View Full Version : I have an idea that I have been kicking around...
Silver Shield
9th June 2011, 02:06 PM
I have an idea that I have been kicking around and I would like your thoughts on it...
There are 50 or so guys that are doing this awakening the masses blogging.
Some guys are markets guys...
Some are precious metal guys...
Some are conspiracy....
Some are political...
Some are survival...
Some are health...
But all of them are about education and freedom.
Many are finding some success doing this, but this information is not reaching critical mass.
So I got to thinking, what if 20-30 or so of these guys pooled their talents and resources to make one big site that they all focus on?
I have no doubt that they could build a site that gets way over a 1 or 2 million unique viewers a month.
The synergy should make them much bigger than they could be individually.
This would really change the landscape of the web.
They could be as big as the DrudgeReport in a short time, but really let people know what is going on.
The best part is that they would broaden their individual efforts and cross pollinate other areas of freedom.
Someone may come in on silver, keep digging and find conspiracy, or natural remedies.
This has been done before with Pajamas Media and they now get 16 million page views a month and none of these guys are that big.
I am sure this needs some more thought, but I cannot help but to think this could be a game changer for the Freedom Movement.
What are your thoughts?
9th June 2011, 02:10 PM
Can you could get those 20-30 guys to get along? :lol:
9th June 2011, 02:50 PM
I have an idea that I have been kicking around and I would like your thoughts on it...
There are 50 or so guys that are doing this awakening the masses blogging.
Some guys are markets guys...
Some are precious metal guys...
Some are conspiracy....
Some are political...
Some are survival...
Some are health...
But all of them are about education and freedom.
Many are finding some success doing this, but this information is not reaching critical mass.
So I got to thinking, what if 20-30 or so of these guys pooled their talents and resources to make one big site that they all focus on?
What are your thoughts?
My thoughts? Awaking the masses won't happen as long as Dancing and Idol and such BS is still on TV. When trucks stop making deliveries, gov checks stop, and people are really Scared . . . Then maybe it would become Mainstream.
I also think that TPTB wouldn't allow such synergy to exist . . . create in-fighting amongst the bloggers. Isn't the money behind the Big Liars right now?
All of the information anyone could possibly want IS already on the net . . . You can drag a horse to water, but you can't make him drink!
9th June 2011, 03:00 PM
It will be my honor to head such a distinguished collection of my then.....I will need someone to translate for me hahahahahahah.
Silver Shield
9th June 2011, 03:06 PM
Can you could get those 20-30 guys to get along? :lol:
That is obviously the big question but I think most will look past most differences IF they think that they are going to be stronger with than without.
They really would not have much interaction with each other other than posting on the same site.
9th June 2011, 03:12 PM
Isn't best if there are 20 or 30 different sites that the same information could be on?
If the super site got taken down by TBTB, it may be played off as they got fed up with each other.
However, the loss of dozens of sites would be a giant red flag to even some sheeple.
mick silver
9th June 2011, 03:16 PM
dont we have that site here already
Large Sarge
9th June 2011, 03:25 PM
I like the concept, but I think it might get cluttered.
has tons of info, and its amazing he can keep keep it new, and somewhat organized.
I think you guys should provide supporting links to each other, support like that.
and if you do an e-mail newsletter, you can have the links at the bottom
but the thing I have come to find out is that "waking people up" is not so much the "topic of choice" (you mentioned a bunch above)
its more about getting them thinking correctly
that includes getting them off flouride, perhaps eating better, some basic reasoning skills (that thread sui juris has posted on how the education system was designed to keep people stupid)
just food for thought, but after folks are off flouride for a few weeks, they really start thinking better....
9th June 2011, 03:35 PM
Some guys are markets guys...
They all are. Making money off people's fear. They only say their motive is "awakening" their paying customers.
:oo--> buy my DVD. buy my book.
9th June 2011, 03:43 PM
Someone asked a very good question... can they get along. I think the answer is "yes"- but the sacrifice will be watering down their opinions. Also, you failed to point out the most important type of awakening- SPIRITUAL.
Whenever the people tried to join together in world level efforts, disaster happened. Think of tower of Babel. Also, think of globalization.
There is real power in being isolated groups. One group is easily identified and nullified. many groups are like swarming bees. You may swat one or ten, but dozens will sting you. One group has one leader. They will kill the leaders.
Back to the most important topic- spiritual. Without Spirit guidance, any group or person is doomed to fail.
midnight rambler
9th June 2011, 03:57 PM
Someone asked a very good question... can they get along. I think the answer is "yes"- but the sacrifice will be watering down their opinions. Also, you failed to point out the most important type of awakening- SPIRITUAL.
Whenever the people tried to join together in world level efforts, disaster happened. Think of tower of Babel. Also, think of globalization.
There is real power in being isolated groups. One group is easily identified and nullified. many groups are like swarming bees. You may swat one or ten, but dozens will sting you. One group has one leader. They will kill the leaders.
Back to the most important topic- spiritual. Without Spirit guidance, any group or person is doomed to fail.
We are absolutely in a spiritual battle, all else is a distant second.
9th June 2011, 04:10 PM
Like I said before.........better than to sit at a table with a mirrow infront of you and talking to yourself..... "To disagree in something is to open the door to something else".
9th June 2011, 04:14 PM
Its a great idea, just don't mine for fellas here. These guys are terrible at marketing.
It all showed when they took the INFJ test thingy awhile back... :)
9th June 2011, 04:55 PM
This is a good idea, but obviously has pro's and con's....Here are a quick couple i see:
Pro's - consolidated info in one place, amount of info, easy access, wide audience draw, full spectrum of information
Con's - consolidated info in one place (easily targeted), individuality diminishes, update/upkeep for 10 different 'sites', conflict of interest somewhere is bound to happen
9th June 2011, 05:34 PM
Lew Rockwell's site is kinda like that, lots of different writers are featured there.
I like the idea. I'm actually looking into starting a blog because I really want to cover this Brad Cooper wrongful conviction case. I also want to write about things that are important to me: homeschooling, holistic medicine, precious metals, the police state, TSA injustice, GMO food, and 9/11 (to name a few):)
10th June 2011, 05:53 AM
Consolidation of information/communication outlets is exactly what TPTB want, the reason being censorship, distraction and diversion. You would have to be uncensored and keep out the antagonists. I wouldn't worry much about people getting along, disagreements are interesting.
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