 hour work week, an increase in the size of his cage by 10 square feet, and 50 more gigabytes on his hard drive, they have agreed to increase his daily supply of Jujubees and are flying in his girlfriend, Tammy Faye, from Borneo. We hope to get him back to work eventually.

:ROFL: 50 more gigabytes...... crazy f'in chimp

9th June 2011, 06:08 AM
Thought it was a thread about Bernanke refusing to do QE3 for a couple more weeks ...