View Full Version : Texas' "HEY TSA GO TO HELL" bill is ALIVE

9th June 2011, 07:54 AM
Small comfort in a screwed up world.

And by the way this is worded- it goes beyond the TSA.


82S10081 JRH-F

By: Simpson H.B. No. 41


relating to prosecution and punishment for the offense of official
oppression by the intrusive touching of persons seeking access to
public buildings and transportation; providing penalties.
SECTION 1. Section 39.03, Penal Code, is amended by
amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections (c-1),
(c-2), and (c-3) to read as follows:
(a) A person who is a public servant [acting under color of
his office or employment] commits an offense if the person:
(1) while acting under color of the person's office or
employment [he]:
(A) [(1)] intentionally subjects another person
to mistreatment or to arrest, detention, search, seizure,
dispossession, assessment, or lien that the actor [he] knows is
(B) [(2)] intentionally denies or impedes
another person in the exercise or enjoyment of any right,
privilege, power, or immunity, knowing the actor's [his] conduct is
unlawful; or
(C) [(3)] intentionally subjects another person
to sexual harassment; or
(2) while acting under color of the person's office or
employment without probable cause to believe the other person
committed an offense:
(A) performs a search without effective consent
for the purpose of granting access to a publicly accessible
building or form of transportation; and
(B) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly:
(i) touches the anus, sexual organ,
buttocks, or breast of the other person, including touching through
clothing; or
(ii) causes physical contact with the other
person when the actor knows or should reasonably believe that the
other person will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.
(b) For purposes of this section, a person who is a public
servant acts under color of the person's [his] office or employment
if the person [he] acts or purports to act in an official capacity
or takes advantage of such actual or purported capacity.
(c-1) For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), "public servant"
(1) an officer, employee, or agent of:
(A) the United States;
(B) a branch, department, or agency of the United
States; or
(C) another person acting under contract with a
branch, department, or agency of the United States for the purpose
of providing a security or law enforcement service; and
(2) any other person acting under color of federal
(c-2) For a person described by Subsection (c-1)(1) or (2),
it is a defense to prosecution for an offense under Subsection
(a)(2) that the actor performed the search pursuant to and
consistent with an explicit and applicable grant of federal
statutory authority that is consistent with the United States
(c-3) For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), and
notwithstanding Sections 1.07(a)(11) and (19), consent is
effective only if, immediately before any search:
(1) the actor verbally describes:
(A) the area of the other person to be searched;
(B) the method to be used in the search; and
(2) the actor receives express consent for the search
only from:
(A) the other person; or
(B) the parent or guardian of the other person.
SECTION 2. (a) This section applies only to a prosecution
of an offense under Section 39.03(a)(2), Penal Code, as added by
this Act, in which the defendant was, at the time of the alleged
offense, acting under the color of federal law.
(b) In a prosecution described by Subsection (a) of this
section, if the government of the United States, the defendant, or
the defendant's employer challenges the validity of Section
39.03(a)(2), Penal Code, as added by this Act, on grounds of
unconstitutionality, preemption, or sovereign immunity, the
attorney general of this state, with the consent of the appropriate
local county or district attorney, shall take any actions necessary
on behalf of the state to defend the validity of the statute. The
attorney general may make any legal arguments the attorney general
considers appropriate, including that this Act constitutes a valid
exercise of:
(1) the state's police powers;
(2) the liberty interests of the people that are
secured by the United States Constitution;
(3) the powers reserved to the states by the Tenth
Amendment to the United States Constitution; or
(4) the rights and protections secured by the Texas
SECTION 3. This Act shall be construed, as a matter of state
law, to be enforceable up to but no further than the maximum
possible extent consistent with federal constitutional
requirements, even if that construction is not readily apparent, as
such constructions are authorized only to the extent necessary to
save the statute from judicial invalidation.
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect on the 91st day after the
last day of the legislative session.

I could have highlighted SO much more... but you get the point.

Large Sarge
9th June 2011, 07:58 AM
big thank you for this one, some good news for a change


9th June 2011, 08:04 AM
There is hope! Apparently, great lawmakers come from Texas, not just steers and queers. :oo-->

9th June 2011, 08:05 AM
Upon closer reading...

