View Full Version : Will Our Economy Trigger Violence In U.S.?

9th June 2011, 10:30 AM
Will Our Economy Trigger Violence In U.S.?

This is a must see.......DANM GOOD.......


9th June 2011, 10:34 AM


At the time the video was not on line. ;D

9th June 2011, 10:40 AM
Will Our Economy Trigger Violence In U.S.?

This is a must see.......DANM GOOD.......


Many will die. :oo-->

9th June 2011, 01:06 PM
LOL Pluto, I am glad to be able to contribute something ;D

Hey Doc?................. it goes .............. and many will die.

9th June 2011, 01:24 PM
Many will die. :oo-->

many what - people ? bacteria ?

that was one of the things that was interesting about soil science - learning about the trillions of bacteria that go through their life-cycles as the hot compost pile heats up.

the end result is small pieces of not-completely-digested wood chips - and trillions of bacteria, live and dead.

when you hold some dry soil in your hand, and let it fall into the bucket, and the micron-size soil dust blows away in the wind ... "bye, bye, bacteria".

then those same bacteria come to life when you plant a plant in the soil. they nibble away at the roots to keep them pearly & white like teeth.

i wonder if the very recent volcano in Chile (June 6, 2011) portends anything earthquake-wise about the Pacific Plate.

speaking of doomology.

D sciple
9th June 2011, 01:46 PM
Hmm. Maybe people do realise whats going on. Everyone around me is a government worker so in my world everyones drinking the cool aid.