View Full Version : steak & lobster Food Stamp update

9th June 2011, 04:37 AM
couldn't find original story posted here, but here's an update:

Felony charge filed in lobster, steak Bridge Card case

Buying $141.78 worth of lobster, steak and Mountain Dew with a Bridge card violates no laws or rules.

But turning around and selling the stuff for 50 percent of its value, well ... that's a different matter.
Louis Wayne Cuff, a 33-year-old Menominee man was arraigned in 95th District Court in Menominee last week for food stamp trafficking, a felony. Cuff's arrest resulted from a month-long joint investigation by the State Department of Human Services' Inspector General and the Menominee County Sheriff's Department. Cuff allegedly bought the lobster, steak and Mountain Dew and resold it for 50 cents on the dollar.

It began with a receipt allegedly found in the parking lot of Angeli's County Market, in the Upper Peninsula town of Menominee.
It showed that somebody went into Angeli's in February and bought six lobsters, two porterhouse steaks, and five 24-packs of Mountain Dew using a Michigan Bridge Card.

According to DHS spokeswoman Gisgie Gendreau, somebody brought the receipt to the attention of DHS on the department's Facebook page.

Cuff faces up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. His attorney, Randall Phillips of Menominee, declined to comment Tuesday, adding that he would advise his client to do the same.


Louis Wayne Cuff / Submitted photo


the biss
9th June 2011, 06:04 AM
That's awesome! I feel I have a vested interest in this story as I posted the receipt to my Facebook page, and the thread turned into a flamefest between my liberal and conservative friends. I have to post this little bit of gasoline...


9th June 2011, 06:14 AM
Hold on ... did he not own the food when he left the store?

Did he somehow only have a "license" to the food subject to certain conditions, like that he and his immediate family be the only ones to eat it?

9th June 2011, 08:14 AM
Cuff's arrest resulted from a month-long joint investigation by the State Department of Human Services' Inspector General and the Menominee County Sheriff's Department.

Hmmm, month-long investigation...despite the "authorities" whining about having to "need" to cut budgets....where did I hear a similar story? Oh yeah, here (http://Feds sting Amish farmer selling raw milk locally):

"A yearlong sting operation, including aliases, a 5 a.m. surprise inspection and surreptitious purchases from an Amish farm in Pennsylvania, culminated in the federal government announcing this week that it has gone to court to stop Rainbow Acres Farm from selling its contraband to willing customers in the Washington area."

Meanwhile, I'm holding my breath waiting for banksters to get even a half-second long joint investigation by ANY government and policing groups! My face is turning absolutely B L U E here from waiting. ::)

Louis Wayne Cuff / Submitted photo
(Notice he gets the listing of all three of his names like the bigger criminals? ::))

Nice mug shot! Wow, never underestimate the MSM's powers of making even the most petty criminal look positively EVIL! Geez, the guy made a whopping FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR for a $141.78 purchase! Look out, world!

But I personally will be more impressed when I find pictures like this front and center on any newspaper:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2UDqTbYvLiefYDRlr65RI4BZb6ZFRb TtTyyWESV4nHwD9C2oq

And that'll be happening....any day now....Right? Right? :lol

9th June 2011, 09:34 AM
Hmmm, month-long investigation...despite the "authorities" whining about having to "need" to cut budgets....

Good catch. A month long dragnet by GOVCO to nab an unemployed alcoholic or some such screwing himself out of a weeks worth of food for a fix or to buy a bet at the track.

So, instead of costing the taxpayers a $100 for the food, it'll now cost the taxpayers $75,000 for the investigation, paperwork, trial, jail time and probation.

That's just terrific!