I wonder if there is a similar statute on the books protecting us from State LEO oppression.

This one seems to target the Feds and omits state employees.

9th June 2011, 08:08 AM
There is hope! Apparently, great lawmakers come from Texas, not just steers and queers. :oo-->

I never have figured out the queer part of that. Unfortunately we are not free of that plague ( something about tight jeans and boots attracts them I think) but there are far more places 'sides TX that are queer magnets.
Some people just can't stand Texas I guess.

Celtic Rogue
9th June 2011, 08:38 AM
Will this be the flash point to rally around? Will it spread to other states? I hope it passes and the Feds shut down Air Space. WHAT WILL THEY DO SEND UP AN INTERCEPTOR AND SHOOT THE PLANE DOWN IF IT DOESNT COMPLY? (oops sorry... caps lock stuck for a second) I say Texas should play their hand hard! Make the Feds do something stupid or back down.

However... probably anything short of an all out millions of people storming their state houses and also DC will have any effect ... these turds have been preparing for this for some time. I wish something would make the people snap and take to the streets shut down govt till a new one can be formed... then prosecute any and all law breakers. :CS Private and public sectors alike!

9th June 2011, 08:47 AM
Will this be the flash point to rally around? Will it spread to other states? I hope it passes and the Feds shut down Air Space. WHAT WILL THEY DO SEND UP AN INTERCEPTOR AND SHOOT THE PLANE DOWN IF IT DOESNT COMPLY? (oops sorry... caps lock stuck for a second) I say Texas should play their hand hard! Make the Feds do something stupid or back down.

However... probably anything short of an all out millions of people storming their state houses and also DC will have any effect ... these turds have been preparing for this for some time. I wish something would make the people snap and take to the streets shut down govt till a new one can be formed... then prosecute any and all law breakers. :CS Private and public sectors alike!

Knew that this topic was still on the back burner and not dead! ;D

Texas should stand ground, just to make a point and bring the tsa and homeland security bullshit to a head.
Also I am thinking the man behind the curtain is Rick Perry, something like this would really bring his name into national prominence as standing up to all the bullshit. Sure in the hell would not hurt his presidential election run. Side note: I do not care much for Perry, would not vote for him, but this is something I think will be right down his alley.


9th June 2011, 09:02 AM
There is hope! Apparently, great lawmakers come from Texas, not just steers and queers. :oo-->

I never have figured out the queer part of that. Unfortunately we are not free of that plague ( something about tight jeans and boots attracts them I think) but there are far more places 'sides TX that are queer magnets.
Some people just can't stand Texas I guess.

"It's not the heat, it's the stupidity!"

Just kidding, love all you rock-ribbed Texas guys and hot West Texas girls...

9th June 2011, 09:24 AM
I guess I'm missing something. I don't see anything in the bill that will allow people to refuse a search without probable cause and still be allowed to board a plane. In fact, the part of this bill that OP failed to highlight is the achilles' heel. "(A) [(1)] intentionally subjects another person to mistreatment or to arrest, detention, search, seizure, dispossession, assessment, or lien that the actor [he] knows is unlawful;"

The TSA agents don't know what they're doing is unlawful. They think they are doing God's work, with the full backing of the Fed Gov.

The rest of the bill is just reiterating TSA policy - that the TSA will tell you where you're about to be searched, and wait for your consent. The way I am reading this bill is no different than what is already in place - if you don't consent, you don't fly.

Twisted Titan
9th June 2011, 11:29 AM
Do not fly if you do not have to they only understand economic hardship...... all else is a waste of time

9th June 2011, 01:56 PM
Central power is slavery. Our forefathers knew that, not just the Founding Fathers.

State Rights and Nationalism is Freedom, all freedom will come from the local level.

Glad to see many States asserting themselves on issues that matter, we will
see more of that in the future, I strongly believe that. The FEDs know this
and have plans for this of a very nefarious nature.

Texans stopped the Trans Texas Corridor, the beginnings of NAU,
they have been leaders on major issues.